A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 260 Unfavorable, Sudden Crisis

The boss calculated in his heart that he could speak loudly with the water and stone wool itself, but after all, people had seen the python pattern and said that the price was not suitable and gave up. He was a businessman. Of course, he wanted to make a business, so he tentatively shouted out a price that was not exaggerated.

"Oh, this one, 100,000 yuan."

Originally, he wanted to brag that this was water and stone wool, but since the flaws were found, he would be a little grandied if he brag again.


It happens to be the price of the jade inside, which is not profitable at all.

Zhao Yan instinctively glanced at Dai Zhi and saw Dai Zhi frowning and shaking his head, so he turned his head and asked the boss.

"100,000 is too expensive, boss, the python pattern on your wool is not a good phenomenon."

Zhao Yan gave full play to the true character of a businessman. Although there are flaws in wool, at least the probability of green is very high. If the price is suitable, it is still worth seeing. After all, it is much more expensive than those, but it is not at all uncertain whether there is jade wool or not.

Besides, this is just a small test of the water. 100,000 yuan is nothing to him, but the gambling stone is like this. Buying something beyond this price at a cheap price is a pleasure in itself, and the gambling rises is also a good start for himself at the beginning, and the next bigger gambling stone may also be Can get some light.

All gamblers believe this.

The seller immediately looked bitter. I don't know if these stone sellers have other skills, but they are definitely good at pretending to be poor.

"It's really indispensable. It's because this little girl saw the flaw of the python pattern that I didn't offer the price. 100,000 yuan is definitely not high!"

Zhao Yan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, not to mention that he doesn't understand the boss's routine and uses his finger to make a number.

"A price, 50,000, cash transaction immediately."

Dai Zhi was secretly surprised that the businessman was really not covered. He was usually generous and didn't even pay attention to more than 100,000 yuan, and he was not soft when cutting prices.

The boss who just insisted that he could not lose a penny said,

"50,000 yuan is not enough... Is this okay? Let's all give way. I have received 80,000 yuan in. Seeing that this little girl's vision is so powerful, I will transfer it to you as zero profit, right?"

Zhao Yan looked at Dai Zhi habitually.

Dai Zhi was silent for a while and made a profit of 20,000 yuan. It was not a big deal for her. However, she also knew that Zhao Yan would not care about these two things. These jade merchants just wanted to please them.

"Almost, it doesn't make much difference." Dai Zhi nodded.

Zhao Yan immediately ordered his assistant to bring cash. Those who participated in the election meeting were usually on-site transfers or checks, and occasionally brought some cash on his body, but about 100,000 yuan to deal with some small amounts of wool.

80,000 is indeed a small amount for this election.

The seller just had a bitter face, but now when he got the cash, his face immediately smiled brightly and asked attentively,

"Do you need to cite on the spot?"

Zhao Yan nodded without hesitation. The reason why he bought this wool was that he had a high chance of green. He solved it on the spot and made a good win for himself, so of course he had to solve it.

The staff immediately moved the wool to the calcite machine, and Dai Zhi also followed. The water stone wool is not big, and the calcite is relatively much faster.

Many people surrounded the edge of the stone machine as usual. Seeing the water and stone wool, everyone also whispered one after another, secretly regretting why they did not find that there were so many people at the scene. Wool is better than anyone's eyesight, but it is also a high-end wool campaign and dare not start casually, so this kind of waterstone wool with a high probability of greening has become a favorite. Apart from the flawed python lines, everyone will be very interested in water and stone wool.

The thickness is not thick, and the first knife is green, but the green water head is very ordinary and the texture is not good. Some people bid at the scene, and it is only tens of thousands of yuan. It is not even the price of the purchase. Of course, it will not be transferred.

Because the texture is not good, there are few people bidding, and the shi master inside is also quite professional. In about half an hour, he completely untied the emerald inside, and a palm-sized flower emerald completely took off the shell and showed it in front of everyone.

The scene is full of senior people in the jewelry industry. At once, it was assessed that the market price of this jade should be about 100,000 yuan, and the purchase price of 80,000 yuan was a net profit of 20,000 yuan, which should be regarded as a gamble.

Seeing the solution of the green jade, Zhao Yan was happy in order to win a good prize. On the other hand, he had to admit that Dai Zhi was indeed very powerful. All of them were right by her. The possibility of jade is very high, but the possibility of Gao Cui is very small, and the price is almost estimated. He can have this ability. It's really not simple. Even if it's a gambling expert, it can't be such an accurate judgment...

Everyone marveled at the extraordinary gambling ability, and on the other side, the darkness of the crowd saw all this in Guan Zhongtian, and his copper bell-like frightening eyes reflected a chilling cold look--

He just signed the life-and-death status. Although it is not so serious, it is almost the same as the life-and-death status. After all, winning is endless glory and wealth and full status, and losing... His whole life is ruined!

He specially secretly observed this yellow-haired girl named Dai Zhi. The scene just now obviously proved that he was indeed judging people by her appearance before - thinking that she was just a little girl and didn't even know what the gambling stone might be, and her performance just now undoubtedly made him ring the alarm and remind him, This girl is really not simple.

But maybe it's just luck. He never believes that how old is she and has such an incredible ability?

And Dai Zhi's keen sixth sense, of course, found surveillance secretly, and she also deliberately showed her strength in a small way. Instead, he would definitely help Brother Zhao complete the purchase in a low-key way. However, since someone was monitoring her, she deliberately made a scene to show the other party. Let him show his real strength and compare with her, because she wants him to lose.

Moreover, she also knew that on the other side of the pinhole camera in a corner of the venue, the old fox He Lianyun was monitoring her every move. The better she performed, the more flustered he would be, and that's what she wanted was.

After calcite, Dai Zhi continued to browse the wool of various stalls. Today, she must find a good material. She has to take a good look.

Walking to a stall, a merchant seemed to have a fancy to a piece of wool bargaining with the boss,

"Boss Song, I'm also your old customer. How about two million yuan at such a high price and cheaper?"

Dai Zhi instinctively stopped, and the price of millions of wool was very much to see what it was.

"Boss Yu, I really didn't offer a high price. You can also see that this wool does perform well, 2.6 million, which can't be less..."

Daizhi's eyes swept casually. This is a piece of white salt sand shell full gambling wool. White salt sand skin is considered to be middle and superior among all wool, that is, it performs well, and the probability of high jade is higher than other shells.

However, what interested Dai Zhi couldn't move his eyes was that there was a dragonfly on this wool case.

She doesn't often see this thing with a dragonfly. This is also the second time she saw it. Not long ago, it was one of the treasures in Uncle Xiao's secret room, that is, the smallest of the treasures in her hand now. At first, she didn't know what a dragonfly was. The wool had nothing but a dragonfly. It's special, but using color light to detect that it is a priceless treasure, so she has a special impression.

Dai Zhi still remembers that he once asked Uncle Xiao about this question. If it hadn't been for the golden jade inside by her color light, she would not have bought it at a sky-high price, but Uncle Xiao had this courage and must have had some entrance.

Uncle Xiao only said one sentence at that time--

With pine flowers, it must be colored.

That is to say, if there are feathers and pine flowers on such wool, it must be colored. This color is not necessarily green, and it may also produce other colors such as red jade, yellow jade.

And her golden red jade is the first-class variety of pine flowers on the python, which contains rare treasures such as golden red jade.

That's why this piece of wool with mites suddenly lit up, that is to say, if there is jade in this piece of wool, it is definitely colored jade. As for what color it is, she has to rely on her own super cheat to know...

"It's too expensive! I'll add a little more, 210,000, and we'll make a deal!"

"210,000 can't be sold... 21.6 million is the lowest price..."

After detecting the situation in the wool, Dai Zhi couldn't help but boil his heartbeat, and his heartbeat accelerated. He couldn't wait to grab it immediately, but he couldn't grab it blatantly. He just kept slandering that the buyer would retreat knowing the difficulties.

She stared at the wool and only felt that every second was suffering. When the two sides were deadlocked, Dai Zhi heard a familiar voice inserting in.

"Boss, 2.6 million, I want it!"

This person is none other than... Guan Zhongtian.

It was completely unconventional for him to rob the wool on the way, but the buyer was an amazing master Guan in the morning, and it was not easy to attack. He was angry, but he could only bear it. The boss saw that he had money to make money. Of course, regardless of the rules and irregularities, he immediately sold the wool to Guan Zhongtian.

Seeing that the wool fell into Guan Zhongtian's hand, Dai Zhi's heart was like a cat's paw, and his mind roared--

Is she going to lose to this scum today...?


To make a digression, I don't know if you have found it. The rich girl is also entering the end of the writing here~~

It will almost be finished next month.

Speaking of this, Mouluo is going to hide his face... Next month, because he has to prepare a new book and wants to take a break, the update may not be unstable TT

Slap in the face, cough, I will try to do more...

Finally, run away with the lid of the pot o(╯□╰)o