Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 3 Obtaining Skills

Finally, Xia Bing dragged his injured body and escaped for a day and night and fled to Niutouling 300 miles away from Chentangguan. This Niutouling is not a fairy blessed land, but it is not a poor mountain and evil water land where life has been extinct. The mountain is hundreds of feet high, and there is a pool about the size of a circle in the mountain and the sun.

There are many fierce beasts in the Niutou Mountains, so there are no people around, but this place is not far from Chentang Pass. There are many pedestrians passing by. There are no monsters in the mountains. Only a few tigers and leopards have opened their wisdom and become monsters, but they have not been able to transform. They are just refined-level half-monsters and half-beasts.

Xia Bing did not enter the mountain. On the one hand, he entered the mountain with his now injured body. Even if he had transformed, he had just taken away and could not use the demon power in his body. If he met tiger and leopard beasts, he might be confessed to the mountain. Second, his current body is a blue-headed lobster, which is not Demons on land, water is his best place to go.

So Xia Bing plunged directly into the pool at the foot of the mountain, and a cool feeling came. Xia Bing felt that the pain on his body was relieved a little. The pool was six or seven feet deep, and there were many fish and turtles in the water. Xia Bing, who had been hungry for a day, waved his big pliers to catch a few fat carp and swallowed them in his stomach until he was full before he was full. Ying came over and just ate raw fish. He wanted to spit it out and vomited for a long time, but his body had no desire to vomit, so he had to give up.

Xia Bing, who was full, fell asleep in the water like this, and the fish and turtles around him were far away from him and were afraid of the evil spirit emanating from him.

When he woke up, it was already the next morning. Xia Bing, who woke up, found that most of his injuries had healed and his fatigue had disappeared, but there were many more memories in his mind, but the remnants of the dead shrimp soldiers were merged by him. The extra memory is a "Swallowing Water" practiced by the lobster family for generations, a few incomplete marksmanships, and some trivialities in life. The clear impression is the memory of the green-headed shrimp of the dragon king Aoguang and several dragon girls. What surprised Xia Bing most is that the green-headed shrimp is secretly falling in love with Ao Guang's fourth daughter. Ao, the fourth princess of the East China Sea, listened. Although Xia Bing saw from this guy's memory that the four princesses were indeed very beautiful, even he was used to it on the earth. The travelers of the star and beautiful women are full of admiration, but after all, the status of the two are very different. It's really thanks to this buddy's boldness.

Xia Bing, who accepted the memory of the green-headed shrimp, couldn't help muttering, "Hey, brother, go at ease. I will definitely help you marry the fourth princess." He muttered with a joking mind, but as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that his soul was much clearer and even his body was much lighter. It seemed that from this moment on, this body completely belonged to him.

"It seems that I inadvertently dissipated the obsession of this green-headed shrimp. Now this body is completely under my control. Is it really going to marry the fourth princess of the East China Sea in the future..." Xia Bing just planned to repent, and he felt that there would be something wrong if he did not fulfill his promise to the green-headed shrimp. As usual, I quickly gave up the idea.

However, when he thought that he had scraped the third prince of the East China Sea and dug up his dragon ball, it would be good for his sister not to chase him for thousands of miles. How could he fall in love with him?

Xia Bing shook his head again, stopped thinking about these unknown things, and took out the Qiankun bag of the third Prince Long. Although he received Ao Bing's square halberd and armor in the Qiankun bag, there was no time to look carefully at the contents before. With a trace of demonic power, he opened the universe bag. The reason why he could open it so easily is that thanks to Nezha killed Ao Bing, the universe bag became a masterless thing.

There is a small palace in the space in the universe bag, with a length, width and height of ten feet. Among them, there are countless treasures, most of which are treasures collected by Ao Bing in the East China Sea, including elixirs, weapons, and various precious materials. Of course, although these things are precious compared with low-level demon practitioners such as Xia Bing, who have not entered the immortals. Those immortals above the real immortal level look down on these at all, and everything in the universe bag is not as good as a low-class spiritual treasure.

And although the space in the universe bag is already very large in Xia Bing's eyes, it is not in the eyes of those who are really strong above Taiyi Jinxian. The strong man in that realm can take away the whole mountain by waving their sleeves, and will not use such a small universe bag at all.

Although Xia Bing was dazzled by the various treasures in the universe bag, he was not addicted to it. He found a pile of jade slips for a moment. He hurriedly took out these jade slips and read the information in the jade slips with his weak spiritual knowledge. These jade slips are all kinds of martial arts and secrets collected by Ao Bing for thousands of years, although they are far inferior to The skills practiced by the disciples of the three sects of Xuanmen are not much worse than the skills of other scattered immortals. At least there are all kinds of immortal common sense, but most of them are water attributes.

After reading a volume of skills called Jiaolong Overturning the Sea, Xia Bing understood the realm of practice in this flood. Ordinary monks who have not yet passed the fairy disaster are divided into four realms. The monks who refine the essence, refine the qi, refine the gods, and refine the virtual realm are also called earth immortals.

The life expectancy of human monks under the earth immortals is not long. The life expectancy of the monks in the refining period is only two Jiazi, the life expectancy of the three Jiazi monks in the refining period, and the life expectancy of the five Jiazi monks in the refining period is only six hundred years. Even the immortals are far from immortal, although the life expectancy of demons in the same realm is the human race. Monks are several times or even more than ten times longer, but they will also die of old age.

However, the immortal monks who have survived the disaster are completely different. The immortal monks are divided into immortals, true immortals, Xuan immortals, Taiyi golden immortals, Daluo golden immortals, mixed yuan golden immortals and mixed Yuan Daluo golden immortals. Among them, immortals, true immortals, Xuanxians, have to go through the disaster of heaven and man every 99600 years, and automatically enter after five times. In the next big realm, if you don't get through it once in the middle, you will naturally die. If Xuanxian can't rely on his talent to cultivate too much Taoist fruits, he will have to survive five times of the five declines of heaven and man. At that time, heaven and earth will descend the fruits of Taiyi Taoism, and from then on, he will not suffer from the five declines of heaven and man. However, from the formation of the heavenly way, there have been no immortals who have survived five disasters so far, let alone those immortals and true immortals who have been difficult to overcome once.

A small disaster falls every 129,000 years,600 years, which is a disaster for the five declines of heaven and people. The fruit of Taiyi Dao can not be affected by this disaster. Every twelve small disasters are a measure of disasters. Under the mixed yuan, they are all in the disaster. From the opening of heaven and earth to now, the flood and the land has experienced three disasters.

The first time the robbery was the disaster of fierce beasts. It is said that when Pangu opened up heaven and earth, thousands of chaotic demon gods were killed. These chaotic demon gods were born in chaos, and the level of life is higher than anyone else in today's wilderness. Many of the fallen demon gods fell into the flood just opened by Pangu. In the wilderness world, the body of the demon god who died full of resentment has lasted for tens of millions of years with the evolution of the flood and famine. Countless fierce beasts with no psychic knowledge only know how to kill were born. These fierce beasts killed everywhere in the flood and famine to destroy the creatures of the flood and famine. In the end, the flood and famine had to unite to kill the fierce beasts, although in the end they were successfully destroyed. Almost all the fierce beasts were killed, but the Honghuang clans also suffered heavy losses.

The second disaster was the disaster of the Dragon and Han Dynasty. After the fierce beast disaster, the Honghuang and famine ruled the flood and famine. Finally, the three alien armies of the dragon, Feng and Qilin suddenly carved up the flood and famine. The three ethnic groups wanted to unify the flood and famine, so a war broke out, all of which were killed and injured. The Kirin almost destroyed the clan, and the two tribes of dragon and phoenix also withdrew from the stage of history.

The third disaster was the lich disaster. At that time, the twelve ancestor witches ruled the land of Honghuang. Under the leadership of Dijun and Taiyi, the demon clan established the heavenly court and ruled the Honghuang sky based on thirty three days. However, there are also countless demons in the land of Honghuang, who are often killed by witches. In addition, both ethnic groups want to unify the flood and become the world of famine. The eternal protagonist often breaks out in battles. Finally, a full-scale war broke out because the witch Houyi shot and killed Dijun's nine sons. In the end, both sides were defeated. The two tribes lost their hegemony at the same time. The human race entered the historical stage and became the protagonist of the flood world, and the saint became the chess player of the wilderness.

And the great disaster that has just begun is the fourth disaster. In this robbery, several saints fought for the fate of education and finally broke the flood, and then four continents appeared.

After reading Jiaolong Overturns the Sea, Xia Bing has a detailed understanding of the common sense of the way of cultivation. Unfortunately, this formula can only be cultivated to the realm of true immortals, and is only suitable for the cultivation of Jiaolong. Xia Bing can't practice with lobster at all, so he has to continue to find the right formula.

In the end, Xia Bing spent two days reading the pile of jade slips. Although most of them were skills and secrets that could only be practiced by the dragon, he still found a formula suitable for his cultivation - the Black Water Holy Law. This formula does not have too much requirements for the race. As long as it is an aquarium, it can be practiced, and It can be cultivated all the way to Xuanxian, and there is also a supporting secret art "Black Water Xuanbing Art".

This "Black Water Holy Law" has a shortcoming when practicing. Each realm requires a large number of heaven and earth spirits with water attributes or ice attributes. Otherwise, the cultivation of heaven and earth aura alone is ten times slower than other methods of the same level. If Xia Bing does not get the treasure of Ao Bing, the universe bag, he will get this method. The secret can't be cultivated. The qualification of the green-headed shrimp is very ordinary. If he practices a skill that is extremely slow to enter the country, then he will not want to become an immortal in his life.

And "Black Water Xuan Bing Shu" uses the black water mana cultivated by "Black Water Holy Law" to exert far more power than ordinary spells. "Black Water Xuan Bing Shu" has a total of seven weights, and the power is stronger than one weight. It is said that even Xuanxian can be frozen when cultivated to the seventh.

Xia Bing, who found the skill, was not in a hurry to practice. He opened the universe bags of Yecha Li Liang and two crabs. The space of these three universe bags was much smaller, only the size of an ordinary house, and there were not many treasures in it, only some magic weapon-level weapons and one Some of the spiritual grass in the sea, the cultivation skills of the three people are not as good as those collected by Prince Long San.