Legend of the beacon

Chapter 69 Reunion of Old Friends

The night of Kunlun Mountain, the cold stars and the cold moon are drifting away, like a dream world.

A black figure appeared behind a steep mountain stone and saw him jumping like a night cat without making any sound. Such an agile movement is more like a mountain elf.

The black figure sneaked up close to the tent somewhere. When the guard yawned, it was like lightning, and quickly drilled into a tent silently. Then he slowly stood down and patted his chest, as if he had just escaped from the thrill.

In an instant, a long sword shining with silver and bloodthirsty light was set on his neck, making his happy face like a piece of white paper.

"Who are you?" In the dark, a voice asked coldly.

Hearing this cold inquiry, the half-covered face of the man in black showed a trace of joy again, but he did not wait for him to move. The murderous spirit suddenly exuded from the sword made him shudder again, but he heard the owner of the indifferent voice say coldly, "Don't speak, or be careful of your life!"

When the man in black heard this, he nodded hurriedly. Seeing that the murderous spirit on the sword had gone, he sighed and carefully took off his towel, but he was an extremely handsome teenager. He only heard him say cautiously, "Sir, don't you remember me?"

"Is that you?" The owner of the indifferent voice was shocked, slowly withdrew the sword in his hand, and said lightly, "What are you doing here?"

"Naturally there is something wrong!" The teenager looked soar, but when he saw that the sword man's face was very cold, he immediately suppressed the joy on his face and whispered, "There is someone who let me invite you to go somewhere."

In the darkness, the cold sword light slowly dissipated. After a long time, a sigh came from there: "Who is that person?"

The teenager hesitated for a moment and said, "He said that as long as you get there, everything will be clear."

A white-haired young man slowly came out of the endless darkness, and the faint silver moonlight in the sky was reflected on him. At that moment, he was like a fairy, unparalleled and elegant.

The teenager seemed to have never seen the man in white look so, and he stood there with some idiots, but he heard the man in white slowly say, "In this case, I'll go with you. You just lead the way!"

"But..." The teenager said with an embarrassed face that there were many guards outside the tent.

The man in white reached out and grabbed the teenager's arm, meditated a little, and suddenly transformed into a silver bright sword. Between gently swinging, he quickly got up with the teenager's sword and jumped into the void above the self-operated tent, like a meteor and galloped away.

Somewhere outside the tent, in the darkness, a man in black was staring at the silver on the sky with a gloomy face. After a long time, he carefully stood up and walked towards the tent on the other side.

There is the tent of Duanmu Liuyun, the eldest son of the right phase.

After the man in white took the teenager out of this large tent, he slowly fell to the ground with his sword and said lightly, "You lead the way!"

"Yes, sir." The teenager answered respectfully, and then did not fly high in the sky with a long sword. Instead, he was like a sensitive mountain elf, flexible and fast.

The man in white followed closely and didn't see any action, but he never fell behind the teenager and walked forward lightly.

After a long time, the teenager suddenly stopped walking, raised his finger to the peak far away in front of him, and said with a smiling face, "Sir, that's it!"

The man in white raised his head and looked there. After a long time, he nodded, and then held the teenager's arm. Huo Ran summoned a silver-white sword and flew to the peak like an arrow.

At that time, on the top of the peak, there was a man and a woman standing, one in blue and the other in a light white dress. They did not speak. After that, they looked at the bright moon and stars above the sky and suddenly heard a sound of wind. They turned their heads one after another, but saw the white-haired man and the teenager standing behind them together. Not far away.

But when he saw the man in blue looking at the man in white, he took a step forward for a long time, sighed, and then said with a smile, "It's really you."

The man in white nodded and whispered, "It's really me."

The two answered one question, but the simple eight words, but I don't know how much friendship there is. The woman in a white dress beside her, who seems to be in the eyes that have not melted with ice and snow for years, suddenly there is a hazy fog.

Time is like water. More than ten years seem to have passed in an instant. The three meet again, but they are relatively speechless. In those years, they fought side by side in the southern barbarian forest, but now it seems to be thousands and hundreds of years apart.

After a long time, the man in blue slowly said, "Yuyi, go back first and preside over the overall situation with Nishang. Don't ruin the business." The tone is plain, but it has a different dignity.

The young man immediately arched his hand and said, "Please rest assured, Yuyi will go now!" After saying that, he bowed his hand to the man in white and the woman in the long dress, and then called out a light blue sword, a sword in his hand, and flew down the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the moon and solitary star, a breeze blew slowly, blowing the relatively silent buns of the three people.

It seems that everything is still in the past...

It seems that years have never flowed...

After a long time, the man in blue said again, "Xinghe, how have you been these years? This white hair? ..."

These three people are naturally the ancient Xinghe, Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yuwen Zhuyan who have not seen each other for more than ten years! At that time, how happy it was for the three of them to fight side by side and trust each other in the dense forest of the south! But the world is impermanent and hurriedly said goodbye. It is only now that we meet again more than ten years later, and then they are no longer what they were then!

That year's Gu Xinghe was still a stubborn and unstoppable young man; that year's Xuanyuan Huanggui was still a gentle, modest and polite Kyoto magnate; that year's Yuwen Zhuyan was just a cold, arrogant, ice and intelligent little girl.

But it just seems that the time has passed in a blink of an eye, and everything has changed completely...

Gu Xinghe is no longer a vigorous young man in the early stage, but has become a cold and dead swordsman; Xuanyuan Huang seems to be as warm and polite as in the past, but it is also a little more atmospheric and gloomy; Yuwen's face is more bright and touching than in those years, but the cold atmosphere she exudes all over her body is more than in the past.

Gu Xinghe nodded and slowly said, "Since I'm not dead, it's naturally okay. How about you?"

Xuanyuan Huanggui sighed and said softly, "What else can we do? Naturally, we are just trying to survive in the cracks as before! I heard from Zhuyan that you have gray hair because of emotional injury. What about the girl?

Gu Xinghe shook his head and said lightly, "She has been dead for many years!"

His words were as plain as water, but Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yuwen Zhuyan felt a strong sadness from him, which was more than the sadness of his heart.

Xuanyuan Huanggui shook his head and comforted him softly, "The dead are over! Brother Xinghe, don't be too sad.

Gu Xinghe nodded: "Thank you for reminding me that I can pay attention to it."

"That's good!" Xuanyuan Huanggui nodded and then said, "Xinghe, why did you enter Duanmu Xiangfu when you entered the imperial capital together with Zhuyan? Since I saw you that day, this is one of my biggest doubts!"

Gu Xinghe smiled bitterly and said slowly, "After I came to Chang'an City, too many things have happened during this period. If you have leisure, I can tell you in detail."

Xuanyuanhuang returned to Yuwen Zhuyan nodded and said with a smile, "Then let's talk about it. Anyway, this night is still very long."

Gu Xinghe nodded, and the three of them sat cross-legged to the ground, and then he slowly told them one by one about the more than two years. Or for a long time without such pain and comfort as today, Gu Xinghe quickly sank into the earth-shaking stories, and Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yu Wenzhuyan on the other side also listened very carefully.

After saying that, Xuanyuan Huanggui sighed and said, "Xinghe, I'm afraid that your experience in just two years has surpassed the rest of countless people!" If life is so smooth, what can I ask for?!"

Gu Xinghe shook his head and said with a wry smile, "If you give me another chance to choose, I'm afraid I will never be like this again!"

Xuanyuan Huanggui shook his head and said with a smile, "Don't say this, Xinghe, you promised me to come to Chang'an, the capital of the emperor, to achieve a momentous achievement, but I don't know if it's too late for me to make this request today?"

Gu Xinghe did not answer. After thinking for a long time, he slowly said, "Brother Huang Gui, can you tell me what your true identity is?"

Xuanyuan Huanggui was stunned and said with a smile, "You must have already guessed, but why come to ask me?"

Gu Xinghe nodded and said, "It seems that you are indeed a prince!" Which prince is it? Or are you the prince?

Xuanyuan Huanggui nodded and patted and said, "Brother Xinghe's intelligence is really as good as it was back then. Yes, I am the eldest son of the current emperor and will inherit the next throne."

Although Gu Xinghe was ready, he was still shocked when he heard Xuanyuan Huanggui's words. Looking at Xuanyuan Huanggui for a long time, he shook his head and smiled bitterly and said, "But I didn't expect that the mysterious prince of that world was really you!"

(PS: Before 12 o'clock in the next chapter, the number of words is to be determined (the power is cut off during the day, which is very helpless)...