Wind control

Chapter 346 Closure

"We will definitely use the magic pen in our hands and live up to the trust of the Lord Buddha!" Tomorrow and Jing'er said.

Ten thousand years of rain has made us ups and downs!

God wants to destroy this evil. God asked me to save this side. Li Qinglian and his wife now have a very table job, and they can also communicate with the local righteous disciples in time. Moreover, they strictly follow the requirements of the righteous law, act in mind and try to do it well.

When I came down from the sky, I knew that I would suffer a lot, but I still categorically signed a contract with the Lord Buddha! When the time comes to fulfill your mission of saving all sentient beings, you can't stand this little suffering. It's really a disgrace to the Dafa and Master! Thinking of this, Li Qinglian wiped away her tears and persisted!

I met my godfather there. He and Li Qinglian's wife had a father-daughter relationship before, but now they are continuing the relationship. After the Spring Festival, the godfather took Li Qinglian and others to live in a big city.

There is also a practicing disciple in the devil's cave. Because of the hunger strike, he was filled with boiling water! Later, he was tortured to death.

I only heard the Lord Buddha say with a smile, "Then you have to find a word 'cover', and everything else has its own arrangements."

So far, there are four practicing disciples who have been persecuted to death in Li Qinglian's small county! In the past few years, nearly 400,000 people have been extorted, and hundreds of people have been sentenced to and illegally detained by re-education through labor. From old people in their seventies who are not very convenient to walk, to children who can just walk!

In so many dusty days, we interpret joy and sadness together.

On January 1, 2007, Li Qinglian began to work in his wife's factory, where they showed the purity, reality and selflessness of practitioners everywhere, which made the factory very satisfied from the boss to the workers. Many people were persuaded by them to "retire three times" for their lives and chose a ten. A bright future!

This is the mercy of the gods and Buddhas, which makes people come back from the great karma created by slandering the heavenly law, so they must recognize the essence of this evil force! This is to save the lives of all sentient beings, not to seize power!

The years are so long that I can't remember your former beauty.

Compassion makes me reluctant to see you suffer with evil.

At this time, Jinger asked, "Then as soon as we go to the world, in the tossing and turning of reincarnation, when it comes to the Lord Buddha and you, can we find each other?"

But our hearts are connected, but our intentions are connected.

The disciples of the Dharma have experienced all kinds of hardships in the human world, breaking through all the magic barriers, being firm and upright, making the evil forces fearless, and it is a matter of time to be completely cleaned up. But evil forces are poisons. As long as they exist for one day, they will be bad, that is, to struggle to death.


We, with the same good wish.

Later, two of them wrote the following poems: After doing a story telling the truth in her hometown, Li Qinglian met a girl, who was once the protagonist of the opening story of the book - Su Guifei. Because of the fate of that life, Li Qinglian met her in this life, and also contributed to the fate of husband and wife in this life.

Those evil lives that have created great sins are already in hell, but they have not been exhausted, and all kinds of examples of present reports are also constantly emerging. This is also a precious moment for the disciples of the Dharma to tell the truth and save all sentient beings. Once the truth is revealed, everything will be a fore conclusion.

It is mentioned in the Book of Revelation that people with the mark of beasts, those who have not been blessed by God, have no future, will be eliminated, and will fall into the sea of hell and suffer.

Hearing what they said, Cui Er also came to say, "Jade is also a kind of jade. I don't call it jade, but "Jade"..."

Later, they came to a foreign country thousands of miles away. Due to the persecution, Li Qinglian's family was basically bankrupt and had almost no money. When they left, their mother took 900 yuan for Li Qinglian (of which three hundred went to her grandmother's house to borrow). In this way, Li Qinglian and they opened in a foreign country. Start a new life!

For our common vows, we should do well in every day.

We come from a great place.

Then removing the mark of this beast becomes extremely important, which is related to the future of everyone. After the world recognizes the true face of this evil force, it is natural for the tide of retreat.

At this time, the gods in heaven are crying for their compassionate and firm vows! After a while, the Lord Buddha disappeared. They told each other for a while before they entered Nantianmen, entered the three worlds, and began their long reincarnation...

At the end of December 2006, Li Qinglian held a very simple wedding in the presence of the elderly and relatives on both sides, completing a major event in their lives.

Li Qinglian's first job was to work in a packaging factory, when the weather was getting colder and colder. In a cold night, it was snowing outside, and Li Qinglian went out alone to the house with raw materials.

Crossing the mountains, I can't get out of your sight.

Yuer said, "Then I'll just use "Jade" to sign things."

In order not to be fascinated by the world, we have to have a name with "Jade", and this name will be there when it is born, and we have to write something about "Jade" with a magic pen to prove it.

This is a paragraph written by Li Qinglian kneeling on the ground with tears. The excited tears are all over her face. It is the side of her god who understands and understands why she came, the meaning and mission of life.

I only heard Dong and Jianlang swear to the Lord Buddha: "We must live up to our vows and will definitely fulfill the Lord Buddha's wishes!"

Thousands of years of Hong wish for today, no regrets and no complaints.

The barrier of the sea sky, and you can't see your smiling face in this life.

No matter how big the wind is, it will continue to pull the relationship between us.

Now people on the earth are repared for their grievances. Up to now, as soon as they meet, they want to end it. The relationship between people is very tense, and the husband and wife are also guarding each other like enemies.

Finally, on the tortuous road of Qianmo, he came with an oath as scheduled!

A long time ago, your trust and expectation.

Carrying your expectations, come as scheduled!

When you look back, your advice is still lingering in your ear.

At Li Qinglian's place, a 32-year-old practicing disciple was arrested in 2001 and killed within three days. From the throat to the urine, all the human organs were removed!

Lian'er interface said, "Crazy, there is a very pure substance in the heavenly world called "jade". People in the future will take "jade" as a symbol of noble quality.

The gods walk on the earth and use different magic weapons to tell the truth to all sentient beings and save all sentient beings. This is not only a process of constantly improving their own level, but also a process of perfecting their great prestige.

In fact, everyone has had a very good cause in history. If you can bring a kind heart, then all kinds of grievances in the previous life can be well solved.

In November 2004, the largest overseas Chinese media published a series of articles commenting on evil forces. As soon as this article is issued, it marks that the law has entered a new stage.

Compassion makes me reluctant to see you suffer with evil.

Ren years have blurred my memory, but I will never forget: I'm not asking you to be like me, let alone want to change your faith, but just to make you understand that Satan's deceptive trick, since the old forces have arranged such a destruction of the human world through the evil forces of the human world, and even the great catastrophe of All sentient beings, clean up the brain poisoning of all sentient beings, and practitioners should expose the true face of evil forces in front of the world.

This is exactly: Today, I finally stepped on the unchanging pace, with the love of indifferent hatred.

Through all kinds of grievances arranged in history, the old forces used the lack of mindfulness of practicing disciples as an excuse to create such an inhumane persecution through the evil forces in the human world! These are all great sins, not unrequined. The time of retribution will come soon.

Do you know why I told you the truth?

Tell the truth and save the world. May you laugh when the disaster comes!

Later, there was a three-egression tide. The evil forces attacked the righteous disciples and participated in politics, just to save the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. The disciples of Zhengfa have seen through the fame and fortune in the world. Politics is a dirty thing, and the human regime is not what practitioners want.

When the words were very lively, the cloud suddenly saw the Lord Buddha looking at them mercifully and seriously in the sky, so he reminded everyone that they would kneel on the ground immediately.

The thousand-year-old wind has scattered us!

Later, the evil forces harvested the human organs of the righteous disciples and sold the heinous crime of profiteering from them, which was exposed in overseas news. Two international investigators published a report to fully confirm this.

Heart to Heart

Because I didn't have money to buy cotton-padded trousers, I was still wearing the autumn clothes I wore when I came. Li Qinglian trembled all over, and tears unconsciously fell down: Do you regret it? Li Qinglian asked herself.

"Definite!!!" Everyone made a wish in unison.

With the divine pen and seal given by the Lord Buddha, the gods left this place in the eyes of the Lord Buddha's mercy and expectation. Before going down to the three worlds, they only heard Yuer say, "I don't know what the word "cover" mentioned by the Lord Buddha means?"

After thousands of rivers, you are always tied to my heart.

The following are all kinds of historical stories. Please look forward to it!

No matter how heavy the rain is, it can't break our wishes.

I came as scheduled, after many cold and summers, the wind and snow cover.

"Come as scheduled"

In the roar of the wind, the goose feather-sized snow is flying everywhere. This is not the ordinary snow in the world, but the fusion of the debris of the extremely cold thousand-year-old black ice and the abundant water aura!

This kind of crystal clear, beautiful snow huā, not to mention melting, even this raging wind, can't bring them hundreds of feet high in the sky. If it falls on people, if it is strong enough, it can be shaken away with deep mana, but if it can't be done. In an instant, it will be frozen into a lifelike ice sculpture by the horrible cold contained in this snow!

And the place where this kind of snow haā appears is the area of more than 3,000 feet above the peak of Tianfeng, and it is also close to the peak of the peak of Tianfeng. Not to mention ordinary foreign disciples, even the core disciples are not allowed to enter casually!

However, at this moment, Feng Ruo's figure came slowly from a distance. Before the goose feather-sized snow huā could get close to his body, it was immediately swept away by the strong wind attached to the shock armor!

The reason why Feng Ruo appeared in this area is very simple, because this is the area where he closed this time, and there is no one except him within a radius of 50 miles!

This is the benefit of famous families. When Feng Ruo applied for the retreat to impact the Jindan period, he immediately received enough attention from the senior management of Zhen Tianzong. Although there is no reward of a drop of snow jade milk like Zhou Yu, it is not bad in all aspects. For example, in his closed area, not only will there be two golden e The hand is guarded 50 miles away. At the same time, the guard array of Zhentianzong, a black water Xuanbing and angry array will also divide a small defensive force to completely cover the area of 50 miles!

Under this level of defense, no one can intervene unless it is the head of Zhentian Sect or many unpredictable elders in the Presbyterian Court.

At this moment, Feng Ruo's face is calm, no joy or sorrow, but he walks towards the high platform in front of him step by step with a gentle pace, which is the center within a radius of 50 miles." It is also the center of array protection, and such a platform, on the peak of thousands of miles, there are a total of eight, That is to say, Zhen Tianzong can provide such a luxurious defense for eight monks who are ready to hit the Jindan period at the same time!

Of course, this number seems to be a lot, but in fact, in the process of hitting the Jindan period, there are very few that can be successfully advanced, ranging from decades to more than ten years.

Those who can successfully advance are naturally happy, and if they can't succeed, then they will disappear from this world from now on.

Therefore, most of the late-stage monks who build the foundation, if they are not absolutely sure, will generally choose to wait, or simply not break through!

Feng Ruo chose to close the customs this time, and he did not inform anyone. In fact, in the years since he returned to Zhentianzong from the five elements, he has never discussed this matter with anyone. Even for Lan Ling, Lian Su, Tang Qing, Peng Yue and other people who are very close to him, he has no tips.

As he has always believed, as a monk who dares to go against the sky, if you don't have the courage to face all the hardships alone, you don't have to struggle!

When Feng Ruo walked to the edge of the high platform, his pace was still sluggish for a moment." Then he turned around and looked everywhere, although the end of the line of sight was still windy and snow!

, "Thank you!"

seemed to say to himself, "The corners of Feng Ruo's mouth quickly scratched a smile, and then turned his head and slowly and firmly stepped on the high platform in front of him, which was only a few feet high, but like a lofty mountain!

When Feng Ruo walked to this high platform, the wind and snow that was still raging at the last moment disappeared, leaving only a quiet and non-existent space!

After a moment of silence, Feng Ruo slowly put away the wind armor. The Qingcheng sword and the Aoki sword behind him were all put into the storage belt, and the seal ring on the wrist and the black jade ring were the same.

Finally, Feng Ruo took off the storage belt and put his heart on a corner of the high platform, because if he failed to hit the Jindan period, his whole body would explode in an instant. This explosive power that combined his whole body's mana was enough to destroy everything he had with him, so he still put it on On the other hand, if there is any accident, it can be left to Lan Ling and others.

After all this, Feng Ruo sat down calmly cross-legged, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was waiting for something, and seemed to be integrated with the eternal world!

From the foundation period to the golden elixir, although this stage is not as important as the advanced foundation period of the gas refining period, the degree of danger and difficulty has increased by dozens of times.

If the foundation period is a stage for monks to lay the foundation, then the golden elixir period is a sign that a monk officially contacts the heavenly way and is qualified to enter the immortal world!

This process is very simple, that is, the process of condensing the orange mana accumulated by the monk during the foundation period, and then breaking through a certain limit and condensing it into a golden elixir!

This golden elixir is the bridge to communicate with heaven and earth, and it is also the foundation for monks to live!

Without such a foundation, in the face of the vast power of heaven and earth, the monks are unable to resist at all! Once condensed into the golden elixir period, the monk's longevity will increase to 800 to 1,000 years according to the quality of the golden elixir.

With this long-term longevity, then you will have the capital to compete with the fate of heaven and earth!

Of course, not every monk will be so lucky. The cruelty of going against the sky is here. You can't take any advantage of any external force. Even if you are completely prepared and have 90% sure, if you don't have any effort, you will lose the whole game!

Feng Ruo is no exception. Even if he gets the three drops of snow jade milk, he dare not be careless, because this is not a joke, it is not something to escape at all!

I don't know how long it took, Feng Ruo's eyes slowly opened, and there was a touch of silver light in his hand, which was the snow jade milk produced in the snow pool of the cold jade ice palace!

This product can improve the qualifications of monks to the greatest extent, but only the first three drops are effective, and it is best in the later stage of foundation construction!

At this time, as soon as Feng Ruo's right hand turned over, the three drops of Xueling jade milk were no longer in his mouth. Almost at the same time, an extremely fresh, but cold breath like a snowy mountain spread in his mouth, but in an instant, he went up and down his whole body dozens of times!

And where this breath passed, Feng Ruo's Dantian, meridians, and all the blood were immediately completely frozen, but the next moment, when the breath circulated back again, Feng Ruo's body recovered!

This feeling is like a sudden death, and then turning around in the next moment!