Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 335 Seal Flaw

It is because these huge mountains contain part of the energy of these black beasts that they become so huge.

Although these huge mountains were created by the fallen aborigines to seal these evil beasts, they are actually not as huge as they are now. The reason why they become so incredibly huge is that the huge mountain itself absorbed the power transformed by those dark evil beasts through the seal, resulting in the whole huge mountain. At that time, the energy was abundant to the extreme, and it became a holy place of cultivation, and a large number of strong people lived on it.

You should know that the power of the end of negative energy in these evil beasts is itself a higher terrorist energy than the power of the source. It is born with the characteristics of the law of destruction. Not to mention the power of the emperors, even the power of the emperor in Xia Bing's body is not as high as them.

Of course, the quality of the negative energy in these evil beasts is also related to their own strength. If it is only the weakest monarchy beasts, the negative energy in their bodies is at most equal to the energy in Xia Bing's body, and may even be as high as the power of the time emperor in Xia Bing's body.

Under the transformation of special seals, these negative energies are transformed into pure energy that can be absorbed by the indigenous people of the fallen ruins. In addition, the power of those evil beasts is far more than 100 times that of chaotic warcraft of the same level, which is huge and outrageous.

This caused the prosperity of the huge mountains at the beginning, and these huge mountains also mutated because they absorbed the power of some of the evil beasts and began to gradually expand into such a huge and scary appearance as they are now.

Because of this, the first thing that those evil beasts are breaking the seal and wakes up from their sleep is to absorb the remaining power from the huge mountain to recover themselves, so quickly out of their weakness.

After all, the energy contained in the giant mountain is transformed by the final power in their bodies. Reabsorption is naturally extremely fast, and it can be transformed back into the negative energy in their bodies during breathing.

Although other energy, such as the original power in the body of those chaotic strong people, can also be absorbed, it is far from being transformed into negative forces in their own bodies than the energy drawn from the huge mountains. Otherwise, those dark beasts would have crazily devoured those frightened chaotic strong men and use them to recover. The strength has been restored.

It was because the indigenous people who fell from the mountain ruins coveted the special energy transformed by these evil beasts that they arranged the seal to kill the final power in these evil beasts and added the formation of transforming these final power into special energy that they could absorb.

Originally, the seal of these evil beasts was extremely perfect, and there would be no flaws. Except for the method of breaking the array with absolute violence, there is no other way to untie the seal, and the only consequence of breaking the array of violence is the destruction of people.

Just like the explosion caused by the chaotic strong men who destroyed the huge mountain, they forcibly destroyed the huge mountain that sealed the evil beast, directly triggered the seal explosion on the evil beast's body, and the evil beasts inside also disappeared.

Of course, this is because the energy of those evil beasts is almost exhausted, extremely weak, and they have fallen into a deep sleep before they die with the explosion of the seal.

Otherwise, those evil beasts can really be killed through this method, and the aborigines who fell from the mountain will not leave these evil beasts to the present. After all, these evil beasts are a big hidden danger, which is likely to bring disaster and destroy the whole universe.

It was precisely because there was no way to kill them at that time, and the indigenous people of the fallen ruins added a special array of energy transformation to their seals in order to create a blessed cultivation environment.

If it is an ordinary array, it will naturally have no impact on the seal, but these arrays that can convert negative energy into absorbable energy are too unbelievable, which is equivalent to turning waste into treasure.

Such an anti-sky array naturally has great defects. The combination of the array and seal leads to a flaw in the original extremely perfect seal, resulting in a gap in the seal that could not be untied, which is equivalent to a golden bell cover, iron cloth shirt and other kung fu doors.

This gap is the weakness of the seal. As long as it is broken, all the seals will be destroyed, and the sealed beasts will wake up and get out of trouble.

It is precisely because of the weakness of the seal that the aborigines of the fallen ruins tried their best to hide their weaknesses.

Those indigenous people did not hide the weakness of the seal in the super-large giant mountain in the most conspicuous core area. Instead, they hid it in an inconspicuous huge mountain in the ruins of the fallen mountain and separated it in the moon and sun above the huge mountain.

This is why the light thunder king and the bone king fought. After the aftermath of the battle broke the blood moon and the black sun, those evil beasts emerged from the bottom of the huge mountain one after another.

Originally, this important secret was only known by the highest-ranking people among the ruins of the fallen mountain, and because they hid this weakness in an inconspicuous place, and no one has found it for countless years.

Even if the ancient emperors of the chaotic universe broke into the ruins and now, hundreds of millions of years have passed, no one has found it. If the Light Thunder King and others had not inadvertently destroyed it, no one would have found this secret in tens of trillions of years, or even hidden it forever.

At the beginning, because the black sun and the blood moon hide the weakness of sealing the dark beast. Although on the surface, it seems that there is only an ordinary protection prohibition on the black sun and the blood moon, in fact, there is also a strong protection ban left by the strong aboriginal people in the fallen ruins. As long as someone touches it, they will know, and And the ban itself is extremely powerful.

However, no matter how powerful the prohibition is, it can't stand the passing of time. In the passage of time, the prohibition protection on the blood moon and the black sun has been greatly weakened. During the battle between the light thunder king and the bone king, they were constantly worn out by their aftermath and were finally shattered. Finally, the blood moon and the sealing weakness Black Day turned into ashes under the aftermath of the battle of several medium-law emperors.

And those sleeping beasts also woke up and reappeared in the world.

The terrible momentum and the negative atmosphere of destroying everything shocked everyone in the ruins, whether it was the ancient emperor or the lord of the law, all trembled under the demon power of these dark beasts and were shocked by the horror and power of these evil beasts.

In fact, they don't know that because these evil beasts have been sealed for many years, their strength is still a big gap compared with their heyday, even less than their heyday strength.

Even if they swallow up the energy in all the giant mountains of the ruins, they are far from restoring the strength of their heyday, and even a layer of strength has not been restored.

After all, they have been sealed for so many years, and they have been sealed for much longer than those ancient emperors. If it were other strong men, even the emperors of the peak law would have long been extinguished under the extinction of this seal, and these evil beasts contain the power of the end, which is naturally strong. Big, at the end of the ruler, they will appear whenever the limit of the universe comes.

Even the rule controllers can't kill them. They can only seal them, slowly kill their final power, and kill them when they don't have the final power.

Its amazing survival ability has reached an incredible level. What immortality in the chaotic universe is, and the secret method of life-saving is not worth mentioning in front of them.

Because the real identity of these evil beasts is the negative energy collection of the universe, and the negative energy in the whole universe is their food. Of course, as the end evil beasts, they not only make a living from the negative energy of the universe, but also swallow the law energy to generate negative energy and make the negative energy that exists in the universe. Increase thousands of times while weakening the positive energy in the universe - the power of the law.

When the negative energy in the universe is greater than the positive energy, it is the time when the universe is destroyed.

Therefore, only at the end of the universe will these evil beasts be bred by the negative energy in the universe, because only when a universe has experienced a lifetime and is about to dry up, the negative energy in the universe will be sufficient to give birth to the evil beasts, and the law energy in the universe will be weak. It is difficult to resist the destruction of the evil beast.

This does not mean that these evil beasts will destroy the laws of the universe only at the end of the universe. At any time, these evil beasts will destroy the laws, because this is their food.

If it hadn't been for the separation between the fallen ruins and the chaotic universe, there would have been a spatial fault between the two, so that these evil beasts could not feel the existence of the chaotic universe. At this time, they would have entered the chaotic universe and destroyed it and created the end of the universe.

After hearing the call of the beast king, these evil beasts gathered in the core area of the fallen mountain ruins. The nine beast kings and emperor-level beasts in those core areas did not leave the core area. It was not that they did not know the existence of those chaotic strong, but that they did not pay attention to those chaotic strong people at all.

Those law emperors who are high in the chaotic universe are just ants in their eyes.

The power gap between the two sides is really too big.

Of course, this is not surprising. After all, these evil beasts once caused the end of a universe, causing a huge universe of the same level as the chaotic universe to fall into the final explosion and destroy the existence of the law power of the whole universe.

You should know that the universe is not like the current chaotic universe only out of adolescence, with less than 200 law emperors, but a mature and even about to dry up universe. Thousands of law emperors, even law controllers have appeared.

These beasts can end such a powerful universe, which shows how horrible their original strength was. Even if they are far from restoring their previous strength now, they are not more than 20 law emperors and millions of law masters in the ruins of the mountain. There are more than a thousand laws that the monarch can face.