Wind control

Chapter 39 Opportunity

Volume II

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-29 23:23:02 Words in this chapter: 4477

Although it has been more than a year, everything in the small valley of the sword house has not changed. The eighty-one giant sword is still solemn, and the disciple of the old man Jiujue is as usual, white-haired and chained, like a statue. However, Feng Ruo did not see his newly accepted disciple Xu Ming in Appeared here.

"Feng Ruo, a preparatory disciple of Jianxin Academy, has seen his predecessors"

Twenty feet away, Feng Ruo gently bowed and saluted. He still admired this old man who was willing to bind himself here in order not to involve others, so although most of the disciples of the Third Academy directly ignored the old man, he still wanted to come and greet him.

For Feng Ruo's salute, the white-haired old man seemed to turn a deaf ear, but still kept his original appearance.

Smiling casually, Feng Ruo turned around and entered the underground sword after a look at the ninety-nine and eighty-one giant sword for a while. Now he is not qualified enough at present, and he has no time to practice. He can only wait for the future to come slowly

Through the long steps, Feng Ruo entered the hot belly of the mountain again, but at this time, there were at least three or four hundred disciples in the third courtyard around the fire spring swallowed by the fire dragon, and it was full of people within a hundred feet. Sure enough, there was no place

For this, Feng Ruo was not in a hurry. He found an open space around him, sat on the ground, and waited patiently. Because sword refining is extremely mana-consuming, it is estimated that it will take less than an hour, and most of the disciples of the Third Academy will withdraw.

As for how to practice the sword, Feng Ruo has already understood it clearly. It can be said that this sword is extremely important in swordsmanship, just like the relationship between daily practice and martial arts, because if you want to use the royal swordsmanship to the strongest and reach the realm of the heart to turn at will, such as the realm of arm instructions, So that the sword weapon resonates with the thoughts of the monks, as if they were one

If you can do this, you can not only launch a faster, better and sharper attack in battle, but also greatly reduce the consumption of your own mana

Of course, it is very difficult to do this. In addition to facing the sword weapon for a long time, you also need a unique sword refining formula, and then use the pure fire spirit to quench it

It can be said that this way of refining swords also lays the foundation for entering the Jindan period to control the flying sword in the future, because the flying sword at that time was faster and more powerful, and the cost of driving was more

Time passed quickly, but only a few hours. There were only a few dozen people left in the belly of the mountain of hundreds of people. Without exception, these disciples of the upper three courtyard were the cultivation in the middle and late stage of foundation building, because their mana was enough to support for a long time

However, at this time, the power of the fire dragon in the fire spring has been reduced by nearly half, and even the sultry heat in the belly of the mountain has weakened a lot.

At this time, Feng Ruo stood up, walked 50 feet away from the fire spirit spring, and sat down cross-legged. After adjusting the inner breath evenly, he pinched the sword formula and carefully controlled the phantom sword to sink into the fire spirit spring

At almost the same time, a hot and crazy force came along the phantom sword, but it was because Feng Ruo's idea was attached to the body of the sword

For this kind of power, Feng Ruo can't directly ignore it. He can only calm down and support it with all his strength while controlling the Phantom Sword to maintain balance in the fire spring raging with flames

At this time, it is also the most critical time, because once he can't stand the hot burning and chooses to retreat, then the result is to lose the Phantom Sword, and this kind of thing has a lot in the third courtyard almost every year

It can be said that this is the tempering of the mind, because in fact, the fire spring will not cause harm to the monk himself, and even the mind will not be lost. The reason why he feels severe pain is entirely because the monk's mind is attached to the sword weapon at this time

In other words, the closer the idea is attached to the sword weapon, the greater the pressure and pain it will bear. Without the sword weapon, no matter how fierce the flame is, it can't burn the monk's mind

This is the most basic principle of sword refining, that is, through this external training, the monk's mind gradually penetrates into the sword weapon, until it resonates with the sword weapon, or even becomes one, instead of just attached to the surface

And as long as you do this, the so-called sword flight is just a little bit of a small meaning

Of course, it is also very important, that is, the higher the quality of the sword, the more difficult it is to integrate ideas. For example, because of the depiction of the more advanced phantom array, it becomes so difficult to control

However, if Feng Ruo can really integrate his mind with this phantom sword, then it is certain that if it is just a competition for the speed of the flying of the sword, there will be only a few people who can catch up with him among the monks of the same level, and no one can catch up with him

The reason is very simple, because monks who can have great attainments on the refinery may not be able to use the array, and those who can use the array may not be able to use the refiner. Therefore, when refining the five-grade swordware, the usually portrayed array is the basic array, and few people can engrave it. Draw a higher-order formation

In addition, it is difficult for the refiner to cooperate with the monks of the jīng array, because it is not easy to portray the high-level array on the sword weapon. With the ability of Feng Ruo's mind to portray it, it took a lot of money to succeed, but with the ability to depict the mind, the whole Zhentianzong Son, it's just three people

So, in general, Feng Ruo is looking forward to his real sword flight in the future

However, if he really wants to give full play to the potential of the Phantom Sword, he is afraid that he will have to practice the sword in this fire spirit spring for at least a hundred years. This only depends on Zhou Yu and others, who are already in the later stage of foundation building. As long as there is time, every time the fire spirit spring erupts,

From this, you can know how difficult it is to reach the realm of communication with your own rhinoceros

Soon, after about a cup of hot tea, Feng Ruo finally took a long breath. Now the intense burning pain has finally eased a lot, and even the huge pressure has eased a lot.

At this time, although Feng Ruo can't see his phantom sword, he can accurately master every move of the phantom sword, as if he suddenly has a third hand

After getting familiar with the current situation, Feng Ruo slowly approached the center of the Fire Spring with the Phantom Sword, because that was the place with the greatest pressure

Of course, he doesn't have to worry about hitting the sword weapons of other disciples of the upper three courtyards in this Huoling Spring, because those people's sword weapons are dozens of feet below the Huoling Spring, and the pressure in that place is even more terrible. Of course, Feng Ruo does not have that strength at present.

However, it is said that this fire spring leads directly to the underground fire vein, which is tens of thousands of feet deep, and the power accumulated in it is almost unimaginable. If it hadn't been for the suppression of a nine-day stream clouds on it, maybe the straight sky peak would have changed other appearances long ago. I think this is why Lingquan has been suppressed, and the senior management of Zhentianzong dare not remove the real reason for this formation.

He just persisted for about half an hour, and the mana in Feng Ruo's body was basically exhausted, so he quickly withdrew the phantom sword from the fire spring

At this time, the phantom sword has become blue and red because it was burned by the flame in the fire spring, which really makes Feng Ruo feel sad for a while. This is the result of not strengthening the five elements stone. Although he has been using magic protection just now, after all, he still can't compete with the pure flame

He was in a hurry to live two lower five elements stones, and then strengthened them on the phantom sword. At this time, the blue and red è gradually retreated and returned to its original appearance

"If it goes on like this, you have to get a middle-grade five-elegend stone as soon as possible. Otherwise, you have to consume two lower-grade five-grade stones every time you practice your sword, but it's really a loss."

Feng Ruo thought painfully that the flames in this fire spring are extremely pure and have almost reached the temperature required to refine the sword, so the damage to the sword is extremely great, and it must have the effect of five elements stone strengthening to resist

"This time, if you still can't get the middle-grade five-element stone, just go to the five-element world to patrol"

Feng Ruo is fierce in his heart. There is nothing he can do. Now although this phantom sword is said to be a five-grade sword, the quality is also very good, but if he does not strengthen the Chinese five elements stone, he will be controlled by people everywhere in the battle, so he can't help but work hard

"Your name is Feng Ruo?"

At this time, just as Feng Ruo was about to retreat to meditrate and recover his mana, a nearby cultivation was in the middle of foundation-building. A man about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old suddenly turned his head and asked with a smile.

"Oh, yes, my brother is--" Feng Ruo looked at the man curiously, but the waist card of this person was from Hemingyuan. He really couldn't figure out how this man knew him? It seems that I have never seen this person before

"Ha ha, under the cold roaring sky, disciples of Heming Academy, I think Brother Feng Ruo should recognize Ye Luo. That's my cousin. I heard him mention you"

"Of course Ye Luo recognizes it, but we haven't seen each other for two or three years. Is he all right?" Hearing Ye Luo's name, the doubts in Feng Ruo's heart suddenly dissipated, and he asked with some joy.

"Ye Luo is still in the foundation period, but I think it will take less than half a year, and he should build the foundation. We will probably see him when we come back from this experience." The cold roar is very inconsistent with his name, which is very kind

"Oh? Brother Leng, are you also participating in this experience? Feng Ruo asked quickly.

"Of course, how would I know about you, but Brother Feng Ruo is not simple. In fact, the most important thing in this experience is to go to the Jiushen Palace to worship the mountain, so the selection of experienced disciples is extremely strict. Many of the official disciples in the Third Academy are not qualified to go, but Brother Being selected, it can be seen that the strength of Brother Feng Ruo should be quite good." Then Leng Xiaotian said something.

"Well, I was just confused and selected. I don't even know what's going on?" Feng Ruo was a little vague, but he became more and more curious. It used to be Zhou Yu, but now it's the cold day. What they said is almost the same. It seems that this experience is really important.

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo couldn't help asking, "Brother Leng, I still don't understand. Isn't it just a competition with the disciples of the Nine Gods? Is it worth so much?"

"Large fanfare? Hey, what kind of fanfare is this? This is just the simplest temptation, because in another nine years, it will be the spiritual theory conference jointly held by the five sects of the Cangwu world. At that time, the disciples of the five sects will have a competition to determine the benefits of the five elements in the next hundred years. In the past thousand years, the Nine Shrines have occupied the greatest advantage, thus having the greatest interests in the five elements. It is precisely because of this that this sect and the other three major sects are keen to defeat the Nine Shrines, and the importance of this test is imaginable."

The cold roaring sky described it faintly.

"So that's it, it's so serious," Feng Ruo said with a wry smile, "It seems that it's necessary for me to quit. Don't become the post-uǐ of this sect"

"Haha, it's not that serious for Brother Feng Ruo to laugh. The so-called test requires the same level of ability. Unless you have special confidence in yourself, you can cross the challenge, and I want to lead the team. Since you can choose Brother Feng Ruo, he must be very optimistic about you."

When Leng Xiaotian said this, he inadvertently glanced at the phantom sword in Feng Ruo's hand and suddenly praised, "This sword in Feng Ruo's hand is a good sword. It should belong to Shangjia. I don't know what the name of this sword is?"

"Hey hey, Brother Leng praised it. The name of this sword is Phantom. In fact, it can't enter the eyes of a master." Feng Ruohe smiled, and then the Phantom Sword was included in the scabbard behind it.

"Phantom? Is it a depiction of the Phantom Array? The cold roaring god became very surprised. You know, it is not too difficult to depict a high-level array on the five-grade sword weapon. For example, his sword weapon depicts the positive and negative nine-star array and the basic popular array, but the Phantom array has always been difficult and basically difficult to succeed. However, once the characterization is successful, it is absolutely It's amazing.

"Well, yes, it's the phantom array, but this was portrayed for me by an unknown predecessor by chance"

Feng Ruo replied casually without blinking. For him, it's better to have less trouble, although the ability to carvenate the array carefully is not too scarce

"Oh, that's really a pity." Leng Xiaotian shook his head with regret. If he could meet such a senior master who portrayed the jīng array, he would even be willing to give up the current sword weapon and refine one again. Unfortunately, this is the opportunity