Wind control

Chapter 66 Back to the Underground

Volume II

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-29 23:23:30 Words in this chapter: 3584

He fell silently from the back of the white má ghost bat. Feng Ruo's eyes instantly stared at the huge wooden meén in the dead wood castle. This wooden mén has always been switched from the inside, and it can't be opened outside at all

Feng Ruo didn't know, did the guards of the ancient castle and many exiles close this mén after evacuating here? But now he is sure that this mén must have been closed inside

If he can't get in, it's the same even if he attacks with the Phantom Sword. Although it's wooden, it's more than jīng iron. Even in the face of the daily beast impact, it's still motionless

With a sigh, Feng Ruo casually took out the still rusty flying sword from the storage belt. Now he can only hope that this seemingly inconspicuous flying sword

After observing for a while, Feng Ruo did not take action from the position of Mumén, but measured it accurately, and then cut it from a position more than ten feet away from the right side of Mumén


If it doesn't take too much effort, the rusty flying sword is like cutting tofu

"It's so sharp. Is this the power of the flying sword?"

Feng Ruo sighed and thought that this flying sword must not be able to exert the strongest power now, but it can treat this extremely strong dry wood castle as tofu, which is really beyond his imagination. I really don't know what the identity of the skeleton in the underground cave is? Why are the people who killed him willing to give up this sharp flying sword?

At this time, as he thought, the movement in Feng Ruo's hand did not stop. It was only half a cup of hot tea. He used the broken flying sword to cut a hole on the castle that was enough for him to get in and out. Of course, in the process of cutting, he finally made sure that the castle was cut out of a huge

He drilled in along the cave mouth, and then Feng Ruo carefully blocked the cave mouth before listening.

However, it is as quiet as death in this dark castle, and no sound can be heard. As for the Qianshan who came in before, Batian and others are even missing

If you don't dare to be careless, first unseal the white má ghost bat and let it fly in the whole castle hall first, because in this darkness, it will not have any obstacles at all.

Soon, the white má ghost bat flew back, and there was no one in the castle

He took a gentle breath and eased the tension in his heart. Feng Ruo held the flying sword and carefully headed forward. Now although the white má ghost bat has confirmed that there is no one in the hall, there are four deep passages in the hall. God knows if there will be anything in it. What an ambush?

So Feng Ruo didn't dare to take out the luminous beads, so he could only move forward little by little with his previous memory

Soon, Feng Ruo came to the fourth passage, which was the passage to the two underground floors of the dead wood castle. At that time, he just explored here, and then was stopped by a castle guard

But now, it's still dark. If you have enough mana, you listen to it for a long time, and you don't see any movement at all

hesitated for a moment, and Feng Ruo finally took out the luminous bead, and with the light of the luminous bead, he saw two dead bones more than ten feet in front of him

Originally, Feng Ruo didn't care much, but when he walked in, he suddenly felt something was wrong. With the light of the luminous beads, he looked carefully and immediately knew what the problem was

Because there are no scars on the two dead bones, and the surface of the dead bones shows an extremely unique silver-white light, which looks a little similar to the huge skeleton in the underground cave

"Are they poisoned by the wooden demon?"

Feng Ruo was in a dark heart. Before, he heard that there was a wooden demon near the dead wood castle. He thought it came out of the entrance of the underground cave, but now it seems that the wooden demon obviously appeared from the interior of the dead wood castle

However, there is another point that makes Feng Ruo strange. If the wooden demon really appeared from the interior of this ancient castle before, why didn't the senior management of the five major sects come here to inspect it? Or was the truth of this matter misled from the beginning?

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo continued to move forward. Soon, he came to the corner that was sealed at that time, but at this time, the originally sealed place had been forcibly broken into a huge hole. Judging from the traces on it, it was the monk's behavior, not what he had guessed before was that the wooden demon was just There are also traces of formation on it, which should also be forcibly broken by someone

Through this hole, there is a long corridor. At the end of this corridor, there are several bones that are obviously poisoned by dead wood, but these bones have been covered with dust, which is obviously old

From this corridor, it is another spacious hall. The pattern is very similar to the upper floor, but now it is in a mess. Feng Ruo can even infer that it was crowded with exiles here in those years, that kind of noisy and lively scene

There were still no thousands of mountains in the second floor of the castle. The figures of Batian and others. Feng Ruo did not stay too long, and then carefully walked towards the three underground floors of the castle. However, at this time, he faintly heard a little "tick ticking" of water

The sound is extremely weak, and it sounds like an illusion

"Spiritual spring? That's right. It must be the spiritual spring on the third floor of the castle."

But just as Feng Ruo was about to continue to move forward, he suddenly found that two bodies appeared again in the passage in front of him, which turned out to be the two men of Batian, and what was particularly strange was that there were still no wounds on their bodies

"Wood demon?"

Feng Ruo's eyes suddenly condensed at him. Now he really doesn't understand the intentions of those people who have Qianshan and Ba Tian? Knowing that there is a wooden demon here, but he still breaks in here. Is there anything precious in front of him enough to make them ignore the danger of the wooden demon?

After passing through the two bodies, Feng Ruo immediately entered the third basement of the castle. To his surprise, there was an extremely bright luminous bead here

In the light of this luminous bead, Feng Ruo can clearly see the situation here. First of all, in the center of the hall, it is a spiritual spring half a foot square, and the sound of "tick" of water comes from something similar to the root of a tree above the spiritual spring

After careful observation for a while, it was finally determined that it was the root of the tree, and the water source of the spiritual spring also came from the root of the tree

But what surprised Feng Ruo most was that in a corner of the third floor of the castle, there was a huge hole, and under the hole, there were dense roots

"The underground cave is really like this. Those people in Batian went to the underground cave. In fact, they should have thought of it for a long time. The third floor of this dead wood castle should be the closest to the underground cave"

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo did not hesitate at all and rushed down with the white má ghost bat. He was very familiar with the underground cave, and in this environment, it should be the easiest to unconsciously kill the chief criminal and others

Of course, the prerequisite is that Feng Ruo has to find the traces of Boss Xing and others

As soon as he entered the underground cave, the white má ghost bat immediately shouted excitedly. After all, this is the most familiar place for it.

"Don't ask me to find out the traces of those people"

Feng Ruo sat on the back of the white má ghost bat and ordered softly. After all, there are trees in this underground cave. If he wants to find thousands of mountains, he can't do the traces of Ba Tian and others. He can only hope for the ability of the white má ghost bat

"Squeak", but the white má ghost bat rushed straight down, until it fell hundreds of feet in one breath, but it slowed down, but it looked a little trembling, very similar to what the silver armored spider looked like when it saw the skeleton of the day

In desperation, Feng Ruo had to seal the white má ghost bat, and then he went all the way down

However, Feng Ruo soon found that the environment here was very different from the environment he saw that day. First of all, the place where he was on that day was only a few hundred feet high from top to bottom, but here, he fell more than 500 feet and did not see the ground. It can be seen that in this underground cave The topography is also different

Secondly, although the roots here also emit a faint light, I don't know why it always gives people a very yīn feeling. Fengruo even has the illusion that these dense roots seem to be alive, staring at him closely

There is no need to try. Feng Ruo also knows that there must be a large number of pure congenital wood evils hidden in these tree roots. If he hadn't been very sure of the fusion of congenital wooden evils now, he would have promised to turn around and escape

"It's strange that Qianshan, why did Ba Tian and others come here?"

Feng Ruo has a headache. He has completely lost the traces of those people now. He can only roughly judge Qianshan and those people should go down from the white má ghost bat's flying down just now.

"Okay, just come here to relax"

After a moment of hesitation, Feng Ruo continued to walk down, but the more he walked down, the stronger the strange feeling in his heart was. He even wanted to doubt that if it went on like this, the roots around him began to surround him

And at this time, Feng Ruo suddenly found a tree root cut by a sword, and the incision on it was very fresh

"They are nearby"

Feng Ruo didn't care about the strange roots for a while, so he carefully continued to climb down. After he fell a distance again, he finally found that the ground finally appeared below. According to his estimate, from here to the third floor of the ancient castle, I'm afraid it's at least nearly a thousand feet away

However, Feng Ruo was not in a hurry to jump down to the ground at this time, because he found that there were many small plows on the ground, which were completely blue **, which he had never seen before

In addition, he found a nv body on the ground not far away. If he remembers correctly, it should be Qianshan's subordinates

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