Wind control

Chapter 266 Endless Sea

Although the Cangwu world has been occupied and developed by human immortal cultivation world tens of millions of years ago, it does not mean that the immortal cultivation world led by the five major sects can fully control the whole Cangwu world!

In fact, the whole Cangwu world is so large that it is not weaker than the five elements world at all. In many areas, it still deters the monks, and even now it is still a fog.

Of course, this is also related to the discovery of space nodes leading to the five elements world, because most of the energy of human immortal cultivation is used to explore the five elements world, so the gate stations in the immortal world are basically close to the space nodes to the five elements world. It can be said that the focus of the whole immortal cultivation world is concentrated in Yannan Among several major regions such as the region, the Qinxi region and the Lingnan region!

In addition to these densely populated areas of monks and mortals, they are either as barren as the sea of dead wood, or as mysterious as the cold mountain area, or occupied by countless powerful spiritual beasts like the endless sea!

And these three places are the three famous dangerous places in the Cangwu world.

If the cold mountain area is listed as the third most dangerous place because of the existence of the cold jade ice palace, then the dead wood sea is listed as the second most dangerous place by the existence of the wooden demon clan in the underground cave!

However, the danger of these two regions is still more or less under the control of the immortal world. For example, in the cold mountain area, the five major sects can communicate more or less. As for the dry wood sea, it can be suppressed to suppress the wooden demon clan.

But the danger of the endless sea is beyond the control of the immortal world!

Even if the Hanyu Ice Palace and the five major sects join hands, it can't be done!

The reason is very simple. The endless sea, as its name describes, has an infinite range. The cold mountain area and dead wood sea of millions of miles in front of this endless sea are simply not worth mentioning!

No one can know how big this endless sea is? No monk can walk back and forth from this endless sea! Compared with this endless sea, the major regions can only be regarded as a small


Fortunately, I don't know where the end point is, and I always know where the starting point is!

The east of the fog mountains and the sea of dead wood is the starting point of the endless sea, from which you can enter the endless sea. Of course, to be precise, it is the inland sea of the endless sea, because if it exceeds millions of miles away, it is likely to be lost.

At this moment, on a scenic cliff in the easternmost part of the Diewu Mountains, Zhang Lei is listening to the sound of the tide under the cliff, while neatly decomposing a three-level macular sea fish. He is a monk in the late stage of gas refining. There is no sect, no family, just a small loose practice!

In fact, in Zhang Lei's grandfather's generation, he was just a rough martial arts fisherman who made a living by fishing on the edge of the endless sea, but once again accidentally fished up a dying monk from the endless sea. Although he did not save this man's life in the end, he was from this monk. I got a set of immortal methods that are said to be able to cultivate immortals and get the Tao.

Because Zhang Lei's grandfather was too old to practice, Zhang Lei's father practiced. Unfortunately, Zhang Lei's father only practiced to the middle of qi, and he never made any progress. On the contrary, Zhang Lei himself, at the age of less than 30 years old, he had practiced to the late stage of qi.

With strength, you can naturally go deeper into the endless sea, and the more precious the spiritual beasts you hunt will be. Zhang Lei's wish is to get enough five-eground stones, and then ask the monks in the small town to create a three-pin sword for himself, so that he goes out to hunt. Naturally, the safety of spirit-killing beasts will increase a lot.

Thinking of the power of the three-pin sword weapon, Zhang Lei couldn't help but be hot in his heart!

, "Chu"

Just as Zhang Lei decomposed the three-level macula sea fish, he suddenly found that he didn't know when a young man with a dark face and looked dusty appeared dozens of feet behind him.

Looking at this unclear uninvited guest, Zhang Lei just wanted to drink and ask, but he immediately felt a little inappropriate, because although the black-faced man did not look amazing, he was no different from the fishermen who made a living by fishing on the edge of the endless sea, but he could appear silently near him. This strength is not He can be compared.

So, Zhang Lei hesitated for a moment. He still learned from the appearance of those monks in the small city and hugged the black-faced man and said, "Your Excellency, I don't know what you have to do here?"

Hearing Zhang Lei's question, the black-faced man suddenly smiled strangely, just showing his brother's snow-white teeth. Somehow, when he saw this strange smile, Zhang Lei felt a little hairy in his heart.

Sure enough, after the black-faced man looked up and down at Zhang Lei for a moment, the same strange words suddenly came out, "Is this cliff your house?"

"Uh, no!" Zhang Lei was stunned and replied involuntarily, but he felt inexplicable in his heart. This cliff is just a place for him to stay at will. This endless sea is so big, who still wants to occupy the floor? It's not a place full of spiritual veins. Who cares about it!

, "Hey hey! Since this cliff is not yours, what do I have to do with you? The black-faced man smiled. After saying this, he no longer paid attention to Zhang Lei, so he went to the edge of the cliff and looked at the endless sea in front of him. He sat down so much that he seemed not afraid of Zhang Lei's sneak attack behind his back.

"What a strange guy!" Zhang Lei thought to himself that he casually put the materials he had collected into the universe bag. After thinking about it, he kindly reminded him, "In another four hours, it will be the daily tide of the endless sea. You'd better return to the small city a hundred miles away before that, otherwise if you encounter a spirit beast in the sea, I'm afraid It's very dangerous!"

After saying this, Zhang Lei ignored whether the black-faced guy listened and turned around and left. He had to sell some of the new hunting materials.

Until Zhang Lei left, the face of the black-faced man who had been sitting on the edge of the cliff suddenly showed a meaningful smile, as if he was talking to himself, "I don't know if this way of hiding the old man works. Otherwise, I would really have to jump into the endless sea to hide.

There is no doubt that this black-faced man is Feng Ruo. He appeared in the endless sea, on the one hand, to avoid the ubiquitous surveillance of Qingqiu people, on the other hand, to find the materials to refine his own flying sword, and by the way, to improve his strength!

On that day, after Feng Ruo mentioned this matter to Qing Lanxuan, although she was worried, she could also understand that she planned to go overseas with Feng Ruo, but in the end she was persuaded by Feng Ruo, because Qing Lanxuan had been advancing the golden elixir period for a long time, and the saint of It's not easy to open the hall once, and this opportunity can't be missed.

Especially critically, Feng Ruo is not sure whether he can really avoid the lock and tracking of the Qingqiu people, so it's best to act alone before that!

As for the old man Qingyun, he completely agreed, and even passed on a secret technique used to hide his original appearance and cover up his cultivation. In this way, unless he is a monk who is too high-level, or has a corresponding special magical power, most monks will not see any flaw!

"Hey, the endless city? Old man, I hope your information will be effective after 1,800 years!"

At this time, Feng Ruo muttered again, and his whole body fell from the edge of the cliff, and then let the waves below completely swallow him up!

"You mean that Qingyun's daughter escaped into the underground cave of the Dead Wood Sea? And the masters you sent have been completely destroyed?

Just as Feng Ruo was hiding and rushing to the endless sea, in the dark secret room somewhere in the Cangwu world, an extremely strange voice slowly sounded, and the source of the sound was actually a ferocious stone statue with nine heads.

In front of the stone statue, there is an old man with white hair kneeling, but at this moment, the old man's expression is full of panic and fear, and he doesn't even have the courage to look up at the stone statue.

"Yes, it's up to you. Originally, this matter was already ten years old, and my subordinates raised it for more than ten years, and then played chess pieces in the four sects. As long as the Qingyun's daughter died, it would definitely cause the internal infighting of the five sects. However, who knew that there was a mistake The daughter escaped, so please give it a little more time. My subordinates have ordered all the hidden forces of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce to take action and block all the surroundings around the sea of dead wood. It only takes a while to capture the daughter of Qingyun!"

, "Who can make your plan 1 go wrong, is it a nobody? Who is that person?" The voice in the statue of Hua suddenly asked after a moment of silence.

"The envoy, that is a core disciple of Zhentianzong, named Feng Ruo. His subordinates have investigated, and this person has no background. Now he has just luckily advanced to the Jindan period, which is not a worry!" The white-haired old man quickly replied, but his voice had just fallen, and a bloody palm suddenly appeared in the stone statue above, and he directly slapped the old man left and right with lightning speed!

"Dark! Damn it! Why is Feng Ruo a nobody?

The voice in the stone statue said angrily, "Cancel all actions. Since there is that Feng Ruo, especially in a place like the Dead Wood Sea, how many people you go to will never find the daughter of Qingyun!

Now, get out of here!"

Hearing this, the white-haired old man rolled and crawled out like an amnesty, and it was not until the secret room regained calm. In the abundance of the stone statue, a strange ink flame came out, and then changed into a figure, and this person was the Qingqiu man.

"Feng Ruo, don't be too restless, otherwise I don't mind killing chickens to get eggs. You know, we have another choice now! Qingyou, lock the boy's position. Once you find something wrong, you can catch him back at any time!"