Legend of the beacon

Chapter 4 The Pain of Ling Chi

Cold stars and cold moon, forest bonfire.

Gu Xinghe held the life wheel of the beast and used his whole body to pour it. When he felt that his power was exhausted, he was about to give up, but he found that Xuanyuan Huanggui suddenly helped him. The two attracted each other as confidants and could understand his meaning without words, so he vigorously poured his power into the life wheel of the beast through his own hands. Among them.

What he didn't know is that in the depths of his mind, in the abys of memory, a strange situation floated from time to time: an illusory palace, Qiongtai high pavilion, cranes and white clouds flying among them, what a fairy scenery, this is the scenery in his strange dream when he was 18 years old, just because he can't remember At this time, he focused on the beast's life wheel, but he had not found it. He only felt that his brain was drowsy for a moment and had a special feeling of swelling.

The life wheel of the beast may not only be a sacred object guarded by the witch clan, but also more likely to connect with the nihilistic people in the dream. If Gu Xinghe can recall the strange dream at this time and connect with the changes in his mind at this time, it is impossible to say that there is a certain possibility, and he can really guess its source.

"Bang!!!" Gu Xinghe only noticed a loud noise in his mind, so he crawled forward. The life wheel of the beast in his hand immediately fell into the fire, and he himself was gradually falling into the fire.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Huanggui stood behind him at this time. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately reached out to catch it. Otherwise, the master of the three products of the state empire would be exhausted and burned to death. Wouldn't it become a big joke in the world?

At this time, Gu Xinghe had fallen into a coma. Xuanyuan Huanggui hurriedly ran Yuanli to regulate his veins, but found that there seemed to be a strange force in his body that was stopping her Yuanli. His efforts turned out to be in vain. He had no choice but to help him to fall to the ground and could only pray for God in heaven!

That's it. Xuanyuan Huanggui is also guarded by the ancient Xinghe River and explores the ancient Xinghe veins from time to time in order to slow down. As for the mysterious beast's life wheel, it is still in the fire at this time, and is obviously forgotten by the anxious Xuanyuanhuang.

Nearly an hour later, Xuanyuan Huanggui finally found that the pulse of the ancient Xinghe gradually returned to normal. A moment later, when the ancient Xinghe woke up leisurely and opened his eyes, he immediately knew the change of his body at this time. He immediately meditated and adjusted to restore the original force, but found his own power. At this time, it was extremely abundant, but it was just Comparative chaos, I couldn't help shaking my head and smiling bitterly, and I had to sink my head to repair it silently.

After more than half an hour, Gu Xinghe finally woke up again. The moment he opened his eyes, he understood Xuanyuan Huanggui's urgent care and nodded gently: "Thank you for your care! My little brother is grateful.

Xuanyuan Huanggui shook his head and said, "Do you need to say anything like gratitude for our friendship?"

Gu Xinghe looked up and laughed, obviously very much agreeing with Xuanyuan Huanggui's words.

Suddenly, Gu Xinghe's mind moved and said, "Brother Huang Gui, where is the life wheel of the beast?"

Xuanyuan Huanggui was shocked when he heard the word "the life wheel of the beast" and immediately turned around. Gu Xinghe was also shocked when he saw his expression. He got up and looked around together. Finally, the two found that the thing was still in the fire.

Gu Xinghe immediately took a dead wood from the side and gently pulled it out. After rolling a few rolls on the ground, he fell on the ground and remained motionless. On it, his death emitted a wisp of light. Although it was not as dazzling as that day, it could already be The bonfire is competing!

What especially makes Gu Xinghe and Xuanyuanhuang feel strange is that on the life wheel of the beast, those sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and the scenery of the characters seem to be alive, lifelike, and make people forget all the time for a moment.

"It's not good!" Xuanyuan Huanggui's determination was extraordinary, and he immediately knew that this thing must have a special charm, otherwise it would be impossible for him and Gu Xinghe to do so easily.

At this time, the ancient Xinghe is obviously still in the fantasy. His cultivation is not as deep as Xuanyuan Huanggui, and his determination is not as good as his. At this time, he is stretching out his right hand and slowly touching the beast's life wheel.

In his brain, it is another scene:

In the endless universe, a tall man in blue is floating in the air. In his hand, there is a seemingly small monster, and behind him is a huge meteorite floating.

Suddenly, the man gently waved his other arm, and the huge meteorite immediately shrank and gradually became a plate. Then the man in blue waved his arm gently, and the plate-like thing was stabbed into the monster's body.

The man in blue waved his arm again. The monster was knocked to the ground in mid-air and smashed out a deep pit. Then the monster finally climbed up after several hard work. On his neck, there was already a huge chain. At the end of the end of the chain was in the depths of the endless dense forest, a huge Above the sword-shaped mountain.

And the man in blue, who had already disappeared without a trace, appeared in a tall and gorgeous palace in a blink of an eye, quiet and comfortable...

Gu Xinghe is still addicted to the fantasy, and his hands have touched the mysterious beast's life wheel. The light on the beast's life wheel is getting stronger and stronger, faintly like the sun and moon in the sky. Yuwen Zhuyan has long been awakened. At this time, he stood on the side of Xuanyuan Huang's return. The two looked at what happened to Gu Xinghe in surprise. The change.

"Ah!!!" Maybe Gu Xinghe finally felt the pain and suddenly woke up from the fantasy and snorted in pain, but his endurance was extraordinary. He immediately suppressed it and tried to throw away the life wheel of the beast in his hand, but he found that the thing seemed to stick to his hand. He couldn't get rid of it by all his means!

In the painful nerves of Gu Xinghe, what kind of person did he suddenly think of the man in blue? Is it the god of the ancestors, or the legendary Eastern Emperor and Western Saint? But whether it is the Eastern Emperor or the Western Saint, there must be no such mana cultivation in the sky universe, so this person must be the god of the ancestor!

But why does the god of the ancestor appear in his mind? Gu Xinghe was puzzled, and at this time, the pain on his body became more and more, and the color on his face had changed from pale to blood red!

"What should I do?" Yuwen Zhuyan pulled the corner of Xuanyuan's clothes and asked nervously.

Xuanyuan Huanggui obviously had no choice but to comfort Yuwen Zhuyan: "Don't move when you stand here. I used to help Huang Gui." After saying that, he turned into an arrogant sword in his hand, walked step by step to the ancient Xinghe, which had changed his face, and suddenly took out his sword to cut the life wheel of the beast.

"Bum!" The life wheel of the beast did not make a sound. Instead, Xuanyuan Huanggui, who tried his best, was bounced back and sat on the ground with a touch of red blood at the corners of his mouth. Obviously, he suffered a lot of internal injury.

"Huang Gui...Brother, don't...Don't...come here..." Gu Xinghe saw Xuanyuan Huanggui wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, raised the long sword and wanted to come again, and quickly said intermittently.

In fact, at this time, his situation was extremely bad. Countless violent breaths came to his body from the beast's life wheel through his hands. One after another of power collided in his body, and his skin ruptured, and countless blood surged out of the rupture. However, he was like a blood for a moment. People are half kneeling on the open space, their faces are distorted and painful.

The bitterness of Ling Chi is nothing more than this!

"Humph!!!" A soft hum sounded in the ear of the ancient Xinghe, as if he was disdainful and agreed.

Gu Xinghe immediately collected his mind and fought against the mysterious and irritable beast's life wheel, trying to stop himself from connecting with it, but found that it was invinctive.

It's the life wheel of the beast. I don't know why. All the power and breath that have been pentled into his body since ancient Xinghe's hands are rushing out crazily. This was originally a good thing, but it caused greater pain in ancient Xinghe.

"Bang!!!" In several loud noises, the clothes on Gu Xinghe's body had already been ejaculated by blood. The pain made him almost faint, but he could not pass out and could only bear this inhuman pain.

Xuanyuan Huanggui saw Gu Xinghe's pain, and finally ignored Gu Xinghe's words. He picked up the arrogant sword in his hand and stabbed a more decisive sword. His eyes were no longer the warm color of the past, but a rare sense of pain and determination.

"Boom!!!" Xuanyuan Huanggui flew back again. This time, he was ready to sit on the ground, but he still couldn't stop spitting blood. Obviously, the internal injury was more serious!

"Ah!!!" Gu Xinghe could no longer stand the pain of Ling Chi. He looked up to the sky and roared like a trapped beast.

His whole body has turned red, and it seems that if the temperature is higher, it may spontaneously ignite, and the beast's life wheel, between his hands, the light is becoming more and more visible, and it keeps rotating, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

"Well, but tens of thousands of years, how dare you challenge my dignity?" An old voice echoed in the mind of the ancient Xinghe and did not stop for a long time.

The life wheel of the beast no longer exudes power or strange breath, but it keeps rotating at high speed, getting faster and faster, and the light is getting more and more dazzling. Finally, when the light is the brightest, suddenly falls into darkness between heaven and earth, and the life wheel of the beast has long disappeared!

"Bum!" Gu Xinghe finally fell into a coma again and fell to the ground.

Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yuwen Zhuyan have long been unable to care about the life wheel of the disappeared beast. When they saw the ancient Xinghe fall to the ground, they immediately rushed over. If you want to know what will happen, please see tomorrow's decomposition.