A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 224 The weird ascite scene

As the most experienced and prestigious calcite master of the whole wool factory, even some old customers will give some thin-faced masters. Master Yang is more or less arrogant. After all, a few years ago, through his hand and although, he did solve a valuable piece of the best glass jade. In recent years, from After this wool factory has some reputation, the wool he solves basically is basically more than a million, that is, the ones that are better and more expensive in the wool.

People who gamble stones are more or less superstitious. Any master who has come into contact with the best jade means that he has better luck and wants to get some luck. In addition, Master Yang is indeed relatively old, so some temper is also very normal.

Originally, he was a little reluctant to let him solve this stone, but he specializes in solving that kind of high-level wool. Now he actually lets him solve this stepping stone that is not as good as the piles of gambling wool put outside. Originally, he wanted to cut it casually a few times. This kind of low-end low-grade wool does not need energy at all. And brains to think about how to solve it.

Now this little girl with no hair in his eyes actually pointed in front of him and told him how to solve it?

With his arrogant personality, he is more or less impatient. Today's young people are not good at learning anything, learning from others to gamble stones, and are impetuous. None of them has real ability and have unrealistic daydreamed of getting rich all day and night long.

However, although I feel uncomfortable, I didn't say it. After all, even if I am old, I am just a part-time worker. How can I offend the boss's customers, and I am also a respectful and trembling customer of the boss. Although he didn't say it, his expression raised his eyebrows disdainfully.

"Are you sure? This is a cross-cutting!"

The implication is the taboo of solving the stone. Of course, Dai Zhi knows this. In the past, many people were surprised when she made the solution stone. However, for her, what taboo is taboo is floating clouds. She can see the position of the jadeite. As long as the entry point does not hurt the jadeite, it doesn't matter how she cuts it.

And it can be confusing, which makes everyone think that she doesn't know how to gamble or solve stones at all. Even if she really solves the emerald at that time, everyone will only think that she will be lucky to do this.

The other merchants present really shook their heads. It seems that this girl really doesn't block the gambling stone. She is a novice, right?

However, it doesn't matter if you stop the waist and cut it horizontally. No matter how you cut a broken stone, there will be no miracle. It is meaningless to waste time and energy to hurt your brains.

Although everyone concluded that the wool would not cut out green at all, there was no one else at the scene. The most exciting and tense part of the gambling stone was the process of calcite. Anyway, I was idle, so I took a look at it with an indifferent mentality. Besides, 20,000 yuan was lost by others. Watch the bustle for free. What's wrong with it?

Master Yang made a disdainful "hum" sound from his nostrils. Although the sound was not loud, it was just enough for people standing nearby to hear it, not to mention that his hearing was far beyond ordinary people.

She shrugged her shoulders indifferently and was used to this kind of contempt and arrogance. In the past, she had just emerged, but she had received a lot of white eyes and ridicule. Along the way, she grew up with scolding and ridicule, and slowly received more and more applause. After all, it is the path of every successful person.

No one knew her in Tengchong. She lost the aura of "Teacher Dai" before. From a fresh start, she naturally experienced everything she had experienced before. Now her mentality has been much more open-minded and has experienced too much. She has seen many things and relieved, not to mention that she has predicted After the end, I know that those who laugh at and despise her now will not take long, maybe half an hour, or less, put away all the mentality of watching jokes just now, and their attitude will take a 180-degree turn, so all the grievances now are just a foundation.

Besides, what she wants is the final ending, the trap she has carefully planned, and everything else is not important.

After Master Yang determined the orientation, he moved the stone and pointed the shearing machine wheel at the middle of the whole big stone. Anyway, it was the customer's own request. At that time, if it is cut, it will not his business. Besides, will this stone have emerald? That's a big joke.

After the machine started, stone chips flew. Because the size of the wool was not small, it took a little time to cut it down. Dai Zhi thought about it. This was a little similar to the scene of gambling stones at Boss Fu who went with Zuo Tianyi last time. Whether it was the performance of wool, the position of jade in the wool, or even the wool used to cheat people. All of them have the same function as the last time.

The difference lies in the last wool. The size of the emerald in it is larger than the current one, and the color of the water head is also corrected. After all, it is all green glass species. Last time it was used to trap Yao's big explosive household, and this time it was to attract the fish Helianlong.

However, the last time the wool was snatched from Yao Da's explosive household who thought the gambling had collapsed. That kind of stimulation and blow was even greater. At that time, it was only for revenge, just to pursue the result. Now she needs to slowly catch this big fish and can't scare him away too quickly. Maybe there may be places to use him in the future.

One-size-fits-all, some experienced merchants look at it with a lack of interest, but Helianlong showed great interest. After all, the scene of calcite is not common. Besides, the ending solved by this wool has a close relationship with him, which greatly affects his reputation.

If his amazing talent and talent in gambling stones spread out in Tengchong, and then take this to ask for credit, Helianyun may be happy and give him the task of purchasing jade from Helian Group... After all, Heliandong has been depressed recently and made a lot with his old man. It's stiff, and his chance of getting weight is still very high!

If it really goes as well as you think, then this is likely to be the first and most important step to slowly gain a foothold in Helian Group by replacing Heliandong!

Helianlong thought so, the more he thought about the game, and even thought of the pictures of good days coming one after another. Isn't it easy to win the favor of the goddess sister?

He simply thought about the future and looked at the cut side, which was even more nervous than his own gambling stone, but of course he wanted to gamble, but now he is begging God to worship Buddha for it.

Even Gu Lama, the nominal owner of this wool, is very disapproving. Although it is said that she was a gambling stone, after all, she did not pay for the gambling stone, so naturally there are no emotional ups and downs, let alone gambling? She never thought about it, but just wanted to make Dai Zhi lose money and shame.

Master Yang cut it with a knife, opened the gravel, and then blew the incision surface. Look, it was no different from what he imagined. Except for the gray and white stone surface, the incision surface is a gray and white stone surface. Not to mention jade, you can't even see the green shadow at all.

This result was expected by him and everyone expected. Helianlong couldn't suppress his excitement. "Haha, I said that I expected things like a god. If there would be no green, there would be no green. It's not as difficult as I thought!"

Now he is becoming more and more narcissistic, but others are extremely disdainful and too lazy to look at the simple-minded young master.

Gurama's wool was cut down for the first time, and she was still a little happy. She thought to herself, "Let's see how you step down this time. Let's see who else is standing on your side now!"

Master Yang looked at Daizhi lazily, "Boss Dai, Miss Dai, how can you cut it?"

The sarcasm was overflowing. Dai Zhi remained calm and pretended not to see everyone's reactions and expressions. He casually said, "Master Yang, cut the half on the right first. Cut it at a three-point distance every time. Anyway, I guess it's just a piece of waste stone. Cut it early and finish it early."

What Dai Zhi said was very casual. It seemed that even she was a little self-abandoned and gave up this piece of wool. Others shook their heads one after another. The 20,000 yuan of wool was so casually dealt with. What a prodigal...

It doesn't matter if she wear it on the surface. In fact, she has been fine. There is nothing in the left half of the piece. The jade is on the far right. She simply cut the right half to save time. She calculated that if she starts from the incision and cuts at a distance of every three minutes, it should be at the time of the fourth knife. Just cut out the green.

Master Yang shook his head and didn't say anything, but fixed the right half with an ill-faced face, then moved the dissparator wheel by three points and cut it down again.

According to the professional skills of the herbstone, the edge can be cut by three points, but generally, when cutting the second knife, the third knife or even the fourth knife, the distance should be smaller, so that if there is emerald in the stone, it will not be hurt. But even the owner of the wool said that it was a waste stone anyway, and it didn't matter how to cut it. As she said, cut it early

Three knives were cut down in a row, and the incision surface was still gray. No one was surprised by this result, but sighed that 20,000 yuan was cut off one by one.

With each knife cut down, Helianlong will be more excited. By the time of the fourth knife, he was basically calm, and 200 percent were sure that he was right.

The person who saw the stone was even less interested. When he was about to leave, Master Yang, who had no expression before cutting down the fourth knife, opened the stone crumbs, and his face turned pale, as if he had seen a ghost...

The onlookers were shocked by Master Yang's extremely scary face. Everyone surrounded him curiously. As a result, everyone who saw the face repeated the expression that Master Yang just now--

What the hell, it's really... the bet has risen!