Wind control

Chapter 236 Start

Check the remaining number of people. The captain is a little depressed, but he is also somewhat lucky. After all, he has not become cosmic dust. At this time, he immediately ordered someone to send a distress signal, but his men told him that the communication equipment had been completely damaged and could no longer send any information to the outside.

On the small spaceship of unknown origin, there are more than a dozen people in white spacesuits. They are all green-skinned guys, their eyes and hair are red, and both men and women are very thin. When they observed the huge mother ship through the large screen of their spacecraft control center, everyone's faces were full of an angry application.

In millions of cities, the emergency meeting of the Alliance Council is still held. At the meeting, the leaders of various countries have been in a meeting for five days. There is a fierce discussion on what the war should be so far. Now, most people are more in favor of temporarily consolidating the defense of New Las Vegas City as the primary goal. We will fight back after finding out how to effectively defeat the enemy. After thinking about this suggestion, Jin Liwen also agreed with it.

At this time, the mother ship sent out three space warships. When they were assembled, they saw them driving at full power and headed for the place where the small spaceship was located.

After a while, the suspension car carried the crew to the command center. Under the escort of the biochemical infantry, they were brought to Jin Liwen and others. When Jin Liwen saw these green-skinned, red-haired and red-eyed guys with his own eyes, he was a little curious and couldn't help looking closely around them, while the others, of course, were no different from him. And for those crew members, they were also very curious to see the group in front of them, especially the winged Karakana, who was not only curious, but also surprised. The captain also slowly overturned what he had thought before, and turned to think about how these people could resist the attack of the Oldman people. And to what extent has their civilization reached? And in this way, this kind of monster-like behavior is interpreted by each other in the two sides.

Thinking of this, the captain had his own answer in his heart. He thought that these guys who captured him might be the new troops of the Oldman people.

The destination decided that the group immediately collected water and food, and then quickly left the spaceship with self-defense weapons.

After the three left, they quickly crossed the door of space to the command center of New Las Vegas. Here, Moronia and Columbus had been waiting for them for a long time. When Karakana appeared with them, Columbus said, "Your Excellency, our detector just detected an unknown object. The body landed on the ground at a high speed from outer space.

But God did not seem to abandon the allied side. At their most critical moment, a small spaceship of unknown origin quietly came to the water blue galaxy and lurked not far from the invader's mother ship.

However, even if it can land safely on the ground, there are only two other men and one woman left on the captain's river to survive, and the rest of them have died for various reasons.

"Of course, Ioma, you send a message immediately and transmit the coordinates here to the Royal Fleet Command Center." The captain of the spaceship said at this time.

Hearing this, Jin Liwen nodded with satisfaction. After that, he said to Everton beside him, "Sir, please tell your people immediately and ask them to get ready. Once something bad happens, let them say hello."

"It should not be. According to the detector, before the object landed, it was followed by three enemy warships. Looking at the posture, it seemed to be chasing the thing. As for the landing site of the object, it is not far from New Las Vegas. With that, Columbus pulled up a three-dimensional map of the landing site of the unknown object on the holographic display, and it can be seen that the landing site of the unknown object is the closest to the defensive area of the Unico Brotherhood.

Although most people focus on defense, some countries still believe that it is necessary to make appropriate attacks. They tend to recover some cities first to reduce the defensive pressure in New Las Vegas. Among them, the one who supports this plan the most is the Acaste. Ray.

"Your Excellency, will that be the ship of those guys?" Columbus asked.

At this time, the problem comes. You know, the two sides don't understand each other. For Jin Liwen talking to himself, the crew know, but they can't understand what he said. At this time, the captain took a small step forward and said in their language, "Hello, I don't know who you are?"

Knowing such a situation, the captain understood that all he could do now was to wait. After all, he had sent a message that he had found the Oldman people before. He estimated that as long as there was no accident, the country's royal fleet would come here in a short time. At that time, he would People will also be saved.

Jin Liwen was also very happy to see that the other party surrendered so soon. After all, he could catch several people alive. Then, he sent a suspension car to transport all the guys who had surrendered to the command center.

"Well, it's really hard work to live up to my heart. Today, I finally found this group of Oldman people." At this time, the man on the spaceship snorted coldly.

Under the care of a group of biochemical infantry and super undead warriors, the captain and his crew boarded the suspension car sent by Jin Liwen. At this time, the captain looked at the biochemical infantry and super undead warriors. Although he was a little afraid of them, he was more curious. In his memory, those Oldman, their sworn enemies, are not waiting to pretend, and who will these guys be? Is it the army of this planet? Thinking of this, he felt that it was impossible, because even their country had a lot of space warships when they went to war with the Oldmans. Even so, most of their planet had fallen. If it hadn't been for the use of a large number of suicide warships to attack the Oldman people later, forcing them to suffer heavy losses. If you leave, there is a great possibility of subjugation. And look here, according to what I just detected, the periphery of the planet is full of Oldman warships. It can be seen that most of the planet has fallen into the hands of the Oldman people. In this way, that is to say, the technological situation here is much worse than that of my own country, so how can there be an army of the original I'm here.

"Oh, is it the enemy's airborne? Where is the landing place? Jin Liwen asked.

And the captain stretched out his hand in the opposite direction, but he was nervous and turned around to retreat. Seeing this, Jin Liwen immediately stretched out his other hand and pulled it back, which was not conducive to his resistance. He pressed the other hand on the top of his head, and then launched spiritual communication magic. At this time, when the crew saw that their captain was like this, they suddenly ** for a while, but with their slight movement, the biochemical infantry around them surrounded them and regarded them strictly.

At this time, Jin Liwen saw the picture sent back by the biochemical infantry and said in a slightly surprised tone, "Oh, it's a spaceship!"

When Columbus heard this, he came to the console and conveyed Jin Liwen's order to the biochemical infantry.

At this time, the small spaceship of unknown origin had made an emergency landing with Mercury, and because it was greeted by those space warships on the way to Mercury, the spacecraft was dilapidated at this time. In this state, they could land safely. The captain himself felt that I have been deeply favored by God.

After a while, those biochemical infantry passed on the images inside the spacecraft. Through the images, you can see many damage inside the spacecraft, and some corpses were found. Through those corpses, everyone feels that there are many differences from the invaders who are full of braids, although they are not completely sure about this. The ship is by no means owned by those invaders, but at least there are more negative elements.

When they left, the unknown things displayed on the detector appeared around the spacecraft, and these unknown things were actually the super undead warriors and biochemical infantry sent to scout.

"But looking at the shape, it's not very similar, but I've never seen those guys use a spaceship of this size. Just in case, ask those biochemical infantry to see if they can go in and scout." Jin Liwen said.

For this group of sudden invaders, the Free Planet Trade Alliance knows very little about them. Until now, they don't even know what kind of nation their opponent is. Captive, for so long, the allied side has not been caught, and this may be because both sides use energy weapons, and under one blow, there is more gasification. Although no prisoners have been captured, they have more or less obtained some of the other party's equipment. However, even so, the enemy's equipment obtained is incomplete, and even if it can sometimes be more complete, it can be sent for research, because the alliance itself is not as strong as the other party's scientific and technological strength, which makes those equipment The research can be said to have made little progress.

In the outer cosmic airspace of Mercury, there are no less than a hundred space warships, all of which belong to those invaders of unknown origin. Through these space warships, these invaders have occupied all the land of Mercury except New Las Vegas City, and a few days ago, they sent five warships to Wanluo Star, which is undergoing transformation, has also been occupied.

"Yes, captain." As soon as I said this, I saw a woman coming to a console and starting work.

As for the invader's mother ship, which weighs 35 billion tons and has a surface area of 18 million square kilometers, it is quietly in the orbit between Mercury and Wanluo Star. It just stays like this without any special action.

At the end of the vote, Karakana appeared in the venue. She came to Jin Liwen. After whispering a few words, Jin Liwen immediately called Elise and Everton to leave the venue first.

Hearing that the other party made a string of notes, but he couldn't figure it out. Jin Liwen immediately understood that this was a problem of language, so he thought of spiritual communication magic, so he came to the captain, raised a hand, and slowly reached over his head.

The meeting has been going on for five days, and now it can unify the opinions of most countries. Although there are still a small number of countries that do not agree, the minority is subordinate to the majority, and if it continues to discuss in this way, it is already superfluous. By the evening of the fifth day of the meeting, Jin Liwen and other approval The leader of the Lord proposed to vote, and this vote, needless to say, is, of course, through the temporary defense-oriented policy.

"Captain, will you inform the Royal Fleet immediately?" A woman responded.

All this is simple, so the war is very unfavorable to the allied side.

Seeing this, the captain of the spaceship was shocked. He immediately ordered the whole ship to enter a state of emergency, and the engine was fully open, ready to escape from the place as soon as possible. And he ordered the direction of escape, but in the direction of the water blue star. It seemed that he was going to escape to it. And the reason why he did this was that he knew that with his own small boat, he could not drag the pursuit of those space warships, and since he could not escape, it was better to find a place to hide.

Jin Liwen looked at the three-dimensional map, and then asked Columbus, "Oh, it's very close to us. Have you sent a reconnaissance team to have a look?"

Seeing the biochemical infantry that suddenly appeared in front of him, the captain and his men were shocked, and they also picked up the weapon and fired a few shots at the biochemical infantry. However, the self-defense weapons in their hands could not hurt the biochemical infantry at all. Seeing this, those people suddenly had no will to resist, and without waiting for the biochemical infantry to convey the persuasion notice just sent by Jin Liwen, they put down the weapons in their hands.

"Don't worry, I have sent a team of super undead soldiers to go first, and in addition, the fat man also called some biochemical infantry to follow them. If there is no obstacle, there should be information coming back later." Moronia responded.

"Fat man, ask them to search the nearby area to see if there are any survived." Jin Liwen said. When Columbus heard this, he quickly conveyed his order.

After a while, both sides have studied each other enough. Kim, who are you? Are you with those guys with steamed buns and braids?

At this moment, the detector on their spacecraft suddenly sounded a rapid alarm, and the captain immediately went to check. He found that at this time, near his spacecraft, a group of unknown objects were approaching at high speed. Now, they were so nervous that they immediately ordered the surviving crew to gather together. At this moment, there was no need to discuss too much. Everyone decided to abandon the ship immediately before the unknown objects came, and they also decided where to go after abandoning the ship, because not far from their spacecraft, there was a large stone mountain, and the stone mountain. Where there is a cave.

Upon receiving the order, the biochemical infantry is fully open in the detection function and intensively search for a nearby area. At this time, the captain just took his crew to the cave, and as soon as they put down the water and food they brought in the cave, the biochemical infantry came to the entrance of the cave.