Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 29 Shocked Yang Chan

The two were sick in the courtyard full of peach blossoms. From time to time, Yang Chan's silver bell-like laughter came, but Xia Bing told Yang Chan the jokes of his previous life and some sweet words, which made the beauty tremble.

Occasionally, some shameless jokes will be inserted, and it will usher in a pink fist of the beauty. The two fell in love in the peach forest. Xia Bing's two wolf claws were a lot of oiling on Yang Chan's body, making Yang Chan * continuous.

After this relationship, the two really reached the point of glue. Except for not taking the last step, they are no different from the real couple. They have long forgotten the clouds crying somewhere.

Xia Bing took Yang Chan, who was blushing, into his arms and sniffed the fragrance of clouds and green silk. "Cant, do you want to know the biggest secret of being a husband?" Xia Bing whispered in Yang Chan's ear, "This is a secret that even saints will be scared!"

"No, you always tease others, so I don't believe you!" Yang Chan's careless answer did not cooperate with Xia Bing at all.

Xia Bing, who lost his temper by Yang Chan's answer, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I'm doing this. I can't live!" Without thinking much, he directly took Yang Chan back to the Yuguang world and appeared on Yingzhou Fairy Island, which was full of white and innate spirit.

Yang Chan, who felt that a flower appeared in a strange place in front of her, was shocked. She turned her head and saw Xia Bing still holding her and looked at herself with a smile. Yang Chan understood that it was his ghost and immediately gave Xia Bing a white eye to calm down.

"Ah!" Feeling the innate gas that came to her face, Yang Chan couldn't help exclaiming, "Okay, a lot of innate gas, where is this place?"

Xia Bing's gentle voice came from his ear: "You are stepping on Yingzhou Xiandao under your feet. This is Yuguangjie and our future home."

"Yingzhou Fairy Island!" Yang Chan didn't listen to the words behind Qing Xia Bing, but only heard Xia Bing say that this was Yingzhou Fairy Island.

At this time, it has been more than two months since Xia Bing moved Yingzhou Fairy Island to the Yuguang World. Even if Yang Chan lived in Huashan, he had already learned from the mountain god land of Huashan that a bold guy had dug up Yingzhou Fairy Island in the East China Sea not long ago, which also attracted the eyes of divine punishment, and Hongjun Daozu took action.

Yang Chan, who was stunned by Xia Bing's words, turned around and pointed to Xia Bing: "You, you, are the one who dug up Yingzhou Fairy Island?"

"Well, that's me." Xia Bing looked indifferent and nodded without any embarrassment.

"This fairy island will be our back garden in the future. Are you happy? "The cicada." Xia Bing said with a proud face.

After hearing this, Yang Chan did not show a smile, but roared at Xia Bing angrily, "It's strange to be happy. Do you know what you have done?"

Immediately, he said with a worried face, "What if it is found by Daozu?"

"Is the cicada afraid of Hongjun?" Xia Bing asked with a comfortable look.

"I'm not afraid of Daozu? I'm afraid that you will be..." Yang Chan's eyes are full of tears and sad before he finishes speaking.

"Don't worry, Chan, Hongjun can't find this place, Honghuang Tiandao can't find it, and no one can find it here in the whole Honghuang. I'm the biggest here, even if Hongjun comes in, it will be ruined." Xia Bing said with a domineering face.

"You're still talking nonsense." Yang Chan hugged Xia Bing's waist with a sad face, "Can you tell Chan what happened?"

Xia Bing stroked Yang Chan's jade back, appeased Yang Chan's excited mood, and began to introduce the whole Yuguang world to Yang Chan. From the original rune space to the Yuguang world evolved after absorbing Ding Haizhu, from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Chaos Bell to the demon treasure, Yang Chan was stunned.

When she heard that Xia Bing's rune space could accelerate time, she was extremely surprised. When she heard that the big Luo Jinxian, the big Luo Jinxian, was killed by Xia Bing, her eyes were even more starry. She also heard that the rune space had evolved into the same origin world as the world as the flood and famine world. Xia Bing was the owner of this world, and opened his mouth wide. , stunned and speechless, finally heard Xia Bing tell that he was threatened by the Eye of Heaven and attacked by Hongjun Daozu when he stole Yingzhou Fairy Island, and he was extremely worried about Xia Bing. Yang Chan's heart was touched by what Xia Bing said.

Except for the fact that he did not tell Yang Chan about the fact that he came from later generations, Xia Bing did not hide anything else.

After listening to Xia Bing's words, Yang Chan also knew how rebellious Xia Bing's Yuguang world was, so she put down her worries, but still advised Xia Bing: "My husband, don't do such a dangerous thing in the future. If you want more land in the Yuguang world, you can completely go to those ordinary people around the flood world. Take it from the small world, the middle thousand world and the big world.

After listening to Yang Chan's words, Xia Bing suddenly woke up and patted his head and said, "Oh, yes, why didn't I think of it? Isn't there a lot of world outside the flood? At that time, it will be enough to swallow a few small worlds casually.

He scratched his head awkwardly and said, "My wife is still smart."

After saying that, Yang Chan's eyes turned white.

Then Xia Bing took Yang Chan to stroll on Yingzhou Fairy Island, picked some lucidum fairy grass, tasted the jade wine in the jade spring, and the congenital spiritual root lychee. Only Yang Chan was so strong that she drank three cups of jade wine, and her face was already flushed.

The two walked on the white-mengning Yingzhou Island. The fairy spirit lingered, and the man was talented and beautiful. They were the fairy couple. What ambitions and plans for the journey to the west were left behind by Xia Bing.

Then Xia Bing took Yang Chan around the whole Sun Temple. The magnificence of the temple, the splendor, and the various treasures in it made Yang Chan amazed, shouting, "All the palaces of the Heavenly Palace are not as good as the temple in front of us." This greatly satisfied Xia Bing's vanity.

When Yang Chan saw a pool of pure white lotus in the back garden, she couldn't help dancing among the white lotus, with a long skirt and beautiful dancing posture. Although it was not accompanied by fairy music, it was still beautiful. Even the moon palace fairy would be eclipsed in front of Yang Chan at this time, and only fascinated Xia Bing's soul. When he was about to fly out, Xia Bing finally understood what the beauty of the country was.

A dance fell into the city, and Yang Chan, who stopped dancing, stepped on the water waves and flew to Xia Bing like a fairy, directly declaring the ownership of this pool of white lotus.

Xia Bing nodded with a smile and joked that he would build a bigger pool than Yaochi in the future, so that Yang Chan would become the royal mother of the Yuguang world.

Yang Chan heard this, but she smiled and told Xia Bingyao that it was not only a huge pool, but also pavilions, various fairyland, and even peach orchards planted with peach trees.

Xia Bing blushed when he heard this, and secretly decided to take advantage of Sun Wukong's havoc in the heavenly palace to take all kinds of yellow scarf wrestlers in the heavenly court to serve himself and build a heavenly palace far larger than the Honghuang Tianting. The peaches in the peach garden should be moved back with trees and peaches, saving Yang Chan's jokes. Myself.

If Yang Chan knew that her delicate smile had made Xia Bing make such a crazy decision, I don't know if she would faint.

At this time, Xia Bing remembered to make a lot of money when the Monkey King made a scene in the Heavenly Palace, so he quickly asked Yang Chan, "Can, have you heard of the Monkey King?"

Yang Chan shook her head blankly after hearing this.

Xia Bing was relieved when he saw it and said secretly, "It seems that Sun Wukong has not made trouble in the Heavenly Palace. At this time, his reputation is not obvious, but he has to go to Huaguo Mountain to confirm in a few days."

Yang Chan saw Xia Bing's strange expression and asked, "What's wrong, husband? Is this person very important?"

"Nothing, it's not an important person, just ask casually," Xia Bing replied.

Seeing that Xia Bing didn't want to say more, Yang Chan stopped asking.

Xia Bing and Yang Chan came to the sky above the volcano where the sun god fire spirit was placed and felt the heat wave coming to his face. Yang Chan whispered, "husband, is that your second master is below?"

"Well, it's a pity that his soul is not strong enough to take shape." Xia Bing sighed and turned his hand over. A light ball appeared in his hand, which was the power of the yuan god scattered in the rune space after the burning lamp collected at the beginning.

"If only there was Mengbo soup." Xia Bing said to himself.

"What does your husband want Meng Po soup for? Is it possible to drink it and forget it? Yang Chan smiled beside her.

"Of course not. How can I be willing to forget the cicada's heart?" Xia Bing explained softly, "This light ball is the power of the yuan god left by the death of the burning lamp. If you wash away the marks left by the burning lamp with Meng Po soup, the rest is only the power of the pure soul. If I let my second master absorb it, I can make up for the lack of soul power and shape in advance and achieve Daluo Jinxian."

After saying that, Xia Bing sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I have no friendship with Hou Tu Niangniang. In addition, I am a demon clan. Meng Po is the split of Hou Tu Niang Niang. If I ask her for Meng Po soup, she will definitely not give it to me."

Yang Chan on one side smiled coquettishly and said, "My husband doesn't know the Hou Tu Niang, but the cicada knows it!"

"What? Really? Chan, do you know the mother-in-law? Xia Bing confirmed to Yang Chan with a little surprise.

"Well, I met at the last peach meeting. Hou Tu Niangniang likes cicada very much and gave cicada a grain of soil!" After saying that, he took out a piece of nail-sized soil with yellow light.

"It's so heavy! Such a small grain weighs 10,000 catties. Xia Bing took it in his hand and felt the weight of the soil here. He secretly said, "It is worthy of being the most precious treasure of earth attributes as famous as Sanguang Shenshui."

"Then the cicada will ask for some Meng Po soup for her husband in a few days." Xia Bing said to Yang Chan.

"Well, the cicada will go tomorrow." She is also very happy to help Xia Bing.