Wind control

Chapter 674 Ancient God's Reper

Of course, Feng Ruo will not think that the wooden god Zhenjun really wants to make peace, but he can't choose not to believe him. Anyway, save Jingmo's life first. As for what the wooden god Zhenjun wants to play, he will accompany him to the end.

"Good! As you said, in fact, it doesn't matter to tell you those things. Although you are an outsider, you know how to control the innate Jins more than the people in our five temples, and you still have the so-called four immortal runes. Only at this point, you are already invincible. To be honest, we might as well tell you The golden spirit roaring secret of the Kunwu world is the ancient god's understanding and creation from the metal rune, but now it seems that the metal rune you have mastered is better, so there are only two possibilities. The first is that you are more powerful than the ancient god, and the second is that we are thrown by the ancient gods. Abandoned!" After saying this, the wooden god Zhenjun seemed to have become very depressed and decadence. He slowly showed his real body. At the same time, he shook his hand and threw Jingmo, who was already unconscious.

As soon as Feng Ruoxu raised his hand, an invisible fluctuation suddenly held Jingmo's body from the air. Then his mind swept over Jingmo's whole body inside and outside in an instant, and even the abundance of the meridians did not let go at all. It was not until he was sure that Jingmo's body had not Hold Jingmo's body back and place it on a flat rock.

And the wooden god Zhenjun silently watched Feng Ruo finish all this. He neither said anything nor put away his shield of the Tongtian Tower. The shield has now passed nearly a hundred breaths, and it can still exist. However, this makes Feng Ruo feel strange. You know, his two Tongtian towers are at most Maintaining 60 breaths consumes so much innate evil spirit that even the current Feng Ruo can't stand it. But look at this wooden god Zhenjun, he has just consumed so many innate gold evil spirit, and he can still squander it generously at this time.

So, there must be something strange about it!

"Hey! Now, you should believe in my sincerity. Outsiders, I have a suggestion, that is, why don't you and I choose to cooperate? With me, almost no one in the five temples of the whole Kunwu world can see through your identity. Similarly, no one can defeat us head-on. I can give you all the information you want, even all the corresponding resources. Then, I can also achieve the goal you want. I believe that you come to this Kunwu world. Mark, it's not to kill me, so there should be no conflict of interest between us, and you only need to help me do one thing!" The wooden god Zhenjun seemed to have taken the initiative and talked elicitly.

"Oh? Very good, you continue!, Feng Ruo's expression moved slightly, and he is not in a hurry now, because as the wooden god Zhenjun said, on the surface, there is indeed no conflict of interest between them. He doesn't have to kill him. With such a high-level person who is familiar with the inside story of Kunwu's world, it will It's a lot of trouble. Admittedly, this Mushen Zhenjun may not really cooperate. He wants to take advantage of him, but isn't he using the other party?

Not to mention anything else, the metal tower in the hand of the wooden god Zhenjun is what you must get, and the wooden god king obviously will not give in to each other. Therefore, one day in the future, he is bound to grab it. This is almost a predestined thing, and good Evil has nothing to do with it. It has nothing to do with justice and justice. It's just that if he wants to get this tower, then the wooden god must die!

Naturally, the wooden god Zhenjun didn't know the idea in Feng Ruo's heart, otherwise he would rather turn his head and escape in a hurry than choose to cooperate with Feng Ruo. Of course, this is not that he has no calculation and defense against Feng Ruo, but from the beginning, Feng Ruo pretended to know nothing about the metal Tong At the price, Feng Ruo didn't say a word about the Tongtian Tower.

"Hey hey! Taoist friends, please take a look!" At this time, the wooden god Zhenjun pointed to the metal Tongtian Tower with his hand and stared at Feng Ruo and said, "This thing is called Tongtian Tower, which is a token left by the ancient god in the world. There are five towers in front and after this Tongtian Tower, which are five kinds of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. The That is, take back the other four Tongtian towers. As long as you help me do this, as long as you don't want my life, what conditions you want, as long as you can do it, it will never be ambiguous!" Tongtian Tower? Five more!" Feng Ruo's expression was slightly shocked, but there was an obvious look of greed in his eyes. Then he snorted coldly, "What you think is very beautiful. The power of this thing is no less than that of Lingbao. How can I help you? If I kill you now, don't I get this thing?" Hahaha!" The wooden god Zhenjun seemed to hear such a funny joke at this time. He didn't mind at all and said, "Wrong! It's a big mistake! Mu Fei is the same, not to mention whether you can kill me, and whether I will be broken with the jade of the pagoda. Even if I give this tower to you, you can't use it. Although you can also control the innate golden evil, you can also master the four fairy runes, but in this matter, you really don't have this qualification If you want to control this metal Tongtian Tower, you must be a pure golden spirit bloodline, and you must be the owner of the golden spirit bloodline recognized by the ancient god to urge this Tongtian Tower. Otherwise, this Tongtian Tower will inevitably devour you into a human stem. In this case, what's the use of grabbing it? Oh, I forgot to tell you that the golden spirit bloodline is neither born nor acquired, but formed in a very unique way. You have no chance to achieve the golden spirit bloodline at all." Jin Ling's bloodline?" Feng Ruo looked back at Jingmo, who was still unconscious in the distance,

He couldn't help frowning slightly, and then said in a low voice, "Well, please explain, what exactly is the blood of the golden spirit, the ancient shrine of Kunwu, and the five temples?" Haha! There is no problem. Since we want to choose to cooperate, it is naturally necessary for both sides to express their sincerity. I myself is the host, and it is my duty-bound!" The wooden god Zhenjun laughed and then said, "In fact, you must have noticed that we in the wooden temple are all fatherless and motherless. We have been living in the wooden temple since we were born, but are we really fatherless and motherless? Of course not, all of us are actually transmitted by a strange transmission array from nowhere. At that time, each of us will not be more than three months old. After being transmitted, we are sent to the sixth level of the sword washing pool, and then through some mysterious and unknown link, we every I have the ability to absorb the innate Jinshao, and the Jinling Rijue is also automatically cultivated to the third level!" Therefore, to be precise, everyone in the Kunwu world, as long as they come here in this way, is full of golden blood. The only difference is that the degree of perfection is different. This degree of perfection is standard. If it reaches more than 30%, it will be qualified, otherwise it will die directly. If it reaches more than 50%, it will be noted. It must be the upper class, and those who reach more than 60% will have the opportunity to become the messenger of the wooden god. As for those who reach 70% of perfection, they may become masters like Benzun, and if they reach 80% of perfection, they can directly be eligible to enter the ancient shrine!" In the past three thousand years, there is only one person who can achieve 80% perfection in our five temples. She is behind you. However, the awakening of this golden spirit bloodline is a long process, so it usually takes a long observation to finally determine how many perfect awakening a person has. This woman is The first thing I found was to take her away silently and then cultivate her by myself, but I didn't expect it to be destroyed by you twice.

"Oh? So, so, everything is controlled by the ancient shrine behind the scenes. Can't the people in your five temples communicate with them or

Is it resistance? Feng Ruo asked slightly, the situation said by the wooden god Zhenjun is exactly the same as what he guessed, but even the perfect degree of the awakening of the golden spirit blood of the wooden god real king is only 70%, so it can be imagined how horrible the monks who have reached 80% of perfection?

Also, are there any monks who have reached 90% or even 90% perfect? So it seems that this Jingmo is a good set of cards. At least, he can slowly observe the process of her [body] inner golden spirit's blood awakening, and maybe he will find something!

"Hehe! Resistance, you don't know what the ancient shrine is? That is the existence of adhering to the will of the ancient gods. No one knows what the situation is like there, let alone who is controlling it. All the monks who were lucky enough to enter the ancient shrine have never appeared and returned. However, if anyone in the five great temples dares to offend the majesty of the ancient gods, they will die without The place!" When the wooden god Zhenjun talked about the ancient shrine, the awe in his tone became more and more obvious, as if there was a thunder hovering above his head at any time and anywhere.

Hearing this, Feng Ruo's heart moved slightly, but he asked inadvertently again, "You said that this Tongtian Pagoda is a token of the ancient god, and there are only five, so how can this thing appear in your hands? If the other four are in the ancient shrine, don't you want me to die?" No, this certainly won't. These five Tongtian pagodas are the tokens of the ancient gods, so they will not appear in the ancient god palace, but are controlled by the descendants of the ancient gods. However, there are so many descendants of the ancient gods, which also leads to looting. Whoever has the strength will compete for it. As far as I know The Tongtian pagoda has not fallen out so far. The Tongtian pagoda with fire attributes and the Tongtian pagoda with earth attributes are all in the Kunwu world. As long as you help me, these two Tongtian pagodas must be in my bag."