Wind control

Chapter 285 Self-explosion

Chapter 285 Self-explosion (first update)

"You--looking for death!"

In the face of Feng Ruo's behavior, Qingyou was almost angry to death! This damn little ant dares to attack her head-on. Even if she is bombarded by the white city owner and others outside now, she has to maintain the operation of that shocking secret skill inside, but she will never allow this little ant to provoke in front of her. This is simply a great shame!

Without thinking about it, Qing You immediately pulled out a soul power and strangled Feng Ruo's soul!

The two soul forces collided with each other in an instant, which is completely different from the physical force. This form of fighting does not have a strong reaction at all. There is no shaking of the mountain at all, and the sky is dark. It can be said to be the most direct and simplest confrontation.

But in terms of the degree of danger, this kind of confrontation at the soul level is more dangerous. If you are not careful, it will cause damage to your soul. Even if you can win this battle in the end, you are a loser. Therefore, usually, no monk is willing to fight with his own soul power, even if it occupies enough. Advantages can't be done, because that's equivalent to putting your soul in a state of not being protected by the body!

And this is one of the reasons why similar to Xue Gujue, a powerful monk like Yu Yu was easily taken down by Qingyou. In addition to their too much dependence on and trust in the magic fire released by Qingyou, the most important thing is that their souls are not competent for the frontal battle!

According to reason, Feng Ruo's soul is the same in nature. In the past, even if his soul power was very strong, he may not be the opponent of a wisp of soul!

But now, after practicing the formula specifically for the soul in the nine-day flowing clouds, the soul of Feng Ruo has changed in a sense.

It should be noted that among the nine forces that need to be cultivated in the nine-day flow of clouds, the soul power itself is already a kind of power that can be independent of the body. Although Feng Ruo has not reached the level of making his soul form a rune, it is by no means comparable to an ordinary soul!

It was also because of this that after Qingyou and Feng Ruo's soul collided, Qingyou was surprised to find that her soul did not take much advantage of it!

On the contrary, Feng Ruo's heart is more down-to-earth. He didn't wait for the green soul to strengthen again, so he pressed it with all his strength. At the same time, he was also constantly running the formula for practicing the soul in the Jiutian Liuyun array, because according to the old man Jiujue, the formula he It has the nature of devouring and merging other soul forces, but the nature of this formation is too vicious, and it is easy to be regarded as an evil outsider, so unless necessary, it can never be used in the battle.

Now, in the face of this Qingqiu people, of course, Feng Ruo does not have so many scruples. In terms of the degree of hatred, he even has the idea of crushing the Qingqiu people. How can he care about other things?

So at this moment, once he is entangled with the power of this Qingyou's soul, Feng Ruo immediately launched that kind of formation. His idea is very simple, that is, this Qingqiu man is likely to be arranged by Qingli to be responsible for locking him. He can escape today, but maybe he will be locked again next time. Is he Maybe you can always hide your own body in a near-death state!

In this case, why don't you spell it again? Even if you can't completely kill this Qingqiu people, you have to let her suffer a big loss and fall into a serious injury or something!

At this time, as soon as Feng Ruocai used the formula of quenching the soul, she was immediately noticed by the Qingyou, which really shocked and angry, but the real thing was that she could not extract more soul power to destroy Fengruo's soul now. On the one hand, it was because the secret technique she used was in progress, and the The attack of Yichengzhu and others is also extremely powerful. Although it will not reach the limit of the demon fire, the pressure caused to her is not small!

After all, the demon fire is not only the prison that imprisoned her soul, but also the reason why she can not die. Her soul is invisible, but the demon fire is a tangible thing. Once the prison is broken by the white city owner, then when she is released, it is also her real death!

Originally, Qingyou asked herself that she could complete the secret skill before the demon fire was destroyed, but now with the variable of Feng Ruo, she fell into a great dilemma. However, the resistance she could do was almost ineffective, because Feng Ruo's soul was also in the depths of her soul. She just wanted to use the demon fire to kill Feng I can't do it!

Compared with this green ghostly crazy, Feng Ruo is more and more brave in the battle. Under the formula of quenching the soul, it is easy to devour the power of the green ghost. Although the amount he swallowed is simply one of the nine cows compared with the overall soul power of Qingyou, it is a great tonic for him!

Where can I find this kind of good thing?

With the more soul power that Feng Ruo devoured and fused, Qing You was finally forced into a dead end, because no matter how hard she tried now, the secret skill she hoped for had no chance to be completed.

"Feng Ruo, you ant, you want to devour your soul. Dream about it! I'd rather blow myself up than let you succeed. You all have to be buried with me!"

At this time, Qingyou suddenly screamed hysterically, and at the same time, she forcibly gave up the operation of the secret art. Then, her soul power like a huge wave completely covered up towards Feng Ruo. Obviously, she hated Feng Ruo to the bone and had to tear Feng Ruo's soul into countless pieces to relieve her hatred!

Such a sudden change scared Feng Ruo, because although he can devour the power of the soul of Qingyou, it does not mean that he can completely resist all the power of Qingyou. If he is crushed like this, he can't stand it!

However, Feng Ruo has no way out at this moment, so he can only face it bravely, because the confrontation of the soul is not allowed to retreat at all!

Almost in an instant, when the power of the soul of Qingyou rushed down like the collapse of the snow mountain, Feng Ruo seemed to be strangled by someone's neck in an instant and could not breathe at all. At the same time, thousands of screaming ghosts rushed down from all directions, and opened the blood basin and desperately bit Feng Ruo'

At this moment, Feng Ruo even has the illusion of being broken into pieces!

And the green, sharp and crazy laughter is always roaring in his ears. Just this kind of laughter makes Feng Ruo's mind explode. Not to mention resistance, he can't even do the most basic thinking!

In this case, as long as Feng Ruo's soul is lost, it will be completely fused and swallowed up by the power of Qingyou's soul in an instant, which is equivalent to Feng Ruo's complete disappearance from this world!

At this time, at this time of life and death, Feng Ruo's always tenacious will once again exerted his super endurance, and let the countless real or unreal illusions roar and tear apart. Even if his soul power has been torn into thousands of pieces, the last line of defense in his heart is still indestructible. Unbreakable!

This kind of persistence is like a hard reef under the impact of huge waves. It is always motionless, not resisting, not fighting back, not impetuous, not afraid, just silent, sober, persistent, even if the next moment is the sky and the earth are cracked, it is still indifferent!

Under this kind of persistence, even if the green hatred gritted her teeth, it is nothing to do. If there is enough time, she has 10,000 ways to clean up this stinky and stubborn stone, but don't forget that she has to face the stormy attack of the top ten masters such as the owner in white at the same time!

With the strength of the white-clothed city owner and others, they will naturally not be taken advantage of by Qingyou like Xue Gujie and Yu Yu. Although they can't face the damage to Qingyou's soul, they also have a huge impact on Qingyou while attacking the demon fire!

At this moment, when Qingyou gave up the use of that secret technique and tried his best to fight back, the white city owner and others immediately sensed this point. How could such a good opportunity be missed by masters of their level?

So just in a blink of an eye, Qing You had to give up her intention to ravage Feng Ruo, because if she continued, she might be able to kill Feng Ruo, but she was afraid that she would be killed by the owner of the city in white and others! Even if she is going to die today, she has to pull up a few cushions!

In an almost ghost-like howling, Qingyou, who had been passively not fighting back in the ground fire at this moment, suddenly turned into a black flame. This flame was the same as the previous magic fire, but strangely, the magic fire slowly expanded!

"It's not good! This Qingqiu demon is going to explode himself. Be careful, everyone!"

Seeing this scene, the owner of the city in white immediately exclaimed. Although she is extremely strong, this is the first time she has fought a life-and-death battle with the Qingqiu people, and in the immortal world, except for the owner of the Hanyu Ice Palace who killed two Qingqiu demons in one go, no monk can really kill them, I dare not take it lightly!

"Hahaha! Now I know that it's too late, Lord of the city in white. It's an honor for you to die with me today, but your endless city will be slaughtered by the lord of our clan sooner or later!"

At this time, the green laughter sounded again, and then the magic fire suddenly expanded and was about to burst!

But at this moment, the green voice suddenly shouted in horror and unwillingness, and then the magic fire, which was already expanding rapidly, withered like a deflated ball!

"No! You damn ant--"

Before the green curse fell, the magic fire exploded violently, but in an instant, all the earth fire within a radius of hundreds of feet turned black. This was obviously not ordinary black, but the demon fire that imprisoned the green ghost! RO