A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 96 Three People's Game

The belt, called fresh shellfish in the north, is a kind of seafood.

There are two common types: one is the so-called long belt, which belongs to the crustal muscle of Jiangyao family; the other is the round belt, which belongs to the closed shell muscle of the scallop family. Its dry product is Jiang Yaozhu, which is called dried scallops in the north. The belt is abundant along the coast of Guangdong and Hainan and is one of the most precious seafood. It is soft and delicious. It is suitable for steaming, stir-frying and soaking in oil. This product is a famous dish in Chaoshan and Dongjiang. It is made by wearing fresh bamboo strips and cooked ham strips in the middle of the belt and then cooking them with oil soaking. It is often used as a famous and hot meat.

Dai Zhi's name is exactly the same as the tape, so someone gave her such a nickname.

No matter how much she protested, she said that the protest was ineffective. Slowly, Dai Zhi also accepted such a nickname. After a long time, she still felt pleasant to hear. She said it from the man's mouth, with a strong doting smell every time.

After such a long time, this unique taste has not changed at all.

"Big Bear! Are you a big bear?!" Dai Zhi suddenly screamed, and the long-lost joy and the pleasure of long-lost reunion completely drowned her.

Zuo Tianyi's charming peach blossom eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising. Looking at Dai Zhi's excited expression, he suddenly felt that it was really worth it for so many years.

"This name is still more intimate. I said that 'Mr. Zuo' sounds very uncomfortable."

Dai Zhi was so happy that he suddenly jumped on his arms around Zuo Tianyi's neck and jumped happily, "The big bear is really you!"

At this moment, she no longer has to pay attention to whether the man in front of her is so handsome that all women can resist, or whether he is the big collector with a star aura. She doesn't mind whether she will provoke him or others misunderstand that she is flirting with him for fame and fortune.

Because now, Zuo Tianyi is no longer Zuo Tianyi, not the unattainable big man who dares to be far-sighted, but the playmate when she was a child, the big bear who always shaved her nose affectionately and called her belt.

Back to 15 years ago, Dai Zhi was only six years old. He had just entered the first grade of primary school, and Zuo Tianyi was in the fifth grade. They were two people who had not met in the same primary school. One day, they suddenly sat together and cried.

At that time, Zuo Tianyi's name was certainly not as well-known as it is now. On the contrary, everyone in the class called his name and even forgot what his name was, and was replaced by "dead fat man". Zuo Tianyi was very fat when he was a child, and no classmates wanted to play with him.

And six-year-old Dai Zhi, because of his father, did not have the beautiful long hair of other female classmates, no hair pins, no skirts, flat heads, jeans, and the appearance of a boy. Naturally, there were no female classmates playing with her, and male classmates also disliked that she was neither male or female.

Dai Zhi, who was young, was naturally sad, but he didn't want to go home to worry his father. He didn't go home after school. He sat on the steps on the playground and watched the sun go down. When he couldn't wait, he stepped on the sunset and went home.

Once they happened to meet Zuo Tianyi, who did not go home. The two looked at each other in the same starry sky at a long distance. Later, they didn't know who took the initiative to speak, and the two children who were not liked sat together.

After that, it can be imagined that they became very good friends. After that, every night, they basically sat side by side on the playground to watch the stars. With each other's companionship, childhood became gorgeous and less lonely.

Dai Zhi said that he was fat and cute, like a big bear, so he always called him that, and the big bear was not willing to lag behind and gave Dai Zhi such a "vivid image" nickname.

This kind of life lasted for two years until Daxiong graduated from primary school, and then lost contact. I heard that the whole family had emigrated. Anyway, there was no news from him.

Originally, I thought that he might just be a passer-by in life, and he might not remember what happened when he was a child at all. I didn't expect to meet him again, and in this way.

Up to now, Dai Zhidu still can't believe it. Such a fat bear will become like this when he grows up. He is not only as thin as the devil's figure, but also so handsome and extraordinary, and even has such an extraordinary position now. It's really hard to imagine!

"Big bear, have you gone for plastic surgery?"

Dai Zhi, who is still greedy in Zuo Tianyi's arms, still seems to be dreaming.

Leo Marshal is unattainable, but Zuo Marshal has now become a big bear. She doesn't care about anything. Naturally, she doesn't take advantage of it.

Zuo Tianyi smiled warmly, subconsciously hugged the soft body in his arms, and a sweet fragrance filled his heart.

"Silly girl, only 18 changes are allowed? You also surprise me now. It turns out that that tom boy is not only so charming, but also more and more powerful. He has more knowledge of antiques than me as a collector. He even has a master of gambling stones, which makes me open my eyes every time!"

Dai Zhi was finally willing to let go of him and beat him gently.

"How dare you say that you just told me so many times that you pretended to be okay and deliberately fooled me?"

Zuo Tianyi pretended to be an internal injury,

"The conscience of heaven and earth is that some affectionate woman doesn't remember me, and I don't have the face to take the initiative to go to heaven. What if you regard me as a pervert who plotted against you?"

It has been 15 years. Naturally, when the little child who was only a few years old grew up as an adult, he would not recognize him. What's more, Zuo Tianyi has completely become another person. If he hadn't called himself the nickname that only he would call the world, he would not believe that these two extremely contrasting people would be the same person.

Dai Zhi gave him an angry look and couldn't stand a man like Meicheng being wronged in front of him, so he remembered to ask him,

"Big bear, did your whole family really emigrate after graduation? Why haven't you contacted me? And how did you enter the antique industry? You still get along so well. I didn't expect you to be a big star in the collection industry..."

In those years, they were as good as a person. Although they had only two years, they had their happiest childhood. After he disappeared, Dai Zhi was sad for a long time and blamed him in his heart, but now when he sees it again, there is only full of happiness.

The smile on Zuo Tianyi's face stiffened, and there was sadness on his face, but it just flashed by. He couldn't see clearly under the moonlight, and then he smiled bitterly.

"I'll tell you these things slowly in the future. Anyway, there will be a lot of time in the future."

Dai Zhi smiled happily and felt that the days were getting better and inadvertently gained extraordinary powers. Now he is making a lot of money, and he no longer has to worry about life. With a good sister like Zhao, her best friend has returned to her, and even her childhood playmate has once again in this special way and identity. Appeared.

Two good friends who were as strange and polite as strangers an hour ago sat side by side again as when they were children, looking at the moon and starlight in the sky that seemed to be within reach, and there were endless words.

"Big bear... Oh, no, you don't look like a big bear at all now. I can't call you that anymore." The woman said.

"That can't be called 'Mr. Zuo' anymore. It sounds so awkward." The man responded.

"Go, you asked me to stop calling, so I won't let you take advantage of it!" Er..." She held her cheek and thought for a moment, and then an inspiration flashed, "Call me Xiao Zuozuo, which is kind enough!"

"I don't want it. It's terrible. At least I'm also a star collector with status and status now. I've lost my face when I'm heard..." He protested.

"The protest is invalid!"


Under the soft moonlight, the backs of the two people are close together, looking so harmonious and pleasing to the eyes.

And this scene was given a panoramic view by another person, but how to look at it and how awkward it is.

His face became more and more cold and piercing in the dark, with a trace of unpredictable complexity...