Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 11 Insidious Liu Table

Jingzhou, Xiangyang.

Yuan Shao sent me a secret letter. I was asked to intercept Sun Jian at Sanjin Ferry and seize the jade seal of the country. After the event, I was allowed three cities in Jizhou. And repay 5,000 taels of gold and 3,000 horses to thank each other. While saying that, Liu Biao was still thinking and muttered to himself suspiciously, "Why did Yuan Shao intercept Sun Jian more than I? Will there be any conspiracy? And isn't this a move that has lost the benevolence and righteousness of Jingzhou Prefecture? Doesn't this put Liu Biao in a dilemma?

Cai Mao held the secret letter at this time, and a trace of excitement flashed in her eyes.

"Lord, Yuan Shao's power is much stronger than Sun. Since he wants to seize the jade seal of the country, it proves that he has the great ambition of a king! If the lord can help him, I think not only Jingzhou Worry, but also expand to the generation of Qingzhou and Jizhou through the power of Yuan Shao in the future. If so, the future of the Lord is unlimited!"

Liu Biao's eyes flickered, and he was obviously moved by Cai Mao. But he is still a little hesitant.

At this time, a black armored man beside Cai Mao also held his fist like Liu Biao and said, "Lord, Sun Jian has always despised my lord, and his warship in Jiangdong has invaded our territory from time to time. Finally, he will agree to form an alliance with Yuan Shao and use Yuan Shao's power to eliminate the great trouble in Jingzhou."

"Sun Jian is extremely brave! To be from the bottom of your heart, are you two Sun Jian's opponents? Liubiao asked.

The two looked at each other and said nothing.

Looking at this, Liu Biao couldn't help sighing deeply.

"Lord, although Sun Jianyong is brave, he is brave and resourceless! On the contrary, there is a plan. If the master can follow the form of the plan, he will definitely kill Sun Jian. Cai Mao said with a treacherous smile.


Jingzhou Boundary

I rode the dust and rushed here.

"General, there is a person who claims to be the secret envoy of Yuan Shu and wants to see you."

"Where is this person?" Sun Jian asked.

The man in a green shirt and a nylon scarf slowly walked out of the roadside.

"Fan Jin, a counselor under Yuan Shu's account, see the general."

Sun Jian, riding on the horse, pulled out the saber on his waist and wiped it while asking, "What's the matter?" Say it."

Fan Jin carefully walked to Sun Jian and handed over a bamboo slip.

I saw the bamboo slip written on it:

Brother Yuan Shubai Wentai.

"When I met with the alliance before, I was ordered by Yuan Shao to withhold the general's food and salary. Yuan Shao has long had the heart of an emperor and intends to take the opportunity of the alliance to expand his strength, and then replace Dong Zhuo to dominate the world.

Now, he has made an appointment with Liu Biao in Jingzhou to set up an ambush at Sanjin Ferry. I hope the general must be careful.

After reading this letter, Sun Jian slowly put away his saber, then turned his eyes and stared at Fan Jin.

"Why did Yuan Highway tell me such a confidential thing? Isn't he Yuan Shao's brother?"

While talking, Sun Jian still clenched the horse knife to put away. If Fan Jin said something wrong, he would definitely draw his knife.

"The general is more careful. The same surname may not be the same. My lord is the king of benevolence and righteousness, unlike Yuan Shao, who is falsely benevolent and falsely righteous. My lord can't bear to see General Sun suffer. What's more, I don't want to see Yuan Shao poison the world, so that's why he did this. The general doesn't have to be too careful. Fan Jin said slowly.

Sun Jian narrowed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking, but his hand did hold the bamboo slip tightly.

After Fan Jin left, Sun Jian said to the generals behind him: "Yuan Shu talked about his respect for me in the secret letter, wanted to form a life-and-death alliance with me, and said that Yuan Shao wanted to intercept our army at Sanjin Ferry. The two Yuan brothers seemed to be brothers, but in fact they calculated and dismantled each other. In my opinion, these two people are greedy for the national jade seal in my hand! Tell me, how should we deal with the current predicament now?

The soldiers looked at each other and obviously had no idea.

At this time, Sun Ce stood up and hugged his fist and said, "Father, in my opinion, Yuan Shu is more hateful than Yuan Shao. He can even betray his cousin. What else can't he do?"

The generals in the rear whispered and thought that what Sun Ce said was very reasonable.

Cheng Pu frowned, as if he had something on his mind.

"General, our army has just been in the Hulao Pass, and the water gate has a bloody battle with Dong Zhuo. Its strength has been greatly damaged, and it is really not easy to engage in a bloody battle. I think we'd better try to bypass Sanjindu.

Sun Jian stared at the sky and thought for a long time.

"Sanjin Ferry is the only place to return to Jiangdong. If we take a detour, the return period will be extended by another half a month. The most important thing is that all the troops of our army have cut off food, and the subsequent food and fodder are on the ferry.

Huang Gaice came forward immediately.

"Master, in the view of the last general, all disasters come from the jade seal. Since the lord got the jade seal, the princes all over the country have stared at us like mad dogs. In the opinion of the last general, it's better to hand over the jade seal."

"Uncle Huang, how can this work? This jade seal was given to my father by God. How can I hand it over? Sun Ce said anxiously, "Father, it's good. You give me 3,000 soldiers and horses, and I went straight to Xiangyang and went straight to Liu Thief Dog Head."

Sun Jian patted Sun Ce and sighed.

"Son, you are brave in fighting, but you still lack military tactics! Jingzhou city defense is solid, and Liu Biao's 50,000 Jingzhou troops are garrisoned. How can you capture it in a hurry? Cheng Pu, Huang Gai.

"The end of the year."

The two answered in unison.

"You two lead the headquarters to set up an ambush in the north of Sanjindu."


"Sun Ce, you lead 2,000 soldiers and set up suspicious soldiers on the right side of Sanjindu. If Liubiao really dares to move troops, let him see the strength of Jiangdong's army.


Sanjin Ferry.

There are many soldiers, and the Jingzhou army has been waiting here for a long time.

When Sun Jian led 3,000 Jiangdong soldiers, Liu Biao's army was ready.

Sun Jian couldn't help sighing: "This battle must be fought."

The formation of the Jingzhou army in front of him suddenly spread a gap and came out of a man with two goatees. He was Liu Biao, the leader of Jingzhou.

Looking at Liu Biao coming towards him, Sun Jian naturally refused to show weakness and rode forward. Both of them walked between the two armies with tacit understanding and did not move forward.

"Dare to ask Brother Liu, what does this mean?" Sun Jian pointed to the army behind Liu Biao and asked.

Liu Biao smiled.

"Brother Wentai, I received a secret letter from Yuan Shao asking me to intercept the general here."

"I see, I see." Sun Jian sighed, "If there is a war, there is no need to say more." After saying that, he turned his horse's head and wanted to return to his army.

"Brother Wentai, wait." Liubiao hurriedly called.

"What, Brother Liu, what else do you want to teach?"

Liu Biao did not answer, but slowly took out a secret letter in his hand. This secret letter is different from Yuan Shu's one. It is a silky paper made of silk, which is very thin.

"This is the secret letter Yuan Shao gave me."

After saying that, Liu Biao took out the fint and directly lit the secret letter.

"I, Liu Biao, am old, weak and sickly. These Wentai brothers all know, and I, Liu Biao, have no ambition to compete for hegemony, so I just want to keep this acre of land in Jingzhou. So I don't want to offend your brother Wentai or Yuan Shao. I'm at the hem here. General, you can lead your troops to fight. I don't think our army will resist.

"What does Brother Liu mean?" Sun Jian said warily that after all, if the pie fell from the sky, if it was not sincere, it would hide a bigger conspiracy.

"This is a two-pronged strategy that I thought of. When you rush through the army, I can report to Yuan Shao that I, Liu Biao, am incompetent and failed to intercept it, so that Sun Jian broke through the siege. In this way, I can't offend you, Sun Jian, and Yuan Shao.

"Brother Liu, are you serious about this?" Sun Jian asked.

"It's by no means a joke." Liu Biao said seriously, "But I also have a request. I hope the general will go here and ask you not to violate my Jingzhou realm in the future. I am very grateful to Liu Biao."

"Thank you for your kindness." Sun Jian held the boxing and then returned to the headquarters.

"The generals and soldiers of the three armies, let me kill." Sun Jian shouted loudly, and 3,000 soldiers shouted and rushed into Liu Biao's army with Sun Jian.

At the beginning, Sun Jian was worried that this was Liu Biao's strategy, but in fact, he was not well-hearted. Soon he found that he was more careful. As he said, the Jingzhou army did not stop them, although they kept shouting and drums.

At Sanjin Ferry, Sun Jian's army is boarding the ferry. Sun Jian looked at the rear Liu Biao's army and did not pursue him. He pulled out his sword and blew the dust that fell on it.

"Cer! Liu Biao really has the style of the royal family. He is trustworthy and loyal and kind. We really treated him wrong before.

"Yes, father, I didn't expect Liu Biao to be so loyal." Sun Ce said.

"After we return to Jiangdong, you will immediately return all the soldiers and horses in Jingzhou and materials captured before to him. And ordered my Jiangdong warship not to step into Jingzhou. Give him another 2,000 stones of grain and 500 pieces of silk. In the future, we will drink it as a gift every New Year's Day.

"Yes, father."

At this time, more than half of Jiangdong's soldiers have embarked on the ferry.

At this moment, the sound of war drums suddenly sounded at the Sanjin Ferry.

Then, the ambush hidden in the woods on both sides suddenly came out.

Cai Mao rode the horse in front and shouted, "Demonst Sun Jian. Kill the soldiers in Jingzhou with me. Don't let Sun Jian go."

"Don't let Sun Jian go."

"Don't let Sun Jian go."

"Don't let Sun Jian go."


The soldiers in Jingzhou shouted.

At this time, Sun Jianjun was killed unprepared, and the rain of arrows kept falling in the sky. Looking at Jiangdong soldiers screaming and falling to the ground after being hit by arrows, Sun Jian gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Okay, you Liu Biao, how dare you play with me? OK! If I don't take this revenge, I swear not to be a human being.

"Father, this is called the soldiers and horses on the ferry ship. Let's kill them back." Sun Ce shouted excitedly.

Sun Jian calmed down after a while.

"No, Ce'er, Liu Biao is waiting for work with ease, and the momentum is in full bloom. Our army has been fighting hard for days and has been exhausted. Moreover, he attacked while we were halfway, but he was afraid that he would occupy the right time and place. You can get on the ferry!"

"Father, what about you?" Sun Ce asked.

"Didn't Liu Biao come to me? I will meet him."


The story of Pan Feng and Diao Chan's sister continues. Let's look forward to the next chapter together. ( *^__^*) hee...