Wind control

Chapter 54 Dead Wood

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:38:00 Words in this chapter: 3307

Although Feng Ruo had already expected that the courtyard would be very bad, he did not expect that it would be so bad. He and Tang Qing came in and saw weeds and debris all over the yard. Only one was trampled out of the path by his feet in the middle.

And next to this path, there is a tree trunk with a thick bucket. This should be the original spiritual tree in the courtyard. It is estimated to be at least a hundred years old, but unfortunately it has already withered!

Look at the houses in the courtyard. There are three rooms in the front, and there is one on each side, but in addition to the three rooms on the front, which are barely a house, the two rooms next to them can only be described as cowsheds. The one on the left has a huge hole in the roof, and the one on the right is even Don't talk about living people, just take a look, and your heart will be panicked!

"Well, is it worth sixty five-eline stones? That old man is too dark!" Feng Ruo couldn't help wondering.

"It's not the value of this courtyard, it's this temporary residence token. Without this thing, it will be captured by the mountain patrol disciples of the three schools!" Peng Yue raised a token carved with a strange texture in his hand and smiled bitterly.

"Well, let's not talk about this. Give the middle room to my master. Mingxi and I live on the right. You can choose the remaining three rooms by yourself!" After Lan Ling finished speaking, he took Ye Hong to enter the house in the middle. Because there were still people living there before, the conditions were the best. The adjacent house on the right seemed to be used to hold debris, and the conditions were relatively acceptable. As for the one on the left, in addition to the window turning into a huge hole, It's okay, at least it's much better than the wing rooms on both sides.

"Who is going to live in that room?" Feng Ruo and Tang Qing and Peng Yue looked at each other, and finally Peng Yue asked.

"Hehe! I live in the wing on the left. Anyway, I don't care whether the house is good or bad!" Feng Ruo smiled and said, thinking that he could still live in the snow nest in those years, so he didn't care about this.

"Then I'll live in the right wing! Peng Yue, you go to the main room!" Tang Qing was also very chic, but he then said, "It's just that you are responsible for cleaning up the weeds in the yard!"

Peng Yue was stunned, but then smiled bitterly and said, "Well, these weeds are mine, but you two have to repair the room quickly, or you will have to sleep tonight!"

"Hey hey! This is not something to be captured!" Feng Ruo smiled and stretched out his hand to "shou" the Qingfeng sword weapon a few times, and then collapsed the originally dilapidated wing. He was not interested in repairing it. The best way was to rebuild a new one.

"Ha! Feng Ruo, your method is really good!" Tang Qing was also in a good mood. He took out his second-grade sword weapon, but waved a sword in the distance, and slammed the wing on the right side!

"Alas!" Seeing that Feng Ruo and Tang Qing were eager to clean up the ruins, Peng Yue could only mō's nose with envy, take out his sword weapon and clean up the weeds in the yard honestly.

In less than an hour, the whole courtyard was cleaned up by the three of Feng Ruo, but the dead spirit tree, Feng Ruo did not let Peng Yue cut it off and throw it away, because he found that as long as he was close to the spirit tree, he could always detect a trace of aura, although this trace of aura was for the monk There was no use at all, but he vaguely felt that the spirit tree might not really die.

But for a while, he has no better way to judge.

"Feng Ruo! Let's go! Go and cut down the tree. There is nothing good to see in a spiritual tree, and it has withered. In a few days, we have to buy a new spiritual tree seedling!" Tang Qing greeted outside the courtyard. Now they can't build houses with bricks and stones. Fortunately, they guard a forest, so they don't have to worry about materials.

Feng Ruo answered, but he still looked at the dead Lingmu again. If he hadn't been busy building the house now, and there were Tang Qing and Peng Yue, he really wanted to try to send some mana to this dead tree.

Logging may be a very hard thing for mortals, but it is just a fun game for monks. When Feng Ruo rushed to the woods behind the courtyard, Tang Qing and Peng Yue were waving their swords and cutting happily. It was in this moment that they had already cut it off. There are almost a hundred thick trees.

"All right, all right! Don't you want to build a palace? Feng Ruo really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he quickly stopped them.

When night fell, two very good round wooden huts appeared in the courtyard. Peng Yue was so envious that he almost wanted to build one by himself.

And Ye Hong finally woke up from the faint mí, but Feng Ruo estimated that with his serious injury, even if he could practice in the future, he would have no chance to advance.

But this is always a good thing, at least Lan Ling finally has a long-lost smile on his face.

Because there is no protective formation, there must be a vigil at night, and this task naturally falls on Feng Ruo Tang Qing and Peng Yue.

"I'll come first tonight! From now on, everyone will stay for one night!" Feng Ruo directly arranged that although according to the rules of the three generations of disciples of Qingyun Sect, he had to call Tang Qing and the two brothers, the calmness he showed in the past two days made several people, including Lan Ling, involuntarily choose to follow his advice.

Because there were too many trees cut down by Tang Qing, the remaining wood was piled up and ignited together, so that the bonfire lit up every corner of the courtyard.

Of course, this is not to be afraid of the dark, but to like the warm feeling. Listening to the "crackling" sound of the wood, it always gives him a dreamy smell.

"Hehe! If only there was a piece of roasted ròu!" Feng Ruo shook his head and smiled, and then used to taking out a piece of rice cake. Now he has adapted to this extremely unpalatable rice cake. After all, he will still be hungry now, and he can't do it without food.

Time passes quickly, and it is the middle of the night in a blink of an eye. Because the physique of the monks is far beyond that of mortals, there is no need to rotate at all. In terms of Feng Ruo himself, he will not sleep for several days and nights, and he will not feel any discomfort.

Lan Ling and others had already begun to enter. Feng Ruo stood up slowly and came to the dead spiritual tree. After thinking for a while, he pressed his right hand on it and entered the mana a little.

"What?" After a while, Feng Ruo frowned slightly, because according to the common sense of the immortal world, Lingmu can absorb the aura scattered between heaven and earth, and then put it together to emit a more pure aura. Therefore, in theory, as long as the mana is input, it should be able to quickly emit more jīng. Pure aura, but although his mana can be entered just now, it seems to be like a stone ox into the sea!

"It seems that this spirit tree is really dead!" Feng Ruo thought to himself, but he was about to turn around and go back when suddenly a cold wind blew through the back of his neck!

"Wow!" Almost at the same time, Feng Ruo rushed forward two or three steps, and the Qingfeng sword on his back also came out at the same time. But when he looked back, everything was normal around him, and even the flame on the bonfire did not shake significantly.

"It seems that Tang Qing is right. This courtyard is indeed a little evil!"