Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 173 Threat, Resistance

Tens of millions of Xuanxian-level demon strong, 10,000 Taiyi Jinxian demons, 1,000 Luo Jinxian demon saints, 100 demons have completely occupied the flood and famine before all flood monks and famine forces have had time to reacted, and all those who blocked their footsteps have been bombarded into s.

Although these demon armies are strong, they have not caused the rejection of the flood consciousness, and the flood consciousness has not felt a threat from them, because they are originally the flood demon clan, but they were put into the Yuguang world by Xia Bing and have such a strong cultivation under 100,000 times the acceleration and a lot of resources.

Their souls are all in Xia Bing's newly refined demon banner, and their lives are controlled by Xia Bing. Even if others search for souls, they can't find the part of the memory related to the Yuguang world that was deprived by Xia Bing.

When they quickly occupied the four continents, the air of the whole flooded continent gathered in the demon court on Kunlun Mountain.

At the same time, the "East Emperor Taiyi" announced the re-establishment of the demon court and rule the flood.

Although the demon army of Xia Bing occupied the flood at a fast pace, it was not as fast as the reaction of the saint.

Just as the tens of millions of demons of Xia soldiers appeared in the flood, the terrible momentum of the many strong gathered shocked several saints who were consolidating their cultivation.

After all, it is just to consolidate cultivation, and their saints do not need to cut off the feelings of the genh gods and the outside world.

Indu, Nuwa, Houtu, Zhen Yuanzi, Styx, Luohu and Guangmingjun all found this sudden army.

He and Nuwa had already made a great vow under the pressure of Xia Bing, admitting that Xia Bing was the lord of the flood and famine. For this reason, he also received Xia Bing's chaotic holy weapon. He thought that Xia Bing's demon army had been lost. Although he was invincible in the flood and famine with his own strength, he was unable to control the four major continents.

But at this time, so many demon armies suddenly appeared. At the beginning, both Yin and Nuwa thought that these demons were not owned by the world, but when they carefully observed the breath of these armies with their divine thoughts, they found that their breath was indeed the Honghuang demons.

It was shocking that the "East Emperor Taiyi" could cultivate so many strong demons. At the same time, it was also helpless for the "East Emperor Taiyi" to send a large army to occupy the four major continents. After all, they have made a great vow.

And even if they refine their merits, improve their realm and strengthen their strength, they still don't think that they can fight against the "East Emperor Taiyi" with the two of them alone.

As veteran saints, although they have always been superior and used to being good, they are not useless. At least they can still feel the huge gap between them and Xia Bing after being hit by Xia Bing.

What's more, Xia Bing didn't even use the chaotic bell to deal with them. Now the three treasures of Kaitian are in the hands of "Donghuang Taiyi". If you count them, the strength of "Donghuang Taiyi" will add two more.

It's really unfathomable, more unfathomable than the feeling given to them by their dead teacher Hongjun.

How dare they take action against Xia Bing easily? Now they know that Zhen Yuanzi and the Styx River have become saints. They are secretly thinking about to win over the two new saints and form an alliance to protect themselves.

As for the two who have just become sanctified, both of Minghe and Zhen Yuanzi, they are busy familiar with the soaring cultivation. In addition, they have seen the terrible strength of "Donghuang Taiyi" outside the territory. They are far from being the opponents of "Donghuang Taiyi". Naturally, they will not run to find "Donghuang Taiyi" beyond their own strength. "The trouble.

For them, the "East Emperor Taiyi" did not make trouble for them, so they burned incense. After all, the two of them saw the "East Emperor Taiyi" beat Nuwa and the two old saints away like mosquitoes.

They shuddered at the thought of this.

And there are only two people left under Zhen Yuanzi's door, Qingfeng and Mingyue, and there is only one Wanshou Mountain. After receiving the words conveyed by the Later Tu for "Donghuang Taiyi", the Styx stayed in the sea of blood. Without entering the flood and famine, there was no conflict with the army of Xia Bing at all. Whether "Donghuang Taiyi" occupied or not The four major continents have little influence on them. As long as the "East Emperor Taiyi" does not bully them, they will not be the first bird.

As for the Later Tu Niangniang, she will not go to the trouble of Xia Bing. She has gained a lot of Honghuang merits. Although there is no Hongmeng Ziqi in the Yuanshen, the Honghuang merits can still put her into a state of epiphany, but in this state, her understanding of the origin of the law is far from attracting the two saints and Nuwa.

It took a day and a night to understand the origin of the law of reincarnation.

Although her strength has improved, the earth lady has no ambition. In addition, she also knows that she is far from the opponent of the "East Emperor Taiyi", which naturally restrains the witch people and let them stay in the underworld.

As for Luo Hu and Guang tomorrow, it's too late to hide themselves. Besides, whether the "Eastern Emperor Taiyi" rules the flood and famine is a matter for them, so they won't mind their own business.

Luohu is busy looking for the Pangu Temple to avoid waiting for the world army to seize Pangu's heart, but he doesn't know where to go. Tomorrow's injury is quite serious, and his current strength is less than 10,000 in his heyday. He is seizing the time to heal his wounds to avoid being found by the flood saints and killed by grievances.

They don't have much time to care about this.

All the strong people of the original servant in the flood and famine will not come to damage the good deeds of Xia Bing. Xia soldiers can naturally rule the whole flood and famine as they wish and become the veritable emperor of Honghuang.

But these strong people don't come to make trouble for Xia Bing, which does not mean that others don't make trouble for Xia Bing.

In particular, the Honghuang Tiandao, which hates Xia Bing to the bone, will naturally not watch Xia Bing rule the Honghuang.

"Go...stop...East Emperor Taiyi...destroy the demon court..."

A voice appeared in the yuan gods of Yin, Nuwa, Zhen Yuanzi and Styx, and intermittently conveyed the message to them through Hongmeng purple gas.

This voice repeatedly echoed in the sea of knowledge of the four saints, accompanied by the vibration of Hongmeng purple gas, and the severe pain forced them to make trouble for the "East Emperor Taiyi".

They understand that this is the way of heaven conveying a message to them and forcing them to fight against the "East Emperor Taiyi"

"Heavenly, you are Heavenly, and you have such a mature consciousness!" The four saints exclaimed in their hearts. Obviously, although they knew that the heavenly way had its own consciousness, they did not expect that the heavenly consciousness was so mature, almost the same as real adult wisdom creatures.

"Go...stop...Donghuang Taiyi...destroy the demon court..."

If there is nothing, the intermittent voice of heaven once again sounded through Hongmeng Ziqi with stronger pain than before, urging the four saints to stop the "East Emperor Taiyi".

"Tiandao, I'm not the opponent of 'East Emperor Taiyi' at all. Your request is difficult to obey!" The saint replied loudly.

The same is true for Nuwa and others.

Hearing the response of the four saints, Hongmeng Ziqi suddenly shocked even more, obviously dissatisfied with the answers of the four saints.

"If you don't go...you will die..."

The supreme majesty, domineering and invisible voice of heaven once again echoed intermittently in the sea of knowledge of the four saints, undoubtedly forcing the four saints.

This time, the four saints did not respond at all, but with a firm face against the pain brought to them by the Tao of Heaven through Hongmeng Ziqi, and the anger on their faces was undisguised. Obviously, they silently refused the request of the Tao of Heaven and intended to fight against the Tao to the end.

"If you don't go...you will die..."

The threat of heaven sounded again.

This time, the four saints roared in unison: "I won't die!"

When Tiandao heard the roar of the four saints' refusal, it suddenly became angry. It was used to being superior, to looking at all sentient beings like ants, and to controlling everything and controlling the fate of the wild creatures.

However, since the emergence of the abnormal number of "East Emperor Taiyi", it has been swelled one after another, and the supreme majesty of heaven has been violated one after another. Now even a few saints dare to violate it.

You should know that although Yin, Nuwa and others are saints, they are no different from ants in the eyes of heaven, and they can kill them at any time.

Where can they tolerate disobeying their orders?

In particular, Zhen Yuanzi and Styx dared not obey their orders as soon as they were given Hongmeng Ziqi by it, and Tiandao was extremely angry with them.

Suddenly, Hongmeng purple gas vibrated in the yuan gods of the four saints, like a little snake drilling around in the souls of the four saints. The severe pain made the saints with an endurance of more than 10 million times more than mortals burst into blue and sweat, but even so, several saints still did not let go and still refused the sky. Tao's requirements.

Even if the vibration of Hongmeng purple gas caused them to have a huge crisis of the collapse of the yuan god, they did not let go and were still unwilling to succumb to the threat of heaven.

This situation makes Tiandao confused. He doesn't understand why they obediently obeyed when Hongjun gave orders to these saints in the past, but now when it directly orders these saints, they refuse without hesitation.

How can it understand that whether it is Nuwa, the introduction, or the newly sanctified Styx River and Zhenyuanzi, they are all powerful beings standing at the top of the flood and famine pyramid. Their status is extremely respected and arrogant. Although they will submit in the face of beings far more powerful than them, they will surrender their souls and let them When they become slaves, they will rather die than give in.

Unless the other party is such an existence as the god of Pangu, how can a great existence like Pangu look at a few original servants?

Although they are saints, longevity, and they also cherish their lives, it depends on what happens. How can they be allowed to be controlled by others forever, become slaves of others, and become slaves of others from high-ranking saints to low-ranking slaves?

In that case, what's the point of living even if it's longer?

Therefore, neither Xia Bing nor Hongjun threatened these saints too much, let alone forced them to hand over their souls, because they knew that it would only be counterproductive.

Even if Hongjun knew that Tiandao could kill these saints at any time through Hongmeng Ziqi, he never threatened them.

Instead, he gave them the dignity of saints and disciplined them as teachers.

Because of this, Nuwa and other saints will listen to Hongjun's words, and Hongjun will listen to them only when he bans them.

However, Tiandao will not treat Saints such as Nuwa like Hongjun. Although Tiandao has an independent and mature consciousness, it is not a real creature, worldly wisdom, seven emotions and six desires, etc. It is not proficient.

In its eyes, all creatures are afraid of death, all creatures are ants, and the fate of all flood creatures should be controlled by him, and saints are no exception.

Even Hongjun is just its tool in its eyes.

But it doesn't know that in the eyes of saints such as Nuwa, they regard all sentient beings as ants. They are high saints. Saints who have always been high are actually regarded as ants by the way of heaven and threatened with life and death at will.

How do they accept this? This time if they succumb to the threat of heaven, they will definitely continue to threaten them one after another, then they will really become the tool of heaven.

It is precisely that they all know that the requirements of heaven must not be agreed.

Moreover, the way of heaven threatens the lives of the four saints through Hongmeng purple gas, which makes them know that this Hongmeng purple gas

is the means of heaven to control their lives, and it is even more hateful and hate heaven. It turns out that there is such a conspiracy hidden in the so-called "Hongmeng Purple Qi".

Therefore, Zhenyuanzi and Styx not only did not have any gratitude for helping them become sanctified by the Hongmeng purple gas given by the heavenly way, but also angrily refused the request of the heavenly way. In the face of the persecution of the heavenly way, they did not give in to the pain and suffering brought to them by the Hongmeng purple gas.

If Heaven understands the psychology of these accustomed saints, it does not directly threaten them with their lives to do things, but promises enough interests to let the four of them join hands to stop the "East Emperor Taiyi", and even it will secretly help. I'm afraid these saints will really agree.

After all, they are not willing to let the "East Emperor Taiyi" dominate the flood. Although they understand the strength of the "East Emperor Taiyi", as long as the way of heaven gives them enough confidence, they are certainly willing to try it.

However, Tiandao took the strongest approach and directly asked the four saints to destroy the demon court of the "East Emperor Taiyi". If the four saints disagreed, they directly threatened their lives and forced them to go.

Which of these saints is not a human spirit who has lived for millions of years? How can they not understand that as long their lives are still pinched by the heavenly way, this kind of persecution will be endless and endless.

Once they give in, they will really become tools of heaven in the future.

But this is also normal. After all, with the nature of heaven, even if it knows that this will not work, it will still force the four saints like this, because in its eyes, the four saints are just ants. Since they are ants, how can it care about their feelings?

It's just now that it doesn't expect that the existence of being regarded as an ant dares to resist it and refuse its order in the face of the threat of its life.