A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 152 Warring States Yubi

When Dai Zhi looked at this jade with his naked eyes, he did not see the dazzling fog that usually found on antiques, so he insisted that this jade was not the royal jade of Tang Taizong Li Shiming at all, or even antique.

But she didn't expect that she was forced to delay the time to observe this jade jade in a fake way, and her left hand, which had a special sense of antiques, found such a major and surprising truth-

This jade is really an antique!

Dai Zhi almost subconsciously exclaimed and tried to suppress himself from showing any strangeness, but his heart was surging...

It turned out to be... a year that even her powers could not be detected!

According to past experience, there is no problem with her ability to detect antiques four or 500 years ago, but now the color light in front of her is desperately restless and wants to form a year number, but because her power level is not enough, even if she desperately wants to tell Dai the exact year, it has been entangled. I can't spell a complete image.

So this jade is not only a real antique, but also a valuable antique with a history of more than 500 years!

This discovery surprised and confused Dai Zhi.

I don't know why. Maybe it's because this is the most historical antique she has seen so far that she can't see the exclusive "reiki" on the jade. Anyway, it's true that this jade is a rare treasure. I thought it would not be found today, but I didn't expect the whole thing to be released. This turnaround has occurred since the exhibition.

I really don't know if I should thank the person who just provoked her to put her in a dilemma and let the opportunity to miss this baby back to her.

But now there is a problem. Now that she knows that Yubi is a treasure, what should she say, and she can't even tell the exact dynasty of Yubi.

Everyone's eyes are focused on her. Naturally, they won't know that the jade in Dai Zhi's hand is actually a really valuable treasure. Even the boss himself doesn't know it. He also specially painted a snake and self-directed and acted such a trap. Now he may still be worried about the fake he thinks is coming soon. Revealed by Mr. Dai in public...

Dai Zhi thought about it and just had a dilemma. Now things are turning around and still don't know how to deal with it.

"Oh, I don't care, let's talk about the real origin of this jade first!" Dai Zhi secretly thought that although her power did not have the ability to help her identify this jade, at least she was crazy to make up a lot of antique knowledge, and she could take this opportunity to see how much her real strength was.

This jade is flat and round, with a diameter of about 30 cm. The jade is dark blue, and there are several wisps of white texture in some parts. If she looks good, this jade is made of high-quality jade from Hetian, Xinjiang. The body is thin, thick and uniform, and the overall shape is well-proportioned and harmonious, shiny and round.

This jade is made of a whole piece of jade. The workmanship is extremely delicate. Only ancient pure handmade can reach such a level. Modern people's impetuousness and machinery can't carve such a detailed pattern, and there are mysterious patterns that are difficult to see with the naked eye.

This jade decoration is very special. She seems to have seen this kind of decoration in the book. She recalled desperately and vaguely remembered that the characteristics of this decoration seemed to be Puwen, but she did not remember whether it was the characteristics of jade in the Tang Dynasty or the characteristics of jade in the Warring States Period.

The difference between the Tang Dynasty and the Warring States period is not only the difference between clouds and clay, but also the price can be said to be heaven and earth. The warring States period attaches great importance to the selection of materials, mostly using high-quality jade materials from real estate such as Xinjiang Hetian; new varieties of jade jade, that is, "out of the wall", commonly known as "out of jade", with various forms of jade and exquisite production. To this period, the best jade, such as the Warring States Valley pattern carved out the double dragon jade. Yubi pays more attention to the polishing degree on the surface of the instrument. There is no phenomenon of different sizes on the aperture. The jade body is thin and uniform, mostly on the inner and outer edges, forming a narrow and straight high wall. There are some new changes in the decoration of Yubi. The bird patterns and dragon patterns carved with lines seen in the Western Zhou Dynasty. It is basically gone, and a large number of grain patterns, depatterns, silkworm patterns and Pu patterns that have not been seen in the early stage have appeared, as well as dragon patterns, animal face patterns, and tiger patterns. During the Warring States Period, there were also octagonal, diamond-shaped plain rings and oval carved twisted rings, all of which were new forms in the Warring States period. There are basically two types of jade in the Warring States period: one is to inherit the traditional jade of the previous generation; the other is the jade (that is, the jade with transparent carving on the outer edge), which is the new variety at this time. The decoration has changed a lot from the early stage, and the decoration used is extremely rich.

Therefore, the jade in the Warring States period is generally very valuable, and the best value can even reach tens of millions, and the price can generally reach more than one million. If it is from the Tang Dynasty, and whether it is the royal jade jade of Tang Taizong Li Shiming, the price generally ranges from 100,000 to hundreds of thousands. Of course, if it is true It's a royal thing, and of course the price is incomparable.

Is it Yubi in the Tang Dynasty or the Yubi of the Warring States Period?

Dai Zhi carefully rubbed the jade and saw that the jade was warm and meticulous, like fat as wax. Locally affected, there is some slight calcification, and there is gray skin on the surface. The negative lines are carved out by the wheel, and the traces of jade sand grinding are obvious. The ancient jade method is characterized by opening the door, and the craftsmanship is exquisite. It looks more like the masterpiece of jade in the Warring States Period.

The inner and outer edges are raised slopes, polished and warm, showing the different reflective brightness of the jade under the same light, shining brightly. This jade material is a typical jade material in the Warring States period. Its characteristic is that the material is relatively transparent, but transparent and unclear. When you observe it in the sun, you will see its natural texture with cloudy texture.

It is roughly estimated that this jade should be after the Warring States Yubi, Dai Zhi began to recall the characteristics of the Warring States Yubi.

During the Warring States period, the princes used more Hetian seed materials for jade. The jade was delicate and warm, shiny and more white, as well as blue and white jade, topaz, jasper, ink jade, green jade, etc. Small and medium-sized nobles mostly use some Hetian jade and local jade materials with poor quality. Other jade materials include agate, stone marrow, turquoise, crystal, amethyst, talcum, etc.

The lines on the Warring States jade, including the contours of the shape and the yin and yang lines of the decoration, are sharp, accurate and smooth. The decoration basically continues the style of spring and autumn, such as grain pattern, hook cloud pattern, scroll cloud pattern, cockroach pattern, etc. However, compared with spring and autumn, there have been changes. Take grain patterns as an example: grain patterns can be roughly divided into three categories. The first type, shallow relief grain pattern, which is a inherited type of jade grain pattern in the late spring and autumn. It is characterized by the fact that most of the proportion of the shape is smaller, and the middle protrusion part feels sharp, and the tip hooks at the bottom of the grain grain are arranged in a dense and orderly manner. The second category is flat and low grain pattern, which uses a negative line to hook out the valley pattern outline and make the middle into a slightly protruding grain, which is characterized by the hand. The touch feeling is bulging and dull, and there is no sharpness. There are sharp hooks at the bottom of the grain, which are arranged in order or disorder. The third type, the negative grain pattern, can be regarded as a simple type of the first and second types of grain patterns. The width of the line group is uniform and the knife method is extensive and powerful, and the arrangement is orderly or disorderly, and feels flat.

To sum up, whether in terms of material, decoration or craftsmanship, it belongs to the characteristics of Warring States jade, so Dai Zhi can basically be sure that this jade is Warring States jade!

After reaching this conclusion, Dai Zhi couldn't help but get excited. On the one hand, she was happy that she could identify this jade without relying on her own ability. On the other hand, since this jade was a warring States jade, its value far exceeded its initial value. She roughly estimated that this jade The value should be between 500,000 and 5 million.

If you buy this jade and give it to Grandpa Shu, he will definitely be happy.

This is Dai Zhi's first reaction. Although she is now raising money for gambling stones, it is not easy to find something that makes Mr. Shu like. The matter of making money is long, but the next second she thought of Shu Ya. She asked her help to help her choose a birthday gift for her grandfather. Now that she has found it Baby, let Shu Ya buy it. Anyway, she has the ability to think of another birthday gift. Besides, Mr. Shu loves his granddaughter so much that he will be much happier to receive this gift from his granddaughter than from himself.

Thinking so, Dai Zhi made up his mind, but how to explain this jade reputation to everyone now...

This jade was originally regarded as a worthless fake by her, but now she speculates that it may be the jade jade of the Warring States Period. This is just her speculation. After all, it can't be as accurate as the ability identification, not to mention such a historical jade jade.

After thinking about it carefully, he had an idea in his heart. Daizhi raised his head and looked at all the masses who looked at the next development with doubts and hopes or jokes. He showed his iconic warm and pure smile and said calmly and slowly.

"This jade is not the royal jade of Tang Taizong Li Shiming."

As soon as this word came out, there was an uproar.

The store owner's face was even more sad and sad, and he didn't even have the strength to refute.

Dai Zhiben didn't mean to make the boss ugly in public. After thinking about it, she can only take a compromise method. Anyway, it is the same for business, especially in the special industry of antiques. It is not uncommon for the boss to brag about himself, and as long as she doesn't expose him to make a cage.

"Everyone knows that the jade in the Tang Dynasty is particularly dazzling, and the characteristics of Yuhua Boyu Goblet and the long era are obvious. Taking the dragon pattern as an example, there are dragons and phoenixes in the ten thousand red jade. The characteristics of the white jade line are carved with dragon patterns. It can be seen with the traditional Chinese yin line. The dragon head has two horns, and everyone is looking at this jade. Whether it is the decoration or the middle yin line, it can be found that it does not conform to the characteristics of Tang Dynasty jade at all.

Dai Zhi said slowly, and everyone's eyes observed on Yubi with Dai Zhi's explanation.

"It's true that there are no such characteristics."

"It's really fake."

After a moment, everyone nodded in agreement. The person who was ready to watch Dai's joke ate a turtle again, and a warm applause suddenly broke out in the crowd...