Legend of the beacon

Chapter 77 The Strangeness Before the Wind and Rain

[Section 1||Amazing Dream]

In the fantasy, snowflakes are flying all over the sky.

A trickling stream crosses half of the plain, full of spring grass and butterflies flying. A girl in light white clothes, with a weak appearance, danced lightly and staggered on the riverside.

A teenager in white looked at the girl with crazy eyes, and tears slowly flowed down from the corners of his eyes.

Cloud smoke, cloud smoke...

It seems that everything is in front of us, as if everything has not passed.

Gu Xinghe took a heavy step forward step by step, towards the dancing clouds and smoke.

If I can go back to the past, how dare I separate you and me?

The girl danced there and looked back. On her clean face, there was a light smile, the purest smile, a gentle smile. She smiled and shouted: Xinghe, Xinghe, come on!

Xinghe, Xinghe, come on!

The peach blossom-like bright smile, the picturesque face of the new moon, and Gu Xinghe's heart finally let go little by little. He threw down the Yishui sword in his hand and slowly walked forward, muttering: Yaner, I will never let you leave again...

Everything seems to have coincided. The ancient Xinghe seems to have returned more than ten years ago in an instant, and it seems to be the dream in the depths of the snow valley the night before yesterday. It seems to be real and illusory, and it is difficult to distinguish true from false.

Gu Xinghe's heart was struggling in pain at this time. His will told him that all this was a fantasy, just an illusion, but when he saw her face, he would rather indulge in this fantasy, even if he could never extricate himself, as long as he could be with her, even if it was one more second, even one more moment, it was enough.

At this time, he looked greedily at her dancing, wishing that time would stay in this second and stop forever.

Xinghe, Xinghe, come on!

She looked at him with bright eyes and called him with a smile.

Gu Xinghe took heavy steps and walked in her direction, which was a thousand traps and psychedelic. As long as she was there, he would have no regrets.

This is a picture of classical landscape: an endless plain, the sky is like a mirror, white clouds, a winding long stream, an ancient tree full of flowers, a beautiful girl with a smile, and a young man with an obsession, moving forward affectionately.

However, who knows what kind of danger is contained in this picturesque landscape scroll?

However, at this time, Gu Xinghe no longer cares about these dangers. There is no longer any confusion or struggle in his eyes, but only infatuation and pity. Although he is in a fantasy, he is suddenly extremely awake, as if he can feel the changes of everything around him.

But what about this? At this time, he just wants to follow the clouds and smoke, and no longer cares about the disturbances and changes in the world.

Yunyan stood there in white and looked at him approaching step by step with a smile, but suddenly said: Xinghe, Xinghe, you have to live well, even if it's for me, okay?

Similar words made him stand slowly and look at her with a painful look, as if more than ten years ago.

The smile of the girl in white is still gentle, but her body has become illusory little by little. She only laughed and said softly: Xinghe, forget me! If there is fate in the next life, we will see you again...

If there is fate in the next life, we will see you again...


Gu Xinghe roared and ran forward crazily, but the picturesque girl in white finally turned into nothingness and slowly dissipated in the air and never saw her again.

No! No!

Gu Xinghe knelt down on his face and roared on his back.

The clear sky seemed to be shaken by him. Suddenly, dark clouds filled the sky and hunted wildly.

Gu Xinghe knelt on his knees and cried speechlessly. The world knew that he was the most indifferent swordsman, but who had ever seen him so fragile?

If there is fate in the next life, we will see you again...

Yunyan's voice and appearance slowly appeared in his mind again. She looked at him with all kinds of attachment, with many reluctance and unwillingness, but finally her intelligence slowly dissipated.

If there is fate in the next life, we will see you again...

Gu Xinghe muttered to himself. He slowly took out the blood-red jade pendant in his arms and looked at the jade pendant, Yunyan, Yunyan, Yunyan, are you all right now?

God! I hate you~!!!

Go to your MA god, go to your MA's fate~!!!

The roar of the ancient Star River shook the sky, and the clouds above the sky were like mountains and lightning flashed like snakes.

Gu Xinghe clenched his fist and suddenly crushed the blood jade pendant. His eyes were sprayed with anger, as well as attachment and reluctance. Then he slapped his strong right arm and pierced the endless fragments into his muscles, and blood flowed. Then, he gently raised his left hand, and a faint silver light appeared at the edge of his palm. Suddenly, he imprinted his left palm on his right arm. After a long time, blood no longer flowed out, and the scars slowly sagated, and a blood-red mark slowly appeared.

Cloud smoke, cloud smoke, we will never be separated forever...

Gu Xinghe slowly sat down and fell to the ground cross-legged, and did not care about the dark clouds and lightning above the sky.

The strong wind roared and the heavy rain poured down. It seemed to be the scene of the end of the world, but it could no longer shock the ancient Xinghe who fell into silence. He crossed his knees and no longer woke up.

Eternity, never wake up again...

The rain gradually stopped, and the wind slowly became gentle. The dark clouds and lightning in the sky were also replaced by the clear sun. Everything in the world was full of vitality for a while.

But at this time, the ancient Xinghe still did not wake up and never opened his eyes.

The blooming spring, the picturesque summer, the vast ancient autumn, and the snow-covered winter, the years are passing quickly, but the ancient Xinghe still sits cross-legged in his siege and refuses to wake up again.

Let's sleep like this and never wake up forever...

The war burned on the whole land of the Zhongzhou Empire. Countless soldiers fought in blood, and countless human people were displaced and died because of this vast war.

But Gu Xinghe still did not wake up and was still asleep.

The war is extinguished and the world changes. Does it seem to be the history of the previous life or the future of the afterlife? High-rise buildings, pavilions, Jiang Cheng in black suits, ragged old beggars, and "big teeth" full of yellow teeth. They called his name again, but he still did not wake up.

Wrinkles gradually appeared on his forehead, and his white hair was also scattered on the ground...

He is old and about to die.

But in an instant, the picture suddenly turned into a dark valley. In the white snow, Yuwen Zhuyan, dressed in white and cold as frost, slowly lowered his body, and his cold lips slowly pressed on his lips and whispered: Xinghe, wake up!

Xinghe, wake up~!

Everything seems to flow back in an instant, high-rise buildings turn into sand grains, the long river of years retreats sharply, winter becomes autumn, and summer becomes spring. His gorgeous hair grew again, and his wrinkles were slowly and soothing.

In the sky, dark clouds are rolling, lightning and thunder...

Everything goes back to the beginning again, but the gentle girl will never appear again.

Gu Xinghe suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, there was a light as deep as a star, as if he could see through the future and the past and the separation of life and death.

He slowly stood up, dressed in white like flying snow holding a silver sword, and his long white hair danced in the wind, floating out of the dust, more like a fairy. He slowly walked forward, acting strangely, like a ghost. Between Huo Ran, he suddenly raised the Yishui sword in his hand and shot forward with a sword.

In an instant, the light in the sky emanated from the silver-white Yishui sword, and the warm and cold light filled the world for a moment, "Dang!" There was a soft sound, as if something broke in response.

The smooth sky reflects the autumn water between the whole world. The ancient Xinghe, dressed in white and holding a long sword, stands proudly between heaven and earth, muttering with a confused look: Shocking dreams. From then on, you are called a dream...

Under the blow of the dream sword, it is like a broken glass, which suddenly dissipates.

Between heaven and earth, there is a clear sky, and only the ancient star river stands in this open space.

[Section 2|| Fragments]

Since the ancient Xinghe entered the fantasy world, Xiao and Duanmu Liuyun stared nervously outside the fantasy, but when Gu Xinghe stepped into the fantasy, they could no longer see his figure, as if he suddenly disappeared between the world.

"What about people? Why did it suddenly disappear? Duanmu Liuyun asked in surprise that all this was almost impossible for him, but it happened in front of him at this time.

Xiao also explained worriedly, "Please don't be too frightened. All this is just an illusion! Brother Guya's firm will is unmatched by our generation. I'm afraid only he can calmly get out of this fantasy!" In his impression, Gu Xinghe's determination has reached an unparalleled level.

However, as intelligent and calculating as him, how can he know the persistence and confusion buried in the deepest part of Gu Xinghe's heart?

Duanmu Liuyun still asked curiously, "Sir, is this illusion powerful?" His eyes flashed with joy.

Xiao also nodded solemnly and said, "Son, the power of this fantasy is far beyond your imagination. As long as it is a creature, whether it is a bird or a beast, or a human race, or our holy and noble phoenix clan, it is actually just dominated by desire! And this fantasy is to expand the desire infinitely, and then let people sink into it, unable to extricate themselves, and finally die in their own hands. Son of the world, Rong Xiao dared to ask, do you have a desire? Is there persistence?"

Duanmu Liuyun was stunned, and there was some confusion in his eyes. He seemed to see something that made him reluctant. After a long time, he nodded and said, "Sir, since I'm still alive, I naturally have desire and persistence, but I don't know if you have desire and persistence?"

Xiao Yi said with a wry smile, "You also said that since you are alive, you naturally have desire and persistence. Since I am still living in this world, how can I not?"

Duanmu Liuyun asked curiously, "So..., doesn't Mr. Guya have any desire and persistence?"

Xiao also shook his head slowly and whispered, "He? Naturally, he also has desire and persistence, but he knows how to restrain himself too much. He deeply restrains desire and persistence in his bones and never takes a wrong step. Although this illusion is very tight, there must be nothing he can do about it.

Despite his words, the illusion never dissipated, and the ancient galaxy seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again.

When they came to the lakeside, it was still the rising sun in the morning. However, at this time, the scorching sun had risen to the sky, but the illusion was still like an ancient well without ripples, and the ancient galaxy was like a stone sinking into the sea and could not be found.

The scorching sun is gradually to the west, but everything has not changed. In the fantasy, the patrolmen still come and go with long guns.

The strange and quiet world made Duanmu Liuyun feel a little creepy. He looked at the calm Xiao Yike and said slowly, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Guya, has he...?"

Xiao also shook his head and said calmly, "I believe in his ability. Although this fantasy is powerful, it is not his opponent at all." Despite what he said, he was not even sure about himself.

"But..." Duanmu Liuyun wanted to speak again. There was really a faint fear in his heart. This infinite tranquility and strangeness gave him fear in his heart. However, Xiao Yike raised his right hand and restrained his words. He could only pretend to stand beside Xiao Yike calmly and look at the strange and very fantasy.

The sun is tilting to the west and is gradually setting. Xiao Yike's face is no longer calm at the beginning, leaving only endless worries.

After all, Gu Xinghe is his best friend and a confidant who has shared difficulties. Although he found that he could not understand Gu Xinghe, it did not prevent them from becoming good friends or preventing them from joining hands to achieve a worldly achievement.

However, if Gu Xinghe is trapped in this fantasy, I'm afraid that he can't explain to the prime minister, but I'm afraid that he will never do anything more in the future!

But compared with those things in the future, what he is more worried about at this time is the life of Gu Xinghe, just a simple worry, a worry between friends.

Brother Guya, don't be surprised...

Xiao also sighed deeply in his heart, but he had no idea of taking risks and entering the fantasy.

He has too deep persistence in his heart. He is afraid that if he enters the fantasy, he can only dissipate and sink forever.

However, do you also have an inextricable obsession? Why haven't you come out yet?

The sun finally slowly fell into the West Mountain, and the sky gradually darkened, but it was not dark. The eastern sky, a bright moon, slowly rose above the sky.

"Bum~!" Just as Xiao and Duanmu Liuyun were worried or frightened, a soft sound attracted their attention and looked forward one after another. However, he saw that there was a fantasy like thousands of clouds at the previous moment. At this time, it suddenly dissipated. Gu Xinghe held a silver sword and stood proudly, like a fairy.

"Let's go there quickly!" Xiao could also give a sound of protection and floated directly to the place with the long sword, and Duanmu Liuyun immediately followed him.

"Brother Gu Ya, how are you?" Xiao can also float to the front half of the ancient Xinghe River and ask worriedly.

Gu Xinghe slowly raised his head, with a fing luster like stars in his eyes. He only heard him slowly say, "Who are you?"

"Brother Lonely Cliff!" Xiao Yike said worriedly, "I'm Xiao Yike!"

But Gu Xinghe did not answer him, but raised the dream sword in his hand and suddenly hit Xiao Yi.

Xiao also knew that he had just come out of the fantasy. Maybe his thoughts were still in the fantasy. He quickly pulled the wooden cloud and retreated back, but Gu Xinghe chased him with a long sword. Xiao also had to raise his golden sword in his hand and hit him in the direction of the ancient Xinghe.

"Dang!!!" In the shocking noise, Xiao can also fall back with Duanmu Liuyun.

"Dong~! Dong~!" After two loud noises, the two fell tragically on the ground. Gu Xinghe held a silver sword and rested on Xiao Yike's neck. His eyes were as dark as stars, shining with infinite deep light.

"Brother Guya, it's me!" Xiao can also shout again. He never guessed that Gu Xinghe's cultivation was so high that it was so horrible.

"Lonely Cliff? Who are you?" There is a trace of strange color in the eyes of Gu Xinghe.

Xiao also knew that it was a sign of gradually waking up, and repeatedly shouted, "Brother Gu Ya, I'm Xiao Yike. Do you still remember me?"

"Xiao is also OK? What a familiar name..." Gu Xinghe held a long sword and muttered to himself with a confused look. For a long time, his expression was clear. He only saw him recover the dream sword in his hand and said with a faint smile, "Brother Xiao, please forgive me for your guilt."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..." Xiao can also stand up slowly and look carefully at Gu Xinghe. Gu Xinghe said curiously, "Brother Xiao is looking at? Can there be a big change in me?"

Xiao also shook his head, nodded again, and said with a smile, "Brother Guya, congratulations! Congratulations! Haven't you noticed any changes in you?

Gu Xinghe looked at Xiao Yike fixedly. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "I can feel that there are some changes in myself, but my cultivation is still the same as before. There is no improvement in my understanding of kendo. Brother Xiao, let's talk about what on earth has changed?"

Xiao can also say with a smile, "Brother Guya, you used to be as cold as frost, but now you have a jade-like smooth feeling. Can't you feel it? Thinking about Brother Guya, your heart knot, you must have got the answer in this fantasy, otherwise you won't feel so reborn.

Gu Xinghe was stunned and looked a little sad, and then he said with a smile, "That's all! That's it! Brother Xiao, let's not talk about this. Let's go and see what kind of weirdness there is in the tent of Yuwen Mansion.

Xiao also nodded and said, "Brother Gu Ya said very well. The business is important. Let's go and have a look." After saying that, the three of them went to the tent together.

After a few steps, Xiao can also slowly stand and stay at the place where the ancient Xinghe first stood. He picked up a few glass-like fragments from the ground in the curious eyes of the ancient Xinghe and Duanmu Liuyun. They were bright and shining with abnormal brilliance. He shook his head and said, " But it's such a thing..." The words were full of melancholy.

Duanmu Liuyun said curiously, "Mr. Xiao, what are these fragments?"

Xiao can also reluctantly smile and say, "There are many foreign treasures between heaven and earth, especially the foreign treasures of the ancient times are the most precious. Such a thing is one of the few treasures that have been handed down since ancient times. Unexpectedly, it was taken here as an eye device to support the fantasy.

"Ancient Treasure?" In Duanmu Liuyun's eyes, he was half curious and half a pity.

Gu Xinghe said coldly, "It's a foreign treasure. If it is used to harm people, it should be destroyed."

Xiao Yi can also nod his head, threw away the fragments in his hand, and said with a loud smile, "What Brother Gu Ya said is extremely true!"

After saying that, the three walked towards the tent together.