Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 182 Do it

With the first god Zeus holding his chaotic sacred weapon thunder appeared.

The nine gods and kings also appeared one after another.

Odin, the second god in charge of the flame, with a beard, black hair and one-eyed, appeared with a flame scepter, and his momentum was only slightly inferior to Zeus.

Amon, the third god king who is in charge of light, has blonde hair and golden pupils, burly and tall. He wears the armor of the sun god and holds a golden spear. Although he is weaker than Odin, he is far more than any monk on the flood side, and those saints and mythical beasts are far inferior.

The fourth god king, Posei, the god king of the sea, blue-haired and blue eyes, three feet tall, in charge of the endless sea of the world of all gods, holding the sea emperor trident, powerful, even comparable to the third god king Amon, which shows that the strength gap between the two is extremely limited.

Unfortunately, Xia Bing transferred all the dragon clans in the four seas to the Yuguang world. Otherwise, the dragon king of the four seas could see what the real sea emperor was. The prison-like smell of the sea and the rich law of water on the god king Bosai would make them ashamed to death.

Even the ancestral dragon that dominated the flood in ancient times is far from being compared with it.

The Lord of the Underworld, the fifth god king Sith, is thin, wearing a black robe, and a strange eye on his forehead exudes a strong breath of reincarnation law. The flame-like white breath on his body is weaker than that of the sea emperor Posse, and the two are obviously one level worse.

Hardy, the sixth god king in charge of death, was dressed in a gray robe, shabby, thin, like dead wood, carrying a sickle full of rust on his shoulder. What he didn't know was thinking that it was an old peasant in distress from a mortal village.

However, looking at the burning death flame on his body, the gray soul sinking breath, the Honghuang monks couldn't help but fight a cold war. No one dared to underestimate this death god who looked like a beggar.

Everyone who looked down on him was taken away by the broken sickle, and his soul died.

This is a existence comparable to the receiving realm, but the strength of the two is destined to be very different. The Death King of the same realm can completely kill the two receiving realms.

Gaia, the seventh god, the god of the world, is pale and gives people a feeling of malnutrition, but when you see his three-foot-high, huge god-like burly body, you will never think so again. He is holding a rock sword, like a warrior from ancient times, looking as if he were in the world. There is no difficulty that can make him regress.

His body is as calm and heavy as a mountain, which makes people feel unshakable. His power is stronger than that of the Later Mother, and he is obviously a powerful servant.

Standing next to the earth god king is Daisy, the only female god king among the ten god kings. Although Daisy only ranks eighth among the ten god kings, it is obvious that her status is not only that, but also her perfect and beautiful face, brown hair, combined with her exquisite facial features, shrouded in a white dress. Her figure, coupled with the strong breath of the law of life, made her an eye-catching beautiful goddess.

If it is said that the strong people of Honghuang pay attention to those male gods because of their strong strength, then they can't take their eyes off Daisy, the god of life, because of her peerless face.

Her beauty eclips the world, and the exotic beauty combined with gentleness, freshness and brightness makes the weak-willed Honghuang monks can't help but want to put down their weapons in their hands and float at her feet and become her guardian knights.

However, if you only pay attention to her unique beauty that is different from the flood and ignore the words that she is a powerful god king, then you will be finished. This beautiful goddess king not only has a peerless appearance, but also has the terrible strength to dominate the world of all gods, which is enough to run rampant in the flood and famine.

The strong law of life and the powerful breath she exude made the Honghuang saints understand that this is a goddess who is not weaker than the Later Mother.

Standing behind Daisy, the god of life, is Ula, the god of storm. He holds the power of the wind in the world of all gods. His body is as invisible, and there are mysterious hurricanes spinning and roaring around his body. There is no doubt that even the innate spiritual treasure will be annihilated by this mysterious hurricane.

Even the Samadhi in the world is far from comparable to this mysterious hurricane.

Standing at the end was the chaotic god king Set, who was secretly left his mark by Luo Hu. Although he was only the last tenth god king, the strong smell of war and the faint sound of golden horses on his body integrated him with the whole battlefield, as if he was the most powerful of the ten god kings. Existence.

For Set, who is also known as the god of war, the more tragic and large-scale the war is, the more he can amplify his strength. Such a battle of the two original world wars is enough for him to exert a stronger strength than the first saint of the flood and famine.

Of course, that was when the battle between the two sides entered the ** stage.

With the appearance of the ten god kings one after another, all the strong men on the Honghuang side became nervous. Looking at these powerful god kings in front of them, the Honghuang monks couldn't help but show a desperate look in their eyes.

Although there are only a few people, this sentiment has seriously affected the momentum of many strong people in the flood and famine camp.

Even the four mythical beasts and those saints couldn't help showing a solemn look, and a trace of bitterness flashed on their faces. They knew that this would be another hard battle and did not know if they could survive this war.

However, they are powerful beings who have lived for millions of years. This idea was erased by them just by flashing, and turned into a firm face. They know that at this moment, escape will only make them die faster, and only a fight to the death will have a glimmer of life.

If these alien god kings want to occupy the world, they may let go of those mysterious immortals, true immortals and immortals with low cultivation, but it is absolutely impossible to show mercy to these saints. Even if they surrender now, the other party will not accept it unless they are willing to be banned by those god kings and hand over their own one. Cut.

They are not stupid enough to place their fate on the mercy of the enemy.

The two worlds are divided into two camps with the world's fetal membrane as the boundary. Before the ten god kings appeared, the heavenly road hidden behind the scenes saw that there were many strong people on the flood and famine side, and even had the idea of letting these saints go abroad to fight with those aliens, and did not want their battles to damage the flood and famine world.

But now, when it sees the ten queens of the world of all gods with its own eyes, it has to give up this idea.

If you do that, you will only die faster than the Honghuang saints who are weaker than the Ten God Kings.

Zeus, the first god, released infinite pressure and overwhelmed the powerful people.

"You in the Pangu world, we are from the great world opened up by the great law monarch Kaos, and the friendly gods of the world of all gods. I heard that you in the Pangu world did not have the guidance of the Creator God, and it was difficult to practice. We specially came to help you and teach you the Shinto*. Please cooperate and don't refuse me. Waiting for kindness."

Hearing Zeus's shameless words, Xia Bing couldn't help but be happy. He thought that the introduction and recommendation of the flood world was the most shameless person he had ever seen, but he didn't expect that today, the first god king from the world of all gods, was more shameless. What helped all sentient beings in the flooded world and guide them to practice were all bullshit. This is the same reason that the overpowerful island country ran to the great dynasty and claimed to help them establish the so-called * co-prosperity circle.

However, the island country was not strong enough to steal chickens, but now this world of gods is strong enough to completely swallow the world of flood and famine.

Shameless people are not terrible, and powerful but not shameless people are not terrible. The most terrible ones are those who are powerful and extremely shameless.

And Zeus, the god king, is exactly like this. He is not only powerful and has the power of the supreme servant, but also from what he just said, he must be an extremely shameless person, and such a guy is destined to be extremely difficult to deal with.

At this time, Xia Bing couldn't help but be surprised. No wonder even the evil and arrogant Luohu was defeated in the hands of Zeus.

When Xia Bing heard Zeus' words, he did not respond except for ridicule, and he was not attracted to them as leaders at all.

Seeing that the "East Emperor Taiyi" did not speak or respond, he took the initiative to stand up and saluted to the god king of countless thunder and said: "This Taoist friend, I, all sentient beings, have my own practice method, and I am not blessed to receive your Shinto*. I can only thank you for your kindness. Please The strong people go back and forth so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Zeus couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this answer.


The next moment, he suddenly burst into laughter.


With the laughter of the god king Zeus, the other eight male god kings laughed. Some were wanton and arrogant, some were gloomy and terrible. Only Daisy, the god of life god king, did not laugh because she wanted to maintain her image and remain reserved, but the mockery in her eyes could not be concealed.

"I, I have worked hard for thousands of years to help you from the world of gods. You don't know how to treat guests so much that you dare to refuse our kindness, so let us guests teach you how to respect powerful guests!"


With a huge earth-shaking roar, a golden thunderbolt came from the thunderbolt in Zeus' hand, cutting through time and space and instantly splitting towards the connection.

Seeing that the point of cultivation was about to fall under the powerful attack of Zeus, Xia Bing quickly operated the space law to move it away to help him avoid a disaster.

With the action of Zeus, the battle was officially announced.

The remaining nine gods and kings took action one after another to launch a terrorist attack on the strong men in the flood and famine.

In the face of the powerful attack of the ten god kings, these flood saints and the strong men had to resist while leading the flood monks to retreat thousands of miles inside the world's fetal membrane and put the battle location in the flood world, hoping to use the power of the flood world to suppress the strength of these alien god kings.

Zeus and other ten god kings naturally know the intentions of these flooded indigenous people, but they are strong and are not afraid of the suppression of the flooded world at all. Moreover, it is also convenient for them to attack the inside of the flooded world.

So he led hundreds of millions of gods to rush into the flood from the huge crack of the world's fetal membrane like a tide.