Wind moves the world

Chapter 362 Dawn!

[Magic Guide] The originally tall and broad city wall is now damaged.

In such a wall, not to mention riding fierce beasts, ordinary infantry can jump by and kill into the city.

But even so, [Magic Guide] still holds this last defense line and builds up steel walls with flesh and blood.

And the flag of this steel wall is Leobert, the former dean of the Magic Academy and the current commander-in-chief of the Union Army.

Since the March Anti-Japanese War, almost every surviving person who sees or hears Riobert's name will respectfully and respectfully in his heart: Dean.

Because he is the idol and spiritual pillar of almost everyone in the entire coalition.

It's just that no one thought that today, the dean died!

[Magic Guide] In the city, countless people heard the news. After being stunned, countless people put down what they had done and rushed to the last defense line of [Magic Guide], young and old.

Liobert's body lay quietly on the battlefield.

And Zeus sneered and stood next to the body with the big sword in his hand.

However, when they saw the world's number one person today, everyone directly ignored him. Everyone gathered their eyes on the body of the dean who would never move and never have warmth.

The low wall has been full of people, and countless people hugged each other, silently leaving tears.

Sadness spread all over the whole [magic guide] at this time.

A desolate song, gently came out of somewhere at this moment, and every sentence spread in this silent rain of tears.

Who is it? Lead us not to be swallowed up by the darkness with an old body?

Who is it? Have you ever closed your eyes day and night in March?

It's's him...

"We are dead, and we must take back the dean's body!"

In the desolate song, the indignant voice of the defenders roared out.

"That's right! Absolutely can't let the dean be outside alone!"

"Go, brothers! Let's go home to pick up the dean.

In the roar, a group of tens of thousands of people who were rattered and obviously injured spontaneously formed a team from the city wall and rushed to the place where the dean fell.

"Hmm! Trapped beasts are still fighting! Team one, out of the line!" Zeus glanced coldly at the rushing 10,000 people, snorted coldly and ordered.


With an order, he immediately saw a team of thousands of people behind him riding a warcraft and taking a neat step forward.

"I will destroy all the garbage in front of me. Don't leave a living mouth."

Zeus said lightly.

Thousands of people took the order and rode the Warcraft to launch an attack on the spontaneously organized team of tens of thousands of people.

And in a blink of an eye, this thousand-person team has been close to the front of the 10,000-person team!

There is nothing we can do. Although the tens of thousands of people in the [Magic Guide] team are large and powerful, but the objective fact is that this thousand-person team is the elite soldiers of [Honghuang], not to mention that there is no harm at all. The Warcraft under their feet is more powerful than the cavalry riding on them.

Any one in a thousand is enough for one hundred.


However, even if you see this trump card army coming, no one in the tens of thousands of people still has retreated in their eyes!

Joanna rushed over.

Her roar detonated the momentum of everyone on her side to the extreme!



Magic and magic were bombed.

A fierce battle that seems to have been doomed to an end begins.

The warriors of [Magic Guide] have not even released half of the magic, and the other party's moves have arrived. There is no way. Even if the two don't care about each other's strength, their spirits are completely different.

For three consecutive months, the non-stop battle has exhausted anyone who has survived to the extreme.

I was not directly exhausted, but it was also because of the idea that I had to save the dean's body and supported everyone.

They have already exceeded the so-called physiological limit.

However, everyone is still fighting!

Often, you can see seven or eight [magic guide] warriors rushing towards a [Honghuang] beast cavalry with flesh and blood. Most of them have been torn to pieces by the fallen monsters of the cavalry, and the few of the rest can survive from the magic wands in the hands of the beast cavalry.


Once they survive, these [magic guide] warriors will explode their blood!

Magic magic, only by swinging the magic wand can you use it! In this case, aren't you very strong? Then use your hands, then use your mouth, then use every useful part of your body to kill your magic wand!

In this way, at this moment, you can't use magic!

And this is only to create opportunities for other comrades-in-arms to release magic and attack!

So you can see that when the [Magic Guide] warrior who released Motong waved the magic wand with tears, the [Magic Guide] warrior who was shrouded in Motong and hugged with the [Honghuang] cavalry was smiling.


It's walking with a smile.

The battle was soon coming to an end. Eight hundred [Honghuang] beast cavalry surrounded the remaining [magic guide] warriors.

10,000 soldiers fought, but in the end, there were only 3,000 left.

The remaining 7,000 are only 200 results. But it was the two hundred results that had made the remaining eight hundred beast cavalry look frightened.

Although they were elite soldiers and killed countless people in this war, they did not expect that fighting for their lives could be so tragic.

"But Fortunately, this is the last 3,000 people. If you kill all these crazy people, there will be no more people who work so hard..." In the hearts of the 800 beast cavalry, looking at the last 3,000 people in front of them, they even had a sense of nightmare.

The only thing they are grateful for is that these 3,000 people are about to fall on their blood blade and can no longer resist and work hard.

How's it going? Joanna, how many more can you kill?

Stasia was covered with blood, and her shoulder had been cut. Thick blood came out and dyed her delicate body completely red.

Her face is already pale, and it is obviously near the last moment of her life.

"Ha ha, city lord, look at what you said, as if you are about to die. Of course, I can kill everyone in front of me!"

Joana and Stasia were side by side. She grinned and couldn't help flowing blood from her mouth.

"Well said! Then I'll kill a few more and help you." Statia laughed.


Tears almost came out of Joanna's eyes and stood shoulder to shoulder with the city owner. Naturally, she knew how serious the injury to the city owner had suffered now.

"I'm going to rush!" There was a bright smile on Stansia's face.


Joanna's eyes were clear and she shouted out.


All the remaining three thousand soldiers broke out their biggest voice and killed the 800 beast cavalry that besieged them.

This sprint is destined to be the most glorious in their lives, and may also be the last battle.

In everyone's eyes, they are unyielding!


A black figure flashed in Joanna's mind, and a smile appeared on her face, and then rushed to the nearest beast cavalry...


A blast!


Everyone's eyes widened!


No damage at all?

Is this?

Almost all the warriors of the [magic guide] subconsciously touched the light curtain that suddenly appeared in front of them.

On the light curtain, there was a burst of warmth, and the extremely soft elasticity seemed to be enough to completely remove any force.

"What is this? Oh my God! My wound is recovering! This is healing magic!"

Soon, someone discovered another function of the light curtain.

The light emitted by it makes the wounds on every soldier surrounded by the light curtain slowly heal.

"Who is it!?"

Joanna was also surprised and shocked. Together with others, she quickly looked at the sky along the huge light curtain.

This light curtain seems to connect heaven and earth...

It's like a light from heaven.

"Look! There!"


"A black figure!?"

"Who is he?"

"Is it..."

It's him!

It's really him!

That's him!

The tears in Joanna's eyes suddenly flowed down like a collapsed river.

aside, Constantia hugged Joanna tightly.

"It's him! It's him! Feng Xuan... The person you will never forget, he unexpectedly! Come back two years in advance!"


Feng Xuan's eyes flashed, and he looked coldly at the scenes on the ground. In his heart, his anger was burning.

It seems that for many years, he saw the day when his family was destroyed many years ago!

"[Honghuang]... This hatred can finally be repaid today!"

In my heart, I spit out hatred word by word.

Feng Xuan dodged and went to Dean Leobert's body.


Zeus, who was originally standing next to the dean with his sword, changed his face and flashed away, suddenly bursting kilometers.

"This son! What a fast speed, faster than using space magic in an instant! Is he also the magic mentor of spatial attributes? Zeus's mind turned sharply, "But who is this person? Why haven't I seen it before..."

"Wait! Could it be...!!!!"

The more Zeus looked at Fengxuan's face, the more familiar he felt, and then a name and figure suddenly flashed in his head.

Then, his face suddenly changed!

"Team 2, Team 3, Team 4, Team 5... Team 15! All attack and take down the man in the black figure!" Zeus said impatiently.

Shund of a sudden, I saw all the beasts running together, sweeping towards Fengxuan with crazy momentum...

"It's not good! Fengxuan, run away!!!"

On the other side, Joanna, who saw this momentum, almost summoned all her strength and shouted out.

However, Fengxuan, who picked up the dean's body, was black in his eyes and flashed out fiercely!
