Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 73 Xuzhou Storm

"Lord, there is one thing that I don't understand. Why doesn't the Lord take advantage of the situation to attack the city today? Instead, do you want to let Tao Qian go?" Cao Ren still couldn't help asking.

Cao Cao slowly got off his horse and rubbed the mud on the soles of his shoes on the steps. While relieving his filial piety, he said, "Because I found that Tao Qian is more powerful than I thought!" Then, the two clever soldiers around him hurried to get Cao Cao's clothes and ordered one person to help Cao remove his armor. I just took a closer look. Although the white flag was planted at the head of Xuzhou, each white flag was full of cold light, which seemed to hide strong bows and hard crossbows.

Xun Yu smiled and sighed at Cao Cao's keen observation. Just now, when he was under the city, he saw that if Cao Cao wanted to attack the city, he would definitely stop it. But now it seems that the lord has planned everything for a long time, and he can also save worry as a counselor.

"Sun Yu, what are you laughing at?" Cao Cao asked with a smile, "Am I wrong?"

"No, no, no, Xun Yu is so right. Although Tao Qian kowtowed, he actually pretended to be obscure and hidden murder. Xun Yu arched his hand and said, "And the lord does not attack the city, but the attack heart actually has the essence of military art. In my opinion, I'm afraid that no one in this world can stand side by side with the lord.

Cao Cao was silent and looked up at the sky with a slightly moved look.

"No, Xun Yu. I'm afraid that there is no one in the world who is better than me in terms of using troops.

"Who did the lord say?" Xun Yu asked curiously. Since following Cao Cao, I haven't heard Cao praise any princes!

"Pan Feng." Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and said, "According to the return of our detective, Pan Feng has now occupied Yong County and Mian County. It seems that the whole Hanzhong must be taken into this person's pocket soon. I think this person will be our great enemy in the future.

"Lord, don't worry too much? This man is just a reckless man. What a big thing can he achieve?" Xun Yu was a little disapproving. After all, the origin of a family like him has a kind of contempt for those unlearned generals.

Cao Cao shook his head, which was the first time he disagreed with Xun Yu's words.

"Sun Yu, you are wrong. I have been in contact with Pan Feng, and I can see that this person is very strategic. And his military way coincides with me. When fighting against Dong Zhuo, he absolutely did not expect that there would be pursuers after the pursuit of soldiers, which I still remember in my heart. Well, let's not mention him. The most important thing now is to take Xuzhou.

After Cao Ren looked at the conversation between the lord and Xun Yu, he said carefully, "Lord, I still don't understand. Even if Tao Qian is prepared, he is just 5,000 soldiers and horses. We are 30,000 elites. If we attack the city with all our strength, how can we take him?"

Cao Cao looked at Cao Ren with a heavy look and said, "I promised to give him two days, and I had no choice. In addition to 5,000 defenders, Tao Qian also has hundreds of thousands of people! You are looking at his city gate. It is more than three feet high. The city defense is strong. If it is attacked, there will be too many casualties. Although there are many people, most of us ride lightly. The most important thing is that our siege equipment will not arrive until two days later.

"The last general understands." Cao Ren arched his hand, and there was no lack of admiration in his eyes.

"Xun Yu, go and give the order that Tao Qian has been scared by us. At that time, we can take Xuzhou with one breath." Cao Cao said slowly, "Tell the soldiers to let them rest for two days. At sunrise on the third day, all departments will work together to attack the city."



Cao Cao was busy beating Xuzhou, and Liu Bei in Pingyuan County was not idle. Liu Bei, who has always been known for his benevolence and righteousness, regards himself as the royal family of the Han Dynasty, and naturally cannot let the ambitious Cao Cao succeed. Tao Qian's Xuzhou assassin was appointed by the emperor. Reasonable, Liu Bei could not let Cao Cao sit in Xuzhou.

Liu Bei in Pingyuan County has ordered 3,000 soldiers and horses, which is all his family. Fortunately, he brought a general under Gongsun Zan, who was Changshan Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Yun was a brave general under the command of Gongsun Zan. He was recommended by the people of Changshan County and led the county's righteous officials to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan said to Zhao Yun, "I heard that people in Jizhou want to rely on Yuan Shao. How can you be the only one who can get lost?" Zhao Yun replied, "The world is in chaos. I don't know who the Ming Lord is, and the people are in danger of being upside down. After discussion, the state wants to follow the benevolent government is not because we personally alienated Yuan Shao and prefer you to you." Since then, Zhao Yun has been marching around with Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan's ability to stand still in Youzhou has a lot to do with Zhao Yun, who is working hard. Zhao Yun was able to defeat seven or eight armies* when he practiced martial arts on the school yard. Gongsun Zan also valued Zhao Yun very much.

It was not entirely due to luck that Liu Bei was able to accept Zhao Yun. After the 18-way princes broke up, Liu Bei was in Hebei, and there was no soldiers and no food. Therefore, he could only find a winged prince to turn to, considering that Gongsun Zan and he were both under Lu Zhi, and they were classmates. Therefore, Liu Bei led Liu Guan and Zhang to Gongsun Zan.

When Gongsun Zan heard that he had his own classmates, he was very excited at that time, especially knowing that it was Liu Bei. Outside Chen Liuguan, the impression of the Sanying battle with Lv Bu is still fresh in his memory. The courage of Zhang Fei and Guan Yu is rare in the world. Immediately, Pingyuan County was allocated to Liu Bei and allowed to recruit troops.

As soon as Liu Bei arrived in Gongsun Zan's army, he fell in love with this silver gun general and approached him day and night. Among other things, Liu Bei did have a way to bribe people's hearts, also known as brothers, and rewarded Zhao Yun with gold, silver and silk. However, I don't know where these things came from. Gongsun Zang was very polite to Liu Bei. As long as Liu Bei opened his mouth, he would send them immediately. Liu Bei also took Gongsun Zant's things as a gift. There is more or less such a shameless smell in it.

Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, and Tao Ying cried and shouted for help. Gongsun Zan waved more than 100,000 troops, but he didn't want to send troops to save him. Even if Tao Qian was saved, he could not take Xuzhou, and at the same time, he also offended a strong enemy like Cao Cao. How can Gongsun Zan be willing to spend money and grain? Tao's request for help was rejected on the spot.

At this time, Liu Bei, who was the plain order, became lively. If he went to save Xuzhou, he could not only get rid of Gongsun Zan's sphere of influence, but also win a good reputation. In case a miracle occurs and forces Cao Cao to retreat, won't the people of Xuzhou be grateful to themselves? At that time, weren't the six counties of Xuzhou all in their own pockets? Even if you fail, at worst, you will return to Gongsun Zang and treat it as if nothing has happened. It's beneficial and harmless. Liu Bei's little calculation is ringing!

At the sight of Liu Bei's insistence on helping Tao Qian, he also said some righteous words. What Han thieves are irreparable? You can't watch Cao Cao's traitors slaughter Han Zhongliang and so on. On the contrary, he couldn't find Gongsun Zan. He admired Liu Bei's courage very much. He said on the spot that he was willing to help Liu Bei in addition to sending troops.

Liu Bei was overjoyed as soon as he heard it. What he wanted was this sentence. Gongsun Zan said it in front of the generals of the three armies. How can he regret it? Liu Bei asked Zhao Yun on the spot. As soon as Gongsun Zang heard this, he suddenly became reluctant to give up. He deliberately asked, "Is Zilong willing to help Tao Qian with Liu Bei?" How he hoped that Zhao Yun could say no.

However, Zhao Yun was obviously fooled by Liu Bei's righteous and awe-inspiring words, thinking that Liu Bei was a courageous and ambitious wise master. During this period of time, I have been doing favors to myself. Zhao Yun also felt like hurrying and immediately agreed.

It's too late for Gongsun Zan to repent, and at the same time, he also secretly sighed that his younger brother was not as loyal and honest as he seemed!

It rained lightly in Xuzhou at night, which is not good news for Cao Cao. Because he is the attacker, the rain will make the land outside the city muddy. It has become more difficult for the warriors to get close to the city, not to mention the rain of arrows and rolling wood and stones!

lighting a candle, Cao Cao has been staring at the map and can't sleep for a long time. Under the bright candlelight, Cao Cao seemed to be absent-minded, and his narrowed eyes seemed to reveal what was on his mind.

Xun Yu outside the tent is patrolling the barracks to prepare for the night attack of Tao Qian's army. When the two armies fight against each other, if their strength is not as good as each other, if they want to win, they must avoid their sharp edge and win with a strange plan. Cao Cao was already good at plotting, defeat without retreating, and attacked unexpectedly again. It was Cao Cao's way of using troops, and he naturally prevented the enemy from giving him such a move.

Seeing that the main military tent was still lit with candles, Xun Yu smiled and peeled off the curtain and entered.

Cao Cao also smiled when he saw Xun Yu.

"Sun Yu, why don't you go to bed so late?"

"Hasn't the master slept yet?" Xun Yu asked rhetorically.

When Cao Cao heard this, he was stunned first, and then the two looked at each other and smiled. I have a sharp mind, and some things don't need to be explained.

"Look at the lord, on this map, I'm afraid the lord is no longer satisfied with Xuzhou!" Xun Yu pulled down his beard and smiled. After entering, Xun Yu looked at the map of the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty, which marked the situation of the princes in the world. Xun Yu secretly sighed that his lord's ambition was in the world! Although it is a good thing to have a master of great talent, there seems to be a thorn hanging in Xun Yu's heart and lingering. Does the lord aspire to support the Han Dynasty in the world, or do he want to replace it?

Cao Cao patted him on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Those who know me, Wen Ruo also."

Xun Yu smiled. The voice in his heart just now made him a little doubtful. The Xun family received the favor of the emperor and was loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty for generations. In his own eyes, only Cao Cao can help the hero of the Han Dynasty. If he is no longer satisfied with being a minister and ascends to the 9th Five-Year Plan, he will help Zhou to abuse him!

How shrewd Cao Cao was. He suddenly saw that Xun Yu was wrong and said with a little doubt, "Xun Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Cao Cao's call instantly brought Xun Yu back to reality.

"It's okay, it's okay." Xun Yu's expression was slightly flustered. This suddenly made Cao more suspicious. Although Cao Cao had a big mind, he was a suspicious person. Even he himself said, "Suprehence is suspicious, and failure is also suspicious."

As the counselor who knows Cao Cao's mind best, Xun Yu knew that his slight panic just now made Cao Cao suspicious. At this time, he also calmed down, no matter what Cao Cao had, but Xuzhou must be beaten down. After calming down, he said lightly, "Lord, I have some bad news to inform you."

"What's the news?" Cao Cao asked.

"Lv Bu is now active in Yanzhou." Xun Yu said slowly.

But he didn't think about it. Cao Cao laughed after listening.

"Lv Bu? A man, even Yuan Shao dares not plot against my Yanzhou. Does he dare?