A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 234 Lose convincingly

Although the small punishment and great commandment against Helianlong has been continuous, it has finally been successfully completed. In short, Dai Zhi knows that Helianlong may not be arrogant any more during this period.

And she deliberately tried so hard to set Helianlong up, just waiting for the biggest fish behind him, and what she has to do now is to wait.

When he thought of the funny appearance of Helianlong's pale face and falling to the ground just now, Dai Zhi felt happy and was in a surprisingly good mood on the way back. Sitting on the spacious extended Lincoln, the corners of his mouth always rose slightly, and Gu Rama laughed behind the car with her mouth.

"I said, how much does this car cost? I will also buy one tomorrow and install a big one!"

Dai Zhi couldn't help laughing. This girl is simple. "Silly girl, you are already rich now. You don't have to pretend..."

Nine million, although it is nothing in the real rich, it is a millionaire, big and small, enough for her to spend any life she wants to live.

Of course, Gu Lama knew that all this was because of Dai Zhi, because she changed her fate and suddenly became a superior person. She lived a life that she had never dreamed of before. She couldn't say anything but gratitude. Originally, she insisted on giving half of the money to Dai Zhi, but she did not If you don't want it, Gu Lama can only invite her to dinner to express her gratitude.

It was the top restaurant in Tengchong again. All three of them were very happy and even drank some wine. As a result, they drank more and more, especially Dai Zhi and Gu Rama, who laughed loudly while drinking. Obviously, they were two crazy girls who were not very close to each other. In just a few hours, they seemed to be better than their sisters. I still want to kiss.

Both women are not bad at drinking, especially Gu Lama, a few girls, most of whom grew up drinking goat's milk and home-brewed wine. Their drinking capacity is absolutely not inferior to men. Although Dai's drinking capacity is good, she is a scum in front of Gu Rama, a grassland woman, so after three rounds of drinking, she is a little dizzy and can't touch it. Brain.

On the contrary, Shu Liluo, a big man, sat aside without drinking and saw two women of the same age going crazy in the private room. Gu Rama was really happy that he suddenly became a millionaire, but what about Dai Zhi, is she really happy? Or...

Drow your sorrow with wine...

Since what happened, she has secretly rushed to this place to heal her wounds without telling people all over the world. Although he has never seen her cry for so many days, he is worried.

Such a big injury, such a serious injury, such a heavy past, no one can bear it. No matter how strong she looks on the surface and can disguise it, she can't deny the holes in her heart. Although she has been smiling, the more hidden it is, the harder it is, the harder it will be. Heartache.

Shu Liluo sometimes feels that he is very useless. He always can't figure out what this woman's heart is thinking. He always says that a woman's heart is a needle. This is really a reasonable saying. Unfortunately, he knows that she is suffering in her heart, but he can't do nothing. He doesn't know how to share it. Sometimes, He would rather let her cry and vent all the distress in his heart. He could borrow her shoulder and rely on her, so that at least he would feel more relaxed.

When leaving, Shu Liluo drove and sent Gu Lama home first. Although Gu Lama was drunk, her walking was a little bumpy. Shu Liluo had no choice but to help her to take her to the door and stay drunkenly in the car to wait for him.

I don't know if Gu Lama pretended to be drunk. For the first time, she was taken care of by Prince Charming in her mind. She only felt that today was really the happiest and most incredible day in her life. She pretended to be drunk and lay on Shu Liluo's broad shoulders. Shu Liluo's slender and tight arms supported him. Gu Lama had this for the first time. An uncontrollable heartbeat accelerates. I don't know if it's the effect of alcohol or if I really like Shu Liluo.

At that moment, Gu Lama only hoped that this section of the road could be infinitely extended, and then, hoping that there would never be an end. How happy it would be if he could walk into old age in the arms of his beloved.

But happiness is always very short. After a few steps, she arrived at the door of the yard. Shu Liluo carelessly sent her to the door and said goodbye and turned around to leave. Gu Rama suddenly felt very melancholy and only felt that the separation of a few nights might be a farewell forever. She would forever and forever have this unbreeded secret love. The seeds were buried in her heart, but she was more or less unwilling, so she indulged it. With the sake of wine, she completely indulged once, so that she could die forever.


Gu Rama stopped Shu Liluo, who had turned around. In the moonlight, his shadow became more and more slender, perfect like the prince who came out of the fairy tale, but she was not Cinderella. There will never be her shadow in his eyes.

Shu Liluo turned around instinctively and asked, "Ah?"

"Shu Liluo, can I... ask you a question?" Gu Lama hesitated for a moment and still decided to ask. Although she already had the answer in her heart, women are like this. If they don't die until the Yellow River and don't hear the answer said in person, they will always have illusions.

Shu Liluo stood in the moonlight and said heartlessly, "Oh", "Ask."

He remembered that he was still in the car. It was cold at night. Although there was heating in the car, I didn't know if she would be cold. After drinking so much wine, she would definitely be thirsty. He remembered her and just wanted to go back to the car quickly, go back to her and take care of her.

Gu Lama was silent for a long time. Looking at Shu Liluo, who was as handsome as he met for the first time in the moonlight, his hot face seemed to be a little sober under the evening wind. There was only two steps between them, but it was far away and desperate.

"You... like to wear it, don't you?"

Even if this question is so stupid, she still wants to hear his answer in person. People all over the world can see that only the person concerned is still confused and has no feeling.

Shu Liluo's body obviously stiffened in the night fence, and he was stunned for a few seconds before he realized it.

In fact, his previous thoughts had been still on the car, and he didn't expect that Gu Lama would directly ask such a naked question, which caught him a little unprepared.

Although this is a fact that has never been told to anyone, it has never been denied. Although she feels that there is no need to admit it to anyone, Shu Liluo actually knows that Gu Lama is thinking about her, so she does not mind admit it in order to make her to give up early.

"Yes, I like her."

Shu Liluo replied extremely firmly that this feeling will only become stronger and stronger with the passage of time. Although he was very reluctant to admit it at the beginning, he felt much more relaxed when he could say it generously today.

Like is like, and there is no need to hide it. He likes her, which is her alone. Because he likes her, he feels that he is alive and feels that he has flesh and soul. For the first time in his life, he has been so sure of one thing. Since he can't escape, then admit it generously.

When I heard this affirmative answer, although something very important suddenly fell in my heart, Gu Lama was really relieved, and the whole person was much more relaxed. Maybe sometimes giving up is the best relief.

Yes, give up.

In the past, with her personality, she would not give up easily. She was also such a proud and excellent girl, and she also lived in the environment of stars. For the first time, she was really moved by a man. Even if she knew that there was someone else in his heart, she would not necessarily lose.

But now, she has admitted defeat.

Lost convincingly...

What right does she have to fight with others? She is not as good as her in appearance, temperament, ability and personality. Dai Zhi is such a special girl. I'm afraid no one will dislike her. She is as beautiful as a fairy, but she does not have a trace of arrogance and airs. She is rich, but she never looks down on anyone and is polite to anyone. Even if she makes things difficult, She always tolerates her nonsense with a good temper.

She really admired her not because of the nine million, but from all the details around the nine million that she found that she was a distant goal that she could not catch up with, so what right is she to compete with her again?

I must admit that even I fell in love with her unconsciously...

Gu Lama took a deep breath and then spit it out heavily, which was not as uncomfortable as she thought. She shrugged her shoulders and said relaxedly, "Then why didn't you tell her? You know, although Dai Zhi looks very smart, sometimes he is so slow to look at it with a wooden fish.

Shu Liluo couldn't help laughing. It seems that Gu Lama really likes Dai Zhi, who had been irrecontroduous before. Dai Zhi is such a powerful woman that people can't be admired.

"I will never say it," Shu Liluo also sighed gently,

"Because I know that the person she likes will never be me. As long as I can stay by her side and watch her well, I will be satisfied."

He knew that in her heart, she could never let go of the man who should have hated until her head was bleeding. She was such a strong and stupid woman, covering her ears and blinding her heart. One day she will find that what she has done now will make her regret making her painful.

And no matter how hard I try, I can't really enter her heart. In this case, why should I break the current quiet and harmonious relationship?

Gu Rama opened her mouth slightly and wanted to say something. Shu Liluo's slender figure had disappeared into the night. At that moment, Gu Rama suddenly thought of a lyric,

"I love you very much, so I'm willing to let you fly further away."

Returning to the car, Shu Liluo looked at Dai Zhi, who had been sleeping soundly. His white and red delicate face, he only felt extremely quiet, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised, full of doting curvature...