Wind control

Chapter 118 Flowing Cloud

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-12-20 9:56:27 Words in this chapter: 5081

For two days, Feng Ruo completed the last two steps, and at this time, the dragon and wood core has been completely transformed into a sword weapon about two feet and seven inches long and two fingers wide.

"Hey! Not bad!"

Feng Ruo sighed with satisfaction twice. This special sword is very different from ordinary sword. Not only is the length and width much smaller, but it can't fly with the sword. Its only function is to attack!

The palm of the hand brushed the sword's body slightly, and what he felt was not the cold sharpness, but the soft and silent docileness. I'm afraid that everyone who saw this sword weapon could not believe that there was no murderous thing, but a veritable killing weapon.

The mind moved slightly, and the innate wood in Feng Ruo's body quickly poured into the sword weapon, and at the same time, the Aoki Liuyun, which had barely mastered in the past three months, was displayed!

In an instant, the streamer flew around in the whole refining room, and it condensed into three swords with nearly ten feet of sword spirit in an instant, and went around like lightning!

This situation is completely unexpected, because the three seemingly powerful swords will not be controlled by him once they are out of the body!


In Feng Ruo's painful cry, the three nearly ten-foot-long sword spirit shaped like a crescent moon cut his whole refining chamber into a pile of ruins, and that's more than that, after completely smashing his refining room, these three sword breaths were divided into two and turned into six sword gas and rebounded back towards Feng Ruo

Although the scale of these six swords has become smaller, the power and speed are beyond doubt!

Seeing the six swordsmen cutting towards him from six directions around him, Feng Ruo was suddenly scared out of the sky, and he didn't have time to think about what was going on. He hurriedly urged him to step on the cloud boots and jumped directly from the ground ** ten feet high!

But at this time, something that surprised Feng Ruowei happened. The six swordsmen rushed forward according to the day, and then hit a position accurately, and then the six swordsmen were once again divided into twelve swordsmen and rushed around!

Seeing this scene, Feng Ruo was about to collapse. He really didn't expect that this Aoki Liuyunzhan's cooperation with the congenital Musha and his current special sword weapon would produce such great power!

But now he can't even think about the reason, so he can only shout in the air, "Silver armor, white má, escape!"

In Feng Ruo's shout, his other two quiet rooms collapsed in the sword spirit. As for the silver armored spider and the white má ghost bat, they also seemed to be stunned by the flying sword spirit. Fortunately, they were still flexible. After a burst of lun jumping, they finally dodged!

But the whole courtyard, including the positive and negative nine-star array, has been completely razed to the ground by the flying sword weapons. Fortunately, after hitting the protective array, the sword spirit has finally disappeared. Otherwise, there are three courtyards nearby. In case of being attacked, he will definitely have a lot of trouble!

Looking at this devastated courtyard, as well as the very confused and innocent silver-jaced spider and white má ghost bat, Feng Ruo really cried without tears!

Is this the power of Aoki Ryuunzhan? It's powerful enough, but the problem is that this thing seems to be inseparable from the enemy, and it's all killed! It's a good way to die with the enemy!

"That old man is really a pervert. He has developed such a terrible sword formula!"

Feng Ruo thought with a headache that if it was like this, he would not dare to use it, but it seemed to be right. He seemed to have missed something critical.

Looking at the crystal and warm sword weapon in his hand, Feng Ruo sat on the ruins in his yard and carefully recalled the process of Fang!

Just now, when he found that the three swords were out of his control, he seemed to stop the operation of Aoki Liuyunzhan immediately. Is it for this reason?

And this Aoki Ryuunzhan's attack method is obviously a large-scale attack, which seems to contain the taste of formation. Therefore, if he can control the spreading sword trajectory, won't he make his opponent have nowhere to escape?

But how to control it? After all, once this sword spirit is rebounded, it will definitely be divided into two, and then it will become more and more!

After thinking about it for a long time in the ruins, Feng Ruo's mind suddenly flashed and found the key to the problem!

If he remembers correctly, those swords seem to be únlun, but in fact they still follow two rules!

The first time you encounter a rebound, that is, after encountering an attack target, while giving a heavy blow to the target, you will also borrow the power to become two swords!

Second, after encountering a rebound, these swords will definitely return to their original starting points and rebound again with each other, so that the number of swords will double again!

In the square únlun, the starting point of the return of those sword spirit has never changed, that is, it is always in the position of Feng Ruo standing!

What does this mean?

So Feng Ruo boldly guessed that these swords were not attacking him, but to return the sword weapons in his hand. What would happen if he had to be cut by Aoki Liuyun without interruption?

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo's heart suddenly opened up. It turned out that the key point was his special sword weapon!

Taking a deep breath, Feng Ruo smiled at the swordsman in his opponent and said to himself, "Since you are so majestic, call it Liu Yun!" The clouds are unrestrained and free!"

Named the sword weapon made of the dragon's wooden core. Feng Ruo didn't care to take care of the courtyard full of ruins, so he released the phantom sword and flew all the way to the right hall of the deacon halfway up the mountain!

Now that he has become a flowing sword, he still needs a matching scabbard, but the refining of this scabbard is not what he can grasp at his current refining level, so the convenient way is to buy one!

Rushing to the right hall of the deacon, Feng Ruo did not go to the platform of Cangyue Commercial Bank this time, but directly went to the platform where Lingshanyuan is located. Because the former college of Lingshanyuan itself is a very powerful refinery master, the requirements for refinery are also very high. Therefore, in this environment, most They all have an extraordinary level of refiners!

And Feng Ruo is not buying a scabbard, but a customized scabbard, because his Liuyun sword is too special, and I'm afraid that the ordinary swordju can't be applied at all!

"How many brothers!"

Feng Ruo first said hello to the brothers in the early stage of building the Lingshan Courtyard. They are all deacons' preparatory brothers, who are responsible for the affairs of the Lingshan Courtyard. Although the official is not big, the oil and water are very rich!

"Hey! Hello, brother!" Those Lingshan brothers quickly replied flatteringly. After all, Feng Ruo's cultivation is enough for them to look up. How can these high-level formal brothers in ordinary times be so polite to them?

"What materials do you want to buy or sell some immortal cultivation items?" One of the brothers of Lingshan Academy asked politely.

"No! I want to order a scabbard, I wonder if it's okay?" Feng Ruo smiled and shook his head.

"Sword scabbard? Custom-made?"

Those Lingshan brothers looked at each other in surprise, but they didn't understand what Feng Ruo was talking about, because in the world of immortal cultivation, only monks below the foundation period would use swords, so not only five grades of swords, but also the scabbards are among the same, unless those who are extremely rich and pure In order to be a beautiful and majestic monk, he will work hard on the scabbard, but that really has nothing to do with combat effectiveness!

"Not bad! It is to customize the scabbard, which is a task I released. The reward is a thousand lower-grade five-eigned stones, and the time is three days. I don't know if it's okay?"

Feng Ruo said with a smile.

"A thousand lower five-ection stones?" Those Lingshan courtyard brothers were stunned, but then quickly agreed, because the value of a good-quality sword bow is only two or three hundred lower-grade five-e� stones. Now this person actually gives a high price of 1,000. It's strange not to agree!

"Listen, my requirement is that the whole scabbard must be refined from more than 300 years of iron wood. During the whole refining process, it must not touch the aura of metal, and not be mixed with other materials. As for the size and style, it should be handled according to the size of the sword weapon!"

Feng Ruo said lightly, and then put the Liuyun sword in front of those Lingshan brothers!

And seeing this crystal-like sword weapon that is pure and not stained with a trace of tack, the Lingshan brothers suddenly understood it self-righteously. No wonder the customized requirements are so strange! It turns out that this sword weapon is just for fun, but then again, this person's interest is really elegant. This kind of exquisite sword weapon is not easy to refine, and it costs such a good material!

Although I thought so, these Lingshan brothers were full of smiles.

Feng Ruo naturally won't pay attention to their thoughts. After leaving the deposit, he turned around and went out. Now he has to go to the trial field to study the problem of Aoki Liuyunzhan. At least he won't attack himself, otherwise, the joke will be big!

As soon as he walked out of the deacon's right hall, he saw Ye Luo rushing over from the outside!

Before Feng Ruo greeted him, Ye Luo grabbed his arm tightly. "It's pitiful. I finally caught you. It's easy for me!"

"Hey, hey! Don't pull it like this, okay? I won't fly away. I have something to say, and I don't seem to owe you the five elements stone!"

Feng Ruo shook the leaves helplessly.

"You still said! Your training ground in Hemingyuan has been hiding in the tortoise shell for three months. I'm embarrassed to disturb you. Now that you finally came out, you can't get into your yard again. I just went to see you again and found that you razed the whole courtyard to the ground. I said, what on earth do you want to do?"

Ye Luo is very angry.

"Wrong, it's not what I want to do, what do you want to do? Didn't you accompany your sister to practice? Why are you looking for me all day long?

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