A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 102 count

This is the first time that Dai Zhi has taken the initiative to use the power subjectively. I don't know how long the illusion of hibiscus jade can last. It won't take long for this jade pot to return to the previous high imitation fake appearance.

But as long as she can finish the middle game.

It's just the consequences, and she also had to think about it. That's why she came to the two grandfathers for help.

Of course, Dai Zhi can't tell them that she used her power to change the appearance of the jade pot. It's just a playful way.

"Grandpa Jin and Grandpa Shu, this is a little trick. Let's sell a trick first. The second reason why I came here is to help you two. I can't bear to see Master Wang being cheated. He is also very pitiful. If I don't help him, my family may really be ruined, so I thought of a countermeasure to deal with it in his own way. He can help Master Wang, but there may be consequences that I don't want to happen... I heard that Fang Mazi is still more powerful in the antique market. I'm afraid that after this incident, he will be unfavorable to Master Wang..."

This is something she has to consider. She can't just kill or bury it. Maybe she can help others now, but maybe it will cause him more trouble later.

After all, more than 1 million is a huge sum of money. Anyone who is cheated will go crazy. Since Fang Mazi even dares to cheat his friends, this person must have done everything. When Yu Zhihu returns to his original appearance, he will definitely know that he has been cheated and will definitely take revenge on Master Wang desperately. At that time, the consequence is that she will not May it happen.

She has always known nothing about underworld things. She thinks that the status of the two old people in the antique market should be helpful.

Lao Jin smiled and said with admiration,

"It's rare for you to be so kind and considerate. It's really valuable to have such a spirit at a young age. I really like you more and more, haha..." Although Mr. Jin is kind to people on the surface, he is basically not lukewarm to strangers, and he doesn't buy people he doesn't like. Like the last time Yao Da's father and daughter broke out, he didn't give any face, and he was not afraid to offend anyone at all. At his age and status, basically everyone was fighting for flattery, but the whole Huaxia City couldn't find a few people who could really make him like, identify with and affirm. Zuo Tianyi is one, Dai Zhi , also.

"Old man, you have a wide range of contacts in this field, help Xiaozhi."

Shu Lao squeed, and angrily glanced at his old friend for almost half a century,

"If you want to say that Xiaozhi is Xiaoya's sister, she is naturally half of my granddaughter. I will help her if she doesn't speak. What kind of person are you pretending to be there? What does it have to do with our Xiaozhi? Go and play at the same time."

Mr. Jin stared at his beard angrily, "Hey! You old man, Xiaozhi calls me Grandpa Jin. What do you think it matters? Don't think about dominating Xiaozhi alone. Xiaoya avoids you, and you are unbalanced, right? Don't you feel uncomfortable? Look at your psychological distortion..."

The two are like a child competing for toys. They can't wait to have a better relationship with Dai Zhi. After fighting for a lifetime, the more they fight, the better.

Old Shu was about to return his mouth, and Dai Zhi hurriedly stopped these two cute old people from rejuvenating. "Well, well, you two are my favorite and most respected grandfathers. Don't argue, how bad it is for people to see."

In fact, the happiest thing is Dai Zhi. How happy it is for her to have such two capable and famous grandfathers who love her.

Shu Lao stared at Mr. Jin and then promised Dai Zhi,

"Xiaozhi, don't worry about this matter. Your grandfather has no other ability, but he knows some people in both black and white. I also know Fang Mazi's boss, which is a little friendly. If I say hello, he will definitely sell me face. Don't worry. Do whatever you want. I have lived a generation with this old man. Zi, this little ability is still available."

At this time, Daizhi was relieved. Someone suppressed Fang Mazi, and he didn't dare to mess around. He could only break his teeth and blood into his stomach and suffered this dumb loss. Who let him meet Dai Zhi, a big man behind the scenes who likes to meddle in other things and has a lot of ghosts and ideas.

"I'm relieved to have your words. I'll go out for a while. Master Wang is still waiting outside." Dai Zhi smiled and went downstairs with the jade pot that had been completely different after making his hands and feet, and then asked the clerk in the store for a few newspapers and wrapped the jade pot tightly.

When the man saw the jade holding the pot, he was also surprised and said, "This... isn't this the jade seed of Hibiscus! It's worth a lot of money, right?

Dai Zhi smiled, didn't say anything, thanked the clerk, and walked out of the door with the bag.

Master Wang smoked hard at the door and saw Dai Zhi like Guanyin Bodhisattva, "Mr. Dai, you can come out!"

Dai Zhi handed over the jade holding pot to Master Wang. Master Wang was a little puzzled and said, "Why is it wrapped in newspapers?" He took it and was surprised,

"Huh? Why does it seem to be heavier?

Dai Zhi said to Master Wang according to his own strategy,

"Master Wang, you must remember what I told you before. Don't open it and read it. Don't tear the newspaper. Pretend that nothing has happened. Go to Fang Mazi as usual and put the jade pot with him. Then you leave and tell him that there is something to do now. You can come back at two o'clock."

Master Wang is completely confused. Since it is a scam, why do he still take the jade pot?

Also, why did you put it with him and leave again?

Dai Zhi naturally can't explain so much to him, just ask,

"Master Wang, do you believe me?"

Master Wang nodded vigorously. She is now the only person he can trust and count on.

"That's all right. You just need to do what I say. Remember, don't mess around, don't let Fang Mazi find anything, and pretend to be particularly arrogant as usual."

Fang Mazi is the central figure of this scam. Naturally, he will not take the initiative to break all this, and he will certainly take it as if nothing has happened. Dai Zhi will simply plan to repay him in his own way.

According to her plan, Fang Mazi will definitely open this jade pot. After all, people are curious. As soon as he opens it, he will find that this jade pot is completely different from the jade pot he designed and framed Master Wang before. Even Grandpa Jin and Grandpa Shu believe that it is jade, and Fang Mazi will definitely be big. Surprised!

The value of the jade pot planted by Hibiscus is even moved by Grandpa Jin and Grandpa Shu. Anyone will want to take it for themselves. He will definitely ask Master Wang to buy back the jade pot, and pretend not to know anything, temporarily change the script, and take out the rest that Master Wang promised before. 1.75 million, buy this emerald pot and play the scene completely.

After all, if you can buy this jade pot, packaged it and hype it, the price can definitely be sold to 3 million, and make a difference of more than 1 million yuan in the middle. Compared with only cheating Master Wang more than 200,000 yuan, fools know which one is more worth it.

"Master Wang, remember to complete all the storage procedures and don't be cheated by Fang Mazi again." Dai Zhi reminded, "After these things are done, if it doesn't surprise me, Fang Mazi will definitely call you within half an hour after you leave. Don't worry, and don't promise him in a hurry. Just say that you are busy now. When you go there later, you must put your worth and let him beg you."

People's psychology is like this. The more you don't care, the more mysterious you are, the more people want to pester you and the more interested they are in that thing.

If Fang Mazi will turn his fart over as soon as he calls, Fang Mazi will be suspicious of the authenticity of the jade holding pot. Instead, he will hang him in a high posture. Fang Mazi will also feel that Master Wang has a treasure in his hand and has no worries about no buyer. He is afraid that he will sell it to others, and naturally be in a hurry to buy the jade holding pot.

Master Wang didn't understand at all, as if he was listening to Tianshu. He could understand every word and every sentence, but together, he was completely confused.

However, he nodded firmly and carefully repeated what Dai Zhi had said to himself several times, for fear that he would forget that his life and death were on the line, and he could not tolerate his carelessness.

"Also, at two o'clock, before you go to find Fang Mazi, come to me, and then I will teach you how to do it." Dai Zhi added.

Master Wang quickly agreed, and then held the jade pot that had quietly changed in his arms and looked for Fang Mazi as if he were holding his future.

He had no idea at all. His whole body seemed to be suspended in mid-air, and his heart trembled. Inadvertently, he was crushed to pieces. In contrast, Dai Zhi was much more confident.

The fish will definitely be hooked. She is not worried at all.

And now, she has one more important thing to do...