Legend of the beacon

Chapter 1 Moyu Villa [Section 1]

PS: This volume is the final volume of the second part, which is also a big ** of the full text. It is expected to be about 20W words. I will write it very seriously and try to write words that everyone is satisfied with. Please collect and support it. Thank you!


[Section 1||Ancient Legend]

Let's not show the strange experiences of Gu Xinghe, Xiao Yike, Duanmu Liuyun and others. Seven days before the birth of the Rosefinch God, the situation developed in an unpredictable direction, and all these great changes seem to be just a chess game between two people!

In a huge garden, unknown strange flowers are in full bloom. Jade bricks and bricks are obviously extremely rich and noble decorations, but let others feel the depth and tranquility.

In this big garden, two people are talking, one side is an old man in gray. In his eyes, there is a symbol of wisdom, and whenever he sees the person opposite him, his eyes are always full of admiration, as well as some humility and admiration.

Sitting opposite him is a middle-aged woman in white without makeup, but seems to have taken away all the colors between heaven and earth. Although he seems ordinary and unpretentious, he exudes a momentum of a superior person all over his body, which makes people dare not face him.

Return to the original, what a profound realm is this?!

"Housekeeper, how's things going over there?" The beautiful woman in white snapped, and a piece of chess was gently placed on the chessboard.

The old man in gray immediately bowed and said, "But as the owner expected, everything went very smoothly."

"That's good." The beautiful woman in white nodded gently, then brushed her sleeves and left the old man alone on the other side of the chessboard.


It's exquisite again! The old man looked at the back of the beautiful woman in white in awe, and suddenly felt extremely curious about the past she had said.


That's a legend!

Legend has it that in an extremely distant era, heaven and earth are not separated, and chaos is not open. At that time, there was no life, nothing, nothing, nothing but nothing.

Even light and darkness do not exist.

Legend has it that the universe at that time was called chaos, chaotic like a chicken, lonely and silent, but constantly growing, constantly expanding, quietly waiting for the newborn...

It is said that when the chaos expanded to a certain extent, there was a great existence, with several of his followers, drifting from mysterious and unpredictable places.

When the group saw the growing chaos, the great existence, he stopped his wandering footsteps and easily found that the chaos was unpredictable and seemed to contain countless mysteries. Therefore, he made a big wish to lead his followers and do his best to break through the chaos and help him achieve the world.

After that, the supreme existence began to use his own way to constantly catalyze the growth of chaos. His followers said goodbye to the Lord one after another, and each made the great magic power/ magic run to the eight wilderness and six, looking for the materials needed to conceive chaos.

Millions of years later, the attendants returned from the distance one after another and brought back rare iron, ginsenozom, emperor's fire and other earthly creations. After all kinds of divine objects are complete, the existence will have magical power, accumulated 3.65 million years of work, and finally become a peerless artifact, known as the supreme axe.

The artifact shocks the world. In order to prevent the chaos body from being destroyed, and also to help it eventually become the road to evolve the world, the great existence carries a divine axe and integrates the Taoism into chaos with his supreme power. And a group of loyal followers naturally did not want to leave the Lord. They formed a great array to protect the Lord's divine body and chaotic safety.

When the supreme existence entered the chaotic body in his own way, he began to use his own way, constantly affecting the internal evolution of chaos.

Finally, thousands of years later, the Taoist platform of chaos has been completed, but the wall of chaos is already very strong, and even the Taoist body of the great existence cannot go out.

The supreme existence with great magical power stayed quietly in chaos. After thinking about it for hundreds of thousands of years, he finally understood the ultimate meaning of chaos.

"So, this is you!"

with a sigh.

Then, he gave up his body, raised the world-class artifact with the body of Taoism, poured out the magic power of his whole body and split the chaotic body with an axe, supported the sky with his hands, and trampled the ground with his feet. More than 100,000 years later, heaven and earth were not divided, and the world was self-made, and the walls of chaos were all in the world.

The group of loyal followers, regardless of the passage of time, struggled to protect their Lord in the changing world of the galaxy. However, more than ten thousand years later, they still didn't get any news. In Tianyan's array, they looked firm.

When the sound of chaos and fragmentation came, when the collision and destruction of heaven and earth came, those followers, their resolute faces, which seemed to be motionless, finally floated with fear, then silence, and finally a sad look.

After a short discussion, the sad entourage divided into two parts, and then did their best for the sake of the Lord.

Part of them, they use various magical power to form another amazing array, and then face the prehistoric destruction and try to rush into the new chaos, hope to find the Lord in the vast universe.

And in the other part, there are only six followers. They carry the main body and go far away to wait for the end of the great change.

After hundreds of years, the world has become, and the wall of the world has become more solid. Even if these six followers want to enter chaos, there is nothing they can do. They have built a heavenly residence outside the world and put the divine body of the Lord in it.

And those followers who had previously entered chaos, with their own great/mana and the power of the array, survived the impact of great destruction, but finally could not resist the baptism of the chaotic Taoism, and could only become life with only mana but no wisdom one by one.

Their bodies wandered in the Middle East of the world, gathered several times, slowly formed their own wisdom again, and then began to multiply, and finally formed one life settlement after another.

When the world is born, there is nothingness between heaven and earth, and nothing exists. There is only the way, the way of heaven and earth, and the mysterious way. Then the stars are bred and distributed, and the mysteries are endless; countless stars are like the sand of the Ganges, in which all living things are self-destructing and evolving.

In countless tens of years, mountains and rivers have shifted, heaven and earth have changed color, and the sea has been mulberry fields in an instant. The white horse passed through the gap, time flew by like running water, and the evolution of the world finally slowly moved towards great success.

When the world is completed, the supreme existence also exhausted his last trace of power. However, at this time, he has integrated all the mysteries of the world, and everything in the world is clear to him.

Because of this, when that part of the entourage who was looking for himself broke into chaos, he immediately knew that when he tried his best to find it, he only saw that the followers had lost their minds, but he could do nothing. Looking at the ignorant followers floating all over the sky, his heartache was inexplicably painful.

calculated that the remaining followers were still outside the chaos, he fought for the danger of dying, and turned his Taoism out of chaos. Beyond the chaos at this moment, there has been no silence at that time, but only mutilation and decay, as well as fragments floating in the sky.

In a distant place away from the chaotic universe, there is a huge black hole, emitting a strange and mysterious light, as if it can swallow everything.

Waiting to find the remaining six attendants, the great existence integrated the Tao into the original divine body, opened its eyes, and immediately knew that the limit was approaching.

So, he sealed the supreme axe in the sky, and then told the six attendants that he would send them into the world with his last trace of power and ordered them to protect the peace of the world with their great magic power.

After saying that, regardless of the sad look and pleading words of the followers, this great existence tried its last power to bring the entourage into the world. When the wall of the world was closed again, the great existence finally closed his eyes. Although the divine body was there, the mind had gone.

After the six attendants bent down and knelt down for millions of years. After the divine body turned into the world's stars, after they discussed, three immediately got up and rushed to the other three sides of the world to fulfill their mission as quickly as possible. One of the remaining three stayed behind, and the other two went to the center of the world. Since then, six people have guarded the peace of the world together.

In later generations, there are aliens who have studied for decades and wrote the Anecdotes, saying that the one who splits the sky and splits the earth is the Ancestor of heaven and earth. Its six guards are the Eastern Shenwei Qinglong envoy, the southern god guard rosefinch envoy, the Western god guard white tiger envoy, the northern god guard Xuanwu envoy, and the central emperor Tianmu Tianmu, and the other many other gods. Wei doesn't know his name.

As soon as this word came out, the world was shocked by astronomy, but no one knew what it was about. It was just a strange talk, but unexpectedly, everyone saw this alien after overnight. Later, when a fisherman talked about the sea, he saw the exotic food, drinking dew, Taoist fairy bones, and the world began to know that he was a fairy.