Legend of the beacon

Chapter 2 Girl Yunyan

PS: Most of the content of this chapter is a dialogue flow. Please taste this different lip battle!

In the endless plain, the night is vast.

Under the cold moon and cold star, in a fence surrounded by ancient wood, there is a tribal cottage that can accommodate nearly 10,000 people.

After today's day, the population of this cottage has suddenly increased a lot. That's because the patriarch of the tribe led his people to fight in all directions. This afternoon, he once again won a great victory and captured thousands of people in another tribe, among which all the men became slaves. In the future , will have to do the most difficult work in exchange for enough food and animal skin.

But it is also possible that they will be used as currency to exchange for luxury goods used by tribal leaders with other tribes.

The hot days here are so hot that they can kill people, while the cold winter can easily freeze people to death.

And now, it is early spring that the ice and snow have melted, and the weeds on the plain have gradually begun to sprout, and gorgeous flowers are blooming on the fields of the tribal plain.

So when spring comes, the war between tribes also follows. In the spring field, not only gorgeous flowers and bones are blooming, but also more gorgeous blood flowers are blooming.

It is a flower made by human blood, which is extremely gorgeous.

In the light, the patriarch of this tribe led his people and returned triumphantly with trophies. Behind them, there are thousands of men, women and children. They are only part of the trophies, and their future fate can only become slaves, or they can choose to die.

Among these trophies, there is an unusual existence. His hair is loose, his beard is entangled, his face is dark, and he holds a dark crutch in his hand. This is nothing special, but the most special thing is that this extremely firm-faced man is wearing a cloth, although he is already broken. But the people of this tribe have seen this expensive cloth for a long time.

According to the rules of the clan, this perhaps noble existence should be handed over to the clan leader personally, but after returning to the village, the clan leader held several beautiful concubines and went to the bridal chamber!

The other people in the clan did not dare to disturb the patriarch's pleasure, but they could not find any effective way to deal with the man. Finally, the clever little princess came up with a way to tie him up, tied him into a zongzi, and then locked him in a room for receiving noble nobles.

There is nothing wrong with this treatment, even if the eldest member of the Mingchen clan knows about it, but the little princess always feels that something is wrong, so in the middle of the night, she sneaked into the room where the man was tied up alone.

But I saw the man with shawl in a very strange posture, with his eyes tightly closed, as if he was asleep, but he seemed to be thinking about something.

The little princess suddenly became alert and felt extremely cold all over her body. She said carefully, "Grandpa, are you asleep?"

Grandpa? Gu Xinghe couldn't help laughing in his heart. This is really a typical judging people by their appearance! I am only 24 years old, and I can still live two or three hundred years in the Phoenix clan, but in the little girl's mouth, she immediately turned into an "uncle"!

"It's magic, do you understand magic?"

"I don't understand..."

"It's so stupid that something is suddenly gone, or something else suddenly turned out, or something turned into something else, do you understand?"

"I seem to understand a little, but I'm a little dizzy!"

"I said that my head is almost dizzy, you stupid girl!"

"Don't say that I am a stupid girl. Everyone says that I am the smartest, most clever and lovely princess. Don't say that I am stupid, a witch in the tribe. Once a girl is stupid, she will be pulled by the river god to be a daughter-in-law. Even the daughters of the patriarchs of various tribes are not spared."

"That witch really deserves to be executed!"

"But I dare not speak ill of the witch. If she accidentally finds out, it will definitely make the whole tribe uneasy again!"

"But she has come. Look behind you..."

"Ah! Hello, grandma witch! Well, how dare you lie to me again.

"That's your stupidity, otherwise how can you be fooled?"

"Well, I said, don't say I'm stupid! Tell me quickly, how do you play tricks?"

"It can't be said, otherwise it will be boring, but I can show you."

"Do you want to lie to untie me? That's impossible. Ask Dad to tie you a few more ropes tomorrow. You're too cunning!"

"How many more ropes? Am I a bad person?"

"Bad guys don't look like that, but you always make fun of me. That's where you are wrong!"


"Haha, you are speechless!"


"Cut? What does it mean?"

"I don't care about you..."

"You lied to me again. What a big liar!"

"Huh? Where did I lie to you again?"

"You just said you wanted to play tricks for me, but now you don't even say anything!"

"How can I do a trick when you tie me up?"

"Hee, if you really have the ability, just change a trick for me, and then you can really have the ability."

"A piece of cake! Just watch..."

"Ah! What is that? Why do you have one more thing in your hand? Is this a trick?

"Well, this is not, this is just a prop..."

"Prop? What are the props?"

"A little girl, why are there so many problems? Take a good look and don't talk."



"Hey, why don't you move again? Isn't it a trick?"

"I'm brewing it. Well, look, I'll show you the trick!"

"Well, hey, what props do you have? How can you move in the air by yourself?"

"My prop is called a sword, which can cut off all the fetters in the world."

"Cut, I don't believe it. If you really have such a powerful treasure, how can you become my prisoner?"

"That's because I don't want to resist, I'm afraid of hurting you..."

"Cut! Ghosts believe you. Maybe you are the kind of spy your father often talks about.

"Huh? How can I be a spy..."

"Is this what you have become a trick? Hello, where's your beard? Why are they all gone?"

"Haha! My trick is to change all my beards!"

"Hey, take back your sword and don't sway in front of me. Be careful that I'll let Dad put you in the pan tomorrow!"

"In the oil pan? I'm not afraid..."

"Cut, I don't believe it... Well, why did your sword fall to the ground? Haha, it's really a good thing..."

"It's broken! Yuanli was suddenly exhausted again! It's really hard to steal rice!"