Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 154 Cut melons and vegetables

A solid, heavy and domineering original power permeates Pangu's remnant soul.

As the power of this source poured into the sky axe, the originally illusory axe actually solidized, especially the axe blade, which has been really revealed, and the sharpness involuntarily breaks through the huge dark and terrible cracks in the outer space.

The Dead Heavenly King and the Dark Heavenly King, which are close to the Pangu virtual shadow, are shocked and cold above their heads, and they feel a great threat from the solid sharp light.

They have no doubt that this horrible axe can easily split them in half. The death king who was originally shrouded in the gray death fog and the dark sky king whose face was shrouded in dark fog are extremely pale, and his foreheads are sweating coldly, but they dare not act rashly, afraid of ushering in the thunder of this terrorist strongman. One blow.

can only quietly approach Guangmingjun not far away. It seems that he intends to join hands with Guangmingjun to resist the horrible existence of Pangu.

However, Guang Mingjun has scolded the 18 generations of the ancestors of the Dead Heavenly King and the Dark Heavenly King in his heart at this time: two fools who are not enough to fail. Originally, one person could have killed the three Honghuang indigenous people. Now the two have not only not directly killed them, but also let the three Honghuang indigenous people die. It's time to make such a move, which provoked a horrible existence that is no worse than the Holy Lord of War. Ninety-nine of the Legion of War Angels died. Now if you don't stay safe and don't move, why do you come to me? You think you don't die fast enough. Don't implicate me!

Guangmingjun remained calm on the surface, secretly restrained his breath, and did not dare to reveal any hostility on his face. Even the glowing wings on his body were put away. He looked no different from other wild indigenous people. He had a smile on his face, such as Hexi Chunfeng, and his eyes revealed the worship of the Pangu God. , a harmless look.

But he has secretly taken out the life-saving treasure at the bottom of the box, just in case.

In his heart, he secretly cursed the Death King and the Dark King, and secretly said that if he was lucky enough to escape the disaster, he must torture them for hundreds of millions of years and search for all their treasures, otherwise his grievances would not be extinguished.

It's not just the Light Tomorrow King, the Dark Heavenly King, and the Death Heavenly King who are extremely nervous.

Nuwa and the lead have been seriously injured in the distance, and they are about to get rid of their order Tianjun. Seeing the two scourges of the Dark Heavenly King and the Death Heavenly King, they have provoked such a horrible existence of Pangu's remnant soul.

Not far from Pangu, he didn't have time to continue to attack Nuwa and lead. He immediately put away the chain of order and quietly hid in the distance.

As for why he didn't meet the death emperor and the dark emperor to the light tomorrow, but because the remnant soul of the Pangu god was just in the middle of them, and the order Tianjun, who was trembled by the terrible breath on Pangu's virtual shadow, was too late to stay away from Pangu. How dare he pass by Pangu and foolishly help death. Tianjun and Dark Tianjun attract firepower.

Order Tianjun's idea is good. He hides far away alone. Naturally, there is no Death Heavenly King, Dark Heavenly King and Light Tomorrow King to attract people's attention.

At this time, of course, you have to save your own life first. How can you control the life or death of others?

But the ideal is beautiful, but the world is always so cruel.

Order Tianjun wants to stay away from here quietly, but how can the introduction and Nuwa do what he wants?

Especially when he received the saint, his brother-tied saint, who was as close as a compatriot, was killed by the emperor of order and the flame emperor. If it hadn't been for the obstruction of the emperor of order, it would have been possible to avoid it even if he could not resist the original flame of the flame emperor with the strength of the saint.

It is precisely because the order emperor uses the chain of order to stop them that the quasi-saints will be so easily killed by the flame emperor.

Now that the Flame Tianjun was directly pinched to death by Hongjun, his soul flew away, and most of the revenge of the saint was revenged.

However, the order Tianjun still lived well, even without any scars on his body, and the order Tianjun not only killed the accomplice of the prospective saint, but also seriously injured the reception and Nuwa, and almost killed the life of the reception and Nuwa.

With a breath of anger in his heart and Nuwa saw the order Tianjun secretly escape at this time. The two knelt in the void and begged to the Pangu god, "Please uphold justice for us!"

The saint cried with tears in his eyes and said, "God, the younger brother must mention that he has just been killed by the alien demon in order to protect the flood world. Please pity the god and uphold justice for the younger brothers!"

The order Tianjun, who had been observing the situation on Pangu's side, suddenly panicked when he saw what Nuwa had done and scolded himself for why he had not tried his best to kill the two indigenous people earlier, otherwise there would be no trouble now.

Hearing what the introduction and Nuwa said, the order Tianjun immediately fled to endless chaos.

And Pangu has the memory of Sanqing. Hearing the crying and pleading, he naturally knew what was going on, and ignored the snot and tears of kneeling there.

A huge divine eye glanced at the order emperor who was fleeing crazily, and a cold hum containing supreme majesty came from Pangu's mouth, as if he had sensed Pangu's eyes. The speed of the order emperor suddenly soared, and he was about to enter chaos in an instant.

However, Pangu waved the sky axe faster than him. Except for the strong who reached the realm of the original divine servant, others hardly saw Pangu's action.

I only saw a silver axe shining out of Pangu's body. In a flash, it had caught up with the Order Heavenly King, and only a scream was heard, and the Order Heavenly King had turned into flying ash.

Only the damaged armor and the broken chaotic sacred weapon order chain are left in the void.

Other Dark Heavenly King, Death Heavenly King, Light Tomorrow King, Frost Heavenly King and Thunder Heavenly King who hid on the battle god boat to heal their wounds suddenly took a deep breath.

You should know that the Order Heavenly King is about to escape into chaos, tens of millions of miles away from Pangu. Although this is a void outside the original world, it is still incredible.

This horrible existence was directly separated by tens of millions of miles away. An axe split the order emperor, the strong man at the peak of the mid-term servant who understood the origin of the six-point law of order, into flying ash, and even the chain of order, a chaotic holy weapon with three chaotic prohibitions, was split in half.

What a terrible attack, what a sharp axe.

Not only these heavenly kings in the wartime world were stunned, but also all the survivors of the flood and famine were silent and their eyes were almost stared out.

Xia Bing was even more secretly palpitated and shouted secretly, "This Pangu is too awesome. What a strong attack, such a fast speed. At the speed of his action, I'm afraid I will be split in half by him before I escape into the Yuguang world!" Fortunately, Sanqing believed in my identity as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, hoping that Pangu would not see any flaws, otherwise I would be in danger. With Pangu, it is probably hopeless for these aliens to enter the flood.

"It seems that my plan to reap the benefits of the fisherman is going to fail! Unfortunately, fortunately, Luo Hao also sold the world of the flood and famine to the world of all gods, otherwise my plan to seize the flood and famine would be ruined.

"But Pangu summoned by these three guys from Sanqing will not exist all the time, and that uncle is still planning to fart!"

Xia Bing, who had thousands of thoughts in his heart, finally saw that he really couldn't get around the opening of the ancient, and suddenly sighed secretly in his heart, "Well, act when you see the opportunity. I don't believe that the Pangu virtual shadow summoned by Sanqing can always exist."

"But Pangu's strength is too strong. I have completely refined the chaotic clock. Hearing his call, I immediately flew out. This chaotic clock is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Sooner or later, I will split him into scrap iron."

Not to mention that Xia Bing was full of resentment complaining about the chaotic clock, and Hongjun, who was scared by Pangu's axe, was standing not far from Guangmingjun.

Unlike Guangmingjun's surprise, Hongjun saw Pangu split the order heaven king into flying ashes with a sky axe, and even the chain of order was cut in half.

There is no surprise in his eyes, as if it is natural for Pangu to split the chain of order and destroy this chaotic artifact with three chaotic prohibitions.

There is only a strong fear in his eyes, as if Pangu's axe cut not only the order king, but also his heart.

Hongjun's old ruddy face became extremely pale.

His hands clenched into fists and finally loosened helplessly. In the face of such a horrible Pangu, his strength seemed so pale and weak.

From the beginning of Sanqing to sacrifice his original spirit and return to the source, Hongjun realized that it was not good.

However, because he wanted to protect the flood and famine to prevent several heavenly monarchs and war angel legions from invading the flood and famine, Hongjun was not only afraid of Pangu but also looking forward to the upcoming Pangu, and his heart was full of contradictions.

After all, he himself realized that he could not stop the army of the war-sky world alone in this void.

And other saints in the flooded world can't stop several heavenly kings.

After all, Hongjun is one of the three demon gods who besieged Pangu in those years, and he is also an outsider for the original world opened up by Pangu.

Therefore, after Pangu appeared, Hongjun also restrained his breath like Guang Mingjun opposite him. Suddenly, he kept a low profile and even put away the jade dish above his head. After all, the jade dish was originally a treasure of Pangu.

If you don't put it away, Pangu is likely to notice him.

And just saw the ferocity of Pangu waving the sky axe, Hongjun was not surprised at all, but his heart was cold.

In those years, 3,000 chaotic demons besieged Pangu together, and even those powerful top law masters could not resist the attack of Pangu.

Whever he is the hegemon who is rampant, or the amazing genius, they all fell under Pangu's sky axe.

Just now, Pangu just killed an order emperor in the realm of divine servant with an open sky axe, destroying a chaotic sacred weapon that was only forbidden by three chaos.

You should know that the worst people who died in Pangu's hands when Pangu opened the sky were the masters of the law, and countless chaotic sacred artifacts were split in half by Pangu with an open sky axe.

And most of them are top chaotic sacred objects with * chaotic prohibition, and even several low-level original spiritual treasures were broken by Pangu.

Hongjun's causeless dust with seven chaotic prohibitions is just the last stream inside.

At that time, Pangu was really fierce and powerful.

Under one axe, those masters of the law were killed by Pangu cutting melons and vegetables.

If Hongjun hadn't avoided quickly, he would have lost his soul.

Even if Hongjun picked up a life, Pangu's ferocious image has been deeply imprinted into his soul. Just now, when he saw Pangu's axe killed the orderly king, the distant and unbearable memory suddenly poured in like a tide.

Endless fear hit my heart in an instant.