Legend of the beacon

Chapter 30 A Ride to the Dust

Chapter 30 Ride to the dust

The Zhongzhou Empire was in 8,51 years, and the Great Plains and the Great Mu Kingdom.

"Qianqiu hegemony, ten thousand generations of meritorious deeds, I will unify this vast plain, let the grace of the king of clouds reach every corner of this land, and let all people respect me 'king'. I am the supreme death, the king of gods, I will definitely want the gods in the endless void to see me. You should be called 'my beloved king'!"

At this time, King Yun's heart has long forgotten everything else, and only his ambition to unify the Plains and build a vast kingdom is left, but his ambition is as talented as he is, and he is jealous of being as virtuous as he is. How can he get what he wants?

Outside the Golden Hall, the sun is in the sky, and the dry air is as hot as fire. The drought has lasted for nearly three years, but it still shows no sign of stopping. In and outside the Muwang City, in the whole Mu Kingdom, and in the whole tribal plains, the drought is still spreading crazily. Countless tribes disappeared because of this disaster, but what is more, the people of those countless tribes have no resistance in this disaster. They can only migrate and die helplessly, one after another, and corpses are piled up like mountains.

King Yun looked down at his gorgeous clothes, and then turned into the Golden Hall, but he did not see it. Shortly after he entered the Golden Hall, a young man drove away from the Mu Palace on a horse.

He rode the dust and galloped to the west at the fastest speed. The teenager sitting on it was only twelve or three years old. Although he was young, he was already powerful. He drove his mount to the west quickly, with a worried look on his face.

More than a hundred miles in front of the teenager, there was a neat line of soldiers, vast and boundless. The leader was a general with a beard, holding a golden spear and wearing python skin armor. He looked cold, but in his eyes, he could not see any emotional color. The majestic general suddenly raised his spear in his hand and shouted, "Children, speed up!" Therefore, the army, which was moving very fast, once again accelerated, getting closer and closer to the far west of the Great Mu Kingdom.


The Kingdom of Mu, the third winter of King Mu, the land in the far west.

"Yan'er, have you seen those beast-faced people before?" In the cabin, Gu Xinghe hugged the clouds and smoke in his arms and asked softly.

Yunyan lowered her head and thought about it, but could only shake her head gently and said, "I have never seen those beast-faced people before, and I never know when such a group of strong people appeared in our Mu country."

Gu Xinghe shook his head with a smile and whispered, "Who must be the dead man raised privately!" However, there are not many people who can raise dead soldiers in the State of Mu. Who will kill you and me?

Yunyan asked in surprise, "Dead man?"

Gu Xinghe patiently explained: "It is the rich and powerful people who raise a group of soldiers who are not afraid of death with their own money, which are specially used to eradicate dissidents, because these people basically have no good end, so they are called 'dead men'."

Yunyan nodded gently: "So, these two words are really appropriate!" Then he said, "Among our country, there must be only my father, Brother Yunsheng, General Mozhi, Prince Rongbei, and several elders in the Presbyterian Home! But my father will definitely not kill you and me, and the rest of the people? Brother Yunsheng treated me the best, and Uncle Mozhi and several other people have no reason to harm you and me, but I can't figure out who wants to deal with us.

Gu Xinghe stroked Yunyan's hair and said with a smile, "Since you can't think of it, don't think about it!" Let's stay here and see who else will deal with us!"

Gu Xinghe's eyes stared at the east, which is the direction of King Mu. Presumably something must have happened there now. Is King Mu... Is King Mu dead, otherwise no one will come to deal with the two of them, and who is the person who wants to deal with them? Suddenly, a cold and A smiling face appeared in his mind, frivolous and arrogant, but a smile seemed to sneer.

"Can it be you?" Gu Xinghe muttered in his heart, "But why did you kill us? She is your own sister..."


Three days later, in the early morning, it is still the far west of the Kingdom of Damu.

The galloping teenager finally surpassed the army in front of him at the last moment and came here first, but he didn't have time to rest at all. He continued to drive his horse forward. In front of his eyes, a small wooden house gradually appeared, which was where his purpose was.

"Sister Yan! Sister Yan! Are you there?" The teenager jumped up from the mount, led the mount to the wooden house, strode forward, and shouted hoarsely.

In the wooden house, the clouds and smoke that were still asleep suddenly woke up and whispered: "Little brother? How can there be my little brother's voice?" Looking out of the window, he saw Gu Xinghe looking at her with a smile and couldn't help asking, "Did you hear anything?"

Although the original power of the ancient Xinghe has only recovered, it is already a great existence on the plain of this tribe. How can he not hear the call of the young man outside the wooden house? He grabbed the fox skin cloak beside him and put it on Yunyan and said with a smile, "Of course I heard it. You'd better put this on it and let's go out together. It's cold outside. Don't catch a cold carefully!"

Yunyan nodded obediently, took the cloak and put it on herself, and then the two walked out of the wooden house together. After opening the door, she saw a young man holding a strange, huge and powerful mount and running in the direction of the wooden house. When she saw it clearly, she immediately opened her mouth and shouted. He said, "Little brother! Little brother! Why did you come here!"

The young man is naturally the youngest son of King Mu of the Great Mu Kingdom. Gu Xinghe once had several relationships with him, and also knows that among the many brothers and sisters of Yunyan, only this young brother called "Xiwu" has the best relationship with her. However, since ancient Xinghe came to the Mu tribe, things in the tribe have become more and more complicated. King Mu sent all his sons to help him manage the territory of Siyi, so he had never seen him in recent years, but he didn't expect to meet again here a few years later!

When I saw the fog at the beginning of the year, I still remembered that he was still an eight- or nine-year-old boy, but now he is like a general guarding one side! If it hadn't been for the sound of Yunyan, Gu Xinghe would have almost recognized him not!

Xiwu let go of the reins in his hand and let the mount walk nearby. He ran to Gu Xinghe and Yunyan in three steps. Before he could wipe the sweat on his face, he gasped and said, "Sister Yan, leave here with your brother-in-law!"

Gu Xinghe had already guessed in his heart that Mu Wangcheng must have undergone great changes, so he was not much surprised, but Yunyan did not know the inside story and asked in surprise, "Why?" As he spoke, he wiped the sweat on Xiwu's head with his sleeves.

Xiwu continued to gasp and said, "Dad... No, my father died in the east, and Brother Yun Sheng has succeeded to the throne. My father asked him to welcome his brother-in-law back to the city to supervise the country, but he sent Uncle Mo to lead 30,000 troops, saying that he would take you to Mu Wangcheng to plead guilty. You should leave quickly. General Mozhi is almost here, and then It will be too late!"

Yunyan shouted, "Father... Brother, do you think your father has passed away?"

The fog nodded silently, and his eyes were full of sadness.

Yunyan suddenly took a step back. Fortunately, Gu Xinghe helped her, otherwise she would have been sitting on the ground! She stood firm, clenched Gu Xinghe's hands, and said slowly, "So, the orc-faced man who came to assassinate us a few days ago was also sent by the eldest brother?"

Xiwu asked blankly, "Animal-faced man?"

Yunyan nodded gently and whispered, "Well, little brother, did you know that our eldest brother sent 30 of the most powerful warriors to assassinate me and your brother-in-law. I have always regarded him as our best brother. My father has just died, but he is going to kill us. He actually wants to kill us. ..." In the end, it was silent. Obviously, I didn't believe it, but I had no choice but to believe it.

Xi Wu suddenly heard this and exclaimed, "How could he do this? So how did you escape? Now is not the time to say this. You can get out of here quickly on my mount. I will help you resist Uncle Mozhi for a while. Don't let them take you two back to Muwang City!"

But Gu Xinghe asked quietly, "Xiwu, how far is General Mo Zhi from here?"

Xiwu lowered his head as if he was thinking secretly, but immediately raised his head and said, "He is very close to here!" It is possible to come here at any time. Hurry up and leave! Don't be caught by him! Otherwise... Otherwise, when I return to Muwang City, I don't know what's going on..."

Yunyan stood still and didn't say anything. Suddenly, she heard Xiwu say the words "Otherwise, go back to Mu Wangcheng" and suddenly remembered the ferocious look of those beast-faced people a few days ago. She looked up at Gu Xinghe and said resolutely, "Xing, you must leave here! It must not be..."

Before he finished speaking, he had been interrupted by Gu Xinghe. He only heard Gu Xinghe say, "Sm, don't you know me? I'm not a man of stubbornness. Since we can't defeat the thousands of troops, we will leave the kingdom of Mu together, and then build a cabin that belongs to us.

Yunyan nodded gently, turned to look at Xiwu, the little brother standing beside him, and said, "Little brother, you can also leave with us. If the eldest brother knows, you will report to us, I'm afraid he..."

Gu Xinghe suddenly turned out of the Yishui Long Sword from her hand and set out to protect Yunyan and Xiwu. She stared at the distance indifferently. The words in Yunyan's mouth had not been fully finished, and she had stopped. Her eyes had followed Gu Xinghe's eyes and looked in a faraway direction.

After a while, thousands of troops appeared in all directions of the cabin, from the open space, from the mountains and forests, like the rising sun, and then immediately surrounded the three people.