Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 1 Nezha makes trouble in the sea

In the Shang Dynasty, when Emperor Xin was in the reign of King Zhou, he spoiled the demon concubine Daji, which made the court song smoky. Hundreds of officials were heartbroken and people's grievances were boiling.

Chen Tangguan is far away from the capital of merchants. Li Jing, the chief soldier, has been looking for immortals and visiting Taoism since childhood, and finally worshipped the real people in Western Kunlun. Although he has learned the five-e elements of escape for more than ten years of Taoism, but unfortunately, his qualifications are limited and it is difficult to enter the immortality. He was sent down the mountain by his teacher Du's real person and relied on his ability to seek personal wealth.

Although Li Jing's ability to govern the place is mediocre, he is good at marching. Chen Tangguan's soldiers were trained well by him.

The people of Chen Tangguan knew that Li Jing's original wife Yin gave birth to three sons. The eldest son Jin Zha worshipped Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun of Wulong Mountain Yunxiao Cave as his teacher, and his second son Mu Zha worshipped Puxian in Baihe Cave, Jiugong Mountain as his teacher. A few years ago, Yin was pregnant for three years and six months and gave birth to another Nezha. His first two sons are not strange. Although they are smart, they are still normal, but the third son Nezha not only stayed in his mother's belly for three years and six months before they were born, but also three years old at birth, wearing a circle of heaven and surrounded by heaven.

And this universe and mixed Tianling are extraordinary spiritual treasures, which are very magical and powerful.

Nezha, who was born with a strange treasure, did not feel sorry for his extraordinary appearance. After his birth, he was surprised everywhere. He not only spoke as soon as he was born, but also was extremely intelligent and powerful. As soon as he was born, he was accepted as a disciple by Taiyi Zhenren of Qianyuanshan Jinguang Cave, a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. Taiyi Zhenren loved him very much, and coupled with the favor of his mother Yin, he was inevitably a little arrogant.

Seven years have passed. In May, the weather was hot. Li Jing was sent by King Zhou to be reverted because of Jiang Wenhuan, the Marquis of Dongbo. He was not in Chentangguan. Nezha was irritable when he saw the hot weather. In addition, Li Jing was no longer there, so he took his family to the seaside to play.

After a while, Nezha jumped on the big stone by the sea and stirred it in the sea with mixed Tianling and bathed in water. However, he did not know that the place where he took a bath happened to be on the sea of the East China Sea, and mixed Tianling was a superior spiritual treasure with amazing power. Stirring in the water not only made the sea water red, but also the whole East China Sea. It was stirred without peace. Although there was not much movement on the sea, the seabed was already shaking.

In the crystal palace in the center of *, Ao Guang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, was sitting on the king's chair leisurely tasting the newly picked spiritual tea. Suddenly, the whole crystal palace shook up. All the clam girls dancing in the hall fell to the ground. The crystal tea cup in Ao Guang's hand also fell to the ground, and his body shook on the throne.

Ao Guang was shocked and said, "What's going on? Why is it shaking so much? Why is it so hard to let Li Liang go and have a look?"

Li Liang, who patrolled the sea, received the order of the Dragon King and began to divide the water to go to the sea. However, after a cup of tea, Li Liang came to the mouth of the sea. He saw that the surrounding sea was red and brilliant, but a child bathed in water and stirred up the sea mouth, which caused the East China Sea to be disturbed.

When the sea patrol Yecha saw a child who was only 17 or 18 years old, he suddenly became so bold and was not afraid of the red-like strange treasure in Nezha's hand. He shouted, "You newly weaned baby, with some strange things to shake the East China Sea, and I can't be at peace."

Nezha was playing, but he saw a monster with blue hair, huge fangs, and a big axe coming out of the water and roaring at him. No one dared to talk to him like this since he was a child. He was furious. He held a universe circle in his hand and said to Yecha, "You are a beast. What is it that can speak?

Li Liang, who patrolled the sea, said angrily, "I am Li Liang who patrols the sea under the Dragon Throne of the East China Sea. You newly weaned baby, are so unreasonable that you dare to scold this Yecha as a beast, which makes me angry!" After saying that, he rolled up the waves, waved the axe in his hand and rushed to Nezha.

Although Nezha was young, he was extremely bold. In the face of the fierce night fork, he was not afraid at all. He dodged the night fork with an axe and turned around to hit the night fork. This universe circle, like the mixed skyling, is Taiyi real person directly into Yin's abdomen. Accompanied by Nezha's top-day spiritual treasure, which was originally refined by Yuanshi Tianzun himself, and later given to Taiyi Zhenren as the treasure of Jinguang Cave. In order to let Nezha play the power of these two treasures as soon as possible, Taiyi Zhenren specially let Erbao be born with Nezha.

Although Nezha is only seven years old, the two treasures of the Heavenly Ling and the universe circle have been able to exert 30% of their power. Although it is only 30% of the power, the 30% power of the top-quality acquired spiritual treasure can't be stopped by the immortals, not to mention the small demon in the early days of Yecha Li Liang, who was beaten by the universe circle. On his head, his brain collapsed, his body died, and he suddenly made a bill.

Nezha took back the universe circle, looked at the blood stains on it and laughed, "I can't help fighting like this, which has stained my universe circle." After saying that, he cleaned his treasure in the sea again. The poor Donghai Dragon Palace just stopped shaking, but it shook more violently. This time, the whole Crystal Palace almost collapsed.

In the Crystal Palace, the Dragon King Aoguang asked left and right, "I asked Yecha Li Liang to check the reason. Why hasn't he returned for such a long time? Why is the palace shaking more and more?"

At this time, a shrimp soldier came in outside the hall and reported: "The Dragon King, Yecha Li Liang was killed by a child at the seaside."

Ao Guangguang was shocked and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Li Liang is the registered water god of the royal pen of the Heavenly King's Hall. With the cultivation in the early stage of the earth fairy, how can he be killed by a child?"

The shrimp soldier trembled and replied tremblingly, "The little one dare not deceive. Yecha Li Liang was killed by the child with a shining circle. It was the little one who hid in the sea and saw it with his own eyes!"

At this time, Ao Bing, the third prince standing in front of the hall, came out and said, "Father, it seems that Li Liang was killed by the child on the shore with a strange treasure, and let the child lead the soldiers to capture the child and take the treasure and give it to his father."

Ao Guang told him, "That child has treasures in hand. My son must be careful."

"Father is relieved. The child is already a mid-immortal cultivation. No matter what treasure the child has, the child can be captured. The father will stay in the palace for a while, and the child will go back." After saying that, he took the weapon, rode on the blue water beast and ordered a thousand sailors, let the shrimp soldiers who came to report the news lead the way, row the waterway, and go to the sea mouth to control the water.

Nezha just washed the circle of the universe, but he saw the huge waves rising on the sea, and the sea rose by ten feet. He couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Is there another water monster coming out?"

At this time, I saw a man riding a blue water beast, wearing silver armor, carrying a square painting halberd and leading more than a thousand strange-shaped sailors out of the sea and shouting, "Who killed me to patrol the night fork in the East China Sea?"

Nezha looked at the more than a thousand sailors and the third prince Ao Bing in front of him without fear and replied, "It's me."

As soon as Ao Bing saw Nezha looking at the universe circle and the mixed skyling in his hand, there was a trace of greed in his eyes and shouted, "Whose child are you? Don't you dare to kill my Donghai Yecha? Aren't you afraid of the punishment of the heavenly court?"

Nezha smiled and pointed to the body of Yecha beside him and said, "I'm Nezha, the third son of Li Jing, the general of Chen Tangguan. Who came to ask me to plead guilty? Aren't you afraid to be like him?"

After hearing this, Ao Bing said angrily, "Little thief, I am Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. How dare you bully me like this and eat me." After saying that, he waved the square halberd in his hand and stabbed Nezha.

After hearing this, Nezha laughed and dodged Ao Bing's Fang Tianhua halberd and said, "It turns out that you are the son of Ao Guang. No wonder you are so arrogant and give your mount to the young master to play. The young master doesn't care about you before sneaking on the young master. Otherwise, if you annoy the young master, the young master will take you and your old man's loach. My son got skinned and cramped."

What happened to Ao Bing, the third prince of Long, who was angry? He was the third prince of the East China Sea. He was usually flattered by his shrimp soldiers and crabs, but today he was so humiliated by a child and shouted, "You little thief, so rude. If you don't break you into ten thousand pieces today, it's hard to get rid of my hatred." After saying that, he waved the halberd again.

Nezha hurriedly dodged and waved the Hun Tianling in his hand into a long red shadow and wrapped it around Ao Bing. Ao Bing did not know the power of this treasure. He waved the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand to block it, but he was wrapped by Hun Tianling and the halberd and fell off the blue water beast. Seeing Ao Bing fall to the ground, Nezha threw out the universe circle in his hand and hit Ao Bing's head. Fortunately, the third prince Ao Bing was a real dragon. His body was strong, and he was hit in the head by the universe circle and just fainted.

When Nezha saw that Ao Bing fainted and turned into a four-clawed dragon more than ten feet long, he laughed and said, "Ah, I've hit the original shape of this loach. I'll pull his tendons and give it to my father's armor."

A thousand sailors around were shocked when they heard this and rushed to stop Nezha. After all, although these shrimp soldiers and crabs were afraid of death, they knew that if Nezha was allowed to kill Ao Bing, the dragon king Ao Guang would not forgive them, and even implicated the clan, so they had to rush forward desperately.

Unfortunately, these sailors' cultivation is not as good as the ordinary realm, and the strongest crab generals are just the realm of earthly immortals. All of them have not yet passed the heavenly disaster to become immortals. Nezha is the reincarnation of the spiritual beads in the Nuwa Niang Palace. As soon as they are born, they are the cultivation of earth immortals. Not long ago, they have survived the heavenly disaster and become immortals. How can they stop them? He waved the mixed sky and silk, control the circle of the universe, and was killed in three or two strokes.

Seeing that no one came to stop him, Nezha walked towards Ao Bing, the third prince of the dragon who fainted, and waved the universe circle to hit the dragon head a few times. Even Ao Bing's dragon head, which was as hard as an ordinary fairy weapon, was still beaten and his brain burst. After that, he took off the dragon skin three or two times and pulled out the dragon tendons.

At this time, an electric light cut through the sky, and it could be seen even in broad daylight. A thunder came. Dark clouds in the sky covered the sky in the blink of an eye. As soon as the sun was still in the sky, it immediately rained heavily, as if God was crying for the dead dragon.