Wind control

Chapter 625

Chapter 625

Of course, Feng Ruo is not going to retreat. He doesn't have the leisure to retreat now. If he can, he even want to leave for the Jiushen Palace immediately, because there is no doubt that it is the most intense stage of the confrontation between the Jiushen Palace and the five sects, and it is also the most empty time for the If you miss it, there will be no more. ( The fastest and most stable update, read and see., Baidu search)

However, Feng Ruo still has a lot of things to discuss with Xiaojiu. Although Xiaojiu looks a little confused and good-tempered now, Feng Ruo knows that this little guy is shrewd. With her ideas on the side, he will naturally be much easier. In addition, Xiaojiu's overall strength is also very terrible, even Now, he is not sure to defeat Xiaojiu, so how can he let go of such a large helper? It would be best if he could abduct Xiaojiu from the Hanyu Ice Palace!

While turning these thoughts in his heart, Feng Ruo hurriedly found a quiet room in the cave under the ice lake. Because he was thinking about his mind, he did not notice Xiaojiu's expression. As soon as he closed the door and wanted to speak, Xiaojiu in his arms suddenly became timid and lay next to his ear shyly. "Brother crazy, it's not good. He's still young! At least--at least--"

"Well, at least you bighead, what are you thinking?" Feng Ruo couldn't laugh or cry. This little guy has a mess in his mind. "Don't think nonsense. I want to ask you, if I want to take you away, will you go with me?"

Hearing the second half of Feng Ruo's words, Xiaojiu, who was a little embarrassed and ready to lose his temper, suddenly came down gently, buried a delicate little face vigorously, and said in a mosquito-sized voice, "Brother Crazy, my mother has entrusted Xiaojiu to you for a long time. You can take it wherever you want!"

"Uh - when did your mother say such a thing? But it's okay, but what about the Hanyu Ice Palace? Do you need to see their wishes? Feng Ruo didn't correct the meaning of Xiao Jiu's words. Anyway, he knew that this little guy had always been a ghost. God knew what she wanted to do. If she believed it, it would be a relatively unlucky thing.

"Hanyu Ice Palace! I don't care. Except for Sister Xingyun, what does the life and death of others have to do with me? And I'm not their guardian. No matter what they do, I just want to play around with the crazy brother, but the crazy brother, you must throw away the scourge. I hate her the most. If you can drive the scourge away, what you say, Xiaojiu will listen to you! How's it going, crazy brother?" While Xiaojiu was almost encapsed with Feng Ruo, he finally exposed her original intention.

"Xiaojiu, don't worry about the cold spirit. I have something to tell you. This is not a joke!" After patting Xiaojiu's little head, Feng Ruo said that he was going to release the five demon dragons, including the fact that he was likely to kill in and out of the Nine Gods Palace. Except for hiding the inheritance of the ancient gods, there was nothing to hide.

Hearing Feng Ruo's words, Xiaojiu, who was a little coquettish and lazy, suddenly became a little serious. After thinking about it, he said, "Brother madman, fortunately you told me. As far as I know, the Musha demon dragon should have been released by the old ghost of Qingyun. In the past few days The Jade Ice Palace has caused a lot of trouble. If you want to pull out the tiger's mouth from the old ghost's hand, I'm afraid it's not easy!"

"It doesn't matter, that should not be the real Musha demon dragon!" Feng Ruo shook his head and said, because according to Mu Hanyan's speculation, the five ancient demon dragons represent five forces. Except for those who can really obtain the inheritance of the ancient gods, there is no way to control these five forces. Therefore, the wooden demon dragon made by Qingyun should be his split. As for the real wooden demon dragon, It's still in the Water Spirit Hall of the Nine Gods Palace.

"Oh, then I'll listen to the crazy brother. Xiaojiu is very good, but the crazy brother, you must drive away the scourge! Even if you can't drive her away, don't let her be too arrogant. How about letting her be Xiaojiu's personal maid? Will Xiaojiu take good care of her?" As Xiaojiu spoke, he did not forget to blow slightly into Feng Ruo's ears. The gentle and warm airflow full of ** made Feng Ruo in a daze for a while. Is this little fox making such a fuss? Is it seductive?

This is illogical!

Naturally, it is impossible for Feng Ruo to really drive away the cold spirit, and it is impossible to really assign the cold spirit to Xiaojiu as a maid. That is the spirit of the fairy weapon. There is a fairy weapon behind it, and if there is any emergency, the cold spirit's combat power is also a great help.

"Okay, Xiao Jiuer, Hanling is a guest. We are the master. Don't care too much. At worst, I'll take her as a hard laborer in the future. Now, please do me a little favor first!" Feng Ruo changed the topic in a few words, and then took out the re-refined Qingcheng sword before Xiaojiu protested.


Sure enough, the re-hardened Qingcheng sword immediately attracted all the attention of Xiaojiu. After staring at a pair of big eyes for a moment, Xiaojiu couldn't help exclaiming, "Brother crazy, how did you do it? Did you meet any master during your disappearance? Your sword is at least ten times more powerful than before! If you add a mouthful of fairy spirit, I'm afraid that the distance will become a spiritual treasure, and there is only one step away! No, crazy brother, you must lend me this Qingcheng sword to play, okay?

"It's not good! This is my flying sword. What are you going to play with? Feng Ruo quickly refused, saying that after the Qingcheng sword was re-quenized, he had not had a chance to try it. How could he let Xiaojiu take it?

"Hmm! What a flying sword! Crazy brother, don't bully me! Do you think I can't see it? Your flying sword has formed five foundations in the body. As long as you are in touch with your heart, you can urge this flying sword without difficulty. That's it! Lend me three months first. No, three years. Don't worry, crazy brother. Xiao Jiuer will protect you well!"

With this, Xiao Jiuer's movement was not slow, and her chubby little hand made a slight move. Suddenly, the Qingcheng sword, which was originally hovering in the palm of Feng Ruo's hand, the size of a willow leaf, roared, and the dazzling colorful light spread around like a water wave, looking extremely beautiful.

And what's more attractive is that in the colorful light like water patterns, there are five virtual shadows gently surrounding each other, which is the five dragon sword shadow... RQ