Legend of the beacon

Chapter 16 The Attack of the Wild Beast

When everyone heard this, they echoed it, saying that they would cooperate with the arrangement of the state. The internal injury has basically healed, so he came to his father to deal with these things.

When Huang Guiyao from Huangdu saw the young man, he arched his hand and said, "If it's a dragon and phoenix among people, my little brother is polite. I wish the virtuous and his husband a happy relationship for a thousand years."

The prince also replied, "Don't be surprised if it's too late." After that, the two found that they were both like-way people, so they made their hands happy, but the situation was so urgent that they couldn't wait to meet each other.

Gu Xinghe, not far away, was pulled by the girl in black. They didn't know what they were talking about.

After a while, everyone led Yi Jian down to Qianqi Wangcheng under Qianqi Peak Mountain, and then immediately was busy cooperating with the array. They could not be idle for a moment, even sweating and had no leisure time to wipe it.

There are only a few high-looking silver-haired elderly, because they are too old to stay aside and guide everyone to cooperate to resist the attack of the wild beast cluster.

Wild beasts are also vicious beasts. After tens of thousands of years of expansion of the Zhongzhou Empire, both birds and animals are taught to be gentle. Only the southern barbarian land in the far south, there are many wild beasts.

Although there have been several incidents of the siege of barren beasts in the history of the empire, they are all precursors of great changes or the birth of great demons, but I don't know why this time?


In the land of the border of thousands of strange countries.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Countless wild beasts have rushed to the territory, but they have not stopped climbing up one mountain after another.

Climb a mountain and destroy everything you see.

Then they rushed to another mountain, stepping on all the vegetation and destroying the forest. Even those birds and beasts could not escape this disaster, and they all lost their bodies.

"Roar! Roar!" Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!!! ......”

The sound of this violent wild beast has sounded in the whole field of the strange country.

The attack of the wild beast has arrived.

This dreamlike fairyland on earth will become a slaughterhouse in just a few moments, with devastation of life, destruction of mountains and rivers, and devastation...

When reaching the periphery of King Qianqi's City, the countless heavy wild beasts finally slowly stopped their pace. A human-like beast appeared in front of a group of wild beasts, holding a thick leg bone in his hand and roaring forward. Countless wild beasts began to attack the magic boundary that guarded the royal city.

Under the soft moonlight, in the thin fog, thousands of wild beasts crashed into the boundary like ants. Later, they seemed to know that this transparent boundary was not easy to mess with, so they clustered up and stood outside the boundary.

This scene is very calm, but cruel and spectacular!

This will be a battlefield where the winner lives and the loser dies.

At this time, the moon has tilted west, and the night is about to come to an end. It is dark between heaven and earth. No one can see what is going on outside the boundary.

However, hearing the sound of the roar of the clouds, they were like dead gray. Although they had made all these preparations, no one was sure whether they could repel the thousands of wild beasts.

A huge magic array puts the whole Qianqi King City in it, and everyone takes turns injecting their own mana to maintain the operation of the magic array.

The whole Qianqi King City is like a lighthouse in the dark, attracting countless huge wild beasts in the dark night.

The moon has tilted west and is about to fall, and the whole earth is about to be shrouded in darkness...

"Roar!!! Roar!!!" It was the hiss of the wild beast, as if it came from under his feet.

"Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!" The shaking of mountains and rivers actually made people feel shaking. Countless wild beasts and thousands of wild beast soldiers came to the city.

Everyone huddled together, and only a few people stood in the empty space in front of the hall and watched countless dark shadows gathered outside the brilliant array.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the wind and clouds are changing...

The big ranger in the past, the elders on the throne of Qianqi Kingdom, turned around and looked at the people behind him who were usually arrogant but now timid, and snorted coldly in his heart. Turning around and looking at the countless evil beasts on the mountainside on the top of the mountain, there was a great ambition in my heart, as if they had returned to the years of conflict.

"Woo...Wow...Wow..." Everyone suddenly heard a loud roar from their side, and they were shocked. The timid even had sacrificed a magic weapon.

However, he saw the gray-dressed and silver-haired killing Qianzhan standing alone on the edge of the magic circle, looking at the wild beasts that had already or were about to ascend, with their hands gathered in front of their chests and roaring.

Gu Xinghe heard such a bold roar and said loudly, "The old man is a real hero. If you don't dislike the courage of the boy, how about going outside the boundary together?"

lu Qianzhan looked back at the ancient Xinghe standing with a sword. He was a little surprised, and then laughed loudly: "Sure enough, it's a hero who comes from a teenager. It's so good!"

When everyone heard this, the pride in their hearts was seduced. There was a bold man who even directly stepped out of the magic array with Killing Qianzhan and Gu Xinghe, and then formed a formation and rushed to the wild beast, which was submerged in an instant.

"Kill!" A loud cry, a thousand kinds of pride.

Everyone showed their magic weapons and unique spells, killing between the giants of the wild beasts, and the sound of blood and hissing resounded throughout the world.

Such a vast scene is like Shura Hell, or the legendary demon world.

Yi Jian did not step out of development to participate in the massacre. He was busy commanding the final completion of the formation. This damn wild beast cluster attack destroyed his long-standing plan, but forced him to think about how to deal with this evil beast attack.

After all, this strange country is an industry inherited from its ancestors and cannot be destroyed...

The moon completely fell under the West Mountain, and there were only a few cold stars in the sky. The whole world was finally completely shrouded in darkness.

"Roar!!! Roar!!!" With a hiss, the mountains and rivers shook again, which was a sign that the wild beast was about to attack.

"Boom!! Boom!!!" All the evil beasts stepped forward together, the sparks swayed, and the mountains and rivers shook.

The wild beast finally launched the first wave of attacks in the darkness before dawn.

Those who followed Kill Qianzhan and stepped out of the magic array to fight against the wild beasts finally had to fight back and enter the protection of the magic array.

The wild beasts are fierce, and they can't stop their attack in any way outside the magic array. Only when they enter the magic circle can they stop and take a breath.

Under the order of Yi Jianyang, thousands of strong servants and hundreds of courtiers of strange countries filed out of the royal city, each holding a huge bow in his hand and carrying several bags of arrows behind him.

This is the private power of Qianqi Kingdom since the past dynasties, and the elders of the altar and other mysterious forces, and is the biggest bargaining chip for Qianqi Kingdom.

With such a powerful force, coupled with Gujian's ambition and endless means, it is not necessarily a nonsense to unify the southeast of the Phoenix Kingdom and win the Phoenix Capital.

Qianqi Kingdom, the first kingdom in the southeast of the Zhongzhou Empire!

Everyone suddenly thought of this sentence that has been circulating for thousands of years.

However, the arrival of the wild beast attack has disrupted all his plans. If he wants to hide these strengths, I'm afraid that before the day of unification of the southeast, the strange country will be destroyed by the wild beast in the darkness before dawn and disappear in the clouds of history.

Those servants and ministers are all wearing upper bodies, muscles and strong bodies, as well as the huge bows that are half-human high, which undoubtedly give these uneasy people a dose of medicine.

"Put the arrow, pull the bow, accumulate strength, release!!!" Yi Bo, the general manager of Qianqi King's Palace, gave an order.

Countless arrows shot at the wild beasts that were constantly hitting the array with their heavy bodies. Even though the wild beasts were thick and rough, many of them still died in the first wave of arrow attacks.

Seeing the arrow play an effective role, Yi Bo raised his hand and then gave the second command.

"Let go!!!" Countless heavy arrows were shot at the wild beasts.

Countless wild beasts were shot to death by arrows, but there are still endless wild beasts stepping on the bodies of their dead companions, and then continue to come to the magic array and wantonly try to destroy the array with their own bodies.

It seems that these evil wild beasts are not afraid of death, even if they fight for all their lives and destroy everything that can be destroyed.

It seems that among the wild beasts, there may be an infinitely powerful beast king in command.

The arrows kept shooting. After all, those servants and ministers had limited abilities, and dozens of powerful people took over the giant bow, and then shot at the wild beast with everyone, which could be stopped for a moment.

"Roar!!!" The endless wild beasts roared together, and then hit the magic array more desperately.

A trace of light slowly appeared in the eastern sky, and the dawn is finally coming.

Rows of long arrows shot outside the magic array, and evil wild beasts fell to the ground one after another. Blood flowed into a river outside the magic array and flowed down the mountain from the top of the mountain.

Bleeding into a river, corpses are everywhere...

"Roar!!!!!" There was a loud roar, and then all the wild beasts stopped the roar and stopped the sound of impact. Only the sound of bows and arrows sounded between heaven and earth.


"Roar!!! ......”

Immediately came the roar of wild beasts all over the mountains. Halfway up the mountain, a huge wild beast similar to a human figure raised the bone in his hand and pointed forward. Countless wild beasts surged back and retreated nearly a hundred feet.

The sky has gradually become bright, and the evil wild beast finally stopped the first wave of attacks.

Everyone kept gasping, and then meditated on the ground to slowly recover the consumed power. At the dawn of October 16 of 872, the empire, there was no sound in the whole Qianqi King City...

I am here once again brazenly asking for collection and red tickets, and once again wish you all a happy New Year, all the best, and a safe year!