Legend of the beacon

Chapter 14 Dream on the Forest

It has been pointed out in the previous article that this Musi Forest is originally a huge basin. The place where Xinghe's father and aunt live is the edge of this big basin, while the wooden house where Xinghe and Shizhidao lives is on the hillside of the big basin. As for the forest in the very deep of the big basin, according to the cheap master's way There are countless mountain beasts here.

Therefore, before dawn, the poor ancient Xinghe was sent to the depths of the forest by the teacher's way. The unruly master even forced him to hit a delicious mountain spirit, otherwise he would never be allowed to return to the wooden house.

Gu Xinghe was carrying a crystal bow and long arrow, holding an iron and wood knife, and a long sword Yishui wandered back and forth in his blood sea at this moment. At this time, Gu Xinghe was already a small master, not arrogant, not arrogant nor inferior. He walked in the mountains and forests, but the speed under his feet did not slow down at all. Half.

He has not yet seen the so-called fierce beast in his two generations. If he has it, there are indeed two in his mind. One is the huge skeleton in the ancient tomb of Luoyang in his previous life, and the other is his cheap master. He is nearly two-meters tall and is not regarded as a monster. It's weird.

Although Gu Xinghe often complains about the master who covers his face with black veil all day long, he is grateful and respected in his heart. He is this stubborn and unrestrained master who has taught him many magical power and philosophy of life. He has even regarded the moody him as his life mentor.

He knows that his master definitely has an unusual life, but he has never heard him say something to himself. At this point, it is quite similar to his father. If the two get together, it must be a very magical picture!

While constantly turning his mind, Gu Xinghe carefully dived into the depths of the basin. He clenched the knife in his hand and was eager to see one or two mountain beasts immediately, and then shoot them at his feet with his bow and arrow or sword.


The so-called mountain spirits are actually some small animals that grow in caves or dense forests all year round. They are not tall but flexible. They run much faster than arrows, but they are not good at attacking and are very timid. They often avoid slightly larger animals.

It is worth mentioning that when the empire lasted for more than 6,000 years, the Kingdom of Baiyun in the south of the empire, the largest kingdom of the empire, broke out a mountain tide that lasted for several years. Endless mountain essences rushed out of the dense forests and deep mountains. They ran from the mountains to the city in groups and encountered any life along the way. The thing immediately turned it into food in the stomach, and everywhere it went was a mess.

In those years, it was the most panicked years in the Baiyun Kingdom. The Zhongzhou Empire and other kingdoms sent many capable people and strangers, and finally destroyed the huge mountain elites in a mountain city after spending countless human and material resources.

In that place, the corpses were everywhere, the blood flowed into a river, and the blood of the mountain spirit was mixed together, just like a hell on earth. Later, the people of the empire no longer dared to plunder the mountain spirit as a delicious meal.

Mountain essence itself is a very delicious food, which is the favorite dish of many princes, ministers and nobles. Unfortunately, since the incident in the Kingdom of Baiyun that year, the imperial emperor issued a arrest ban, and since then, the mountain essence has disappeared from the table of the nobles.

I really can't expect this delicious master to ignore the ban of the empire and ask him to catch a mountain spirit back...

As for wild beasts, they are the general term for beasts of the imperial people. Usually, beasts that are more than 2.5 meters in length and more than 1,000 pounds of strength can be called barren beasts. Of course, this can't be measured. When you meet a real wild beast, you can immediately know that it is a wild beast, not an ordinary beast.


Gu Xinghe held a long bow in his hand and carefully walked down in the forest. This place is a depth that he has never reached before. The further he goes, the more he feels gloomy and horrible. Although Gu Xinghe is not afraid of this dark scene, he should be careful of some things that are not bad.

It turns out that his move is completely correct and necessary. In the evening, when he bent down through a low pine branch, "Boom! Boom!" The loud noise came from the distance. After Gu Xinghe held his breath and hid in the tree, he looked carefully in that direction, looking forward to seeing what was the big guy who caused forest chaos in an instant?

"Boom! Boom!" The sound is getting closer and closer, and the ancient Xinghe is becoming more and more tense.

On the land more than a thousand meters away from him, countless dense forests collapsed in an instant, and a huge figure traveled back and forth in the forest, as if looking for something, or looking for its delicious food, or looking for enemies!

Gu Xinghe hid behind the tree and finally saw the big guy. It was a powerful wild beast standing on his feet. He was more than five meters tall. His eyes showed an extremely hot light. There was a long scar on his head that was constantly dripping blood down. He must have been attacked by his old enemy!

Looking at it rampaging in the forest at this moment, it is obviously looking for something that makes him hate, which further confirms the idea in Gu Xinghe's heart.

Of course, Gu Xinghe will not foolishly run out to let that big guy**. At the age of 16, he is still like a dwarf in front of the master, not to mention this tall wild beast, even if he gives him another courage, he will not jump out to challenge its authority.

He is not full and has nothing to do. In fact, he has not eaten for nearly ten hours at this moment. He is hungry and dares not reach out to take out food and water from his arms. He can only block the sight of the wild beast with his waist through the big tree. He climbed and jumps like a spirit monkey and soon reached the distance. The huge wild beast is thousands of meters away!

Even if he promised the strange master to catch the mountain spirit and barren beast for him, the master must have no interest in the rough and fishy barren beast. When he left, the old man even proposed to let him fight a few more mountain spirits and bring them back.

Let's talk about whether such a huge wild beast can be swallowed as food. To be honest, he has no idea at all. Besides, it must not be a good taste to be able to swallow it. It's better to "cherish life and stay away from danger", and Gu Xinghe does not go back to the depths of the forest again.


When the moon rose to the highest point and the bright moonlight shone on the whole Musi forest, Gu Xinghe realized that it was late at night. He took out the dry food from his bag and swallowed it with clean water. Then he tied the bag behind him and climbed to the top of the tree like a gorilla.

Comfortily stretched out a big lazy waist, Gu Xinghe took out dry food from his arms, swallowed it into his stomach with clear water, and then opened his hands and fell gently backwards. The branches seemed to be shaken in the air by the spring breeze, but his gorilla-like guy has entered a sweet dreamland.

This night, he had a strange dream. In his dream, he saw many strange people and strange things. He saw Jiang Cheng, the eldest brother in his previous life, the kind-looking old beggar, and the big teeth in broken sneakers. They talked and walked around him, but he couldn't insert a word and couldn't reach them. In the corner of his clothes, he was so anxious that he stood there and didn't know what to do.

Sudly, all the people and things dissipated in front of his eyes, and then he appeared in a place full of beacon smoke. This was a huge battlefield. He wore a white robe and armor and stood on a horse with a crystal bow and long arrow in his hand. Behind him was a slender river. The river was not flowing clear river, but fresh blue. The colorful blood and terrible-shaped bodies were surrounded by many generals in golden clothes, as if they were saying something. He listened carefully, but he couldn't hear a word.

Countless people drove their mounts back and forth in the battlefield. Arrows and flying fire collided randomly in the sky, taking away many lives. He wanted to stop him, but he found that he could not move at all. He saw himself pull full of crystal bows, and then the long arrows shot out, penetrating the bodies of more than a dozen people, and finally the long arrows pricked. Under the sandstone ground, countless gravel and flying stones splashed.

He saw that "he" put away the crystal bow in his hand, and then transformed into the Yishui sword. The Yishui sword reflected a dazzling light in mid-air. "He" raised the sword high and shouted, and then drove the white horse under his feet to gallop the battlefield. Countless enemies flew under his sword and shed blood. He It seems that he incarnates into a killing god, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, and the god blocks the killing god. He led "his" army to move forward invincible...

He thought with fear, is this his future self?

"Boom!" With a loud noise, he saw the "he" sword blocking a huge arrow horizontally. The huge arrow plunged into the ground. "He" guarded in front of him with a sword, staring at a man in black not far away. It was a man who could not see his face clearly. The two said what he could not hear, and finally seemed to have an agreement and took a step back. .

Has "he" reached an agreement with that person? That's what he thought.

The fact coincided with his idea. The two people who took a step back and clenched the weapons in their hands, and then suddenly collided violently. Countless sparks splashed from the colliding weapons. The two had already separated, and then fought together again in the high sky. The war on the ground gradually subsided, and all the people raised Looking at the battle between "he" and the man in black.

This is really a wonderful feeling. He is thinking, is he going to travel and be reborn again?

The battle between the two was still going on, but he found that the picture he could see was getting more and more blurred, as if there was a feeling of tearing to tear him out. The picture suddenly stood still. He saw a black frightening light in the hand of the man in black, and he still had time to see what it was. , but it has been transferred to another place.

This is a huge deserted ice cellar. He saw himself sitting cross-legged in the ice, with pale flames occasionally glowing above his body, but he could not melt the ice. He saw that the sleeping "he" seemed to be very painful, his face was bloodless, and his hair was scattered behind his head.

Suddenly, the picture changed again. This time, he saw himself appear in a beautiful palace, with clouds and cranes flying. It seemed that this was no longer the world, but the palace in the sky. He saw "he" holding a huge book, wearing white clothes, walking back and forth in the void, as if he was meditating something...

The picture changed again. This time, he saw that his shaved head was being strangled by the female corpse. He saw himself raise a silver knife and insert it into the mouth of the female corpse. Countless thick smoke spewed out from the throat of the corner of the female corpse's mouth. After a few breaths, the struggling female corpse and him, who had lost consciousness, turned into a pool* *.

Is that how you died and traveled through time? He meditate in his heart.

Suddenly, a man in white who could not see his face slowly emerged from the air not far away from him, floating in the air like a ghost.

He covered the corners of his mouth and was shocked. Who was this person and how could he suddenly appear there? During the great shock, all the pictures were broken into debris in an instant like glass. He covered his chest and jumped up from the tree and sweated profusely.

This strange dream woke up like this.

Please collect, ask for red tickets, and black tickets for others, hey hey...