Wind moves the world

Chapter 106 The Heart of the Apprentice!

The two stood facing each other on the battlefield, the same distance as when ordinary magicians fought against each other.

The standing posture of both of them is strange.

Fizi closed her eyes slightly and slowly adjusted her breathing. Her arms were drooping and loose. It seemed that any gust of wind could blow down. Her hands are extremely white, her five fingers are slender, and her left index finger and middle finger are gently clamped with a thin black magic wand, which is as long and small as a chopstick!

On the other side, Nord Mizhi, dressed in a noble robe, stood with his hands on his back and looked at Feizi in the distance, with a sincere smile on his face.

No one is happier than him to hear about Fizi's talent in the magic array! When Nord Mizilla heard that Fizi passed the inhuman test of the Magic Academy and entered the college, Nord Mizilla was so excited that she couldn't help herself for a long time!

After calming down a little, Nord Mizhila immediately found the dean and asked to meet the student who had been waiting for him for so many years! Of course, the word "student" was conceived by Nord Mizilla himself. Before that, he had to personally test Fei Zi's talent and character.

The dean smiled and seemed to have expected such a scene, which reassured Nord and told him that the two would meet in the middle-level magic competition. Therefore, this game was so facilitated.

It's just that this is a competition with a lot of competition in the eyes of ordinary audiences. In the eyes of Nord Mizilla, and even in the hearts of many interested people, they understand that this is a real test!

Nord Mizilla's test of Fizi to test whether she meets the conditions to become her own student!

Nord Mizilla's first impression of Fizi was extremely good!

This is a girl with rich practical experience!

Nord Mizilla is very satisfied with this. Because now the research direction of both magic props and magic arrays is to make magicians fight better!

Everything is aimed at victory in battle! As for using magic to improve life, although some people have proposed that this is undoubtedly only a theoretical goal. Now that the world has not settled down, who has the energy to study how to improve life with magic?

War, victory is the king's way!

Nord Mizhila has made up her mind to take Feizi as an apprentice, character testing and so on, as long as it's not bad enough to be a teacher after two days of learning! It's okay to commit ten evils!

But no matter how you look at it, Feizi will not be the kind of person who commits ten evils!

Next, let's take a look at the actual combat ability of Feizi's magic array...

The referee announced that the game began!

Feizi, who had been closing her eyes slightly, opened her eyes for the first time, and the bright light was like stars shining in the world!

At the same time, the magic wand floating between her fingers on her left hand suddenly stood up, like a suddenly awakened lion! It's hard to imagine that such a small magic wand can bring such a fierce visual impact!

The slender arms, with a faint shadow, are as flexible as a grass-seeded ape. Even people with meticulous vision are dizzy!

At the same time, Fei Zi's seemingly loose body also moved like lightning! It looks like a dance that has accelerated more than a hundred times!

But the leaping area has never been surrounded by three meters!

Fengxuan's vision is so keen. Although Feizi's speed is fast, his moving figure can still be seen clearly by him. It's just Fengxuan's pupils, but suddenly shrink! Then shrink again and again!!

Every time Feizi's body touched the ground, it bounced in the other direction, and there was an additional crystal on the ground! But Fengxuan didn't see clearly how the crystal appeared at all!

And, whenever the crystal falls to the ground, the magic wand between the middle finger of her left index finger of Feizi's left hand is lightning sharp towards the crystal!

The speed is incredible! At least Feng Xuan did not see clearly what Fei Zi had ordered on the crystal again!

Although Fengxuan did not study the magic array deeply, he also knew that Feizi's urgent point was to debug the crystals and communicate the connection between the crystals. It's just that he didn't expect that Fei Zi's speed would be so fast!

Good rail speed!

Maybe the track speed of Feizi at a slightly longer distance is not as fast as Fengxuan, but the track speed in a small space is absolutely faster than Fengxuan!

The world does not lack geniuses!

Fizi returned to the original place, and the magic wand on her left hand instantly drew two mysterious tracks in mid-air, and then made a move to the sky!

In an instant, the light on the surrounding crystals is great! When it quickly dissipated, it was found that there was a green translucent magic shield around Feizi's body three meters!

Whether it is watching through the crystal or the people watching by the field, they all exclaimed when they saw such a scene!

Although there are many steps for Feizi to prepare the magic array just now, in fact, it is just two breaths from the referee said that the beginning of the game to the completion of the magic array!

Two breaths, many magicians have not even completed the magic! And even if a preliminary magic is completed, excluding Sean's pervert, this time is just right to let the magic reach the edge of the shield!

After an exclamation, the players next to the field were stronger after all and quickly recovered from the shock! But then they found the magic array painted by Fei Zi. At the first sight, they fell into shock again!

So... such a horrible magic array?!

This is the first reaction of many people after taking a look and their heads recover slightly!

Fizi's magic array is centered on the place where Feizi is standing now, with a radius of three meters. Of course, its foundation is the strange magic crystals inside.

But the number of crystals is too much! If you count it carefully, there are as many as 15!

Put down 15 crystals, wave the magic wand in your hand at the same time, and then complete the communication between the crystals and so on. It only took two breaths!

It's incredible!

Nord Mizhila's head has been slightly raised when she saw this. As soon as many people who have been with him for a long time saw this, they understood that this girl named Feizi seemed to be completely complete and 100% recognized by him!

Fine calculation, amazing rail speed, and perfect interpretation of the magic array once again reflect its solid foundation and unique understanding of the magic array!

This is simply the perfect successor!

Even if she is like a self-cultivation-loving Nord Mizhila, her eyes are slightly glowing when she looks at Fizi now!

Many people don't understand the situation. As soon as they see this, they secretly slander, old perverts...

Good teachers are hard to find, and good apprentices are also hard to find!

Nord Mizilla clearly understands that he is over 100 years old. Due to the great reason of war in history, coupled with many other reasons, few people can live to more than 100. Now, although Nord Mizilla still looks like he can jump, only he himself understands that in his heart How anxious it is to find an heir!

However, the magic array is not a knowledge that can be learned casually! It requires extraordinary talent to learn a little! And if you need to go deeper, you need greater talent!

What's more, the magic array is only a branch of magic. First, it is not easy to learn, and secondly, it is not easy to learn magic. Naturally, many people do not easily contact this magic array!

Of course, even so, there are still some people who will engage in the study of the magic array, but Nord Mizilla, who is known as the master of the magic array, has a high vision and naturally will not let those with slightly better talent inherit themselves.

With such a delay, the matter of receiving apprentices eased down. People who don't know think that Nord Mizhila has a strange personality, but in fact, he also has a hard time to say!

To be honest, in a few years, Nord Mizilla may casually accept an apprentice.

But now there is such a person who makes himself extremely satisfied. Under such a God-given opportunity, how could Nord Mizhila let go!

In fact, he has determined that Fei Zi is his apprentice in his heart!

Thinking so, Nord Mizhila decided to use this game as the first time for apprentice Fizi!

Under the change of the situation, this magician competition finally became a teacher's teaching competition for apprentices!

"Hey hey..." In an independent rest room, a man who was only one meter tall and hid in a hat all over his body smiled:

Nord Mizilla is really satisfied with her! Hey hey... This little girl is the best! The best!"

"Hmm! Why do I feel that the sheep have entered the tiger's mouth! ..." Standing beside him was the mysterious woman who defeated Lulu first.

"Hey hey..." Another obscene smile.

"... they are so old and unscrupulous! Alas, you..."