Wind control

Chapter 73 Refinery

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-12-16 21:28:25 Words in this chapter: 4327

When the three of them fell to the ground, the bodies of the two four-level black snakes exploded and directly broke into countless pieces. This was because the speed of the phantom sword was too fast, so the strong wind attached to the sword lagd behind and stayed in the body of the black snake, but in this way, the killing power was It will be bigger!

And this sudden explosion scared Tang Qing and the two of them, "Wow! Feng Ruo, what kind of magic is this? So awesome! I don't think even Brother Bu Feiming of this hospital is your opponent!"

"Hey hey! It's just a fluke. As long as you are not too lazy after building the foundation in the future, you can do the same!" Feng Ruo shook his head and smiled. After ordering the white ghost bat to guard in the air, he took the lead in going to the depths of the island, because silver-scaly snakes were most likely to appear in that place!

With Feng Ruo in front of him, the three people traveled very fast, but all the black snakes encountered along the way were basically killed by Feng Ruo's phantom sword in an instant. Not to mention that Tang Qingpeng was too late to take action, even the white má ghost bat had no chance!

This is the result of Feng Ruo's hard practice in the sea of dead wood. His current swordsmanship is not only how fast, but also how proficient the five basic sword tricks are. The effect of this proficiency is that other monks are still struggling with the speed of using a single sword, but he is pursuing how much he can use in an instant. The secret of the sword!

The changes brought about by these two completely different attitudes are definitely very different. For example, now, Feng Ruo can easily display dozens of sword tricks in an instant. At the same time, this also means that the Phantom Sword can carry out dozens of changes in an instant. In other words, if he is facing a four-level dead wood scorpion, or If it is a four-level black snake, it is also very easy to kill dozens of them in an instant!

Of course, there is a big reason for the excellent quality of the phantom sword. If it is not inlaid with the phantom array that can greatly improve the speed and flexibility, if it is not strengthened, the metal ìng medium-grade five-educt stone that can increase the degree of sharpness, if it is replaced with other sword weapons

It's just that Feng Ruo's swordsmanship is far from strong enough. Not to mention a powerful master like Zhou Yu, he is an ordinary monk in the late stage of foundation building, and he is at an absolute disadvantage!

The reason is very simple. It will take at least decades or even hundreds of years to improve their cultivation to the later stage of foundation construction, so they will take a long time to practice swordsmanship, which is definitely not comparable to those who have practiced swordsmanship for several years!

Therefore, he can only narrow the extremely disparity little by little by working harder than others!

At this time, as they got closer and closer to the center of the island, Feng Ruo and the other three encountered more four-level black snakes, but the so-called silver-streaked black snake never saw it!

As a last resort, Feng Ruo had to stop, because the island is so big that there must be tens of thousands or even more black snakes on it. Even if his strength has been greatly improved now, it is impossible to rampage here!

"Tang Qing, what special instructions does Cangyue Trading Company have when releasing tasks? It's no way to find it like this!"

Hearing Feng Ruo's words, Tang Qing also looked depressed. In the short time just now, Feng Ruo had killed hundreds of black snakes in a row. If he and Peng Yue and others came, I'm afraid that he was exhausted at this moment, and he might even die. This task is simply too abnormal. Some.

"No! The Cangyue Commercial Bank only said that there would be silver-stremous snakes on the island in the blue lake, but it didn't mention how to attract yòu!"

"Aren't you practicing alchemy, so do you know what the function of this silver-stremous snake is?" Feng Ruo also felt a little inappropriate.

"Uh! I don't know. To be honest, if I hadn't taken this task this time, I wouldn't have even heard of the existence of silver-streaked snakes. It seems that those yù briefs about alchemy have not been mentioned!" Tang Qing scratched his head with some embarrassment.

"It seems? I don't think you can remember! Since you are practicing alchemy, at least you have to write down most of the spiritual grass and materials!"

Feng Ruo sighed helplessly, and then recorded that piece from the storage belt. The theory of balance between heaven and earth was briefly taken out. The content here is very complicated, but it is very comprehensive about alchemy. At the same time, it also records all kinds of wonders of heaven and earth. Previously in You In the underworld forest, he found the source of the ice moss from here.

However, because he is not going to refine the elixir yet, the content of it has only been roughly read once, and he has not kept it in mind. At worst, he can look for it when he needs it!

After a long time, Feng Ruo raised his head strangely, looked at Tang Qing and Peng Yue, and calmly said, "The silver scale black snake is made of a four-level black snake. The whole body of this snake is black, and there are only silver scales on the back, so it is called silver scales. The more silver scales, The place where it is located will not grow an inch of grass, and it will be extremely rotten, and the water arrow it sprays is highly poisonous, but this snake's inner tank and snake blood can be used for alchemy, which is of high value!"

After describing the silver-streaked black snake, Feng Ruo shook his head and said, "Jiān Shang is Jiān Shang! The task you took is too tricky. I'm sure that the value of the silver-streak snake is at least twice as high as the reward of this task. This is simply a jīri task. No wonder no one takes it!"

Hearing what Feng Ruo said, Tang Qing and Peng Yue's face suddenly looked difficult, and Tang Qing said angrily, "That hateful Cangyue business, let's go back to them to settle accounts!"

"Forget it! Is that useful? The relationship between Cangyue Commercial Bank and the five major clans has always been close, and it is not their fault. Who told you not to understand clearly before taking over the task? You can't even know yourself and your enemy. How can you save your life? Let's go back!" Feng Ruo said rudely, and then recruited the white ghost bat and was ready to leave.

Looking at Tang Qing and Peng Yue with depressed faces, Feng Ruo could only sigh secretly. In fact, this task does not seem to be very difficult for the foundation-building period. If he wants, it only takes more than half a day to ensure that he can catch a silver-streak snake!

But in order to teach Tang Qing and the two of them, he still gave up decisively. This time, he was there. Otherwise, if these two guys were allowed to work recklessly, they might die here. The danger in the immortal world can be said to be defenseless. What if you always hold a sloppy attitude!

All the way back to Zhentianzong, Feng Ruo took out two blank yù Jane, and transcribed the balance theory of heaven and earth to Tang Qing and Peng Yue.

"You are not children anymore. You can do whatever you want. This time is a lesson. You don't even know what the silver-stremous snake is, so you dare to take this task? The reward is very rich and good, but you also have to enjoy it. In addition, don't always think about earning the five elements stone on weekdays, and you can't fall behind in your daily practice. You should know that the amount of mana and the degree of purity are the most important. Well, accompany me to buy some things needed for the refinery!"

"Hey hey! Feng Ruo, your tone is more and more like Sister Lan!" Tang Qing smiled carelessly, and then patted Peng Yue on the shoulder heavily. "This time, it's all Peng Yue's fault. I supported him with so many five elements stones, but he still can't refine a middle-grade magic weapon. If he can refine it, why should I take the risk!"

"Tang Qing, get out of here! You can come up with this kind of excuse! What do you think the Chinese magic weapon is? Is it possible to refine it if you want to refine it? But then again, if you are willing to lend me another 30 lower five elements stones to buy refiner materials, I promise I won't let you down!"

"Heng! Do you still want to borrow it? There is no mén!" Tang Qing rolled his eyes, and then came to Feng Ruo's side and smiled, "Feng Ruo, what kind of refinery materials do you want to buy? I'll help you choose. Now that I'm dragged down by Peng Yue, a disappointing guy, I'm more accomplished than him!"

"Feng Ruo, don't listen to Tang Qing's nonsense, let me help you choose!" Peng Yue said on the other side, "If you want to practice the refinery, it is a very troublesome thing. First of all, you have to buy a refining tripod. There are many kinds of these things. According to the grade, there are lower grade, middle grade, top grade, and the best grade. Most beginners choose the lower grade refining tripod, but if you Refining tripod, because this will improve the success rate of the refiner. For example, I made a wrong choice before. I just bought a refining tripod. Now I want to buy a Chinese refining tripod. Tang Qing's egg is still obstructed in every way!"

"Peng Yue, you don't have to take an inch, okay? I still use the lower-grade Danding for alchemy now. If I hadn't sold the elixir y, I could have exchanged some five-equine stones, you would have gone to drink the northwest wind long ago!" Tang Qing refuted rudely at all.

"All that's it! Peng Yue, go on!" Feng Ruo had a headache. These two guys are really very powerful!

"Good! In addition to choosing a tripod, you also need to buy fierce fire paste, which is necessary for the refiner. The price is not very expensive, but the amount consumed is large. Usually the refiner is once, at least dozens of bags have to be used. Over time, it is also a large amount.

"In addition, you have to exchange the contribution of the meén faction in exchange for the fire control formula, and there are some ways to refine magic weapons. Of course, you can also buy these things from the firm, but the price is very high, so you can leave! These are the basic preparations before the refiner, but this is only the beginning. You have to practice the fire control formula for a period of time. In addition, the most troublesome thing is to collect the materials needed to refine the magic weapon. This thing will definitely make you collapse, because any lower magic weapon requires dozens of materials, alas. !"

Speaking of this, Peng Yue sighed sadly.

"How it is, you will know after you try it yourself!" ( To be continued