Legend of the beacon

Chapter 11 Mu's Request

"Hmm! Do you want to marry my sister too? Yun Sheng asked angrily.

"Why not? As long as we love each other, I can marry her." Gu Xinghe was neither humble nor arrogant, and there was no consciousness as a prisoner slave.

"Brother, don't quarrel anymore!" Yunyan shouted angrily, and Gu Xinghe and Yunsheng immediately shut up and stopped talking.

The first confrontation between Gu Xinghe and Yunsheng ended with the tuning of Yunyan, because followed by Mu, the patriarch, who sent a clan to summon Yunyan and Gu Xinghe to his room.

Yun Sheng left angrily, while Gu Xinghe and Yunyan walked slowly towards the patriarch's house.

"Star, don't be afraid. My father won't do anything to you. You have to call him 'Father' in the future!" Yunyan said slowly, and there was a scarlet on her face.

"Well, I know." Gu Xinghe responded casually, and his heart seemed to be thinking about something.


In the wooden house, in the hall.

"Nonsense, Yunyan, do you know what you're talking about?" Mu, the patriarch of the Mu tribe, is furious at this time.

"Father, I'm not messing around. I mean to let you restore his free status, and then marry your daughter to him. My daughter is serious, serious and very serious." Yunyan raised his forehead and refused to give in.

Mu was obviously extremely angry and shouted, "Don't say that he is still a slave now. Even if she regains her status as a free man, how can he marry you? You know, you are the respected princess in my Mu tribe, but he is just a unuch!"

But he heard Yunyan retort, "If my identity does not match him, then I would rather not be the princess of this Mu tribe. He is a parable, then I will also be a parable, so that we can always get married!"

"Good! OK! This is my good daughter!" Mu was furious and slapped on the wooden table beside him. Suddenly, the strong wooden table instantly turned into a pile of waste wood.

Mu can be the leader of a tribe and indeed has extraordinary skills!

"Hello, patriarch, I think..." Gu Xinghe saw that the situation was getting more and more rigid, so he couldn't help taking a step forward and said.

"Shut up! There is no place for you to talk here. Get out of here!" Mu didn't listen to what Gu Xinghe said at all and roared directly, ready to bombard him outside the hall.

"Hmm, I'm afraid you don't have the ability to make me roll away!" Gu Xinghe snorted angrily and stepped forward, standing in front of Yunyan, competing with Mu.

"What? Do you still want to compete with me?" Mu said contemptuously, "Don't think that you are taller than me and can beat me. In terms of strength, there is no tribe who can be an opponent a hundred miles away."

Gu Xinghe sneered at the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "It turns out that you are a person who only knows brute force. No wonder you can only dominate the edge of many tribes in the Great Plains. It turns out that it's just like that!"

"What did you say!" Mu's feet stepped forward, and the two were closer. His eyes were red, and he was obviously on the verge of anger.

"I said, you are just a barbarian who dominates by force!" Gu Xinghe held his arms and said coldly.

"I'm going to tear you up!!!" Mu's eyes glowed with fiery red, and his hands were pinched into fists. He suddenly took a step forward, looking to kill Gu Xinghe under his fist.

"Dad!" Yunyan suddenly shouted and attracted their eyes to her, "Do you really want your daughter to die in front of you immediately?"

"Yun Yaner, look at what kind of person you are going to marry. He insults your father so much!" Mu clenched his fists and looked at the clouds and smoke between them. He couldn't do it. He sighed, put his clenched hands behind him, and slowly spread his five fingers.

But I heard Yunyan say, "Of course I know what kind of person I want to marry!"

"Then tell me, what kind of person is he? How can you look at him so differently? If you say it, it will also show my father and me." Mu did not look at the ancient Xinghe standing beside him, but said coldly to Yunyan.

What kind of person is Gu Xinghe?

This is a question that is very difficult to get an answer. Gu Xinghe quietly looked at Yunyan and waited for her answer.

"The man I want to marry is named Gu Xinghe. I like to call him 'Star'. He comes from an extremely distant place and is not from the tribe of our last war. He is gentle, modest and resourceful. He has a brave heart and is not afraid of any threats. I'm afraid it came from the threat of death. That time, blood was flowing all over his body, but he still smiled. If it was that kind of pain, maybe I would have fainted in pain, but he clenched his teeth and was a fierce ninja, even if he bit his teeth and bit out blood.

"He can face the attack of the cannibal giant eagle for your daughter and me, and use his body as a cover for me. He raised the weapon in his hand, and a man killed the giant eagle, and he was also stabbed through the shoulder by the giant eagle. Until now, his injury has not recovered. When the mammoth rushed to me crazily, it was he who was about to enter a coma. Regardless of his own safety, he tried his last bit of strength to kill the mammoth at my feet, and then he fell down.

"I love him and love him very much. When he faced the giant eagle alone for me, I fell in love with him. Later, he picked up the weapons on the ground for me, faced the peeping of the beast in the dark, and even killed the mammoth beast in the end. Dad, do you think I should be such a person? Marry him?"

When it comes to emotions, a drop of clear tears slowly flowed out from the corners of the clouds and smoke.

More than 20 days have passed, but Yunyan still remembers the details of that day, and she has not even forgotten any details. Her eyes are full of stubborn eyes.

Gu Xinghe slowly raised his forehead and looked at the clouds and smoke at this time, and a trace of emotion suddenly rose in his heart.

Thank God for having such a girl. Even if she dies immediately now, she will have no regrets in her life.

Mu thought secretly for a moment, and Fang said, "Yun Yaner, according to what you said, he is indeed a good man who is intentional, loving and hateful. With his credit for killing mammoths, it is naturally not a problem to recover his freedom. But look at the tone he just talked to your father. How can he be willing to marry you to him?

Yunyan looked back at Gu Xinghe with an embarrassed look, and then said, "Dad, give him another chance, okay?"

Mu hummed angrily, "Well, if he can't round me back what you said just now, you can't marry my daughter in this life!"

But I heard Gu Xinghe say, "Pear, I have a word that can guarantee that Mu's tribe will grow rapidly in just a few years, annex the surrounding tribes and become a real hegemon. I don't know if you would like to marry Yunyan with this?"

Mu said, "Huang Mao's child, don't talk nonsense. If you can annex the surrounding tribes of large and small and become the hegemon, I still have to wait for you to talk coldly?"

Gu Xinghe said coldly, "That's just your shallow knowledge. My suggestion is to 100% guarantee that the Mu tribe will become the real hegemon. I don't know if this can be enough as a dowry and marry Yunyan as my wife?"

Mu said blankly, "If you really fall in love with Yunyan, I am willing to marry her to you without a dowry. In that case, the Mu tribe is also your tribe. It is your job to contribute to the future of your tribe, but if you say something, if there is a joke, I will not only Don't let Yunyan see you, and even kill you!"

"Well, it's a deal!" Gu Xinghe said loudly.

"It's a deal!" Mu Yilang has a voice.


Outside the wooden house, the ancient Xinghe and clouds and smoke walk side by side.

"Xing, why did you agree to your father's request? If I can't think of a way, what should I do? So if we really come up with a good way, what should we do if Dad has to pick out a little problem? Yunyan's eyes were full of worry.

But I heard Gu Xinghe comfort him and said, "It's okay. You have to believe in your future husband's ability. Didn't you say, 'He is gentle, modest and polite, and resourceful'? Although I am not very resourceful, I have no choice but to think of a few ways to make Mu's tribe grow rapidly."

Gu Xinghe's eyes are full of unparalleled confidence and longing for future life.

"I believe you, and I will wait for the day when you marry me." Yunyan's face is full of happiness.


Since that day, Yunyan has accompanied many brothers and sisters every day, and rarely goes to the ancient star river, but the ancient star river is immersed in thinking every day, sitting on the top of the mountain, overlooking the vast plains, bowing his head and meditating. With the passage of time, his ideas are finally slowly brewing Shape.

However, it is said that in this early spring, there are the most frequent wars on the Great Plains. There are often wars between tribes for slaves, wealth and food. Killing and bloody, the winner is the king and the loser is the slave.

Three days later, Mu will lead his people and lead his army again to an expedition to a small tribe 70 miles away. It will be a journey of blood and fire, welcoming victory and wealth together.

At this time, the ancient Xinghe is still sitting on the mountain, bowing his head and looking up indifferently.