Legend of the beacon

Chapter 75 Past

Chapter 75

She is Yuwen Zhuyan, the only daughter of Yuwen, who is above ten thousand people under one person, and deserves to be the proud daughter of heaven.

But she was born an unknown person. When she was born, her mother died because of difficult childbirth; when she was still ignorant, she had already passively caused countless disasters.

Later, a master appeared outside her house. It was a beautiful woman in white feather clothes. She smiled and said to the hot Yuwen Xiangye at that time, "This girl is the name of the evil lonely star. Please allow me to accept her as an apprentice, so as to get rid of the cold and evil spirit on her body."

Yu Wenji naturally would not believe her "nonsense", but in the end, he couldn't stand more and more people dying because of Xiao Zhuyan. Finally, three months later, he promised her to take Zhuyan out of the prime minister's house.

From then on, when she was only seven years old, she could no longer enjoy the luxury and warmth of the prime minister's mansion. Instead, she followed her master to tour the world on foot and practice quietly. The master later told her that it was to help her disintegrate her natural evil spirit. Otherwise, the older she gets, the more people will die because of her.

When Yuwen Zhuyan was a little older, she finally slowly guessed that she was actually an unknown person, a person who should not have appeared in the world.

But she did not show much surprise, but a kind of indifference, extremely cold indifference.

The master once said: Everything is fate, and it is not her fault.

She never thought she was wrong, but it did not mean that she was willing to live like this for a lifetime. Many people she had been close to, or close to her, died because of her. The pain in her heart, over the years, besides her deceased master, who would know?

The master is the last inheritor of the hidden sect. She is the only disciple of the master, but the master does not allow her to enter the Buddhism. The master said: Buddhism is a sect that will eventually dissipate in this world, and you have a more important mission.

Mission? She has never known what her mission is. But since it is what the master said, she must believe that she will exist for the mission and live for the mission.

But what is her mission? She never knew it.

The master is a strong man with great power. She agrees that the master will be immortal and immortal, but she does not know that this person in the world has never died, even if he is a god, will eventually fall into the endless river of history.

That day finally came!

The master sat cross-legged in front of her with a smile and said to her with a smile: Yan Er, the master's fate is coming. Go back. Your mission is to protect this crumbling empire. Its existence is your lifelong mission.

Guarding this crumbling empire? Although her father is the most powerful left prime minister in the empire, she can't show any feelings for this huge and rotten empire. This is her empire, but what does this teetering and shaky empire have to do with her?

She looked at the master, but saw that the master only smiled at her and whispered: Although you are not a disciple of Buddhism, Buddhism exists because of your mission. Now Buddhism will disappear forever from this world. Yaner, you must take up your mission and don't let the teacher down. , okay?

She looked at the master's eager look and nodded quietly after a long time.

So, is this Buddhism, sacrificing yourself and achieving the world?

But why does she have such a fate? Why did the wheel of fate above the nine heavens impose such a fate on her? But have you ever asked, she seems to be willing to accept it?

The master nodded to her with a smile, and then closed his eyes happily, slowly lost his vitality, slowly died, turning into ashes and drifting away in the wind.

She knows that the master is a person who is beyond the reincarnation of life and death. Since she died, she will never appear in the world again because of the reincarnation of life and death, and since she is already a master, she will fulfill this mission that she seems to understand for the rest of her life.

Heaven and earth are like a chessboard, and she is just a small chess piece among them!

After the master sat down, she returned to the imperial capital alone. She did not use any magic power, just like those ordinary people, relying on her feet, one step by step for more than a year, and finally returned to the imperial capital Yuwen Mansion. That year, she was 14 years old.

The following year, when she had just finished her fifteenth birthday, she disappeared from Yuwen's mansion again, and this disappearance was a hurry for many years. No matter how much energy Zuo Xiangyuwen spent, she could not find her again.

No one knows where she went. At that time, she left in a hurry, but she suddenly appeared at the wedding banquet of the prince of Qianqi Wangcheng with the leader of the imperial supervision brigade and the current crown prince Xuanyuanhuang.

It turned out that she secretly joined the imperial inspection brigade and entered the southern dense forest with a group of people, looking for the existence that might threaten the imperial rule, looking for the illusory wheel of beasts, and then followed the instructions of the high priest to destroy it.

After the defense battle of Qianqi Wangcheng, she entered the southern barbarian forest with Xuanyuan Huanggui and Gu Xinghe to chase and find the secret of the barren beasts attacking the city. She was as cold as frost all the way. Although Xuanyuan Huang was called "Brother Huanggui", in that sound, whether it was herself or intelligent. Huanggui must have heard that there was no emotion in it, and even cold as frost and ruthless.

All this is just a means to confuse people!

But Gu Xinghe is partial to believe that he even has to find fault with her.

Xuanyuan Huanggui is a person with a big deal in his heart. Although everything is seen in his eyes, he has never said anything. And a girl who has always been cold has only had a little laughter and joy in those three years.

At that time, Gu Xinghe was still a conceited and exhausted teenager, but now only decades have passed in a hurry, but he has become as dead and cold as her.

Later, the journey to the southern barbarians finally ended. The three of them escaped from the southern barbarians in panic, but unexpectedly encountered that incident, and she also remembered her father's decision again. Xuanyuan Huanggui chose to return to the imperial capital. Gu Xinghe chose to go to the Qianqi Kingdom, but she resolutely decided to enter the fear again. A frightening and dangerous southern land.

Some people hardly speak after being alone for a year and a half, but she stayed alone in the uninhabited southern dense forest for ten years, and came out ten years later without any difference.

She is a wise person and has always liked to talk. Although she has not risen like the ancient Xinghe, she has made a lot of progress, which is more indifferent and unpredictable than before.

I don't know when, maybe when she was very young, or maybe after following the master, she found that she had the ability to gain insight and predict. Often before something happened, she could see its direction and the end of it in an instant.

This endless colorful world is just a substitute for death in her eyes. The ending she can see is actually a sad ending, just the ending of death...

She often thinks that maybe she is a monster created by the lock of heaven and earth! Born fierce, but at the same time, she has such a strange ability. If fate lets her choose by herself, she would rather not be born in this world, and she would rather have nothing.

After returning to the imperial capital with Gu Xinghe, she was forcibly brought back to the prime minister's mansion by Ye Qingcheng, the strongest man in the left prime minister's mansion. At that time, her father finally couldn't help her and finally let her walk out of the prime minister's mansion again, and she also promised her father: Although she joined the imperial capital inspection brigade, she would never be sorry. The matter of the prime minister.

Her mission is just to protect this shaky empire from collapsing!

As for Yuwen Mansion, for her, there are only two men who are related by blood and a group of strangers that she doesn't like!

Later, she carried out the task of Prince Xuanyuan Huanggui again and again, and each time she completed it excellently, even much higher than Xuanyuan Huanggui's requirements. This surprised the young Mo Yuyi, but she did not look happy at all. In her eyes, it was just a mission, just It's just fate!

Later, she met Gu Xinghe again. Gu Xinghe stood on the test ring, wearing a white shirt, holding a silver sword and white hair. At that moment, she suddenly found that there was a strange movement in her heart.

She is as smart as she is, why can't she guess? Is this the so-called love?

But with that heavy mission, how can she have her own love? Moreover, she knew that no matter how she resisted, the marriage contract would eventually be put on her neck. Moreover, the existence of the marriage contract would actually help her fulfill her mission.

But how can such a thing be controlled?

It can't be cut, and the reason is still messy. Don't have a taste in your heart...

A little joy, a little worried, a little a little pain, she finally chose to bury this feeling, and then she went on the road of no return that had already been prepared for her.

From now on, her life will only have darkness and cold, and will no longer have family affection and love...

Maybe she can still hold her friendship tightly in her hand now!

PS: The next chapter, before 2:30 p.m., can be regarded as making up for today's missing update.