Wind control

Chapter 169 Transactions

Chapter 169 Transaction

Practicing the cloud-piercing spell is just a guess for Feng Ruo to test himself, because he feels that since his mana can already contain the aura of metal, he may be able to practice this most powerful cloud-piercing spell. In the same way, he should also be able to practice the swordsmanship that is close to metal!

In fact, Feng Ruo's guess was not wrong at all. When the unknown beggar man taught him the formula of the cloud-piercing spell, it took him less than a month for him to initially master the use of the cloud-piercing spell!

Of course, this distance has the power to form, and it will take years or even decades, and if you want to advance to the second stage, crack, I'm afraid it won't work without a hundred years!

Because of Feng Ruo's qualifications, or understanding, is not very poor, but there is still a huge gap from those geniuses. Like the beggar man, according to him, it only took him three months to completely master the cloud-piercing spell, and then it took three years to master it. The advanced spell of the cloud is empty!

This horrible speed makes Feng Ruo and Zhou Yi ashamed. Feng Ruo not to mention that although Zhou Yi is a master in the later period of Jindan, he has only mastered the two spells of fire dragon covering the sky and the shield of the earth at present. It is said that it took nearly 200 years!

As for the identity of this beggar man, Feng Ruo did not know at all, because from beginning to end, this guy did not say what his name was and where he came from, and in addition to teaching Feng Ruo's cloud magic, he never said a word and did not receive daily food, as if the food used to restore physical strength would be It's like his mouth!

There was nothing he could do. In order to prevent him from starving to death, Feng Ruo had to transfer some of his mana to him after a period of time. Fortunately, he now has a source of mana, otherwise it would really be a problem!

However, according to the old man Zhou Yi's guess, this beggar man should not be a person from the five sects of the Cangwu world, and his cultivation at the peak state should be between the middle of Jindan and the late Jindan!

Of course, Zhou Yi has to admit that even in his peak state, he is not the opponent of this beggar man. In his words, in the world of immortal cultivation, some people's cultivation and combat instincts are born, and they can't be envied!

In addition to practicing the cloud-piercing spell, the beggar man also taught Feng Ruo five sword secrets, but to Feng Ruo's surprise, these five sword secrets are all the true sword secrets of Zhentianzong!

For this, what the beggar man said is very simple, that is, the sword formula he practiced is not suitable for Feng Ruo, and if he really practices it, it will be fine in the belly of the mountain, but if he can go out, it will definitely cause him a lot of trouble!

And this time, Zhou Yi also rarely stood on the side of the beggar man, so Feng Ruo could only recognize it in the end. Fortunately, the true sword formula of Zhen Tianzong is not vegetarian. Now it is a great gain to get five ways at once. You know, if you exchange it with the contribution of the painful sect, there will be no Don't think about it in exchange for dedication! Because these five sword secrets can be practiced until the later stage of the golden elixir, or even the early stage of the spiritual baby!

However, although he had the five said powerful sword tricks, Feng Ruo was not in a hurry to practice, so in addition to practicing the magic of penetrating clouds every day, he spent most of his time on transforming the innate gold evil, and he did not deliberately hide this behavior from Zhou Yi and the beggar man. The two of them, anyway, even if they doubt it, can never think of the mystery!

With the passage of time, the proportion of metal in the mana in Fengruo's body is also increasing, until it finally reaches a state of equilibrium with the two attributes of Shuimu!

In this case, Feng Ruo is finally ready to start a more risky attempt, which is to try to keep the innate Jinshen in his body, because only in this way can he control as he wants like the innate Mus!

This is definitely the beginning of a miracle, just like when he successfully subdued the first ray of innate wood! And it doesn't rely on the existence similar to Aoki Shenjing. As long as he can now subdue this innate Jinshen, it means that he can use the same method to subdue the innate water, innate earth, and innate fire!

Of course, this is just thinking about it. Feng Ruo's current attempt is taking a huge risk. It took five or six years to do it with a little bit of water!

There is also one thing that his mana now has three attributes of gold, wood and water, which means that their exclusive power will be particularly powerful. If Feng Ruo is allowed to subdue another attribute in this way, the resistance encountered will be a hundred times, a thousand times that of today's!

For now, that's impossible to achieve!

Therefore, those who are contented are always happy, and it is best to receive it when they are good!

"What are you doing? Is your mana obtained in this way? The beggar man suddenly said to Feng Ruo. In the past few months, this guy was not interested in anything else except for explaining the penetrating spell and some swordsmanship to Feng Ruo!

However, as long as he is not a fool, he should be able to see that the mana in Feng Ruo's body does not rely on elixirs or stones to recover, but there is another way, so he finally can't help asking!

"Hey hey! I thought you were not curious at all?" Feng Ruo looked back at the man who was still thin and looked like a beggar, but smiled, "But why should I tell you? I'm hanging your little life now, just for a deal. Do you think your charm is big enough for me to tell you willingly?

For Feng Ruo's sarcastic words, the beggar man's face remained unchanged, but he was silent since then and never asked again!

And Feng Ruo is naturally not interested in focusing on this arrogant guy. He is not a genius or a highly qualified person, but he has his own way to survive!

It is not easy to keep the innate gold in the body. After making sure that there was nothing missing, Feng Ruo waved the magic sword and quickly cut a piece of obsidian the size of a head from the belly of the mountain!

When the obsidian was about to break away from the belly of the mountain, Feng Ruo's left hand quickly entered a trace of innate wood. Almost at the same time, a series of golden fluctuations flashed inside the obsidian, like a sea of fury, directly rushing directly along Feng Ruo's left hand into his body. Medium!

Just in an instant, Feng Ruo seemed to be hit by a thunderbolt, twitching all over his body, and the surface of his body was constantly raised and concave, as if there was a huge monster in his body!

"His uncle, it's just double the number, how can he be such a pervert!"

Although he was nearly doubled by the number of innate Jinsha in his body, Feng Ruo did not have much panic in his heart, because he has experienced this situation countless times in the past few years, but it is not as large as this time!

There is also one point that one-third of the mana in his body is already metallic, which will have a great offsetting effect when resisting this innate golden evil. Therefore, although it seems extremely dangerous, in fact, the initiative is still in Feng Ruo's hands!

Smooth these innate golden evils like wild horses little by little, and then try to make them stop safely, and finally integrate with their own mana, and at the same time be safe with the innate wooden evil. This is the real goal of Feng Ruo this time!

After dozens of hours, Feng Ruo finally finished these innate Jins. At this moment, he couldn't help but be moved with tears!

It's not easy! It's really not easy. It took him five or six years to officially integrate the first innate Jinshen into his mana for this moment!

And this also means that he is getting closer and closer to escape from this damn place!

In the following time, Feng Ruo did not stop collecting the congenital gold evil for a moment. It was not until the number of congenital golden evil had begun to threaten the congenital wooden evil that he stopped!

It's time to try!

Feng Ruo thought so, but his eyes swept over Zhou Yi and the beggar man not far away. The two of them were clear about his behavior during this period. Although they did not understand what was going on, they could vaguely guess that it was related to escape! In this matter, even if you are as arrogant as that beggar, you have to pay attention to it!

"Uh-Feng-Brother Feng, as long as you can save the old man, the old man can swear to God that he will follow Brother Feng for the rest of his life and never betray him! If you violate this oath, you will be punished by God!"

Although Feng Ruo didn't say anything, Zhou Yi was keen to know what he should do!

"Brother Zhou, you're welcome. I don't have the habit of taking others as slaves. Let's make friends. Thanks to Brother Zhou's help in the past few years, so as long as I can escape, I will never leave you!" Feng Ruo smiled faintly and said that although he still can't fully believe in Zhou Yi, there are few people in the world who can entrust his life completely, and he doesn't expect it at all!

Therefore, he just needs companions who are beneficial to him. Zhou Yi is very helpful to him. Regardless of the information and information provided to him, he has only taught him the language of the black-robed weirdos, but that's enough!

As for whether Zhou Yi must be in front of the saddle after saying it out, Feng Ruo doesn't care!

"What about you?" Feng Ruo turned his head and looked at the beggar man who had always been silent, and said with great interest, "You're not my friend. No, to be precise, I'm not qualified. Do you want to go out? So, what do you use to trade with me?

(There is one thing to tell you, because the lazy bird's hometown can't access the Internet, so in order to ensure that this book will not be interrupted during the Spring Festival holiday, there will be no third update during this period. Please forgive me. Isn't it the Spring Festival?) RO