Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 97 End of the Month Special Chapter

The manuscript is shining, and the captain will take a temporary break next month. I'm so tired now that I can't write too good jokes. This is a suspense novel of the same name I created. If you are interested, please read it. Pan Feng's legend continues. Let me take a break. No accident, the update will resume on May 1st.



The night is quiet and terrible. I can't see the moon and stars, and the dark curtain seems to cover everything that can shine. The only street lamp that can be used as a road sign is the lonely street lamp with faint yellow light. Behind the street lamp, you need to walk a corner and walk three or four hundred meters to reach the dormitory.

Pan Feng couldn't help speeding up his pace. At this time, he was the only one with his footsteps on this quiet grove path. Looking back on the scene in the study room just now, his back spine can't help but feel cold.

Pan Feng is a sophomore majoring in computer science at Longjiang University of Technology. It is now July, and the final exam is approaching. How can college students usually study? There is no delay in eating, drinking and having fun, and Pan Feng is no exception. She plans to raid in the study room tonight. I unconsciously fell asleep holding this assembly language in my hand.

When he woke up again, the lights had been turned off in the study room. He still complained secretly and didn't know which one left at the end without conscience. He looked at himself asleep without saying hello. At this moment, he suddenly felt something wrong. Suddenly, there was a coldness above his head. He unconsciously shivered, and his scalp was even a little numb.

A little, a little, carefully Pan Feng raised her head. When he saw the picture on the roof, he suddenly took a step back and even turned over the table behind him. On the roof, there was a pale woman's face, and he keenly felt that there was still a strange smile on his pale face.

But when he condensed his eyes again, something strange happened, and the pale face disappeared. However, Pan Feng felt as if he had been targeted by something. At this time, he did not dare to think too much. He quickly ran out of the study room with the book in his arms.

"Come back to bed, go back to bed quickly." Pan Feng kept saying this sentence in her heart, as if it would be safe to return to the dormitory. Although Pan Feng asked herself that she was a materialist and did not believe in strange power. But what has happened around him recently is so strange that it has subverted his worldview.

crossed the dim street lamp beside him and trotted through the long corner. Pan Feng was stunned. Looking at the scene in front of him, his forehead broke out again.

After that corner, it was not a familiar dormitory, but an identical street lamp appeared in front of him. And after the street lamp, there is still a familiar corner.

At this moment, a strange and familiar word broke into Pan Feng's mind.

"Ghost hits the wall."

At this time, Pan Feng also realized that something was wrong. Although the road was usually quiet, there was also the rustling sound of leaves blowing in the wind and the sound of insects in the grass. But now, it's really terrible here...

"Is it up to me this time?" Pan Feng is not to blame. Since the last time his roommate Gao Fei held a birthday party, Gao Fei has died unexpectedly, saying that he died unexpectedly. In fact, when I passed by a residential house, I was killed by a fallen vase. Who can predict that the birthday will be the day of sacrifice?

This incident did not attract attention. Everyone regarded it as just an accident. After all, the sudden departure of the brother who had been together for more than a year caught everyone off guard. However, what happened next caused the panic of the 421 dormitory.

After Gao Fei's accidental death, Pan Feng's other roommate, Tian Fengfeng, also had an accident. The cause of his death was a strange accident. Tian Fengfeng's family is well off. His family equipped him with a motorcycle, which can't help but make his bedtimers envy him for a long time. That is, the motorcycle killed him. On the highway, he collided with a truck carrying goods and died on the spot. The police found that the brake failure led to the tragedy.

As a post-90s generation, movies such as "The Curse" and "Death Is Coming" have been watched a lot. Is it really God's free will? At this time, there were only four people left in the original six-person bed, and whenever everyone saw the two empty beds, they were silent. In the school, legends about the version of 421 dormitory are also widely spread. As a member of 421 dormitory, every time she goes out, she welcomes a lot of strange eyes. Pan Feng feels that she has a big 'pear'.

Pan Feng suddenly bit the tip of her tongue, and the violent tingling kept filling her brain. This is the only way he can think of. This was seen one day when I accidentally browsed the post bar on the Internet.

There is no reasonable explanation for the ghost wall so far. Some experts have specialized in such phenomena. It is said that this phenomenon is that people fall into the illusion built by the brain, and the cause is still unknown. Once you fall into a fantasy, fierce external stimulation can wake up the brain. Regardless of whether it is true or not, Pan Feng can only be a living doctor at this time.


Red wine psychic

In the dormitory, the lights have been turned off at this time. The school has this rule, once it is past ten o'clock. The whole school dormitory turned off the lights, but when Pan Feng opened the door, none of his roommates slept. Under the yellow candlelight, the three people looked a little strange.

"Lao Wu, you're back." It was Li Xiabo, the second brother in the dormitory, who was originally a rough man, but now his voice is particularly hoarse.

"Hm, second brother, do you have a cold? Take care of yourself at ordinary times!" Pan Feng said with concern. The second brother is a typical Northeast man and is bold. He is usually very popular, and Pan Feng also admires him very much.

"Pay attention to your body? Let's talk about it if you can survive this month!" Suddenly, a voice full of faint sarcasm sounded behind the two people.

"How do you talk?" Pan Feng turned around and said dissatisfiedly to Wang Hei, with a slight anger in his tone. However, Pan Feng's tone is not very confident today, because after all, she has just experienced the strange event.

"Hmm." Wang Hei snorted dissatisfiedly. He is usually not in the group. If Li Xibo is popular, he is a bold and generous positive image. Wang Hei is his standard antonym. He is disgusting and sasive, and he is still nagging. If you have nothing to do, study Maoshan Taoism. You also draw a peace charm and give it away. If anyone doesn't accept it, he will curse others to die.

"Gao Fei and Tian Fengfeng are dead. Do you know who is next?" The smile on Wang Hei's face at this time was so strange against the candlelight.

"Who, who?" There was a slight tremor in the voice of little Gadda Sun Mengmeng, who had not spoken much. When we first met, everyone in the dormitory laughed at his name. No matter how I hear it, I feel that the name doesn't look like a boy. Later, in Sun Mengmeng's story, everyone knew that when he was a child in his hometown, his grandfather and grandmother had been raising him as a girl. They are all girls who are easy to feed. Soon after Sun Mengmeng was born, her parents passed away.

Since he can remember, he doesn't know what his parents look like. When he was a child, he depended on his grandparents, and since then, his personality has also been very lonely. However, he is also very competitive. He has been outstanding in learning since he was a child. He has been admitted to key middle schools and key high schools. But when he took the college entrance examination, did he eat something bad or didn't know why? His stomach hurt very much. After taking one less subject, I failed to be listed in these two schools.

"I have studied the birth date and eight characters of each of you. Gao Fei is Wuchen and Tian Fengfeng is Gengwu." Speaking of this, Wang Chengping suddenly smiled strangely and stopped talking. Then he picked up the red wine on the table for Kaifeng and said, "This may be the last time we drink. Don't care so much. Come on, get drunk and relieve your worries."

Sun Mengmeng took the wine bottle and skillfully opened the cork. Pouring a cup for everyone, Wang Chengping's words were like a thorn that penetrated deeply into Pan Feng's heart. What does the eight characters of birth, Wuchen and Gengwu represent?


Death prophecy

In class, the teacher spit and splashed. Pan Feng below was absent-minded. He quietly muttered his mobile phone. At this time, if someone next to him saw the content on his mobile phone. It must be surprising that the year of heaven and earth is shown on the screen.

After the red wine night, everyone fell asleep with their own minds. However, this feeling is indeed a farewell. The bold second brother Li Xibo will never have a chance to see the next morning. In the morning, when everyone got up to wash, Pan Feng found that the "second brother" was still sleeping, and immediately felt something was wrong. Because as usual, the second brother is always the first to get up.

However, when he touched Li Xibo's body, the cold and piercing feeling made his heart sink. After testing his breath, Li Xibo had not been breathing for a long time. It seems that he is dead in the middle of the night, otherwise it will not be cold. Thinking that she had spent the night with the dead body last night, Pan Feng's hands and feet couldn't help but get goose bumps.

After reporting the case, the police arrived at the scene soon after investigation and evidence collection and some strange tests. It was determined that Li Xibo should have taken an overdose of barbitur salt, which is the main ingredient in sleeping pills. The overdose of drugs inhibited his metabolism and respiratory system, and unconsciously lost his life in his sleep.

After some inquiry, Wang Hei was taken away, and this suspected mentally ill guy usually couldn't sleep. He was detained by the police as a major suspect for taking sleeping pills in the dormitory. Pan Feng and Sun Mengmeng were also ordered to turn on 24 hours a day to facilitate the police to spread it at any time.

"Wu Chen, it's March. Gengwu, it's May..." Pan Feng said to herself. At this time, it seemed that an inspiration suddenly broke into his mind, but he didn't catch it. Everyone has been surprised for a long time. In the classroom, Pan Feng sat in the seventh row. However, the sixth row in front is full of people, and although the eighth row in the back is not full, there are also many people. But only in the seventh row, Pan Feng was alone, which was particularly strange.

The haunted thing in the 421 dormitory has been circulating in the school, and the successive deaths of the dormitory have caused panic. Although the school tried their best to suppress the adverse effects of this incident, the students in class with Pan Feng were also far away from him for fear of being 'ghosts'.

Sun Mengmeng is a top student. Sitting in the back row obviously can't hear the class. But he wanted to sit in other seats, but everyone squeezed him out. In desperation, he had no choice but to stand at the door of the classroom. Look at the line of words on the big screen on the projector. Pan Feng and his lonely figure seemed to be so incompatible with this man's big classroom.

At noon, the class is finally over. Pan Feng and Sun Mengmeng walked out of the classroom side by side, but the people around them always looked at the two with strange eyes, as if they were deliberately avoiding them. At noon today, unlike usual, Pan Feng ordered some good dishes in the small restaurant next to the school. Wang Ping, who is going to be detained, is going to have a taste. After all, he is a dormitory. He is out of town when he went to college, and his parents are not around. It is still very important for everyone to care for each other.

However, as soon as he arrived at the Public Security Bureau, a shocking news made Pan Feng stunned. Wang Hei, who was detained yesterday, died. In the morgue, Pan Feng saw the last look of his former roommate. Wang Hei's eyes widened, and the expression on his face was also frightened, as if he had seen something horrible.

"I have studied the birth date and eight characters of each of you. Gao Fei is Wuchen and Tian Fengfeng is Gengwu." Pan Feng's mind unconsciously sounded what Wang Hei said that night and the strange smile.

He suddenly remembered that when he first entered school, everyone once reported their birthday in order to discharge the eldest brother and the second child in the dormitory. Pan Feng vaguely remembers that Gao Fei's birthday was in March 1992. Isn't March Wuchen? At this time, Pan Feng felt that he had suddenly grasped the key to the matter. He muttered to himself, "Gengwu, Gengwu..." At this time, he suddenly remembered that Lao Santian Fengfeng seemed to have said that he was his birthday in May 1993. And the second brother Li Xibo's birthday is August 92, that is, Guiyou in Tiangan. Is this the order of death really so?

However, he can't remember Wang Hei's birthday, and the relationship between the two is not very good, so Pan Feng doesn't care much about his affairs. This is selective forgetting! His eyes turned to Sun Mengmeng, who was trembling beside him.

"Six brother, when is Wang Hei's birthday?"

"I, I remember, he, he seemed to say yes, it was September." At this time, Sun Mengmeng's teeth trembled.

patted Sun Mengmeng on the shoulder, indicating that he should not be afraid. However, Pan Feng was shocked that September was Jiaxu. It seems that the order of death is really related to her birthday. March, May, August, September. My birthday is November in the year of Bingzi. Isn't this the next one to die? Looking at Wang Hei's frightened appearance before his death, what on earth did he see?

The truth is revealed

Time flies, and it is still a familiar dormitory and a familiar bed. However, the old man no longer looked at the four empty beds, and both of them couldn't help sighing. Sometimes, human life is really fragile.

The speculation in my heart, Pan Feng has already told Sun Mengmeng. When the little guy heard this death prophecy, his face turned blue. Maybe she finally figured out or abandoned herself. Sun Mengmeng just laughed at herself, with a trace of pain flashing on her face, and finally relieved.

The swaying candlelight is constantly dancing, and the red wine in the goblet under the candlelight is as bright as blood. The candlelight dinner is more romantic. But at this time, it is indeed gloomy and horrible. Perhaps, something changes with death.

Today's dinner should be called 'the farewell banquet'. Tomorrow, maybe Pan Feng will no longer be in this world.

The rumors about the haunted 421 dormitory have now been stirred up. Maybe this is really a curse.

Pan Feng checked a lot of relevant information. This boy's dormitory building was originally a cemetery. At first, this was not a boys' dormitory, but a girls' dormitory. According to feng shui, the reconstruction of cemeteries must be suppressed by 'big buildings'. What is a big building? It refers to buildings such as large shopping malls and schools.

But in the girls' dormitory building, a girl in the 421 dormitory jumped off the building. Later, the main dormitory building was always full of strange things. It is said that he came to see Mr. Fengshui. Women are so gloomy that they can't suppress so many lonely ghosts. Therefore, after exchanging the boys' dormitory building with the girls' dormitory building, nothing strange has happened since then.

"Brother, I respect you. Maybe not long after this wine, I will have to go down to accompany you." Sun Mengmeng sighed.

Pan Feng smiled helplessly, "Sixth brother, can you not curse me to death? Maybe this is a coincidence." Pong picked up the cup and drank it all.

Looking at the wine in the goblet gradually decreasing, the smile on Sun Mengmeng's face became stronger and stronger, but it was so strange under the candlelight.

"The king of hell told you to die in the third update. Who dares to keep people until the fifth update?"

Suddenly, Sun Mengmeng said this inexplicable sentence.

"Sixth brother, what are you talking about?" Pan Feng was obviously a little confused, but the next moment, Pan Feng's forehead suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and he covered his stomach and squatted on the ground. He twitched all over and looked very painful. At the corner of the right mouth, there was also a faint trace of blood.

At this moment, he seemed to understand the sound. Tremblingly stretching out his finger, he pointed to Sun Mengmeng and said, "You, you..." But it was so painful that Pan Feng couldn't even say a complete word.

"Ha ha, did you guess?" Sun Mengmeng's voice is sweet, but a little like a girl. You are all in good clothes, but I study hard day and night. In the end, I went to the same school as your group of pigs. There were tens of millions of people in the examination room. Why did I have acute appendicitis?

Pan Feng stared at Sun Mengmeng's eyes with a little anger, but he struggled a few times, but he couldn't stand up.

"Don't be angry. Soon you will go to accompany 'them'. Maybe we can meet again soon." Sun Mengmeng said with a smile, "Gao Fei's birthday, you give him gifts. And what about me? What about me?" Speaking of this, his eyes suddenly became ferocious, "No one cares about my birthday. Anyway, my grandparents are dead, and I have nothing to worry about."

"At the beginning, I was just a tutor, and I saw Gao Fei passing by in the window of the corridor. I really didn't expect that the vase I just threw down would kill him. This is retribution, and God can't bear it. Saying this, he looked relieved, as if he had avenged a lot.

"Didn't Tian Fengfeng show off his broken motorcycle all day?" "I did some tamping with the brakes, but I didn't expect him to die." His laughter was so disgusting, "I don't think he will show off this time." The viciousness in his eyes is like a fierce ghost who is desperate.

"Well, second brother, you..." Pan Feng asked weakly.

"Huh? You're not dead yet? It seems that the strength of this medicine is not good! But this is also good, which will make you suffer for a while. Looking at Pan Feng, who was still alive, Sun Mengmeng was obviously a little surprised.

"Actually, it really hurts to bite your tongue and pretend to spit blood." Suddenly, Pan Feng, who had covered his stomach and was dying, suddenly stood up. There is also a hint of fun in the tone.

"You, why are you all right?"

Pan Feng gently held the empty goblet on the table and said faintly, "I have changed this wine. The moment you turned around after pouring the wine, I changed the wine. While speaking, Pan Feng took out an identical goblet from the bottom of the table, which was full of red wine. The second brother got this trick. How can I be careless?

The dialogue between smart people often breaks the mystery in an instant.

"When did you pay attention to me? Sun Mengmeng's smile disappeared, but asked coldly.

"It was after my second brother's death that I carefully recalled the bits and pieces of that night. You are smart, but you are mistaken for cleverness. Wang Hei said that when someone dies next, you pretend to be scared. But when you opened the cork later, your movements were so proficient. How can a frightened person be so calm?

"Oh!" Sun Mengmeng's expression was a little complicated, but soon he smiled faintly and said, "This doesn't seem to mean anything. If I poison you, how can you be all right!"

"But some people with ulterior motives have already put sleeping pills in the cup? I'm afraid the effect is different! Barbitur salt belongs to aromatic hydrocarbons, which dissolves in alcohol. You, a top student, should not know!" Pan Feng's tone was full of sarcasm.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that you are very smart. Since you are so smart, you should be able to guess how Wang Hei died!" Sun Mengmeng said lightly.

"Of course." Pan Feng's tone was very sure, and he took out a yellow thing from his arms. Sun Mengmeng's face suddenly changed when she saw it.

That was Wang Chengping's personal amulet. "After testing, a large amount of *diacetamide was incorporated into it, and on the mahogany axe I wore, there was a lot of this substance, a strong hallucinogen. You are so cruel. Wang Hei usually believes in ghosts and gods, and his spirit is not very good. With this strong hallucinogen, he is scared to death by his hallucinations. It should be that you stole it from the chemical experiment. It's a good method. In fact, when you sneaked into the biological experiment to get the plague virus today, I understood what you were going to do.

"In that case..." Sun Mengmeng's eyes were full of resentment, and she paused and continued, "I'll give you one." He held a bright dagger in his hand, shining a fascinating cold light under the candlelight.

With a loud bang, the door was knocked open.

Serred police officers poured in...

The end

The sun is shining brightly, and it seems that the matter is over. The mystery was solved, and as the only 'survivor' of 421 dormitory, life returned to plainness again.

Where there is light, there is darkness. The balance of yin and yang is the eternal law of nature. Another quiet night, Pan Feng fell asleep in the study room again. Slowly, the white and ferocious woman's face appeared on the wall. Little by little, he was slowly approaching like Pan Feng...

Is the death prophecy really over?