Wind control

Chapter 783 Mobile Cave

"Magic Cloud Heavy Armor?"

Hearing Feng Ruo's words, Guan Hong and Han No Return were both stunned at the same time. They looked at it incredulously. Of course, they knew the meaning of the magic cloud heavy armor, especially Han No Return, and they had seen the different and extraordinary aspects of the set of magic cloud heavy armor on Feng Ruo's body. Therefore Yes, but at the same time, the cost of this promise will be very huge!

Perhaps, the difficulty of transforming a set of magic cloud heavy armor is far less than forging an immortal soldier embryo, but the fairy soldier embryo is necessary and irreplaceable. In terms of importance, it is much stronger than the magic cloud heavy armor. For example, Guan Hong, since he has used almost all his energy and all the materials he has harvested since To strengthen and forge his seven-star Juntian sword, which has today's achievements, but if he is distracted to transform a set of magic cloud heavy armor, it will affect the upgrade of his seven-star Juntian sword.

"Mufei, I'll take your favor, but you'd better find a way to improve your fairy soldier embryo. Our demon hunting team, it's actually very good to have two sets of half fairy armor to resist the Red Devil head-on, which is enough to make many demon hunting teams envious." Guan Hong shook his head calmly and refused.

"Hey hey! Brother Guan, you worry too much. It's not that serious. My fairy soldier forging can be suspended, but since we are working together, the primary goal of everything should be based on improving the overall strength. Imagine that if Brother Guan can have a set of magic cloud heavy armor, supplemented by the seven-star Juntian sword, basically, we are meeting When it comes to the Red Devil, you can go to the worst situation, and you can also retreat completely. If we get a good harvest, then I will concentrate on forging fairy soldiers, and there is no doubt that the speed will be faster and the quality will be better! So, I'm planning for myself!" Feng Ruo smiled carelessly. In fact, he knew that it would be easier for him to forge the heavy armor of Moyun than Guan Hong or Han Bui, but he would not say this.

Feng Ruo's words undoubtedly make Guan Hong and Han no return very excited. Guan Hong doesn't have to say. Han doesn't return also think this is very important because the magic spirit of the Red Devil is really powerful. If there is not enough protection, it will become a bunch of hands and feet. But if Guan Hong also has a set of magic The three of them can really advance and retreat freely, which means that they can go deeper into the demon area and get back more good things!

"Okay! In that case, you're welcome! However, in the future, I will share half of the income from hunting demons every time. When you forge the fairy soldier embryo, I will fully support it!" In the end, Guan Hong nodded and agreed and attached his terms.

In this way, the three of them simply reached a consensus, and then entered Liuyun Tianchi under the lead of Guan Hong, because now only Hong is qualified to take in Feng Ruo and Han.

Although this Liuyun Tianchi has been repeatedly swallowed up by the demon clan, the remaining area is still huge, with a radius of more than 10 million miles. This square circle is not a horizontal direction, but refers to the up, down, left and right, different directions, because this Liuyun Tianchi~~ - updated ~~ There is still no ground in it, and everything here is dominated by flowing clouds.

From the perspective of Feng Ruosan, the Liuyun Tianchi is like a huge whirlpool. This whirlpool is formed by a total of thirteen huge spiral arms, which is suspended in mid-air. If viewed from a horizontal perspective, according to the description of the cold, it is like a A huge gyro, if the angle is moved down again, you will find that the Liuyun Tianchi is more like a sharp cone.

The closer you are to the Liuyun Tianchi, the more abundant the fairy spirit contained in the flowing clouds. This is completely different from Jinshi Town. All the fairy spirit will not be controlled. As long as the earth fairy is qualified to enter the Liuyun Tianchi, they can absorb the fairy spirit here at will. Of course, every fairy has The higher the meritorious deeds of different identities, the more they can enter the deeper Liuyun Tianchi and enjoy more benefits.

This merit is determined by the number of killing demons. For example, the identity jade charm is bright yellow, which means that his merit is at the second level, while Guan Hong's identity jade charm is dark green, which belongs to the first level. As for Feng Ruo, it is a pity that he has no merit at all.

In addition, the name burned on the identity jade charm is also very exquisite. If it is recorded in Jinshi Town, then, even if the color of this jade charm has reached the top purple gold, it is still a remote country bumpkin and can only enjoy all kinds of treatment in Jinshi Town!

If the place name burned above is Luoling City, it means that it can be used in the whole Luoling City and even the Ziyao Fairyland.

However, according to Hanbului, there is also a more advanced kind of identity jade charm, that is, what the earth immortals above the star general can have. The name recorded on it is, Ziyao Fairyland. The privilege of this name is very large, and the most obvious one is that it can go back and forth from those micro-worlds that belong !

With only one kind of privilege, it is enough to make people excited. Originally, Feng Ruo was not very interested in this so-called identity jade charm, but after listening to the introduction of Han No Return, he suddenly had an impulse to upgrade the level of identity jade charm.

Because Guan Hong's meritorious service level is only the first level, he can only enter the outermost spiral arm of Liuyun Tianchi. Here, one of the relevant Hong can be moved by the cave, but this is not built by Guan Hong himself, but rented 500 fairy crystals every year, and does not continue to pay immortals after the deadline. Jing will be taken back.

So for a while, whether it is Feng Ruo or the cold, they feel great pressure. Think about it, their immortals will become homeless or be swept out one day. Alas, they have no face to see people!

In the ethereal drifting clouds, you can occasionally see moving caves rotating at a slow speed along a specific trajectory. The center of the rotation is the center of the Liuyun Tianchi, because all these moving caves are controlled in this way and will never bump into each other. It looks very interesting. If you add the embellishment of flowing clouds, it is really refreshing.

Feng Ruo and the other three waited for a moment on the outermost flowing cloud spiral arm, and then Guan Hong's moving cave stopped in front of the three people from a distance.

Han Nogui and Guan Hong have naturally been used to it for a long time, but Feng Ruo is new to everything.

Guan Hong's mobile cave is quite large, estimated to be at least about 500 feet, but the whole is shrouded in a layer of fog. After Guan Hong played a fairy formula, the situation inside immediately appeared in front of the three people.