Wind moves the world

Chapter 100 Xiong Yan!

"Space continues to fluctuate! Xiaoyan summoned the third Warcraft! It's coming out! ...Huh?! This...this is!!!"

Aisha didn't go on, because even as a professional commentator, she was shocked for a short time!

The pupil shrinks! This is...


Middle-level lightning warcraft! Its rarity is also as high as five stars! The reason for this is only because of its own Warcraft characteristics - parasitism!

But looking at the appearance of the parasite alone, you can't imagine how it can parasitize other creatures!

A huge and purple pointed corner crosses the top of the head, and the two eyes are as big as lanterns, shining and glowing a faint purple light. The body looks bigger than the giant palm ice bear. I'm afraid that thick skin is cut fiercely with a wind blade for half an hour without blood!

How can such a huge parasitic one be parasitize?

Fanny Yanma* This answer tells the audience with surprise! And the expression on their faces escalated from surprise to shock!

The giant-palm ice bear stepped forward and came to the parasite. As soon as the parasitic ice bear stood up in the giant palm, the two thick forearms suddenly raised and stepped down fiercely!


The slate has no loss, but the giant palm ice bear standing in front of the parasitic is bounced up, and the height can just let the parasite pass through!

The parasitic rushed to the body. When the giant palm ice bear fell, he happened to put the huge palm ice bear's wide feet on his back!

As soon as they came into contact, the parasitic skin, which looked extremely thick, suddenly fluctuated like water lines. The giant palm ice bear just fell, but the momentum did not decrease. Half of its body fell straight from the waist to the parasitic body!

At the same time, a cry of life is better than death, and the extremely painful wailing resounded through the field!


The giant-palm ice bear can't move all over its body. It can only open a big mouth with a blood basin and shout out howl that makes people's scalp numb!

Soon, the howling gradually decreased until it completely disappeared.

The parasitic slowly closed its lantern-like eyes, and at the same moment, the bear's eyes suddenly opened, shooting out a superb purple light!

Parasitize, done!

The silence of the whole scene!

Everyone stared at this bear unity, a warcraft that they have never seen before!

"Ah! The little bear summoned by Xiaoyan is so cute!" Elsa was worthy of being well-informed and soon came to her senses and explained excitedly through the crystal.

The audience was awakened by Elsa's beautiful voice, but they were stunned when they heard Elsa's commentary.

This is called... This is called cute! ......

Nicholas, who once said "bathing more in the sun, life is beautiful", has been sitting next to Elsa. At this time, he opened his mouth and looked at Elsa in a daze. He looked as stupid as he was.

However, he soon regained his romantic appearance. Since the beautiful girl thinks it's cute, it's cute! It's better to continue to pick up girls!

The newborn Xiong can't see any cuteness at all! On the contrary, it is extremely fierce!

The parasite is still the parasitic, but its back seems to be the upper body of a giant ice bear! The two giant palms of the ice bear clicked at each other, which sounded terrible!

Feng Xuan's eyes still remained unchanged. He stared at the parasite that had successfully, knowing that this "bear" might not be simple or the strength of the middle-level beast!

At least, now it has two attributes! The water and ice system of the giant palm ice bear, and the thunder and lightning system it brings!

The parasitic is worthy of being a five-star rare Warcraft! And the two-star rare giant palm ice bear is probably dead, and it has become part of the parasite!

The five-star parasite is already like this, and you can imagine what the same five-star red eye rat is like!

And the double-headed cold bird has at least six-star rarity! This is only Feng Xuan's own judgment, but after all, Feng Xuan has seen less, and in the eyes of the crazy Apa, who knows how rare it can be! At least, it has successfully aroused the interest of Apa, who has been lonely all year round!

Fengxuan moves backwards! Wave the magic wand at the same time!

The meaning of this action is obvious, that is, defensive tactics!

Because Feng Xuan knew that Xiong Yan was not Fenniyan's unique trick, at least she didn't even use magic equipment! Alfred specially reminds Feng Xuan of his magic equipment!

Are you timid?

Faniyan's eyes flashed and were extremely cute, but the movements in her hands were very series, and the head of the magic wand waved towards Fengxuan!

Xiong Yan immediately ran towards Fengxuan!

When running, the slate also trembles!

"Wow! Xiaoyan's Xiong Yan has begun to attack! Fengxuan's current situation is even more dangerous! If the magic shield just released by the red-eyed mouse can help Xiaoyan stand invincible, then now it is the attack after undefeat! How should Feng Xuan deal with it?

Aisha has been explaining, making the audience's appetite high.

"Smile!" Many viewers took a deep breath, stared at the tough body on the crystal, and couldn't help saying:

"The summoning magician... this, this... how on earth can it be defeated!?"

Swallowing saliva, Coster and Kino feel that their money is completely hopeless! Ivan around them still looks weak. He is timid, but he dares not participate in this risky gambling. Ivan secretly thought to himself that now it turns out that it is really right not to participate!

Xiong Yan runs very fast, and his tall body steps are simple and simple, which is a few steps of Fengxuan!

Soon it caught up with Fengxuan! Of course, Feng Xuan seems to deliberately let it catch up, because Feng Xuan only released the style, not the improved version!

Xiong Yan used the one-horn of his lower body to be fierce to Feng Xuan!

Feng Xuan's face has been facing Xiong Jian. He has just been retreating rapidly. As soon as he saw Xiong Jian attacking, Feng Xuan's feet changed and vertically!

Xiong's eyes flashed with a trace of jokes. The two huge palms that originally belonged to the giant palm ice bear in the upper body had been plotted for a long time, and slapped Fengxuan to death like lightning!

At this time, as long as Feng Xuan continues to run up, he will really be slapped by the giant palm!

However, there is a short distance between the joint part of Xiong's giant palm and the sharp angle of the lower body, and the magic wand that Feng Xuan has just been wielded suddenly stopped at the moment of getting out of the crisis brought by the sharp corner!

Wind system primary magic and flight skills!

Fengxuan's body suddenly stopped, completely contrary to the physical inertial theorem!

The sound of the huge palm hit suddenly exploded on Feng Xuan's scalp! However, when Xiong Yan found that he had not photographed Feng Xuan and wanted to beat Feng Xuan's head down with his closed fist, Feng Xuan had already floated away first!

The function of flying is to make people float in the air, but the speed it brings is not fast. Even if Fengxuan has the blessing of wind art, it will fly fast in the air! After all, this is in the air, which is different from being able to borrow the soles of your feet on the ground!

But even so, it can help Fengxuan get out of the crisis of this round!

"Wow! Feng Xuan's face remains unchanged! The mind still looks very calm! A vertical jump dodged Xiong's sprint, and then released another flying skill, which cleverly didn't let Xiong do it! Now Feng Xuan has used flight skills to fly to a relatively high altitude. It seems that he still wants to use the time-dragging tactics!

... The current situation seems to be a little deadlocked. Is it Feng Xuan's flying technique that consumes his magic first? Or can't Xiaoyan bear the magic consumption brought by Xiong Yan and the red-eyed mouse first?

This seems to be a very long-lasting situation! Judging from the faces of Xiaoyan and Fengxuan, they all seem to be relatively relaxed!"

Feng Xuan flew to a relatively high height, where he would not fall to death even if his magic was exhausted.

However, there have really been magicians who used flying to kill themselves in history!

Xiong Yan was still on the ground. He raised the bear's head and stared at Feng Xuan firmly.

Suddenly, it suddenly opened a bear's mouth and spewed out a huge puck from it. The puck rushed to Fengxuan in the air at high speed!

But as soon as Feng Xuan dodged, he easily dodged the ice hockey!

And at this time, Xiong Yan opened his mouth and spit out a puck!

Feng Xuan still easily avoided it!

So, it's the third time!

A doubt flashed in Feng Xuan's heart: Is it her low-level mistake?


Every time Feng Xuan made him trusted with a sense of crisis, he seemed to understand the sarcasm in Xiong Yan's eyes!

It's dangerous! ......