A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 147 Such an alternative confession

There is no doubt that Heliandong's inexplicable phone call did keep Dai's soul out for a night.

"I have something to say to you."

Such a sentence has to make people think.

However, when Dai Zhi went to the hospital again after a night of suffering with a worried heart, a hanging heart finally came down.

It turned out that Heliandong was looking for her, and there were some jade things to ask her.

"This is a fake!" Dai Zhi looked at the things in his hand for a long time and finally came to a conclusion.

It turned out that Heliandong asked her to help identify the authenticity of the jadeite, but Dai Zhi was still a little strange. Although the jadeite does not look easy to distinguish from its color and transparency, if the person who does not understand the jadeite will definitely be deceived by these inferior black-hearted vendors, but Heliandong is not an ordinary person. In charge of such a large business as the Helian family, the largest and most famous of them is the jewelry business. As the future successor of the Helian family, how can it not be identified?

However, Dai Zhi didn't say this to Heliandong, but smiled politely, "I didn't expect Young Master Helian to work so hard that he didn't forget to take care of his business in the hospital."

He Liandong's face was a little cold, "What else do you call me?"

Dai Zhi spit out his tongue and honestly shouted "Heliandong".

"Are you sure this jade is fake?" Helian asked again.

Although Dai Zhi didn't understand what he was doing and where the fake jade came from, after all, these had nothing to do with her, she nodded to tell the truth,

"It's really fake." She quietly detected it with power, but even if she didn't rely on the power, she believed that she could identify it. She almost read all the books about gambling stones and jade like a duck recently, and it was more than enough to deal with this obvious fake.

Usually distinguishes the quality of jadeite, which is generally based on color, transparency, presence or absence of impurities, size, etc. After reaching these standards, it can be said to be the best of jadeite. At first glance, this jade Guanyin is extremely attractively green under the light, and this color is the boss two days ago. There is no difference between the more than 10 million pieces of emerald sold there, and the transparency is also very good, but she can judge it by tapping the table with the emerald and listening to the sound.

"You should know that jade has goods A, goods B and goods C." Dai Zhi said lightly. I don't know if he is willing to test her. Anyway, the answer is always right.

"A goods, needless to say, are made from natural jade raw materials. Its texture and color have not been artificially modified to maintain its natural essence. This kind of jewelry will be more moist and brighter as it is worn for a longer time. High-end jade also has value preservation and investment. There is no need to add the words 'natural or A goods' when selling the logo. If the logo is 'Jade bracelet', it must be natural or A goods. B goods generally refers to dirty, gray-black, dry, green or dark jade raw materials or semi-finished products, which can be treated by artificial chemical and physical methods, which can increase its transparency, good appearance, transparent and bright, and make the original color more beautiful. This artificial strong corrosion treatment destroys the original structure of jade and makes it loose, so it is necessary to fill it with organic glue to fix it. This reduces its own quality and changes the original optical and physical properties of the jadeite. It has lost its true value.

"And C goods artificially dye colorless or pale jade into gorgeous colors on the basis of B's processing. The color added is red or green. For BC goods, the national standard has clearly stipulated that "Jade Optimization (Handling)" must be marked on the name of the goods sold, otherwise it is a fraud that is good.

Dai Zhi pointed to the Guanyin statue in his hand,

"Jade A goods is not only shiny and round, but also the tapping sound is crisp, like a metal sound, while B goods is filled with some resin organic rubber, its strength is low and hardness is not high, so the tapping sound will be more dull. Listen, this sound is obviously dull, which is a typical fake color in fake means. ."

Although Dai Zhi is absolutely impossible to be deceived because of his power. In addition, every time he goes to gamble, he is taken by acquaintances and will not be cheated, so it is impossible to buy jade with inferior jade. However, as the jade becomes more and more valuable, various counterfeiting methods have emerged one after another. Many people They have all been deceived.

In order to prevent the disappearance of power in the future, Dai Zhi also specially studied the distinction and identification of real and false jade, and did not expect that it would come in handy so soon.

He Liandong smiled faintly and did not show any surprised expression. It seemed that he had already known that the Jade Guanyin was a fake. Dai Zhi was a little strange. Is he really trying himself?

Why do you want to test her? She doesn't work for him, and she doesn't plan to work for him. Whether she has strength or not has anything to do with him.

Is it...

Dai Zhi suddenly remembered a very terrible possibility - was it that he secretly helped him heal his wounds but made him find himself unusual? The previous good luck was actually something else, and he may even have thought of the matter of power, so he came to test whether he had real ability?

If he has the real ability, he may think that he has thought too much. If he asks casually, there must be something strange...

At the thought of this possibility, Dai Zhi suddenly became nervous. She is the only one in the world who knows that she has a power. In case of leakage of the news, will she be arrested by the Scientific Research Institute as a target research?

She is so careful that she will not be seen by Heliandong...

In order to prove that he did have the ability, Dai Zhi quickly continued to pour out the knowledge he knew.

"Color counterfeiting is also divided into three methods of counterfeiting, dyeing and color, which is called dyeing by adding organic dyes to the interior of jade by heating. The color is to heat the secondary jade to 212 degrees Celsius and then soak it in the chromium salt solution for two hours. The chromium salt will penetrate into the jadeite lattice, making it beautiful and green. The second case is coated jade, which is coated with organic green dyes on the surface of jade jewelry, which is also what insiders often call "wearing clothes". Another good way is to brighten and not polish, that is, the emerald jewelry is not polished, but spray a layer of green or colorless brightening paint to achieve the ideal emerald color.

Dai Zhi said seriously and cautiously, for fear that Heliandong would have any doubts. While secretly observing his expression, he seemed to have been smiling faintly all the time, and occasionally nodded with great agreement. The rest of the time, he just looked at herself, and her eyes were obviously full of tenderness, but it made her feel that it was hidden behind her. What a hidden weapon.

"He Liandong, what tricks are you playing? You don't know these as the most basic common sense of jewelry merchants, do you?"

Dai Zhi deliberately tried him to see what his intention was.

He Liandong still smiled unfathomably. He didn't answer her question directly, but took out another thing from behind like a trick.

"Please help me take a look at this wool. On the surface, it seems to be green. What is the probability that green will come out inside?"

Dai Zhi was completely confused like a headless fly, and he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

It's just that this time it turned out to be emerald wool. Did he guess that there was actually some inside story in her frequent gambling and deliberately tested himself?

Dai Zhi became more and more nervous. She secretly wiped her sweat and muttered to herself in her heart that she could see clearly whether there was jade in the wool, but she couldn't understand what this guy was thinking in front of her. However, she did not dare to act rashly for fear that he would think she was guilty. She took it from Heliandong's hand with some trembling. The wool pretended to carefully observe the pine flowers and the reckless belt on the surface, but at the moment of receiving the wool, he decided that it was not emerald wool at all, but an ordinary broken stone!

Looking at the surface of this wool-like stone, there was a very confusing green, and she immediately reacted--

"This is not jade wool at all, let alone jade. This is also a manually processed stone, three layers of stone, the main stone is a low-class brick material, glued with a thin piece of green glass in the middle, and then glued a good colorless jade sheet, which makes people mistakenly think that it is a good performance of jadeite. In fact, it is worthless."

She has never met this kind of scam, but it seems that there is such a fake method in the book. If it hadn't been for her power today, she would have thought it was emerald wool, and it was also a high probability of high-priced and expensive wool.

So the current counterfeiting technology is too dazzling to prevent. If she hadn't had the power, she would have been cheated into leaving no bones...

Heriandong listened and still nodded with agreement, smiling faintly, which made Dai Zhi's hair creepy.

Dai Zhiman is worried about whether there are any mistakes in his performance just now. Did Heliandong really find something wrong? No, she has always been so careful, and no matter how she thinks about it, she can't think of power, right?

She was a little trembling, but she saw that Heliandong's originally haggard face suddenly became extremely gentle and slowly took Dai Zhi's hand.

Dai Zhi's whole body stood there like a wooden chicken, and his brain was completely dismissed and blank...

She just felt Heliandong's cold big hand and slowly held her obviously trembling hands. His pupils had never been so bright and clear, as if she could not see the end at a glance, and she fell in without warning.

What happened...?

Everything comes too fast, everything changes too fast.

Dai Zhi looked at Heliandong's handsome face becoming more and more contoured, and he heard her deep voice whisper in her ear,

"Xiaozhi, you are so powerful that nothing fake can escape your fiery eyes. Then you can't see whether my heart for you is real..."


The whole world collapsed in an instant.