Legend of the beacon

Chapter 9 The birth of the seal of God [Section 2]

PS: I had a hangover last night and went to bed in the early morning. I didn't wake up until the evening. The update was late. Please be sorry. I'm trying to adjust these two days.

[Section 2||Bearance]

The previous moment was still the Kunlun Tianchi, which was still a fairyland on earth, but in just a quarter of an hour, the sky was already bloody, and all the strong people who came here were bound, and they could not escape at this moment.

In the bloody light, except for the old man in white, everyone's bodies were fixed. The fleeing man was suddenly surprised to find that he could no longer take half a step forward, while the body of the fallen person was suddenly fixed in mid-air. Even if his cultivation is as high as Xiao Yedi, the high priest and Xuanyuan Muyun, he can't move at all.

Time seems to be fixed at this moment. A blood moon in the sky, with its endless evil brilliance, fixed all constraints at this moment, and time can only stop.

"Hun~! Suddenly~!" The breeze brushed by. In the cold breeze, everyone could only smell the bloody smell.

What exactly is the reason for all these changes?

Is there an evil existence with the intention of infecting the ancient gods in the legend? Xuanyuan Muyun had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he could only have no clue. He raised his head and looked at the old man in white on the other side, and his heart was uncertain. It turns out that I am just a small existence here!

"Boom~! Boom~!" Like the sound of the tide, several people above Tianchi lowered their heads and looked down, but saw that the rolling Tianchi Lake slowly recovered again after the blow of the strange evil pillar of light, and then slowly flowed around the center, forming a huge whirlpool covering the whole Tianchi, calm and clear as water. At this time, it also turned into a blood red, like a red blood pool.

This strange world cannot be described by the word "hell on earth".

In mid-air, the old man in white is still floating in the mid-air, standing with his hands down, quietly waiting for some change to appear.

"Roar~!" A sad roar suddenly resounded through the heaven and earth. A strange blood wolf suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, and then galloped towards the Tianchi, like a blood-red lightning, which was unexpected.

"Hmm!" The old man in white snorted coldly, and at the moment when the blood wolf was about to approach Tianchi Lake, a shining light suddenly flashed. In an instant, it had cut off its head, and its whole body turned into a blood fog and disappeared.

"Roar~!!!" A morehrill roar resounded in everyone's ears again. A bigger blood wolf ran towards Tianchi at a faster speed. However, although it was fast, it still died in the hands of the old man in white, and could only turn into a blood fog and dissipate.

At this time, the old man in white was like an undefeated god of war, blocking the middle of the tremous moon and the heavenly pool, blocking all the rosefinch seals that dared to explore the Kunlun Tianchi.

"Boom!!!" Another strange and evil column of dirty blood and red light, attacking the Tianchi from the sky, as if to turn the old man in white who blocked him into powder.

However, the old man in white snorted heavily, and a long sword emitting hot light suddenly appeared in his hand, and his whole body flew up rapidly, as if he wanted the strange beam of light to hit a place.

In the three Xuanyuan Muyun looked up and watched, the old man in white held a long sword and flew up like a meteor, and then the next moment, "Boom!" With a loud noise, his body collided directly with the blood moon in the void. At that moment, everyone suddenly became blind and could no longer see everything.

It seems that for a moment, and after a long time, everyone can finally see what happened in front of them again. The old man in white is still holding a long sword floating in the air, but the ferocious blood-red beam of light just now has turned into nothingness and is never seen again.

The blood-red breath of the sky is getting stronger and stronger. The blood moon is like a huge strange demon pupil, looking down between heaven and earth in the sky, and it is cold.

"Boom~!!!!" A loud noise and another vast and strange beam of light fell from the sky, trying to annihilate all people and everything, and never return them.

"Hmm!" The old man in white snorted coldly and exuded a brilliance comparable to the sun and the moon. At that moment, he was the only god in the world. Holding a long sword, he proudly monopolized the void, did not arrogate himself, and quietly waited for the strange and vast beam of light to come.

"Boom~~!!!!!" The beam of light bombarded from the void, like the sharpest arrow, trying to connect all people to this void and destroy it together.

This destroying light, the light from the sky, wants to destroy everything under its glory.

The old man in white holds a long sword, proudly independent and empty, quietly waiting for the coming moment.

"Boom!!! Boom!!!" At that moment, it seemed to be the longest sentence in the epic. The old man in white in the void and the strange pillar of blood red light converged in one place, and then everything was invisible and could no longer be felt.

Time suddenly passed ruthlessly in this void, not dark but better than the dark red light, covering everything and making it impossible for everyone to see what was going on in it.

Finally, the endless light slowly dissipated, and everyone could gradually see what was happening in front of them, but they saw the blood-red column disappear again, and the snow-white old man still stood proudly in the void with a sword. However, he was injured all over his body and blood flowed from the wound.

Everyone's hearts were shocked to the extreme at this time. I'm afraid they can't imagine the cultivation of this old man in white.

Is there really a super strong man on the continent of the Zhongzhou Empire?

Otherwise, who can explain the strength of the old man in white?

The round of blood moon is still hanging high in the sky, but the evil and strange momentum of blood red all over the sky is no longer the same as before. It is estimated that the three pillars of light have returned in failure, which eventually led to the vision to slowly dissipate.

However, I don't know why this vision came about. Everyone was suspicious, but they saw the strange blood in the full moon slowly dissipate, and gradually they could see the bright appearance of Haojie. However, in an instant, Haojie suddenly disappeared, and the strange blood suddenly covered the whole full moon again, the strange blood in the sky. The smell of red evil is getting stronger and stronger again.

Will this moon launch that earth-shaking attack again?

Everyone was shocked, but they could no longer move. They had no choice but to look up at the breath of the moon getting stronger and stronger. The power of the sky pressed them to move, the wind swept away, and the mountain rain was about to come.

A stronger attack will come at the next moment, and everyone here will no longer be spared. Death will be their only destination.

Suddenly, I saw that it was bright. In the blood-red world, the originally extremely weak bright white light suddenly emitted an extremely brilliant light. Unexpectedly, in an instant, with Tianchi as the dividing line, the sound of blood red all over the sky forced half of the country.

"Boom~!!!!" Two different colored worlds suddenly collided in one place. At that moment, all people suddenly found that they could move their bodies, but they did not escape, but rushed in a certain direction at the fastest speed.

At that moment, everyone saw that the world of red and white collided. At the bottom of the lake of Kunlun Tianchi, a colorful shining object was slowly rising, attracting everyone's attention to it.

The rosefinch seal, the ancient artifact in the legend, was finally born at this moment!



In the endless explosion, the two worlds collided in one place, everything was still for a moment, and then it was like a mirror broken into countless fragments, scattered, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the world was chaotic.

A strange and vast white light shrouded the whole Kunlun, fixed everything and annihilated everything. No one could see what was happening in front of their eyes.

Or a moment, or endless years, when everyone can move and see again, all the strange red and vast white between heaven and earth will disappear, leaving only a bright moon in the void and the fragmented whole Kunlun world.

However, the colorful light that just flashed by disappeared at this time.

And the mysterious old man in white also disappeared without a trace at this time, leaving only the royal sword ancestor Xuanyuan Muyun, the high priest and Xiao Yedi looking at each other.

After a long time, Emperor Xiao Ye was still shocked and said, "Predecessor, is that the legendary rosefinch seal?"

Yuanyuan Muyun, the royal swordsman, has never turned around. He still stared solemnly at the fragmented Kunlun world under his feet, and only nodded gently to signal the answer.

Xiao Yedi's face was dull, and after a long time, he continued to ask, "Well, that old man in white, his cultivation..."

Xuanyuan Muyun sighed and said lightly, "That man's cultivation is far from what we can spy on. Even people like him participated in the birth of this artifact. We can only return without success! You...and go back to the imperial capital Chang'an with me!"

The high priest bowed his hand and said respectfully, "Yes, according to the will of the predecessor."

Emperor Xiao Ye said with a ferocious face, "No! Now that the divine seal has been born, even if he is the legendary strong man, I will have to fight and fight! If you can succeed, don't say anything about the master's realm or the micro realm, it is the legendary little divine realm. Everything will no longer be far away, don't be far away!" After saying that, he flew in a certain direction and flew over crazily.

Xuanyuan Muyun shook his head and sighed, "I ignore him, let's go!" The high priest nodded, and then the two flew together in the direction of the imperial capital Chang'an.