Wind control

Chapter 490 Liquid Reiki

Fire clouds are rolling, blue light is raging, water and fire are intertwined, extreme and extreme collisions, spectacular and thrilling!

At this moment, although the fire-colored clouds are fully supported by Feng Ruo's soul runes, they can no longer attack as much as before, but are surrounded by the blue streamer represented by the innate water evil!

But even so, this large piece of fire clouds are still struggling unwilling to admit defeat, roaring, like a fire dragon who is surrounded again and again, but has no fear, arrogant and manic!

In the golden sun, the purple fire is particularly bright, like a ferocious scale armor. The general's head is stained with blood, and the angry red shackles hit again and again. Although the failure has become a fore conclusion, he can still fight to the last moment!

The water vapor spreads and the waves are turbulent. Because the large area of innate water has taken advantage of the upper hand, the huge sea hundreds of miles near the island has already become the blue flowing world. Under the call of these pure water, countless waves roaring towards the center!

In the place where the red clouds rise and jump, there is the last firelight!

Maybe it's just a few breaths, but it seems to be hundreds of thousands of years. That kind of struggle is meaningless, just like the sunset, no matter how brilliant it is, no matter how brilliant it is, it will still be swallowed up by the darkness!

When the last ignition light disappeared, the whole sea suddenly became extremely calm in an instant. Even a faint sea breeze could not be felt, and even the turbulent sea at the last moment became as silent as a mirror. It seemed that time had become eternal at this moment!

This is because a large number of innate water evils have occupied the whole area around it. In the face of such a huge, horrible and purely extreme force, the area it is in must be completely controlled by it and cannot tolerate any fluctuations!

"Wow! Master bless!" (Master)

In this silence without the sound of wind and water, Feng Ruo, who was originally wrapped in a blue light mass on the shore, finally regained his normal mobility, but even so, it can be faintly seen that there is still a faint blue streamer flowing on the surface of his body, which is still left in his body. The innate water of the ministry.

However, this is irrelevant, because he finally transferred most of the innate water spirits out, and the purple water spirit in his body also began to operate normally. The only trouble is that his flame right arm seems to have been seriously damaged.

He stood up a little awkwardly. Feng Ruo looked at his flame right arm. Now the flame right arm has turned into lavender, which is obviously a big injury. However, he was very satisfied, because under the great pressure of the innate water evil just now, his Xuanhuo split finally successfully merged with the flame right arm!

The best thing is that perhaps because a lot of power villas have been weakened, this flame right arm can actually be sensed by the sealed body, although it is still a little weak!

"Ha ha" giggled. Feng Ruo first waved his hand to Mu Feixue and Qing Lanxuan, who were standing in the distance, indicating that there was nothing serious, so he sat down slowly. Now, although he sacrificed most of the flame arm, he would suppress most of his innate water, thus restoring his body somewhat. Some freedom, but things are not over, but just the beginning!

Calm down, Feng Ruo closed his eyes slightly, and his mind quickly sank into his body. Now he not only needs to sort out the harvest of this purple water spirit, but also find a way to take this opportunity to make his flame right arm officially connected to the whole body!

However, what surprised Feng Ruo was that perhaps because of a large number of pure innate water moisturizing, the purple water spirit in his body actually grew a large part again. Previously, this purple water spirit perfectly changed his whole body meridians into his second set of meridians, and this time, this purple water spirit Unexpectedly, he also simulated the innate spiritual veins of the two attributes of gold and wood in his body.

Feng Ruo didn't believe it at first, but after a careful inspection, he had to admit that the two innate spiritual veins simulated by the purple water spirit did have the ability to store the innate wood and the innate gold, but the amount of storage was only half of the original, but even so, for him. It's a big deal!

Because as long as more congenital Mus and Jinshen are stored, it means that his attack methods are more and more powerful, and it is even possible to reduce the consumption of Aoki's sword, which is an unimaginable benefit!

In addition, Feng Ruo also found that the purple water spirit in his body showed signs of progress again, so after a little thought, he decided to postpone the recovery of normal mana, and then continue to absorb the innate water evil for a period of time. Anyway, now there are Mu Feixue, Qing Lanxuan and Han Feng around to protect him. There is no need to worry about anything. More importantly, there are a large number of innate water evils gathered around his body. This is the first-come-first-served moon near the water!

In the case that Feng Ruo is not under control, Zishui Ling obviously has very excited fluctuations, but he still carefully digests and absorbs the innate water in his body, which has reduced a lot. Because there is no pressure, this absorption is not very fast, but it is very stable.

Previously, the reason why the purple water spirit in Feng Ruo's body was suppressed all of a sudden was that there were too many innate water evils, and even it could not be resisted!

At this time, with the passage of time, all the innate water evils left in Feng Ruo's body were finally cleaned up and absorbed by Zi Shui Ling. Of course, it can't be said, because Zi Shui Ling is also in his body.

And at this time, a very subtle and gentle fluctuation emerges in Feng Ruo's body. With this fluctuation, it feels very cool and comfortable, just like in the morning, when the sun first appears, the light damp, and the fragrant air of flowers and plants makes people feel extremely happy from head to toe!

Under this fluctuation, a wisp of extremely pure, such as the clear and sweet water droplets also slowly flow out from the interior of the purple water spirit. Of course, this is not a drop of water, but the purest water attribute aura. Where this aura passes, it imitates several barren earth to usher in sweet rain, and the The machine is unlimited!

Sensing this, Feng Ruo almost ecstatic and sang. He never thought that this purple water spirit could bring him such benefits!

You know, the reason why Reiki is Reiki is that it can't be seen or touched, and can only be sensed. Even if it is pure Reiki, it will never reach the level of condensation into water!

Only under certain special circumstances, the aura cannot disperse and is completely depressed in one place. Coupled with other conditions, these auras will gradually condense. At first, they become **, and finally turn into solids, that is, the so-called spirit stone!

However, as long as you look at the rarity of the spiritual stone in the immortal world, you can know how difficult it will be for this situation to occur! And these spiritual stones have nearly 30% of all kinds of impurities.

As for the monk, no matter how much he absorbs the aura, the mana transformed by the aura is also a nihilistic existence, and it is impossible to liquefy, let alone solid.

The simplest example is the monk's golden elixir, which is also a kind of a reiki solidification body, but you should know that in order to condense into this golden elixir, which is usually only the size of a longan or even smaller, how much effort the monk has to make, how many years it takes, and even pay the price of Only then can it be barely condensed into such a golden elixir!

It can be said that this is not easy!

But now, because of this purple water spirit, Feng Ruo can actually enjoy this pure ** state of aura. How can he not be ecstatic?

Although the aura of this ** state is pitifully less than normal water droplets, it does not affect the wonderful effect it brings!

Because this is no longer a matter of quantity, but of quality!

Press down the ecstasy in his heart. Feng Ruo just tries to maintain an ethereal state. He knows that as long as there are a hundred drops of such liquid aura, it is enough for all the meridians of his body to make a big change, and can even affect his impact on the infancy. It is no exaggeration Those high-quality elixirs are not too much!

However, this hundred drops of liquid aura are not easy to obtain. According to the current speed of purple water, it is estimated that it will take three or four years or more.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry. The most important thing he lacks now is time. Because the golden elixir he condensed at the beginning was in the best state, Shouyuan can fully reach about a thousand years, and now he has only spent more than 300 years. Therefore, for the impact of the Lingying period, which is a matter of vital and You must be prepared for everything. It's better to wait slowly than to act recklessly!

Because when the monks reach this stage, even if they are cultivated geniuses, they can't be careless at all. If they lose, they will not have a chance to start all over again. If they lose, they will be their own lives!

This is not a joke!

When the meridians in Feng Ruo's body were moistened by that drop of liquid aura, wisps of delicate leaf branches also quietly emerged from his body, greedily and carefully absorbing the free innate water around him.

Feng Ruo did not feel any abnormality, but if he was seen by other monks, he would definitely be shocked, and even regarded Feng Ruo as a demon.

However, Feng Ruo doesn't care about these at all, and he is not worried about what trouble this purple water spirit will cause him. The reason is very simple, that is, this purple water spirit is too pure, and what it absorbs is also extremely pure innate water!

Water conservancy is indisputable!

In a sense, the power of water attributes is most suitable for monks. No, it is the most suitable for the growth of human beings and all living beings.

This can be seen from the current immortal cultivation world that the inheritance skills of the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth left by the ancient gods in those years, but only the skills of water attributes have the widest range of circulation, it is also the safest to practice, and the probability of going crazy is also the least!

Similarly, in the crisis encountered by Feng Ruo this time, if the innate water evil spirit is replaced by the other four evil spirit, then it will be a question whether he can survive, because the other four evil spirit will be more aggressive and unstable!

Even if it is innate wood evil, it is not as good as innate water evil. If a monk is poisoned by even a little dead wood, his cultivation will disappear in a blink of an eye. If he is poisoned by water, his cultivation will not be reduced, but Shouyuan will slowly consume.

After two comparisons, you can come to a conclusion!

Therefore, Feng Ruo has long decided that the third evil spirit he wants to collect is the innate water evil spirit!

If the innate wooden evil is the guide for him to embark on this unique cultivation path, then the congenital wooden evil will be his foundation and the key to finally accommodate the five kinds of evil spirit!

Now fortunately, Feng Ruo is almost sure that when his purple water spirit successfully advances again, then he can control the innate water evil one step in advance with the help of the purple water spirit.

Of course, this kind of control is very different from the control of the innate Musha and the innate Jinsha. Because Su, he wants to rely on the purple water spirit. If he really want the innate water evil to integrate with his ontological power, he must wait for his formal advanced spiritual infant period. Only with the help of that earth-sha A real water attribute innate spiritual vein is formed in the body!

At this time, with the tireless absorption and cleaning of the purple water spirit, the mana in Feng Ruo's body gradually returned to its peak state. At this time, he no longer paid attention to the growth of the purple water spirit, but mobilized all the soul power to communicate with the right arm of the flame!

Now, if the right arm of this flame exists alone, it has fully recognized the soul of Feng Ruo, but if it is connected to the body, there is still some friction and estrangement!

After all, there is no power similar to the fire attribute in Feng Ruo's body. Now it is very, very good not to reject it!

But fortunately, Feng Ruo still has purple water spirit, which is not only the key thing for him to subdue the innate water evil, but also necessary to attract the right arm of the fusion flame!

Because only the warmth and delicacy of purple water can bring the distance between the two sides closer little by little!

If you want to do it, it's very simple, that is, let Zi Shuiling try to simulate a set of meridians in the right arm of the flame! With this set of meridians, he can command the flame arm to make all kinds of actions and attacks he wants to make!

Of course, this is still a long process!

For three months, Feng Ruo has always been sitting where he is, but he can't be seen at this moment, because his body has long been shrouded in countless tender and light blue vines. These vines have grown to more than three feet high, curling and gracefully, like willow branches. Floating, but they are very spiritual, so that people can have the illusion of bathing in the spring breeze at a glance.

This vine, of course, is a branch derived from the purple water spirit. Although it has not absorbed too much innate water in the past three months, it is enough for it to officially advance!