Wind moves the world

Chapter 252 Stepping on the Peak Ladder

Inside courtyard.

Feng Xuan sat cross-legged in his separate room and took out the black mountain of Qiandao from the space ring.

Even if the function of Qiandao Mountain has been developed a lot, when he takes out Qiandao Mountain, it is still the same as before. It is ugly and extremely ugly. Even if it is thrown into the treasure pile, I'm afraid no one will look at it more.

"The appearance of Qiandao Mountain is not as beautiful as the high-level magic weapon Day and Evening Gem, but it defeats the Day and Evening Gem. In this reasoning, is it true that Qiandao Mountain is also a high-level magic weapon? However, it is not ruled out that Gladys has too little power to master the gem.

Even if a magic tutor has a high-level magic weapon, if there is less communication, there will be less power from the high-level magic weapon, and if another person communicates a lot of middle-level magic weapons, the latter can also defeat the former with the middle-level magic weapon.

So in this way, the level of Qiandao Mountain is a little confusing and difficult to speculate.

Shaking his head, Feng Xuan concentrated all his spirit. He knew that no matter how high the level of Qiandao Mountain was, Qiandao Mountain was a magic weapon that could change his fate.

A more inconspicuous dark light flashed on the inconspicuous appearance of Qiandao Mountain.

"Wow... Even if many people come to this Qiandao Mountain space, they still feel a little surprised." Feng Xuan looked at the spectacular scene of thousands of knives in front of him and smiled.

After recovering his mood a little, Feng Xuan sat down quietly cross-legged, and the new information about the unblocked Qiandao Mountain in his mind slowly passed in his heart like running water.

"So it is..."

Feng Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, suddenly reached out and grabbed him in the void.

"Come out, the peak ladder!"


It seemed to be the sound of heaven and earth. On the ground in front of Fengxuan, a wide and deep black pool suddenly appeared.


As soon as the black deep pool appeared, there were thousands of broken knives that had quietly released their own light. The knife body trembled violently, and then I saw a big knife that had shrunk tens of millions of times, but there was still a strong knife of the same color flying out of the knife body.

In an instant, these shrinking knives are dense, filling the whole space of Qiandao Mountain.

The tip of each big knife points straight to the black deep pool.

The change did not stop. At the same time when the shrinking big knife filled the space of Qiandao Mountain, the big knife full of the black deep pool suddenly penetrated into the deep pool.

In but not sink!

It seemed that the sharks smelled blood, and countless big knives swarmed in.

Bear Soldier...

With the endless influx of big knives, the surface of the black deep pool was soon full, but there were still countless knives in the whole space, and these big knives seemed to be full of unwillingness in their hearts. Facing the already full black deep pool, they tied them down fiercely.

Of course, these knives hit other big knives floating on the black deep pool.

Like the sound of broken glass, it keeps coming.

But the two knives collided with each other and did not break each other. They seemed to be building blocks, and the two were superimposed, and the higher they were stacked, the more inclined they were.

Soon, a sloping ladder to the sky, as if it were out of the universe, was created.

Feng Xuan looked at what happened in front of him in shock. This scene was completely beyond the principle of ordinary magic.

Each step of the sky-to-sky staircase in front of us is piled up by thousands of big knives. At a glance, the whole staircase is like a Warcraft dragon full of various scales.

Extremely shocking!

"This ladder is called the peak ladder, which is 108,000 miles long and divided into 3600 steps. The day of reaching the number of steps is the day of the great success of the way of elements!" Feng Xuan carefully remembered the information about the peak ladder in his mind.

The peak ladder of 18,000 miles straight through the sky and is divided into 3600 steps, but each step is not the same height. The closer it is to the steps of the black deep pool, the smaller and shorter the height, and the higher it is, the larger and higher the height. When you get to the back, take out any step, and it will be like a sky curtain, up to thousands of miles.

Three hundred levels, all completed, is the way to element!

And the middle-level magic tutor is the way to cultivate his own elements, so when the way of elements is completed, he reaches the peak of the middle-level magic tutor.

At the top of the ladder, reach the peak!

Even if you are a middle-level magic mentor, there are many differences in power and abilities, which is the same as that of a junior magic mentor.

And unlike the first-level magic mentor, it is more difficult for the middle-level magic mentor to improve his strength, because if he wants to improve his strength, he must understand his own way of elements, but the way of elements is often ethereal and ethereal. Unlike the first-level magic mentor's "recognizing himself", it can also be quickly improved through the "true self array". If the middle-level magic tutor wants to find a way to improve quickly, there is no universal formula.

So in a word, it is often more difficult for middle-level magic mentors to improve their strength because they want to understand the way of elements!

This is a hurdle! In history, thousands of talented people have fallen into the realm of middle-level magic mentors and can't climb up even one more step.


"This peak ladder can directly help me feel the way of elements like a real self array!" A touch of excitement surged on Feng Xuan's face, "That is to say, the way of illusory, elusive and difficult to improve elements for others is not a problem for me to improve!"

"You only need to try your best to climb the peak ladder to improve your understanding of the way of elements. And in Qiandao Mountain, there are 1,000 days in the outside world. In this way, it won't take long for me to climb to the peak of the middle-level magic mentor!"

In the list of thousands of beasts, the first-ranked warcraft are all middle-level magic mentors. It can be imagined how strong the strength of the higher-ranked monsters will be. Moreover, the six geniuses of [Honghuang], even the worst Gladys, have the assistance of high-level magic weapons, and the extremely powerful power is even [magic guide] Stansia, the owner of the city, advised Feng Xuan to bow her head and avoid it directly.

This is just because Constantia has no strength to resist them. In her opinion, Fengxuan is like a mantis, but blocks the rolling wheel.

Arm as a car!


With this thousand knife mountain, coupled with the peak ladder, Feng Xuan has the strength to directly challenge the Warcraft and [Honghuang] demons on the list of beasts!

Of course, this strength is only potential at present, but there is no doubt that as long as Feng Xuan works hard day and night, the potential will turn into strength in the near future.

In Fengxuan's eyes, like a black fire, burning brightly.

He did not hesitate to step on the first step of the peak ladder!


Endless morality, like a tide, rushes towards him from all directions...

Come on!

(First update~Ask for red tickets and collections~)