Legend of the beacon

Chapter 37 The Existence of Xiao Yedi

(Chapter 2 is delivered, fortunately before 12 o'clock, starting tomorrow, looking forward to my own outbreak...)

In Chang'an Building, in the living room.

"Brother Xiao, I don't know what this 'big deal' is all about?" Gu Xinghe stared at Xiao Yike, who was smiling, and Duanmu Liuyun, who looked disdainful. He was suspicious and simply asked directly.

However, Xiao Yike only shook his head and said lightly, "Brother Gu Ya, since it's a matter, please dismiss these brothers in your building. Not everyone can hear what Master Duanmu ordered."

"Oh?" Gu Xinghe looked at Xiao Yike in surprise. After a while, he said loudly, "Brothers, I have something important to discuss with the distinguished guests. Please avoid it!"

"Yes!" All the brothers in the living room arched their hands and then retreated in an orderly manner. Seeing that Mo Liancheng was also about to turn around and leave, Gu Xinghe grabbed him and said with a smile, "Brother Mo, you'd better stay here!"

Mo Liancheng nodded to Gu Xinghe and stood still in place.

But he heard Duanmu Liuyun sitting on the chair say coldly, "No, he must also leave!"

"Hmm!" Gu Xinghe snorted coldly, stepped forward and said coldly, "This is the site of my Chang'an Building, and you, an outsider, can't help pointing fingers!"

Duanmu Liuyun suddenly stood up and glared at Gu Xinghe with cold eyes. After a sound, he said, "I don't care if it's the territory of your Chang'an Building. If you are hot, I sent troops directly to smash it. What about you?"

"Then why don't you try it?" Gu Xinghe laughed angrily and said in a low voice, "As long as you have that ability, I welcome your young master of the Duanmu family to come and smash the scene at any time!" If you are afraid, just be afraid. You don't have that ability!"

Gu Xinghe dared to say such a thing, just because he saw Xiao Yike, who had always been motionless. At this time, there was a faint worried look on his face, and he couldn't help but be curious and tentative.

Unexpectedly, the wooden flowing cloud had nothing to say. Hearing Gu Xinghe's words, it seemed to anger his privacy. He immediately became angry and glared at Gu Xinghe. Then he shook off his sleeves and wanted to walk out of the door. As he walked, he shouted, "Well, since you are so bold, don't blame me for not leaving it for you. "I'm in love!"

It seems that he is really going to move rescuers! Gu Xinghe shook his head and pushed his palms. A vast airflow echoed in the living room, and a huge boundary was formed in an instant. He only heard him say in a loud voice, "At least this is the territory of my lonely cliff, Duanmu Liuyun. Do you think you are the mansion of the Duanmu family? Come if you want, come if you want to go?"

Gu Xinghe's behavior has seemed a little rampant, but he didn't know it. He saw some clues from Xiao Yike's face that he dared to offend Duan Mu Liuyun so much.

"Hmm!" Duanmu Liuyun clenched his iron fist and suddenly hit the boundary in front of him. A dark red airflow surrounded his iron fist.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Duanmu Liuyun blushed and stood still. His fists were hitting the boundary of the ancient Xinghe River at this time, and countless torrents were flying around. Fortunately, several people in the living room were with profound cultivation, so they were not greatly damaged. Instead, those tables, chairs and tea plates were attacked by this fish for no reason. The disaster of the pool.

"Drink!" Gu Xinghe shouted and slapped on the bluestone floor of the living room. Suddenly, the momentum of the boundary was a little better. Duanmu Liuyun staddled back, but immediately stabilized and supported it.

"Young master, I'll help you!" Xiao Yi finally couldn't stand it. He put away the feather fan and jumped behind Duanmu Liuyun. With a push of his palm, he stabilized Duanmu Liuyun's body there, but Gu Xinghe couldn't bear it.

Mo Liancheng saw a burst of red and white on Gu Xinghe's face. He immediately jumped to Gu Xinghe and smiled and said, "In this case, Brother Guya, I'll help you!" One palm hit the back of the ancient Xinghe, and the continuous power was injected into the boundary with the hands of the ancient Xinghe.

"Brother Mo, thank you very much!" Gu Xinghe nodded and maintained the existence of the boundary more vigorously.

After half axiang, Xiao can also say, "Brother Guya, please take back the boundary and listen to Xiao's explanation. How about it?"

"Hmm!" Gu Xinghe snorted coldly and said coldly, "In this case, you can stop, and I will put away this boundary immediately."

"Mr. Xiao, don't pay attention to him. I don't believe that we can't break this broken boundary with our cultivation!" Duanmu Liuyun said fiercely.

"Young Lord! Have you forgotten the teaching of the prime minister? Xiao can also shout coldly and immediately let Duanmu Liuyun stop his mouth. Then he opened his mouth to Gu Xinghe and said, "Brother Guya, it's not good for me for you to do this. Well, how about we count one or two or three and let go together?"

Gu Xinghe did not believe in Xiao Yike's proposal. Although there is a small dispute with Duanmu Liuyun now, with his cultivation of Gu Xinghe and the power of Chang'an Tower, he is far from being able to resist Duanmu Xiangfu, and only the reconciliation party is the only way.

Thinking of this, Gu Xinghe nodded and said with a smile, "In this case, let's count one, two or three together and then let go together!"

"Good!" Xiao can also respond in a loud voice.




"Boom!" With a loud noise, the four people in the fight gave way, and the huge airflow suddenly went to all directions and almost demolished the living room!

After the dust settled, Gu Xinghe said coldly, "I don't know what happened to Brother Xiao this time?" He intuitively felt that Xiao could also have a direct and close relationship with what Duanmu Liuyun did this time and the "immoment" that Xiao could also say more than half a month ago.

However, when Xiao also looked at Mo Liancheng secretly, he opened his mouth and said, "This matter is very important. It can only be said that he knows it with Brother Guya alone."

Hearing this, Mo Liancheng quickly got up and said, "The thread starter, I will leave. If there is anything, please call me immediately!"

Gu Xinghe bowed his hand and said, "Brother Mo, I've wronged you. How about I invite you to have a good drink later?"

"Venixed! Great!" Mo Liancheng said a few "explanation" and walked out of the living room.

But Xiao also waved his hand, and a silver light sprinkled in the void. Suddenly, a huge silver boundary formed, isoling the three people from the living room.

Gu Xinghe recognized that this boundary is the legendary " mercury boundary", which has the effect of sound insulation and vigilance. As long as someone gets a little closer, he will be immediately known by those who manipulate the boundary. Unless he is a master of the master of the master realm, no one can see the vertex within the boundary. Sound and breath. Gu Xinghe is very curious that since Xiao can also spread such a boundary, what is the matter with him?

After Xiao also finished his work, Gu Xinghe said loudly, "But I don't know what Brother Xiao said about the 'imimgment'?"

Xiao can also smile strangely and say with a faint smile, "Brother Gu Ya, don't worry, listen to me slowly." Duanmu Liuyun sitting next to him seemed to have never happened. He only sat on the wooden chair, but his eyes did not look at the two people.

After Gu Xinghe sat down, Xiao also said, "Brother Guya, do you still remember the fourth master, Emperor Xiao Ye?"

Emperor Xiaoye?! When Gu Xinghe heard the name, his nerves suddenly jumped together, and a picture appeared in his mind: dark clouds covered the sun, and the sky was dark to resist the golden light. A man wrapped in black clothes held a silver stick with bloodthirsty light in his hand.

This person is naturally Xiao Ye Emperor, the fourth master of Xiao Ye Emperor in the world, the cold and vicious Xiao Ye Emperor!

Gu Xinghe only wants to never see the gloomy and cultivated Xiao Ye Emperor again before he reaches the master's realm!

Seeing Xiao Yiyi looking at himself curiously, Gu Xinghe quickly said loudly, "I naturally know the name of Emperor Xiao Ye. Who in the empire has never known the name of the fourth master? But I don't know what kind of relationship Xiao Yedi has had with what Brother Xiao did?

Both surnames are Xiao, isn't it a family?

But before and after the ancient Xinghe thought, I can't remember whether there is a prominent family surnamed Xiao in the empire?

But he heard Xiao Yike say, "This matter is naturally inextricably related to Emperor Xiao Ye. Brother Guya, do you know where the Xiao Ye Emperor came from?

"Oh?" Gu Xinghe sounded suspiciously and said with a faint smile, "Isn't it the same family as Brother Xiao?"

Xiao can also shake his head: "No, how can Xiao be in the same group as a master like Emperor Ye? Xiao Yedi, known as the 'double heroes of the imperial capital' more than a hundred years ago and Gao Mingyue, was once the most promising to be promoted to the master's realm. Later, he suddenly disappeared because of something, and it will appear again this year!"

Gu Xinghe did not hear what Xiao Yike wanted to say. He only looked at Xiao Yike quietly and listened to him continue to say, "Although the night emperor's past is legendary, it has little to do with today's events. Brother Guya, do you know which of the four masters of the imperial capital belong to?"

Gu Xinghe sneered in his heart, but shook his head and said, "I know very limited. Brother Xiao, please say it directly!"

Xiao can also nod and continue to say, "The four masters of the empire, the royal sword ancestor belongs to the royal forces. Although the high priest is independent, everyone knows that he actually has an inseparable relationship with the royal family, and the legendary king Gu Qianshan is naturally unable to belong to any of them. Fang Power. Because of this, the royal family has been able to preserve its status. No matter how powerful the left and right are, they can't stand the royal family. But the appearance of Emperor Xiao Ye immediately broke this phenomenon.

Speaking of this, he paused and said, "Isn't Emperor Xiao Ye defected to Yuwen Zuoxiang?"

"Bang! Pa!" Emperor Xiaoye clapped his hands and praised, "Brother Guya has good eyesight, which is true. Therefore, I said that because of the existence of Emperor Xiaoye, this weak balance has been broken."

"So that's it!" Gu Xinghe changed his words and then asked, "What does this have to do with me?"