Wind control

Chapter 93 Black Snake Green Gallbladder

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:38:03 Number of words in this chapter: 4721

The process of decomposing the whole black snake was very smooth, because the silver armor spider ordered by Feng Ruo actually sucked all the blood of the black snake in one breath, and even the blue blood sprayed out outside was not let go, so now it seems that its silvery outer armor is faintly blue. The light flows.

Feng Ruo didn't pay much attention to the change of this silver-armed spider. He just ordered it and the bald to guard around him. After all, now most of the mana in his body has been consumed. If another black snake comes, it will be a tragedy!

Put away the snake skin of the black snake and throw a large piece of black snake ròu to the poor-looking bald Var. The remaining black snake ròu was put away. After all, this thing can be used to make alchemy materials.

"What? What is this?" In the final cleaning, Feng Ruo accidentally found something the size of a fist in the belly of the black snake, which was as clear as a crystal.

"Is it Neidan?" Feng Ruo was first happy, but then overturned the idea, Neidan? Are you kidding? If the spirit beast wants to form an internal elixir, it is at least at level six, or even level seven, and most spirit beasts can't break through the limit of level six.

The spirit beast that forms the inner elixir already has the intelligence comparable to that of human beings. Of course, its strength will also become extremely powerful. It is estimated that it can slap him to death casually, and how can it be killed by him?

"Maybe it's just a snake bile!" Feng Ruo secretly estimated himself, and then threw it into the storage belt. Anyway, he was not good at alchemy, and he had to take it out to buy it.

Clean up all the traces, seal the silver armored spider and the leathery baldness, and then rearrange the mountain array to restore the previously consumed mana.

This time, Feng Ruo is running the black water formula, because this skill must be effective when the mana in his body is almost consumed, and the speed of recovery is much faster than that of Aoki's formula!

"Feng Ruo! You are so bold that you have practiced in this wild! Aren't you afraid of being attacked by spirit beasts?

About two hours later, Lan Ling's funny and kind voice sounded. Feng Ruo opened his eyes and looked at Lan Ling with a smile. Then he stretched out with satisfaction. He really didn't expect that the effect of practicing the black water formula near this big lake was surprisingly good. Well, his mana was over. Full recovery as before.

"Hey! What can happen? With Sister Lan killing spirit beasts in front of you, the rear will naturally be extremely safe! By the way, Sister Lan, how did you get? Feng Ruo asked curiously, because he only saw Lan Ling alone, but Xin Yue and the other four people disappeared.

"Alas! Four black snakes were hunted, but one task was not completed!" Lan Ling sighed and was obviously very depressed. "Well, let alone that. Sister Qiu and the others are coming back soon. We have to go to the hill to decorate the camp immediately!"

"We--Okay!" Feng Ruo curled his lips and hated Sister Qiu even more in his heart. He actually regarded Lan Ling as a hard-working force. What abominable!

"Okay! Sister Qiu is not as bad as you think!" Lan Ling seemed to know what Feng Ruo was thinking, "She is a little arrogant, but it's still good for us. The Chinese five elements stone I need to strengthen the five thunders ring this time is what Sister Qiu asked for from the family, and Sister Xin, Xiaoshuang and Fei'er's five thunder rings were strengthened with her help!"

"Humph!" Feng Ruo snorted coldly from his nostrils, but said nothing. Although the power of the five thunder ring is huge, once it is used, it will exhaust the all-body mana, so this person can't use it at all. The nv person surnamed Qiu is smart. He took advantage to bribe Xin Yue and finally became her coolie, The ìng quality of the five thunder rings, they can't act alone at all!

Unsealing the skiny bald, Feng Ruo and Lan Ling flew to the mountain in the distance, where it was a suitable camp.

"Yes, Sister Lan, since you have hunted four black snakes, why haven't you completed a single task?" Feng Ruo asked curiously. Speaking of which, he still admired it very much. He worked hard to kill one, and Sister Qiu killed four!

"This task is very special. It is not required to hunt a few black snakes, but to look for black snake green gallbladder, but this black snake green gallbladder is only found in the belly of female snakes. We killed four in a row, but they are all male snakes! That's why it doesn't count as completing the task. Lan Ling replied helplessly.

"Oh, that's it! Is the black snake green and bold?" The corners of Feng Ruo's mouth moved, and he immediately remembered the green thing he had just seen. Maybe it was the black snake.

"Well, can't you tell whether the black snake is male or female?" Feng Ruo asked tentatively again.

"If we can distinguish between male and female, why should we take this effort!" Lan Ling stared at Feng Ruo and quickly turned his face away and said, "It is said that the proportion of black snakes and females is very strange. Only 20 male snakes have one female snake, and it is difficult to meet, so this task is so difficult. I think it is almost comparable to the black snake simple task!"

"Oh! If you can't catch the female snake, will it affect the strengthening of your five thunder rings? Feng Ruo thought for a moment before asking.

Lan Ling shook his head, "It doesn't matter. I just lack a ground thorn ring, and this green gallbladder task was taken by Sister Qiu. Well, why are you talking so strange today?"

"Ah? Is it strange? I'm normal, but I'm in a particularly comfortable mood!" With that, Feng Ruo couldn't help laughing and saw that Lan Ling didn't know why.

However, Lan Ling didn't know that the reason why Feng Ruo laughed was entirely because of gloating. Well, only one female snake appeared in twenty male snakes. Now that the female snake has been killed by him, let the nv surnamed Qiu continue to look for it! It is estimated that even if she is lucky, she will have to continue to hunt more than 30 black snakes to find a black snake!

"Sister Blue! I'll arrange the mountain array!" Falling on the hill, Feng Ruo immediately rushed to say that he is in a very good mood now!

"Hey! Feng Ruo, are you all right? Lan Ling asked curiously.

"Hey hey! What can I do? Sister Lan, take a break, I'll do it!" Feng Ruo smiled and said with a smile on his face.

Lan Ling looked at Feng Ruo a few times suspiciously, but shook his head and said, "Forget it, what Sister Qiu asked to arrange is a mountain array. Can you arrange it?"

"Uh! Is it like a mountain array? This nv man really has a family background!" Feng Ruo was very surprised. In fact, the mountain array is the most standard basic array. It requires sixty-four low-quality earth five-element stones to be arranged, but most practitioners in the refining period can't afford this luxurious arrangement.

Because among all the five elements stones, the wood is the most ìng five elements stone, and there are few other five elements stones. If you want to make up sixty-four earth ìng five elements stones, you have to choose from at least 500 five elements stones.

So most of the time, whether it is Feng Ruo or other monks, they casually use other ìng five-eung stones to make up the number, but in this way, the defense ability will be greatly reduced. For example, the mountain array arranged by Feng Ruo before only uses eight low-grade five-eung stones, even the second- The beasts can't defend.

But if it is arranged with eight, eighty-four earth five-line stones, even the fourth-level spirit beast can't rush in. This is the gap!

"Don't nv people nv people call lun! You want to call Sister Qiu, do you understand?" Lan Ling knocked on Feng Ruo's chestnut angrily, and then took out sixty-four five-eground stones shining with earthy yellow light and handed them over. She was still very confident about Feng Ruo's ability to arrange the formation. At least she rarely saw monks who could learn the four basic formations in just one year.

"All right! You set up the array. I'll pick up some dry wood. Sister Qiu and the others are coming back soon. We have to cook!"

"Underp!" Feng Ruo answered happily, but curled his lips behind Lan Ling's back, "Humph! Sister Qiu, I didn't call her an old witch, which has given her a lot of face!"

Thinking in his heart, Feng Ruo's action was not slow at all. He looked around, and then found the most open and not abrupt position on the hill, because since the best front and back are to be arranged like the mountain array, then naturally there can't be any flaws, and it has to flow with the surrounding heaven and earth. Complementing each other, this will greatly reduce the consumption of the five elements stone, thus increasing the time to maintain the formation!

Of course, if it is an ordinary simple mountain formation, there is no need to be so exaggerated!

Determined the position, Feng Ruoyou made a little change in several directions. After feeling that there was no big problem, he quickly arranged the sixty-four earth five elements stone in eight directions, and then operated the mana, pinched the formula with his hand, and quickly portrayed a path in the void with his mind. Textures that can't be distinguished by ròu eyes!

After these textures were completely successfully portrayed, the eight directions suddenly flashed a touch of apricot yellow in turn, and in an instant, the whole body was shrouded up and down. At this moment, his body was the eye of this mountain array! From a distance, it seems that all the sunset clouds are gathered here!

"Wow! It's so comfortable!" Feng Ruo couldn't help moaning. When those apricot yellow lights shone on him, he felt that he was completely soaked in a hot bath, and every hole in his body was so comfortable!

But it's okay. If you are still sober, you can directly count the formulas to terminate this state. Otherwise, it won't take long, and the jīnghua in the sixty-four earth five elements stone will be completely consumed, and he can't afford to pay for it!

"The opposite is like a mountain! It's settled!"

Feng Ruo's right hand hit his feet like lightning, and the whole front and back of the mountain array was moved out, and the previous light of apricot yellow è gradually turned into earthy yellow è.

"Tut-tut! What a luxury! Sixty-four earth five-elong stones are greedy when you look at them!" Feng Ruo shook his head and went out. Although he arranged this like a mountain array, there is no doubt that Sister Qiu will not allow him to spend the night here, so he has to arrange a simple mountain array for himself.