A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 50 Appreciation Exchange Meeting

It turns out that this collection and exchange conference is not an official exchange meeting in the formal sense.

On the way to the exchange meeting, Dai Zhi sat in Zuo Tianyi's car and heard him introduce the content of the exchange meeting.

It turned out that there was an antique dealer who took a fancy to an antique, but I was not sure if it was true, so I wanted to ask several professionals in the industry to help check it.

Originally, this matter did not have to be so laborious to hold a special antique exchange conference, but because of this transaction, it involves the friendship between China and foreign States - the seller is a British.

That's why this has attracted attention from all aspects. I heard that today, in addition to Zuo Tianyi, there are other famous antique experts in the antique industry.

And after figuring out this big background, Dai Zhi is a little uncomfortable. Since it is such a profound treasure appraisal meeting, her fledgling little girl was personally invited by General Zuo. How can she...

However, she really wants to see it. As soon as she comes to see the world, a pair of "Jiangshan Painting" is not enough for her to firmly gain a foothold in the antique industry. This industry is changing rapidly. As long as it fades a little out of people's sight, she may be quickly forgotten, so she has to hit the iron while it is hot and make her popularity.

Second, this matter is related to the friendship between China and Britain. Not to mention whether the antique is real or not, Dai Zhi is somewhat biased against the invaders who always rely on Chinese things to fill their purses.

When it comes to cultural relics and the British, people have to remind people of the burning of the Old Summer Palace that shocked the world.

October 1620, the black October that all Chinese people will remember. After the British and French invasion leaders broke into the Yuanmingyuan, the brutal officers and soldiers rushed forward in groups to rob the gold and silver treasures and cultural and artistic treasures in the garden. In order to grab the treasure, he rushed into the Yuanmingyuan from all directions like a bandit, arbitrarily and seized it. He was in a hurry and robbed it when he saw the treasure with red eyes. In order to grab the treasure and beat each other, I'm afraid they will never forget that kind of scene and those who have seen it with their own eyes.

Because there are too many treasures in the garden, Jingtailan porcelain bottles, embroidered flowers, high-end leather coats, and wall clocks inlaid with beads and jade. Those animals were all brought big pockets and frazily full of all kinds of treasures.

Some put gold bars and gold leaves in the wide pockets of their coats; some are wrapped in brocade and satin; some hats are full of red orchids, pearls and crystal stones; and some have emerald collars around their necks. There is a room with mountains of high-grade silk, which is said to be enough for half of Beijing residents, and they have been transported away by soldiers in carts...

For antique lovers, this is an unbearable and heartbreaking past.

So many wealth and precious cultural relics belonging to the country have all been lost because of the fury of those animals.

Nowadays, those people have to make money from our Chinese people with antiques belonging to our China.

"Mr. Zuo, what is the antique identified today?" Dai Zhi casually asked, I don't know what is so difficult to identify. Since he is an antique merchant, he is naturally well-informed and can cause such a big movement.

Zuo Tianyi drove quietly. In the position of the driver's seat, his almost perfect side face was focused and elegant, which seemed to take away people's soul with just a glance.

Dai Zhi's heartbeat suddenly missed a beat and quickly forced himself to take his eyes away from him, as if he was afraid of being found guilty as a thief, and secretly slandered himself. What a demon is this...

Zuo Tianyi didn't notice all this, but just raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Guess?"

Dai Zhi was stunned, and then stunned. Such a joke seemed to have a discord and familiar meaning, as if they had known old friends for many years, but in fact, she and he had only met a few times.

He is the high-ranking General Zuo, who has a star aura that she dares not reach and can't reach. He is a big shot sought after and respected by so many people. She is still self-a skimming. She dares not think how familiar they are because General Zuo invited her to the exchange meeting.

Thinking of this, although there was a strange feeling in his heart, Dai Zhi still did not dare to make a bad impression, but he just followed his words, frowned and thought for a moment, tentatively guessing,

"Is it...official kiln?"

Zuo Tianyi, who had been focused on driving, looked back at her in surprise and looked quite surprised.

"Can you guess this?"

Dai Zhi smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

Actually, it is not difficult to guess.

What can make an antique dealer hold this exchange meeting so nervously, and the antiques that can make Zuo Marshal and experts come to the exchange meeting have attracted so much attention. In the whole antique category, it should be an official kiln.

Speaking of official kilns, anyone who has a little collection of knowledge will not be unfamiliar with it, and even be slightly shocked.

If you use a few words to simply describe the status of the official kiln in antiques, it is like a fighter in an airplane and a VIP among civilians.

If the collection is compared to buying a lottery, antiques are various large and small awards, then the official kiln is the five million that everyone is dreaming of.

The official kiln, as the name implies, is specially used in the palace and the royal family. The production of each official kiln is cost-free and strives for excellence. As long as you think about the extravagance and waste of the royal family members who did not hesitate to spend a lot of money for the sake of their hearts, you can imagine how much money, material and manpower it takes to burn the official kiln.

However, I have to say that the craftsmanship of the official kiln is indeed exquisite, otherwise the royal family members who are used to the beauty of the mountain and sea will not love it.

Even an ordinary folk kiln, just like the one selected by Shu Ya, a private kiln, can make the old Jin, who has always been tricky, love it. It can be imagined how exquisite and valuable the official kiln is.

The official kiln was built in Bianliang, Beijing during the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. It has been passed down to this day, and most of them have been included in major national museums. The official porcelain of the Northern Song Dynasty has few handed down from generation to generation, which is very rare and precious. That's why it's so valuable.

Just last year, the Perfect International Auction House auctioned a Yuanqinghua official kiln at a sky-high price of tens of millions of yuan, which caused a lot of sensation and has been sung by people in the antique industry to this day.

Many people who have been struggling in this industry for a lifetime do not have the opportunity to see the real face of the official kiln.

Various versions of legends, coupled with more and more hype, the official kiln has become the only trump card among antiques.

So this exchange meeting can cause such a big uproar. She is not surprised at all, but can't help but be secretly excited.

She has never seen a real official kiln, not even a slightly better imitation. The current status of the official kiln is not that ordinary antique dealers dare to imitate. After all, no one will believe it, so she is also a little curious about whether she can really see the legendary official kiln with the trump card label today.

However, although he really hopes to see the demeanor of the real official kiln, to be honest, Dai Zhi felt that what was in the British's hand was not real.

After all, the official kiln itself comes from China. Now I don't know that it has been plotted by those bandits who have invaded our country to earn money from our Chinese people. But any bloody Chinese can't see it.

But then again, if today's official kiln is real, it is not a good thing to retain what our ancestors passed down.

With some contradictory thoughts, the car has slowly driven into Xinsheng Villa. As soon as he entered, Dai Zhi was scared by the scene he saw in front of him...