Legend of the beacon

Chapter 33 Goodbye to Xiao

"Is it him?! Fusion of nine products!!!" Mo Liancheng was stunned. He still remembers that a few days ago, the "lone cliff" was still the cultivation of integrating seven grades. Only a few days later, he had reached the strength of integrating nine grades.

Is the world crazy? Xiao Yedi, who was suddenly promoted to the master's realm, and the lonely cliff that now makes people feel unfathomable, make Mo Liancheng feel a little unable to understand the world!

"It seems that I'm really old!" Mo Liancheng sighed and looked up at Gao Mingyue.

Those brothers in the building are half happy and half worried at this time: with a strong man who integrates nine grades, the strength in the building has indeed increased, but if Gao Mingyue suddenly resigns from the position of the building owner, even if he has never managed the specific affairs in the building before, even if he holds the position of "Tai Shanglou master", still These helpers who have been used to it for a long time suddenly feel that they have lost their support.

"Builder!" Poster!!!" The sound shakes the roof tiles, and everyone will look at the high moon.

But Gao Mingyue only smiled and stopped talking. He stroked the snow sleeves and had already left the sword.


Since that day, Gao Mingyue has never appeared in Chang'an Tower, and Gu Xinghe has lived a life he has never experienced before in Chang'an Building as the "Chang'an Building owner".

Although most of the brothers in the building are not interested in him, fortunately, the left guard Fa Mo Liancheng and those so-called elders still give him some face. Even if he is suspected of hard work and thankless, the operation of the business in the building is still unchanged from the past.

After a few days of enthusiasm, Gu Xinghe immediately learned from Gao Mingyue, the former landlord, and became a "handswing shopkeeper" and handed over all the big and small affairs in the building to Mo Liancheng Mo to do, while he himself spent most of his time on meditation and adjusting, and the rest of the time he wandered around Chang'an City when he had nothing to do.

Although life is plain, it is also free and comfortable. Gu Xinghe can even inquire about the news of Yuwen Zhuyan and Xuanyuan's return when he has nothing to do. As for the matter of Gujiantang, he is still dealing with it.

Time goes by so fast. Autumn goes by and winter comes, and it snows heavily. In a blink of an eye, it is approaching New Year's Eve.

On this day, Gu Xinghe was idle and walked alone on the outer street of Chang'an Tower. Although he is now a local snake, few people in this nearby empire know his existence, and most of them only regard it as an ordinary young man!

Unexpectedly, only a few steps out of the side door this day, and was intercepted. The man was dressed in purple, pale, with a few whiskers, holding a goose feather feather fan, and dressed as a typical counselor.

Gu Xinghe wondered for a long time and didn't figure out who this person was, but the breath in him made him vaguely feel familiar.

However, he saw the man holding his fist and said, "I have heard that Mr. Guya has taken over the position of the owner of Chang'an Building. Xiao has been looking forward to Mr. Chang's name for a long time, so I took the liberty to visit him today. Please forgive me."

"Xiao?" Gu Xinghe lowered his head and meditated for a moment, but he still couldn't figure out who this "Xiao" was. He had to shake his head and said, "but I don't know where Mr. Xiao is high. Please forgive me for the abrupt cliff. I really can't figure out where I met him?"

But when he saw the middle-aged man surnamed Xiao smile and said loudly, "It's not only Xiao. Now he is eating in Duanmuxiang's mansion. He can't be as free as Mr. Guya!"

"Xiao Yike?!" In great shock, Gu Xinghe suddenly looked at the middle-aged man. If this man didn't mention it, he had almost forgotten this person long ago. The duel of the center of darkness that day made him very afraid of this person, and he had long been listed as a horrible figure at the same level as Emperor Xiao Ye!

This person's wisdom and mental skills are inferior to Gu Xinghe!

But he experienced so many storms and waves that he was not moved by his face. He said with a smile on his face and said, "It turns out that Mr. Xiao is also Mr. Xiao, I have admired his name for a long time! Long-awaited name! Today, when I saw it, it was indeed a dragon and phoenix among people!"

Xiao can also have a shallow smile at the corners of his mouth, and only heard him say with a faint smile, "I have heard of Mr. Guya's name for a long time!" It's just a rare sight. It's really lucky to have this encounter today! When it floats white!"

Gu Xinghe sneered in his heart: Encounter? Ghosts believe in you!

But why Xiao also came here and why did he specialize in creating this so-called "cidental encounter"? Gu Xinghe couldn't figure out for a while what his intentions were.

At least, it will never be because of the burning of Anlefang a few months ago. Gu Xinghe thought that even if Xiao can be resourceful and calculating, I'm afraid he can't figure it out. The person on that day is himself!

He smiled hypocritically and said enthusiastically, "Mr. Xiao, since we are so close, let's go for a drink together. I know a place where the wine is absolutely unique in Chang'an!"

"In this case, Xiao is going to disturb you!" Xiao can also hold his fist and say hypocritically.

So the ancient Xinghe led Xiao Yike. The two went to Mingyue Restaurant, the largest restaurant near Chang'an Building. It is said that this was once the birthplace of Gao Mingyue. At that time, he was still a master of Chang'an Building, because of his achievements in running Mingyue Restaurant and other businesses, coupled with his cultivation and reputation. In those years, it did rise all the way, and even broke into the name of "Chang'an Shuangjie". Later, the old building owner hid and succeeded him as the building owner.

Now, Gu Xinghe has solved the crisis of Chang'an Building, so that Chang'an Building can still stand still in this stormy situation, and there is even a booming trend. His cultivation is also the same as the bright moon in those years, rising layer by layer and endless, which makes Gao Mingyue rest assured of the position of the owner of Chang'an Building. Give it to him.

History seems to suddenly overlap somewhere!

Gu Xinghe sighed, picked up the wine jar and poured two bowls of wine, handed a bowl to Xiao Yicai, left a bowl for himself, and then put down the wine jar, picked up the wine bowl and drank it all. How many years has not been so painful?

"Good wine! It's really good wine!" Xiao can also drink it all at once and sighed.

Gu Xinghe put down the wine bowl, picked up the wine jar and poured two more cups, and the two also drank them up again. In this way, Gu Xinghe just said, "Mr. Xiao, I don't know what you are doing here?"

Although Xiao also looked sick, his face was not ruddy at all under the three bowls of wine. Obviously, the wine was also very strong. Hearing the words of "Lone Cliff", he smiled and said, "Naturally it was a chance encounter, otherwise what did the original poster think?"

Gu Xinghe didn't like to talk in such a circle. He had a plan and said, "In this case, let's drink three more bowls for this word 'accidental encounter'!"

Humph, since I can't trap you, I don't believe that I can't pour you. When you are drunk and confused, what else can't you ask? Gu Xinghe stood up, picked up the wine jar, and poured two more bowls. Both of them drank them all at once. In this way, in a short time, this big jar of wine has reached the bottom.

"Man, bring the wine!" Gu Xinghe put the empty wine jar on the ground and shouted loudly. His face was still white and there was no sign of drunkenness, and Xiao opposite was still pale and sick.

So it seems that the two of them drink a lot!

It is rare to meet such a drunken figure in this world. Gu Xinghe is also too lazy to care about those intrigues and tricks. Xiao can also fight with only a bowl of wine and a bowl of wine. In this way, half an hour has passed, and there are already seven or eight empty wine jars piled up beside their tables, but the faces of the two people can only be more than It's just a little rosy.

Many people of the empire, as if they had seen a miracle, gathered near the two and discussed with each other. For a moment, Gu Xinghe felt very upset. He took out a large amount of silver from his arms, and then arched his hand and said to Xiao Yike, "Brother Xiao, since you and I can't compete in wine, no How about compared with this skill of flying?

"Good! The owner of the lonely cliff is indeed a hero among people. Even if he fights for this drunk, Xiao will definitely sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman once!" As soon as he shrank his hands, the goose feather feather fan immediately turned into nothingness. Only then did Gu Xinghe know that this goose feather feather fan was not a decoration, but also a strange magic soldier.

The two came outside the Mingyue Restaurant, and then immediately operated their own Yuanli in their bodies. After reaching the peak, Gu Xinghe said loudly, "Brother Xiao, it is limited to the time of a rag of incense. The goal is... is the gate of the temple outside the city. You can't fly with a sword, just rely on the cultivation of Yuanli. How about it?"

The gate of the temple? Interesting." Xiao can also smile and say loudly, "Okay, according to what you said!"

Another round of fighting between the two begins again!

(If you think it's okay, put this book in your harem. I'm very grateful here!)